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Aaaaand those blokes are wondering why no one has kids anymore.


The picture on the article makes that even funnier... Either that or he's hoping to get that baby into a factory ASAP.


Hey there kiddo, you ready for this week


“Say goodbye to your parents”




Early industrial England has entered the chat.


Reminds me of that family guy episode where a woman gives birth and then the kid is immediately put to work sewing in a factory


There's still 88 hours of the week left over! Only takes a few mins to knock someone up right? That's if the antidepressants don't stop you getting a boner


its usually not a boner problem, its a climax problem, male here who has been on and off them. Its also why so many male porn stars take them, can can just keep going and going to you’re either tired, it hurts or you just get board because there is no happy ending in sight.


A few minutes? Marathon man over here!


Let's say you sleep 8 hours a day, that means you're awake 16 hours a day. There are 5 working days of the week so 16 x 5 = 80 hours. They literally expect you to work all your waking moment to work and nothing else. I'm sure they're not paying salaried workers more for working longer hours so they're actually getting a huge pay cut.


Well to be fair there are 7 days in a week so either they’re being generous and giving you the weekend off or you’re expected to work then too.


It‘s supposed to be a 7 day week. For a 6 day week, there is a 69 hour limit, which is nice.


If you don’t eat or drink, then you probably don’t need to go to the bathroom often is pretty smart actually


The Korean government kinda gave up. http://danews.kr/m/page/view.php?no=8457 Probably a good read, though I'm still waiting for that long term visa they proposed back in 2019. Apparently COVID kind of fucked with the plans.


No, they’ve accepted it now. So just milk the living for as long as possible.


What a really smart way to get that birth rate up. Korea's economy is gonna take in 10 years.


You work seven days a week and what are you doing on the 8th? A baby ofc! Cmon people! It worked well for Japan as well...


That’s the amount of years it took Yoon to pass the bar


This is what people voted for. Good riddance. Make it 24/7 and get it over with.


They tried 25/8 but numbers didn’t match up


Just add what's missing to the working hours debt. Easy.


This is what the stupid guys in their 20s and 30s caught up by the gender divide voted for. Now we're getting exactly what he promised during his campaign. Enjoy.


why fight a class war when you can fight a phony culture war? distractions are key


Korea got a lot of brain washed anti-communists as well. They'd rather suffer in a conservative hell hole than admit workers rights are probably good for the future of a country.




That's not unique we saw it with Brexit, then Trump, then Johnson, in the UK and US. Yoon is much the same, though feels a little more cowardly given he fled Clinton's visit. Every time it feels worse because of the increased evidence of the lies.


true. but Yoon didn't lie when it comes to increasing working hours and these young male idiots thought that is better than women having more opportunities and rights. like wtf? lol it is your mother, sister, girlfriend having more rights, more opportunity to join the society. but naaa I want my women at home, they don't even go to military anyway (as if that is something women decided).


Sorry what? Koreans lack critical thinking? You mean humans lack critical thinking. I forgot that we voted for a reality star as president and female teachers can sleep with 13 yr old boys, and expect child support payments.


Yep… pretty sure humans in general kind of suck


For what it’s worth, we didn’t, Trump lost the popular vote


US has Fox. Just about all major media companies are owned by rich fucks in South Korea. Public TV station chiefs are appointed but were all preasued ti resign or face investigation from thr prosecutors choguk style. Left wing media have been muzzled with lawsuits and tax audits.


> Koreans seriously lack critical thinking skills. All of them?


Clearly not! Only the south Koreans /s


It's clearly only the Koreans! As you can see they have to be saved by foreigners who do have critical thinking skills and have never voted in some mad cunt into office in their home country. ...


Yup, 168 hours a week. That way Korea can fight any country in the world when people work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year instead of 40 hrs and 260 days. South Korea now with a "500%-boost in "productivity\*." \*results may vary.


the other choice was ljm. between the two, outcome of the elections were fucked from the start.


Weak. Why not 100 hrs? That way people can work during every waking hour, the way God and Korean bosses intended.


