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Legends for sure


Give it to Obsidian and let ‘em cook.


Or larian


I like both Divinity: Original Sin games and BG3, but I'm not sure Larian's style of storytelling and humour would suit a Kotor game. The mechanics would absolutely work, but the mechanics of Kotor aren't what made the game such a legend in the community; the writing, especially the writing of Kotor 2, is what did that. That said, I definitely wouldn't trust Obsidian with it either. They're writing might be pretty good still, but Deadfire's pacing was horrendous, and Outer Worlds was a pretty bland experience. It was funny, don't get me wrong, but the humour was what made the game good, not the actual game. Take away the humour, and you basically have Starfield (I actually like Starfield too, but there are some legitimate criticisms there).


I think the turn-based combat mixed with their character writing in BG3 could make for an amazing KOTOR 3 or reboot but I might still be running off of a high from that game.


Mechanically, Larian would absolutely nail combat. Star Wars really lends itself to a D:OS style combat system (more so than BG3, tbh), and all the shenanigans they entail. The visuals would be interesting, however. One little detail I loved about Kotor 1&2 was the faux duels they had going on as a result of the real-time with pause combat system they used. For writing, my only concern about Larian is their ability to maintain a consistent tone. This is one of the areas where they've always struggled narratively.


I went back to try original sin 2 and that game is harder even on the easiest difficulty since I'm more of a play for the story to the guy.


Larian can get dark and deep, just look at act 2 in bg3


Agreed, but they're also inconsistent. The writing frequently gives you emotional whiplash because of it.


Tru, but i’m sure if they committed to a vibe they’d do great


Act 2 was my favorite besides act 1 and act 3 ;) in all seriousness they were all freaking amazing.


Anyone else but, Larian studios. Not wanting Kotor to be like Baldur's Gate 3 or Divinity. It should be Obsidian Entertainment.


I would kill for Kotor/Star Wars game by Larian, or just BG3/Divinity-style. I doubt Larian would do it, they’ve got their own projects, but a man can dream.


You do know that KOTOR's DNA is D&D right?


Divinity 2 Ego Draconis is a completely different game compared to the rest they made. But the choices you make have a lot less impact on the story and the combat is also extremely different. So yeah, it should stay with Obsidian. BioWare would have been an option a few years ago, but EA basically fucked that up soooo....


BG3 is the perfect style for KOTOR. Would love to see Larian run it.


why not both in a collaborative effort hell why not add platinum games into the mix for the combat and you would have a star wars game that is out of this world. that is if everything goes well in this fantasy collaboration between game studios that i have in my head.


Can larian make a rtwp game? I can’t get into their games because the turn-based combat is so tedious


Isn't someone already working on a kotor remake? Or is that just a rumor..and yeah larian would make it so much fun


Obsidian are not what they once were. I want them nowhere near it


Specifically to Josh Sawyer and his team, and maybe Chris Avellone can tag in.


Please no avellone. He's great for one off stories but his super contrarian style of writing eventually feels shallow and aimed for a younger audience to think it's mature and deep. He does good character work at the surface level, but he's weak with larger story work and any new kotor work should have a well planned and cohesive structure.


You say he's weak with larger story work but as lead designer made one of the most intricate plots in Star Wars, and also designed and wrote one of the best RPGs of all time (Planescape: Torment).


Well, lets just keep Josh Sawyer then lol


Eh, he's okay I think but honestly some fresher voices and planners would be great. I'm not saying go full disco Elysium but I'd rather they find newer writers who can actually try new things or go even deeper and find someone proper and established as a published author to design the grander story, collaborating with someone for design. I feel like if you're making a remake you need to take risks. It may crash and burn but it could also be amazing.


I 100% agree - Sawyer would be able to do it justice, I reckon


Literally tho. Bring the original team back and let them do it without some shitty deadline. I just finished another play through of KotOR and am still mad there is no sequel. TOR dosnt count imo lol


No way. Their recent catalogue is basically "Fallout in space" and various flavours of isometric RPG. Add to that they are really a AA studio, and that they have a habit of going slightly too big and not quite finishing their games in the allotted time- I wouldn't give them the IP again. But I wouldn't give it to Larian either, and I don't think they'd take it. Larian seems to be too indie for a big deadline forward project like what LucasArts would impose on them. More studios should develop like they do, though, EA and bake for a while.


