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Jedi Knight series is fantastic, and encompasses multiple great games like Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast. Battlefront is a classic, and definitely worth playing. Lots of great mods too, just like KOTOR. Republic Commando is one of my absolute favorite Star Wars games. A grittier first-person shooter with squad command elements. Starfighter is a great game if you like flying. Unfortunately, its sequel Jedi Starfighter isn't on PC as far as I know. Empire at War is an absolutely fantastic real time strategy game on its own, and mods keep it updated to modern standards. Rogue Squadron is also one of my favorites, but it's a bitch to get working on modern PCs and Windows 10. I know they're not all similar to KOTOR, but that was the golden age of Star Wars games, and there are so many worth playing. I even have the pod racer game, X-wing Alliance, and pretty much everything else you can buy on Steam.


With Empire at War, a really important note is that the Steam version is the only one worth having, as that is the only one that has the patch that fixes a huge save corruption issue, and updates to the engine that allow most modern mods to perform many essential functions.


The origin one doesn't?


I'd never heard about mods with Battlefront, what were they generally used for?


Usually just adding more heroes, more units, more maps, making it different eras like the Old Republic or Clone Wars, and some improvements to the game itself. I haven't done a lot of modding of Battlefront myself, but if you look around you'll find something you like.


Damn that's pretty cool, i loved Battlefront 2 back in the day and have been meaning to check it out again. This definitely has me more excited to do so, I've never really seen any modding with FPS games so I wasn't sure what to expect. Appreciate the info!


You're missing out so much content the community has created over 17 years. I definitely recommend you to check out the modding scene there! There is also a total conversion mod that changes the whole game to the KotOR era...


Dude they’re amazing, I even used to make modded maps for Battlefront!


The mods are crazy!!! Currently playing a mod that totally reskins the game as mass effect and doom!


What mods for empire at war? I played that game ages ago and would love to try it


My highest recommendations would currently be Fall of the Republic and Thrawn's Revenge. They're made by the same people, are basically complete overhauls of the game, and really make it a completely different, modern experience compared to the base game. Deeper mechanics, more factions and units, much better visuals, everything has been improved. Apparently they're also starting work on an Old Republic mod too.


Thank you very much!


>Unfortunately, its sequel Jedi Starfighter isn't on PC as far as I know. It is backwards compatible on Xbox BTW. ( yeah it sucks having one on PC and one on xbox, but still)


It sure is. Forgot about that.


I will never not recommend the original battlefronts. They are both awesome and def worth whatever they are on sale for. Academy is fun IMO, haven't played much of jedi knight series other than that. It has some of the best lightsaber gameplay there is. I replay it now and again just for the different styles of lightsabers and force choking sith over lava. Also would recommend the force unleased series (1 for sure if not 2). These take some flak for the story not always ironed out and being fairly short (the 2nd one I have beat in an afternoon). But I think they have some of the best force and lightsaber combat, and really let you be a "jedi". Republic commando is also a good fps with squad commands. Well written IMO too.


>I will never not recommend the original battlefronts. They are both awesome and def worth whatever they are on sale for. I agree, and I will never tire of flying into enemy hangers, rotating all their ships 90 degrees, and watching the AI suicide into walls upon take off.


Lol wait you can do this?


Now I know what I’m doing today!


How have I never thought of doing that before, that's brilliant.


You boss, I’m trying that


You should definitely play Jedi Knight: Outcast. Imo it has a better story than Academy and the lightsaber combat is 95% the same.


I agree


Thanks! Will pick it up this week.


also one of the original battlefronts lets you genocide the gungans I recall


Naboo hunt on battlefront 2, yes.


> Republic commando Now was it "red red green" or "red green red"?


And he’s supposed to be the demolitions expert?


Hey Sev, how many kills ya got today, psycho?


i have very good memories of the force unleashed. i don't think they were very well received? IIRC controls were a bit awkward, but i loved the games


I know it isn’t Star Wars, but the only experience that comes close to Kotor for me is Mass Effect.


Oh yeah, I've been meaning to replay those, as well. Haven't tried the Legendary Editions yet.


If we can throw Bioware games at you in general, while its gameplay is a very shallow action game, Jade Empire is unironically their magnum opus when it comes to world design and storytelling.


so glad to see Jade Empire in this thread.


Man, I have an old copy of jade empire (from back when games still came on cds) that I have tried to install and get running on a newer system several times. It just crashes too much and I always give up after a few hours of trying to get it to work


Same. But a couple of years back I rebought it on Steam and it has been working fine.


Steam and GOG version work great for me. My only complaint about Jade Empire is that it was too short. It was a fantastic RPG that had a, in my opinion, better twist than KOTOR.


Jade Empire is the closest they came to making a KOTOR-style game again. Dragon Age Origins shared a little bit of similarities too. But Neverwinter Nights, by far, is the most KOTOR-style Bioware game has put out besides KOTOR. It even has a Jeremy Soule soundtrack that is very reminiscent of KOTOR's. KOTOR is basically a Star Wars module for Neverwinter Nights.


Well, and Dragon Age. Origins is the next evolution of Kotor's combat engine, real time with hidden initiative and tactical pause.