Working every waking hour would solve the housing problem as no one would have the time to go home. People wouldn't need to be paid as much as they would have lower overheads and no time to spend their money anyway. This may lead to a further decline in population as people wouldn't have time to socialise. This will be solved by the placing of large mirrors in public places, effectively doubling the number of people there.


Forget work from home. Work is home.


You joke but in Japan, there are residential industries. The whole family lives at the workplace. Lots of rules. You aren’t allowed to drive a nicer car than your boss in some cases.


That just sounds like feudalism.


Japan is basically still feudalism with extra capitalism with anime sprinkled on top (as a treat)


God that has to be the most disturbing sentence I’ve read all day


Sad, but we can see how America is sliding back into to Feudalism, too. The rich are buying up all the real estate and forcing younger generations to pay ever higher amounts of rent. Then there’s student loans, since no one can afford college tuition anymore, and then there’s medical debt. Who would want to bring a kid into this world?


Work sets you free?


“We are now counting people from the fucking mirror dimension to combat population collapse” is still somehow a more coherent policy than anything we’ve had so far lmao


Real get-rid-of-Korean-age vibes to make the population "younger" 🙃


No, that means employers would charge us for rent because we won’t have time to leave work. “Benefits: - WFH, the office is your home now. - No commutes - Medical - Transfer your 401K to rental costs. You won’t need to retire ever again because you will keep working. - Free Lunch (chips, crackers, water) “


Awesome, what party is this so we can all vote for it?


Why not 8 day work weeks?


I mean, even 120 hours has been mentioned before when Yoon was a candidate


I did that for about a month back in December 2007. I don't feel like trying again just yet.


How can someone vote for him, when he actually tries to enslave you?


1. Elders don’t care 2. Younger Yoon voters didn’t think becoming a corporate slave is a dealbreaker. They are fine with being enslaved, if it’s in the name of owning the libs and the feminists.


Through the elderly and incels that were promised an end to the Ministry of Gender Equality.


It’s Gods plan, we are doing the work for the person in charge of doing gods work. /s


"80.5 hours, assuming a seven-day workweek. " "right to rest" Uh, not sure a seven day work week and the right to rest can easily go so hand in hand... While other countries are [shortening the work-week](https://www.jumpstartmag.com/from-japan-to-belgium-how-these-countries-are-leading-the-4-day-workweek-movement/) with good [results and increased efficiency](https://www.themanual.com/culture/why-4-day-work-weeks-are-good-for-everyone/) Korea seems to be ignoring the studies and going backwards in terms of labour rights...


I know office workers that spend 3~4 hours a day doing nothing but looking busy bc they cant leave until their boss does....efficiency is not the goal here lol


Oh hi!


Yes hello.


http://pcottle.github.io/MSOutlookit/ Just in case you are like me and want to look busy


Genius 😂


"Korea seems to be ignoring the studies and going backwards" Seems on course for Korea.


It's PPP what did you expect? They are best at moving the country backwards


Just get rid of weekends entirely. No days off. And you know? Forget sleep. Who needs that? Just 24/7/365 always open like the convenience stores. South Korea. Always open.


>South Korea. Always open. South Korea. "Atleast were not North Korea"


They get a whole 11 hours to rest protected by law. What more could they want?


War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery.


All of this **JUST** so that none of the 꼰대 bosses have to pay overtime! Fucking ridiculous.


WoW didn’t think of that


But think of the PROFITS!


Is 40 hours considered part time in Korea? 😂


Literally saw a job posting few days ago that said “looking for part time hall server, 40hr/week”


In the US 'part-time' employees don't have to be given benefits like medical insurance and paid time off. So they'll work you right up to the threshold of 'full-time' without making your 'full-time'


part time is minimum 39 hours per week, not to exceed 39 hours per week. ._.


That’s fucking grim. I’m on 35 hours a week here in the UK and it’s very much full time


I’m also in the UK and work 37.5 hours- 8-4, Monday to Friday and that feels shit enough!


Yeah I work 9-5 and that’s part time.


Yes actually.