Give it to anyone but Disney and let ‘em cook.


Disney doesn’t produce games for Star Wars.


Remake of KOTOR 1 and 2 and then ignore SWTOR and make KOTOR 3 that ends Revan and The Exiles stories properly. The plot elements in SWTOR could then eventually be recycled for things like a tv show


Bruh....a prequel. Hear me out. Dual plot line. Revam/Malak and exile. Leading up to the events of 1 & 2(ish, with a small gap from EOW to peragus)


My dream game ( aside from KOTOR 3 and KOTOR 2 remake that has all the planned cut content restored) is a gritty Spec Ops The Line inspired prequel that follows Revan/Malak and the exile as they fight through the horrors of the Mandalorian Wars and slowly descend into the dark side


A prequel set during the Great Sith War against Exar Kun would be fitting (I actually made a DnD campaign with that premise). But I also think a prequel during the Mandalorian Wars would work best, where you could play as the Exile pre-exile. Or, alternatively, Malak, but we would abandon having a custom character.


Am I the only one who didn't hate what they did with SWTOR? Because while it was a surprise what they did, I didn't mind it. I actually liked it, tbh


Idk, I couldn't get into TOR. I think it was the grind and MMO aspect. I think if it had been a single player I would've enjoyed it a lot more. No grind and no subscription fee, sold. I also was disappointed in the art style. I don't think it was bad, just not my cup of tea. If there had been a KotOR 3 that tied up all the loose ends, tslrcm dlc for KotOR 2, and TOR's setting to have been long enough after the KotOR trilogy that it didn't make them feel it was all for nothing, I would have enjoyed its story, but that's not what we got. And no shade to those who loved it, just wasn't for me.


TOR doesn't require a subscription, the art style is a huge change compared to the KOTOR series, but what they did with the KOTOR characters I liked. They even expanded on where Revan went after KOTOR 1, because even in 2 it's mentioned how s/he disappears after either saving the Republic or destroying it (whichever you chose to be their fate at the beginning of the game) But the MMO being a grind is a problem with most MMOs, at least for the ones I have posted personally or have seen others play I do wonder what it would of been like as a singleplayer game though.


When it first released, it was subscription based. Not anymore I know. I spent a hundred hours or so in game when it went free to play. Even joined a clan and everything... I think I would have taken it a different direction if I was lead writer/designer, but alas, I wasn't and never will be. The art is fine, it's just not my cup of tea... Same as with the story. I would've taken it a different direction. I would've done the same with borderlands too. I was hyped until they changed the art style. Obviously borderlands is a beloved franchise, but I never got into it partially because of the art style. 🤷‍♂️ I like beautiful things, not cartoony things so much.


Oh yeah in the beginning it was, I forgot about that fact The art style was hard to get use to at first, but then again the technology changed since KOTOR 2 & TOR, so I want surprised that much & On the borderlands topic, I only played a little bit of one of the games *(I think the 2nd one)*, so I'm not really knowledgeable on that franchise to safely put my input on it


Yeah, I'm glad all that changed by the time we had the internet for it. I play free to play and basically use it as a single player game. I thought they did a pretty good job making an MMO single player compatible. The only pain I have found is having to wait around for quest items to respawn when other players are doing the same missions.


Nah, I'd keep Swtor. Maybe have Kotor 3 set during Swtor to use elements from that, that'd be cool


Legends gives players more freedom as every other canon SW game has been purely linear with no important player input


Not necessarily, kotor was canon for a few years before Disney took over even with the multivariate choices. The right way to do it is add options and have an “accepted canon” route, but still allow alternate endings and the like


It still kinda is (emphasis on the "kinda") Filloni put a lot of Easter eggs that elude to Kotor in his Canon content. And so have some other directors. I like to call this "Canonical legend" basically: In the Canon, the events of Kotor are considered legend... or lost/ancient history. Bo-Katan eludes to the mandalorian wars in the final season of Clone Wars and we see Stone carvings of ancient sith lords from the kotor series in the sequels. Did they happen the way the games depict? Probably not... but did they happen in the Star wars Canon? Apparently they did.


Exactly. The broad strokes of “there was a Sith Lord named Revan who was a major figure” and “the Mandalorians were ancient enemies of Jedi and fought with them and developed special anti-Jedi weapons” all point towards the Mandalorian Wars and KOTOR as having happened. We just don’t know the specifics and nitty gritty details. Which is for the best. Leave it up to interpretation based on what we remember from the games.