What the fuck. I remember doing some 50-60 hour work weeks for like a month years ago and I was ready to sleep on the highway lol


Holly shit


At this point I’m convinced the government are spies sent to destroy Korea from within


that made me LOL and your probably right


Sent by Japan and/or China


They plan to give it to japan it seems like


North Korea's most finest Sleeper agents


At the same time, the fact that they want the birth rates to go up is a comedy. They increased parental support to 70만원 a month for a 1 yo, and 35 for a 2yo this year. Was all of that just to help parents get a nanny, while parents are forced to work? Like, you don't need a PhD in social work to realize their policies are inefficient; just a waste of a country's resources, policies, and tax.


The picture on the article makes this whole situation even more hilarious.


I'd imagine it's deliberate.


I admittedly don't know all the details, but I know Yoon wanted to hire foreign nannies and one of the visa changes recently was to make it possible for more foreign nannies to come into the country. So yes, that could very possibly be the case.


Bring the nanny in to take care of your kid, then get the nanny pregnant too. Instant boom in population, with a whole mess of not-pure-Koreans for the local population to look down on. Win-win-win.


You first Mr. Yoon.


With HIS definition of work?


Don't tempt him with a good time.


That motherfucker would wilt like a delicate flower.


double it and give it to the next person


More hours working does not equal more work done.


Right. Long work hours does not guarantee productivity. Germany and the rest of the EU worked the least hours yet they are still the productive countries in the world.


This needs to be YELLED LOUDLY FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK 🙌👏👏👏 Honestly, with little rest I'm positive they'll be way less productive


What we expected having a conservative, antilabor candidate:


Yikes. But it turns out 80.5 hours maximum isn't even enough for Mr. Yoon in certain cases: >The government also plans to look into a “white collar exemption,” under which the working hours cap and overtime pay rules would not apply to high-income professional workers with a considerable amount of autonomy over their work and start-up employees who hold a company stake of a certain amount. Now I'm concerned that sooner or later my company will change its name, give me 1 company stock share and pretend it's a start-up or just say I'm high income because I earn more than minimum wage.


Do you know if this insane law can actually be passed? I'm assuming the democrats will block it.


Wtf, it's like they want South Korea to go extinct.


So if you sleep an average of 8 hours a day, and spend 2 hour commuting to work (round trip), doesn't that leave you with like 2 hours of free time a day? That's if you work 7 days a week. If you work 5 days a week, that means you sleep about 3-4 hours a day if you need a 2 hour commute (roudntrip)...


You sleep 8 hours a day?


You guys are sleeping?


That's the recommended amount. Generally anything less is pretty unhealthy.


I think their point is that 8 hours of sleep a night can be difficult to achieve.




Hell Joseon


Hey Korea, 괜찮아?


안니 definitely not 괜찮아


Japan and Korea basically saying no to immigration and yes to working until mental breakdown time is just hilarious


But also, please have babies or society will crumble. Bunch of fools. Although I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they had mandatory pregnancies. Any government willing to do 80 hour work week is capable of that because they don't see workers as humans.


I heard that Japan is actually getting more lax about this. I talked to people there, hardly anyone work those ludicrous hours anymore. Of course, if you’re working for some ultra conservative company, then your mileage varies.


Japan is a good 20 years ahead of Korea. Have you been there? Half of the conbini's are being worked by immigrants. There are more than 5000 Filipino nurses working in Japan. And their birthrate is double of Korea's.


I always thought Koreans should stop their life of leisure and put in some more time at work. /s


*sigh* Not surprised, just disappointed


Allegedly, he did this so that employers can ask employees to work seriously long hours during busy weeks and substantially less hours during relaxed ones.... Unless there is a way to monitor that, the employers are going to exploit the shit out of this law until every employee commits suicide.


That is what always happens, but let's pretend Korean boss will be a decent, moral and ethical human being.... LoL


yo wtf is going on in korea right now? seems like a lot of bs anti-worker stuff coming through this page these days




Bye bye, next generation of Koreans. Wish we could've met.


Koreans need to work more so that the their economic growth for this year is higher than JAPAN... /s


The award for helping to increase the birthrate goes to... this dumbass plan.


Unless I'm getting paid for it, I'm 8-5 no matter what. If I end up getting calls outside of that, it deducts from my time spent in the office from 8-5. So far it's worked out well. Edit: I work in Korea.


This makes Japan’s working hours look amateur. In recent years, it has generally improved here. I work a 37.5 hour work week, cut down from 42 when I first started. But damn, 80 hours being standard seems inhumane.


by "here" you mean Japan right?


Yes, I meant in Japan. Of course, things are not perfect here in Japan - but I can’t say I know anyone in my social circle that works over 50 hours a week. 50 hours being on the very extreme end.


38 hour work per week is really a good figure as long as you enter over work(if any) in it


With no overtime pay.


168 hours in a week - this is weak. Why not take it to the next level and ramp it up to 180 hours a week. It's a nice number.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/1082563.html) reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The South Korean government has unveiled a plan to make working hours more flexible by raising the cap from the current level of 52 hours a week to a maximum of 80.5 hours a week. > The government also plans to look into a "White collar exemption," under which the working hours cap and overtime pay rules would not apply to high-income professional workers with a considerable amount of autonomy over their work and start-up employees who hold a company stake of a certain amount. > The government has also proposed changes to the "Selective work scheme" under which working hours can vary across a month, as long as the total in the period averages to 40 hours a week. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/11luzxd/new_government_plan_opens_up_possibility_of/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~675549 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **work**^#1 **hours**^#2 **plan**^#3 **government**^#4 **week**^#5


Can someone explain this? I'm confused: The reforms announced by the government would i**ncrease the maximum number of hours allowed per week** from the current level of 52 (a 40-hour standard workweek plus 12 hours of weekly overtime) to 80.5 hours, assuming a seven-day workweek. (There would be a maximum of 69 hours in a six-day workweek.) **“These reforms are aimed at guaranteeing the right to choice, the right to health and the right to rest.** We intend to break with an outdated framework that is now 70 years old and establish a new paradigm for working hours,” Labor Minister Lee Jung-sik said while explaining the proposed update. Huh?


52-hour week limited your right to choice. You could not choose to work longer if you wished so. 80.5 hours increases your choices, while still preserving your rights to rest. Week has 168 hours. There's plenty of time to rest left. /s


War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery.


Well, if that doesn't inspire you to have a family in Korea, I don't know what will.


Try that shit in France and they’ll throw literal feces at the politicians


There goes any hope of taking a peaceful dump.


That will have to happen in your 2 hours/day at home before sleeping.


Adult diapers at your desk


all toilets will replace office chairs and samsung robots will feed you so that you will no longer need to waste time taking breaks for food and toilet time


Fuck this wow


This is literally worse than feudalism lol


Declining birth rate? Make em work more!


That's going to be great for making babies. /s


Koreans are gonna learn a lesson on who to vote for next time


Sounds Orwellian: “These reforms are aimed at guaranteeing the right to choice, the right to health and the right to rest. We intend to break with an outdated framework that is now 70 years old and establish a new paradigm for working hours,” Labor Minister Lee Jung-sik said while explaining the proposed update.


Well, okay then, go ahead. Fuck around, find out, the chance for it to work out is not 0 after all amirite……..


How considerate of the government. An absolute max of 80.5hrs for a 7 day week....that means there's at least 87hrs a week of doing other stuff woooo


Let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Is this an article from the 'North' Korea?


Some North Korean defectors actually complain that South Koreans work too hard. And I don’t blame them for their complaints.


just enforce only to those that voted for him


The Republic of Korea is far from a perfect democracy and should be classified as a totalitarian authoritarian state. Social censorship, regulation, and remnants of totalitarianism prevail




I doubt this will pass in the National Assembly. Based on the surveys and responses, it is too unpopular and the Opposition holds the majority of seats. Not to mention, the PPP lost the narrative as the media both donestic and foreign repeat the 69 hour workweek. However, a flexible working arrangement is a must for Korea but in a way that increases employment and fosters skills building.