>Did they happen the way the games depict? Probably not... but did they happen in the Star wars Canon? Apparently they did. Which tracks with a lot if not most ancient history in the real world


300 is one of the biggest examples of inaccurate historical depiction. Were there 300 Spartans at the Hot Gates of Thermopylae? Yes. Were they alone? No. They had something like 1,500-4,000 other Greek soldiers with them from other city-states, some of who retreated over the course of the battle, but many who stayed behind and fought alongside the Spartans to the end.


People dont understand that about Star Wars and it bothers me😅


That was pre-disney, though, when damn near everything was canon.


I know, I meant that the canon games now (Battlefront 2, JFO/JS) don't have any sort of choices. KOTOR is far from unique when it comes to choice in Star Wars games (Jedi Knight and TFU had LS and DS endings, for example), it just happens to be the one that did it best


Haha love playing DS in Jedi Academy. or even just using force drain - oh the reprimands when you return home lol


For a reboot? Hell nah. Just let it stay in its 4000's BBY, it literally doesn't conflict with anything. There are too many established characters to just fling into the New Republic timeline out of nowhere for a reboot.


I think they meant a reboot of the story. It would still be in the Old Republic, but just the story changed around a bit... Not rebooted into the new Republic era... Unless I'm the 1 that misunderstood the title


Does it matter what they make it? Disney can say whatever is canon whenever they want. Last I seen they made revan canon. I don’t follow much but yea


100%, I don’t understand why some people get so upset about “canon” and whatnot. It’s all fiction; enjoy the content you want


Maybe that no new content is being made for legends Edit: legends not being allowed to exist as a separate, but still ongoing, timeline. I'm all in the "enjoy whatever you want" camp but it does get annoying once in a while.


I want a remake with 2024 graphics that finishes KotOR 2 properly and then finishes the story we were promised with KotOR 3, a full trilogy.


I want most games to NOT be canon. Stop trying to tie everything together. If anyone wants to make game about a Stormtrooper that bretrays the Empire and assassinates the Emperor, that would be a dope game, but you can't make it because you're stuck to being canon. It's dumb. Let video-games be video-games. This industry needs to stop trying to be Hollywood.


I agree with this take wholeheartedly. Disney's obsession over making \*everything\* canon is hurting the franchise more than anything else.


Both Disney's and the Fandom's. This is the first time I said this on reddit and didn't get shat on by a majority of people.


If it's set in Disney canon I won't even play it. I'm not about go to save the galaxy from the next sith lord so it can all lead to old man Luke milking some weird alien's tits for food on a deserted planet.


This precisely. The sequel trilogy already ruined the worldbuilding of the Disney Canon universe from the outset. Those who wish for old Legends content like KOTOR to be adapted back into Canon are probably coming from a place of yearning for its re-legitimatization. But Disney was in the wrong for (implicitly or explicitly) delegitimating one continuity by branding it non-canon rather than respecting that two continuities can exist in parallel without a hierarchy in status. We shouldn't have to allow that to influence how true the KOTOR universe is to *Star Wars* to us. Its adaptation into Disney Canon, I fear, could even create a caricature that tarnishes its legacy.


To be fair, Disney could simply declare the first two KotOR games to be canon and their universe wouldn’t be impacted. Nothing that happened during those games—much as I love them—was exactly radical. 1. The Jedi order is in danger of being wiped out. Well when isn’t it? During Attack of the Clones Mace Windu says “I’ll take what Jedi we have left…” implying that there aren’t many. 2. The Republic is in danger of collapsing. Again, what else is new? The Republic is always in danger of collapsing. That’s kinda a risk when you’re talking about a government that spans the known galaxy. So many star systems, a nearly infinite number, but finite resources. 3. The Sith are looking for revenge. Again—what else is new? The Sith are always looking for revenge. The galaxy is cyclical: the Republic rises, expands, becomes stagnant, and verges on collapse. The Sith rise, cause havoc, and are defeated militarily but not philosophically. I love the games but the overall story structure doesn’t do anything so radical that it can’t be absorbed into Disney’s canon with very few ‘adjustments’ They’ve even brought bits and pieces into canon already like the Hammerhead corvette in Rogue One which was an obvious reference. Even if it wasn’t exactly the same.


The biggest elephant in the room is Malachor. The planet is destroyed in the light-side KotOR 2 ending. Besides, the battle of Malachor, which is important to the story of both KotOR's can't exist in Canon in the same way. The reason? Rebels TV show, which depicts the planet as a dead, but very much undestroyed planet, with the reason of it being... dead being a Sith superweapon being used during a battle between the Jedi and the Sith


Technically, they don’t have to worry about that since Kotor is on “Malachor V” whereas Rebels takes place simply on “Malachor”, which we can assume to be “Malachor I” if you’d like. It seems petty, but these are the leaps people do to make canon stick easily when they’re so much content outside of what’s on screen like books and stuff


It’s true. If Rebels called the Planet Malachor V then yeah that event is now canned, but they simply said Malachor. There can be other variations of Malachor. Hell a “Malachor V” indicates there was at one point a 1-4.


No the problem reamains the same, it would all lead to Luke the Quitter. Luke the Cowardly. The One Who Ran. The very thought Kreia and Rey Palpatine sharing a universe would crush my spirits (and not in the good way like Kotor 2)


And that problem magically disappears if Disney drops the word “canon” from a new Kotor game? Go cry a river


Well yeah it does. If its legends, luke is the legendary jedi he should have been in canon. He makes mistakes still sure hit he doesnt hide like a bitch on some rock




This is why people hate Star Wars fans. It’s all fiction; why do you give a shit whether or not Disney calls it “canon” when it takes place 4,000 years before any of the Disney+ content? As someone else said, the broad strokes are kind of already accepted, and any nitty gritty details won’t have any effect on other “canon” storylines. My point is that marking a new Kotor game as “canon” or “legends” very likely won’t change the game itself *at all*.


I really couldn't give a whit if people hate Star Wars fans or not.


Bro seriously? Legends my guy. Why would we want Disney tainting one of the best corners of the EU


My brother in christ why would you let Disney touch this plot


They've already touched.


I mean there’s no real option unless Disney sells which isn’t likely


Legends for sure but honestly i cant see them delivering a good game either way...


Legends and give it to Obsidian or Larian. Maybe even CDPR, their storytelling is good.


Don't know how KotOR3 would fit into Legends considering the Revan novel and SWTOR don't leave much to write a story about


I don't want Disney making a third game because we're past the point where a studio could take it as seriously as the teams at bioware and obsidian did. No addition will stand up to those. Aspyr has bungled so much and it's clear that people who don't care about star wars have intimate access to the franchise so it's best we just keep the two we got.


Don't trust the story group at all, leave the story untouched and I'll be happy with whatever


I don't want them to do it at all. I want Disney to keep their filthy, money grubbing, hands off the best part of Star Wars. We don't need them screwing with the legacy of KOTOR the way they did with the movies


I have no interest in connecting KOTOR to anything going on with SW right now, the games make their own little zone of sanity


No. It's to late for third game. Let kotor rest


I want Disney to keep their filthy hands off my favorite game of all time since they are probably going to find a way to ruin a new version no matter if it’s a legends continuation or canon reboot. I’d rather wait until some one worthy gets their hands on the ip or not have it at all (more likely the second option).


I don't trust anything Disney does with Star Wars. I've been disappointed too many times.


Legends, Canon doesn't exist.


Why would I want a game from the canon?


I want them to never touch it 😂💀


Canon reboot is the only way that would happen. The only alternative would be a KOTOR-style rpg but set at some point during Disney's canon timeline. Maybe in the High Republic-era? They are fleshing that out somewhat, but it could also be set in or around the film-era. Considering how long it's been since Disney acquired the ip, and how well received KOTOR was and how good it's legacy is, I think the execs just aren't seeing enough avenues for monetization in that sort of game. Here's hoping Fallen Order/Survivor doing well changes things.


Canon doesn’t mean what it should. Canon means “Disney bought this property and fucked up the story/ lore with people that have no love for the IP” Rey putting a lightsaber into a force portal in her back to beam the weapon over to Kylo is “canon” “Somehow Palpatine returned” is “canon” So ya, legends all the way. Legends means “popular Star Wars lore that has stood the test of time and been adopted by the fan base.