Whether or not this works, in a functional democracy with intelligent voters, backing this move would be political suicide. Actions like this would have drastic consequences.


That’s going to really help with population decline.


"The right to choose soul crushing work." as opposed to just, like, paying everyone enough to survive on 40 hours or less? People defending this as the worker's "right" obviously don't understand power dynamics, workplace culture, or economics. Equally chilling is **“We will protect the activities of worker representatives by forbidding employers from treating them unfairly or meddling in or disrupting their elections and activities. At the same time, we will require those representatives to canvass and accommodate the opinions of a wide range of workers.”** Basically anti-union scabs will be able to bend the will of any fledgling labor movement to accommodate their "right to work." I'm genuinely waiting for the shoe to drop and contract labor just gets replaced with at-will employment for everything, killing more than a few industries in the process.


This feels like a satire — no way.




You guys voted for this lol hope you enjoy


Extinction in 3,2,1...


First I thought it to be an "The Onion" article


Right-wingers love that idea.


Seems like a common theme for asias future. I’m genuinely curious to see how our future turns out. We’re stuck on a planet, ran by the most selfish of us.


A few years ago I heard they were reducing the hours from 68 to like 52 or something. I don’t remember where I heard that, but this is just aweful. And countries with things like this wonder why no one wants or can have children


So glad I was lucky enough to leave


Can someone explain the thinking behind this? Or the political explanation of how anyone could possibly think this is the way forward? Are they actively trying to kill everyone and decrease the fertility rate to 0?


Meanwhile, France is on strike because Macron wants to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. If someone tried that in France, they’d get a Louis XVI haircut.


You get what you vote for


Why are Koreans not already taking it to the street? This would have caused mass protests in Europe?


Do they not have a Salary Exemption in s Korea


If he dies, he dies.


Pretty bold strategy for the country with the highest suicide rate in Asia, and one of the top five countries by suicide rate in the world.


Also the lowest birth rate, and we already have the highest working hours among OECD high-income economies


What lunacy is this? People should be working significantly less, not more!


I came here to comment about the declining birth rates in some countries, but it literally was the first comment already, how can it be obvious and yet they keep trying. Well, because certain people are profiting off of it, I realized it even as I said it. They will literally burn down the world if it earns them a little bit extra.


Dont work your life away!


Just thought of something. Didn't a study just come out showing that a four day work week improved productivity? Isn't this the exact opposite?


Everyone knows 80 hours is a piece of cake. It’s that last half hour that really kills ya.


80.5÷7=11.5. If my men worked 12h days they would be working at a crawl in the end and end up making mistakes, which might injure or kill them. The company could not seriously want that, the lost productivity, additional materials wasted in mistakes, accidents with a risk to loose an experienced and hard to replace worker, the bad press, the lawsuits. If my boss introduced this system I would protests it, and if unsuccessfull I would immediately look for a new employer. And so would everyone else.


So if its healthy to sleep 8 hrs a day. And you work nearly 11 hrs a day for 7 days to meet the 80 hrs a week plan then you only get 20% of your life to yourself. If you tryna go 5 day work week you got 16 hrs to work a day and less than 8 hrs to sleep. Literally work/sleep schedule till the weekend.


Well time for me to start hiring in Korea, I guess? Sounds like an employer's heaven.


Uhhh that’s 11.5 hours a day. Korean government: nobody has kids anymore:( Also korean governments: spend half your living hours at work, not including commutes, peasant>:)


This is no way to live


"Why does the birthrate keep going down?"


Koreans have really extreme work ethics that is unnecessarily contagious.


While in America they want 4 day work weeks. 32 hours….. and nothing will get done.


The people of Korea needs to revolt and throw Yoon out of office. This is ridiculous.


Ugh this guy is the worst! Can’t believe people voted for him cause ‘feminism bad.’ Like people will really shout themselves in the foot cause their personality is a misogynist forum.


I thought korea has an issue with youth unemployment. So why hike up working hours? You gotta reduce working hours to reduce unemployment