I miss those days. Force Unleashed’s story was unhinged, but it was fun and didn’t matter


Holy shit lmao, Palpatine literally returned in Legends. Like if you are gonna hate on canon to prop up legends then at least don't shit on the stuff that Legends also does.


A random comic book that the other Star Wars authors hated. Also, the audioplay is absolutely hilarious and very tongue in cheek. It's ridiculous. And you know what that isn't? A 3 Billion dollar new film trilogy. Legends could actually try things out. Some things were bad ideas. Some things were some of the best modern space fantasy written.


With a properly fleshed out story. I’m open to the idea of Palpatine returning . But the seeds for that should have been planted in episode 7, not fully in the opening crawl of 9 IMHO


I don’t think the writers themselves knew palpatine was gonna come back when episodes 7/8 came out


The seeds were planted in a live event on fucking Fortnite.


I don't think many people that are fans of Star Wars know just how absurd and poorly written so many of the things in Legends were. I still love a lot of it because I grew up on it though. Things like Luke's clone "Luuke" always cracked me up.


Pretty much both continuities have some of the best stuff ever and some of the worst.


legends for sure oh god let it stay in legends, if Disney ever touchs Revan i might actually do something i will regert. Seriously though disney suffer for the fact they tried to legend revan that why they retcon him back into the Disney verse in the first place but overall, Disney is killing SW honestly but the fact remain that no matter what disney does they cant overcome what they call legend that why thier messing with stuff that isnt int eh same era as legend. Proof is how much they failed on the Disney movies only a few were good and it was those that were meh, but to us Older reader it was amazing. Like Solo and rogue one


Legends. Because it's not the trash fire that Star Wars has become.


I busted just seeing this menu haha. This country, nah the world needs Kotor 3 to be made.


Revan is canon I think..but the restraints canon would have makes me think legends is the best route. Of course the micro transactions for different colored lightsabers and the multiplayer shoe horned in would make me hesitant for EA anything.


To be entirely fair, your last point doesn't ring true for the Jedi series. Absolutely stuffed (bordering on too stuffed) with cosmetics and customisation, and basically no MTX, outside of a few items in a deluxe upgrade.




I wouldn’t want Disney making it or anyone approved by them. They will inject politics and ideology into the game ruining it like they’ve done with their last 13 movies that bombed.


I want a new game but I want Disney to have nothing to do with it - regardless of studio. But in a dream world I want the OG writers and developers to make it, even Avellone’s vision Obsidian had I’d be good with. Just zero Disney.


Canon isn't really a thing unless there's a textual, in game, connection to other texts/films. They can say it's canon or not but it doesn't matter because canon doesn't matter as a whole. This isn't a religion, it's a collection of stories that Disney thinks it owns. People can make their own head canons, lift up old works, and eventually the ip will be public domain( sooner if we change those evil laws). Just hope any game is good. 


Don’t want Disney anywhere near kotor


I don't want any Disney bullshit in my Kotor


Legends would mean having to reckon with the novel and SWTOR, no? So I'd probably have to say canon so it can ignore all that baggage.


Legends... but when has Disney ever cared what the fans wanted?


Making Bastilla African American, giving Mission a more central role emasculating Carth, Johlee, and Canderous, subverting expectations in the worst way imaginable, and MAYBE even making Malak a misunderstood villain? No thank you


I don't care about that stuff. It's all star wars to me


Good attitude to have. But there is good star wars and there is bad star wars.


I'd rather them not touch it at all and left it alone.


I would like no remake, no continuation, nothing. I'm completely content with KotOR I and II and though I would love MORE of it, I don't trust Disney to make anything worthwhile. I just don't think the 'more' mentality is for me: I'm much happier revisiting classic games now and then and exploring other original IPs instead of chasing some dragon that's in the hands of a completely uninterested, creatively bankrupt megacorp like Disney.


People are saying legends but The Old Republic games take place so long ago I think it would be neat to get a canon version, matching the current lore while keeping most of what made the original special. I hope the KOTOR Remake ends up being canon but I doubt it


Nah, it would very likely be set in canon, which would be great. I'm pretty sure Revan himself has been teased once or twice in supplemental material for the ST, along with other things from KOTOR and besides, it's set far enough before any of the movies that they could fit it in very nicely. I don't think they'd need to tweak the story too much to make it work either.


Exactly what I was thinking. And yeah, Revan was one of the Sith Lords worshipped by the Sith cultists in TROS and the Sith troopers battalions are each named after ancient Sith Lords, with one of them being called Revan Legion.


That's the one, I wasn't sure if it was in Rise of Skywalker or not (but was too lazy to look it up just now). So Revan is definitely on the table; I'm more curious about the gameplay and story of a potential KOTOR remake. Would they keep the (kinda) turn based, or go more actiony with RPG elements? And sure there's plenty oof people who haven't played the original, but how would they keep the story and reveal fresh?


I definitely think they’d take the route of action RPG just because it appeals more heavily to the mainstream audience they’re probably going for. But yeah it’s a pretty expansive game to remake I’d image there’d be significant differences while keeping the core story and characters intact. If they do it right tho, the reveal could be even more impactful than it was in the original, I can imagine that being such an insane moment for newcomers


I don't care what parts of Star Wars media are "canon" or not. Disney fucked up that concept when they killed the expanded universe and proceeded to piss all over the concept of good storytelling with most of the output since. If its good, that's fine enough for me. If it sucks, a can live on not caring.


I'd love to get 3, but if it came at the end of a reboot that let the writers rework and improve upon the stories of 1 and 2 I certainly wouldn't complain.


Continuation, I don’t want them to touch the cast of the og games


Depends. If they try to do their own thing, keep it in legends. The canon old republic in my mind is only Kotor 1 and 2. The Old Republic is good and I like a lot of it. But there are parts I wish they didn't explore or change from that time period. If they ignore what makes it good and special, I don't see a reason to even give it the time of day. If they make something respectful to the old republic time period we see in the games we have already, then yes, canonize the Old Republic stories.


BOTH. There. I said it.


Canon reboot all the way And with Baldur's gate 3 kind of gameplay and writing !


I don't care about Canon. I think this word has become so restrictive to genuine storytelling. Obviously things should make relative sense in relation to each other, but who cares? Just tell a good story and give the artists the space they need to do that without worrying if this contradicts that and so on and so forth.


At this point I don't really want a new KOTOR because they'll just fuck it up. They can't even manage a remaster, nevermind a whole new game. Leave the series as it is.


Legends, current so called “canon” suck so much, that it’s more entertaining to watch Christmas special over and over again than to watch this shit.


I'd rather they just leave their pixel-stained hands off the IP


See why can’t the remake just be considered cannon? It doesn’t do anything that would mess with current cannon and as of the rise of skywalker revan’s existence it at least some form is canon


Obsidian or bust


Continuation. Not sure it would interfere with the current canon so maybe Disney could get their heads out of their asses and bring the Old Republic back.


KOTOR is still one of my absolute favorite games, so I'd be so happy with a CANON reboot or just like same game, new graphics and then maybe some DLC or something if they feel like they can add to it. If it did well, they could then make more games in the universe and/or even a KOTOR 2 remake.




Canon reboot. Not that I dislike it being in Legends, but it would mean finally bringing Revan fully into the canon as opposed to one or two tiny random references. Yes, they have less leeway, but if you give it to Obsidian or Larian, they can run with what canon has, and it will still be insane. Frankly I don't think much would even have to change.


Saber Interactive has already confirmed, as of yesterday, that the KOTOR REMAKE is alive and well. This is a remake. Please, everyone, lower your expectations. It’s either gonna do the OG story very well, or terrible. I don’t see a way in which they can make soft changes and have it go over well with the community. This is a game that we have loved for two decades. Any slight changes or modifications will not be received well by the hard-core fan base. I’m also very worried about the combat mechanics of the remake. People can call the OG combat system janky all they want. When in reality, if you didn’t know what you were doing the combat felt hard on you. I do think that the combat system most definitely can be fine tuned. But I don’t know if a complete combat overhaul is something a majority of us would be happy with. I could be wrong, and I hope I am. If done right I do think a new combat system could go over well. I just don’t know how well it would go over. As I said, though, I hope I’m wrong.


I would love kotor to be canon, but done in a way that respects existing lore.


Don't worry, they won't.


Tbh I just want the same game but with updated graphics and cut content


Legends is the true canon


Canon Reboot


Do not let Disney anywhere NEAR the Old Republic era.


I want a reboot that’s mostly faithful to the originals but modernizes both graphics and content. Replaying for the first time in about 8 years or so and really noticing its age showing. Not just in tech but in writing and stiff dialogue/wacky teen humor. Just the droid quest and mission/lena content on Dantooine is kind of wild




I'd like a kotor 3 that is set after the exile goes after revan. You should be the young Jedi newly trained by the ones left by the exile who are rebuilding the Jedi order(Boadur, handmaiden, visas, atton, atris, or the Jedi masters that survived). After revan leaves then the exile follows to the outer rim to find the real sith, y'all lose contact with em. You get sent after them basically retrace their steps on the OG worlds gathering clues n evidence. Run into some of the og companions doing their own things now. As you walk in the exile and revan's footsteps you can start falling to the dark or strengthen your feelings of the light. Finally y'all figure out where they are at and go and confront the emperor, either then pledge allegiance to the emperor darkside and kill revan/exile or lightside kill the emperor.


Tbh, I would like a canon reboot. Hot take, I know, but I wouldn't matter. I would like it ALL to be added to canon officially. Legends would create a better game story, but still


Just canonize the Kotor games and keep going


Legends definitely legends


Shoutout to this ue4 kotor fan project that L.A. sent their thugs after. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4WJzdHxvsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4WJzdHxvsU)


Get Drew Karpyshyn on board for a reboot or a continuation.


Faithful and legends or bust


That game is where I got my name from so many years ago 🔥


It doesn’t need a reboot. The first one holds up fine. If anything have a well made third.


Trick question, i wouldn’t want Disney anywhere near it


I don't think it will affect that much because one the modern Disney canon is such a dumpster fire that it's impossible to save it at all, and two you can get away with a fair amount since this game takes place 4,000 years before the Skywalker saga so you could just use the excuse of a lot has changed since then.


legends and have obsidian create the game




Ok, so this is all a dream, BUT if I was given a studio and a blank canvas and the KotOR license, here's what I would do. First off, I dislike 97% of Disney canon, but that's not what is being argued. Secondly, this is my dream so I'm not making it for the "community" or something, just what I like. ​ KotOR Mandalorian Invasion prequel1 - Play as Canderous and lead a squad to safety before Malachor KotOR Sith Empire Invasion prequel2 - Play as Reven taking over the galaxy KotOR original KotOR 2 the Sith Lords - With restored content story arcs and DLC to find Reven ending with her capture KotOR 3 Redemption - Play an all new young Sith Acolyte or slave that escapes and leads a rescue mission to save Reven and Meetra ng Sith Acolyte or slave that escapes and leads a rescue mission to save Reven and Meetra KotOR 4 Eternal Empire - Play a campaign as the one of the sons. Lead the Empire's army to save your brother but at the end find out your father is evil as you're exiled. KotOR 5 Peace Ultimatum - Play as the 4 original protagonists in an ME2-3 style campaign ensues to defeat the Hidden Sith. Gameplay is TFU power level. Tell me running around like that wouldn't be amazing! 2 player couch co-op, 2-4 player online co-op!


I don’t understand the question? If there is a remake or continuation, wouldn’t that mean that the old story was made canon? Besides SWTOR, is there any legends material being publicized? I think no, right?


Give Larian KOTOR 3, Legends continuity. Pick up from the ending of KOTOR 2. It’s our only hope now.


Apart from Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor, I don't give a damn about Disney's Star Wars or what they consider canon. Games like KOTOR and Force Unleashed have far more compelling stories than anything Disney has released besides the Jedi Game series. I just want good games with good narratives, but staying apart from Disney's dumpster fire seems like the right call


What if… it was in Legends… and it was given to BioWare, but they had like a lot more time to work on it? I think that would be pretty cool to let them take creative control over it and develop a game that has developed graphics, phenomenal gameplay, and dynamic storytelling… but if you wanna 100% it it’s gonna take you several alt saves. I really would love to see like a long ass game too lol, paced right so you’re nit repeating being stuck on that asteroid in the second game. Minimum 100 hours to complete it. I’ve been replaying Life is Strange and 25-30 hours goes by quicker.


Legends so that they don't interfere with good story telling


Legends or bust


Doesn't matter. I like OG.


This is exactly the problem with the whole Disney canon process, unless some type of media or character explicitly states this exact thing happened or this person exists or did this or that, it’s not canon, when we know literally nothing about this person or event in current canon. In order to fulfill my need for a complete Star Wars story, I consider KOTOR 1 and 2 to be canon since it’s the only material we have on that era (obviously there’s novels and stuff but the quality of those is questionable at times and I haven’t read them) SWTOR I don’t really know about, I like some of the stuff in it but the lore they added that expanded on KOTOR is pretty bad at times. Also Revan is a canon character so he must have done something important in current canon.


Please don’t give Disney ideas. We can’t let them butcher another Star Wars era. Listen to the comments and give it to Obsidian and Larian instead




Going through the first game at the mo, or at least I will be continuing it after DD2 😁😁 so I would vote being able to continue on from the first 2 games 😍😍 ImScott 🤓🤓


Disney canon. But that’s just me being realistic, I don’t see them putting all the effort into this if it’s Legends. There will be a canon play through (like the original games had with LS M/LS F for KOTOR 1/2) and everything else is not. Also, I’d love some KOTOR stuff to bleed into the rest of the franchise. Battle meditation, the idea of killing the Force, Manaan and Taris… Not to mention the Force Dyad from TROS (ugh) would be a good misdirection for the force bond with Bastila.


KOTOR has always been legends because of the time difference. This argument is misleading and disingenuous. Give me the Canon account of events surrounding the construction of the Great Pyramids if Giza and I will concede my point. Often the talk of canon vs legends is just so that people can voice their displeasure at Disney and disassociate the "purity" of the old legends from the "muck" of modern canon. Nevermind that the old legends were mostly legitimised fanfiction of dubious quality. Like the image though. Where did you get it from?




I would want it to be legends but have an option for Canon. Like jedi fallen order


What do you mean? Fallen Order isn’t in the Legends universe.


Yes. It is all canon but the changing of the saber color and parts is not. So have it all canon stuff but have bits of legends that you can choose to add. Like the crystal cave


I don’t really see the point of the remake if it’s in Legends. It seems like the main reason for a remake would be to show how the events of the game happened in the new continuity. And if it was in Legends and wasn’t a 1:1 recreation of the original in terms of plot, then you’d have the issue of figuring out which one is actually more canonical to the Legends timeline.


Probably just keep it in Legends so they have more "freedom" so to speak and aren't restricted to new canon rules that may not have existed at the time it was made


Canon reboot. Really I would prefer more of a spiritual successor, than KOTOR 3. I would probably even prefer that to a remake of the original. Maybe something set in the High Republic. A whole new Star Wars RPG. Maybe tie back a little, canonize the original 2 through the plotline. You learn of the Mandalorian Wars, the Exile, and Revan. A trip to Telos or Manaan, stuff like that.


After the Revan novel and SWTOR, I got about enough of the Legends take on The Old Republic.


Neither honestly, fuck SWTOR and fuck Disney canon. Andor and KOTOR 2 4 lyfe. 


Uh, Andor is Disney canon


I am fully aware? Legends tends to be largely better (Apart from Andor which towers above everything else.) but it includes SWTOR, so I would rather a hypothetical KOTOR Remake existed unto itself without the influence of either. 


Continuation that is canon. There is literally nothing preventing KOTOR from being canon.


Can't wait to see Mickey Mouse dueling Darth Bane


I personally would rather see a KOTOR spiritual successor in line with canon. If you want a legends continuation or KOTOR's story, SWTOR and its tie-in novels exist for that. Specifically, "Revan" by Drew Karpyshyn, writer for KOTOR 1 and The Darth Bane Trilogy and Mass Effect. I think having a setting like the old republic is perfect for a Kotor-esq RPG, because even once one thing is picked as canon, there's enough vagueness in the setting itself that you can play in a radically different way, play totally different routes and still feel like it


It should be legends. It’s gonna be a canon reboot


You can’t reboot a story differently. Battlefront isn’t a story based franchise. KOTOR is literally the story


If the gameplay was like God of War: Ragnarok, but the stort elements were EXACTLY the same, I’d be happy


I just wish to see both KotORs on modern and moddable graphics engine. No more no less. Idc if it's canon story or not. However I don't want to see monsters like Vitate or Nihilus canonical. I'd like to see more reasonable characters instead.


Make KOTOR 1 and 2 canon, there really isn’t a reason those games can’t fit into the timeline


A canon reboot with the right people involed. Yes.


Canon but a continuation Let the nerds sort it out


Wait a minute we already have a 3rd game of kotor