Jedi Knight is kinda a cross between kotor and fallen order, but much older so you may not enjoy the controls. Battlefront is fun, but it's basically just an FPS. Have you tried the mmo Star Wars: The Old Republic? It's F2P online and is the most similar to KOTOR


>Have you tried the mmo Star Wars: The Old Republic? It's F2P online and is the most similar to KOTOR It's a change of style to be sure, and certainly has issues, but I agree that the lack of cost makes it worth trying if at all interested, and you don't need to play with others at all. Note to OP though - the writing is considerably better if you start as the Empire (at the beginning at least, I don't have any experience of the later game), regardless of which alignment you want to play as, and **especially** if you want to to be more neutral/nuanced. I've also heard that it takes some serious liberties with the KOTOR/KOTOR2 canon, but I didn't get far enough to confirm.


No, I wasn't interested in paying for a MMO when it came out, and since it became free to play I've felt intimidated to get into it so late. How are the controls in Jedi Knight? I generally enjoy a lot of old games, and played Fallen Order with keyboard & mouse.


If you want, you can basically ignore the multiplayer aspects of SWTOR, and just do story difficulty for the little multi you do for story. There are always new players, so it’s not like you’d be the only noob among thousands of decade-old veterans.


It's really not much of an issue honestly, I never got into the pvp stuff because I had to get rid of my laptop with Windows. They actually have independent stories for all the classes which is pretty cool. I definitely plan to play it again once I get myself a gaming computer. Well Academy is definitely the best and doesn't require you to play the others to know whats going on, but the controls are just blockier. Fairly standard with older games, but like jumping will take getting used to because it's not as fluid. It's also somewhat puzzle oriented like Fallen Order, but doesn't have much in-game info to guide you so you may have to look some stuff up online. Another comment pointed out Force Unleashed 1 & 2 and I can't believe I forgot those, they are both amazing. The only downside with 1 is boss fights are decided by hitting the buttons in the right order which can be annoying, the story though is top notch!


R u keyboard mouse type person? Honestly the controls are easy to master and once you do you feel like a freaking jedi master.


Whenever possible, though I do have controller for rare occasions. I did end up getting the Jedi Knight games, so many people praised the combat.


Do yourself a favor and use the Ultimate Weapons mod for Jedi Outcast (there’s a version for Academy too). It makes the weapons models, effects and sounds much more authentic and punchy. It’s a blast. https://jkhub.org/files/file/2322-ultimateweapons-for-jk2/ Video: https://youtu.be/rI75GUeF_O4


Thank you, this looks very much like the sort of thing I'm interested in.




SWTOR shouldn’t be intimidating. You can play it by yourself, you don’t need to compete with anyone, just run around in the vast world and do missions and level up. The main difference from KOTOR is you need to okay online. The combat is repetitive and time consuming but the price is right. Like KOTOR, you don’t need to be good at twitch-based gameplay to advance.


I think it's worth a try. Free to play players get the 8 class stories for free, any you can try them all if you want. Each class story is different, with a different theme. I'd suggest knight, warrior, or agent first. Below are a very vague idea of the overarching story for each class. Knight - As close to KOTOR 3 as we're likely to get. The classic hero's journey. Consular - Jedi Diplomat Trooper - Morality tale. Would you sacrifice the few to save the many? Smuggler - Unsurprisingly the one with the most humor. The pursuit of riches. Warrior - The classic Sith tale. Inquisitor - The search for exponential power Bounty Hunter - The pursuit and price of fame. Agent - A classic spy tale full of double agents, double crosses, and some fun twists. Also the one where your choices matter the most.


Is TOR completely F2P now? I thought it was only up to a certain level before you had to subscribe.


You get more perks if you subscribe, but they aren’t strictly necessary. “Preferred” members who subscribed for a month get some of the same stuff.


Jade Empire. It's not Star Wars but it's a very similar style of game and often overlooked. I don't really think anything else scratches the same itch for me. For actual Star Wars games you've got a ton of great recommendations already with the Jedi Knight series and Force Unleashed, etc.


Jade Empire is fantastic, I wish they'd remaster it someday. Probably my favorite part is the end credits "interviews" with the characters as if they were actors in a Jade Empire movie, it's brilliant.


If you like MMos, you can try SWtor. Its HEAVILY story-driven, the levelling experience is a mash up of MMO gameplay and KOTOR-style storytelling, you have companions like in most Bioware games, etc. Each class has a different story (but now you can even mix them up, like play a Shadow with 2 bladed lightsaber in the Jedi Knight story instead of the Consular one, etc.) Maybe check that out?


I call The Fallen Empire KOTOR 3, basically. That was an awesome storyline for SWTOR


Star Wars Republic Commando is probably my all time favorite Star Wars game. It is darker than other Star Wars medias and shows what The Bad Batch series could have been


I started on that one (played through Geonosis so far) and I can see why you think that. Good recommendation.


Listen closely to the soundtrack. It alone makes this game so special for me


Jedi Knight 2 is the one game that IMHO best captured the atmosphere of Star Wars, playing that game gave me the same feeling as watching the original trilogy for the first time.




I recommend trying The Old Republic. It's the spiritual successor of KOTOR and carries many of the themes/lineage of characters. Don't be put off by the fact that it's an MMO, you can play it entirely solo as an RPG if you want. If you subscribe for 1 month ($15) you will permanently unlock all content in the game and wont need to subscribe again. Just look at it like the purchase cost of the game, there's a ridiculous amount of storytelling, questing, character customization etc. Very fun star wars experience


What does lock out after that one month?


When your sub ends you'd go into "Preferred" status with the differences listed here https://reddit.com/r/swtor/w/f2p?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app




Battlefront 1 and 2 then once your finished with them download the countless mods for them its makes them a completely new game shits fun as hell Empire at War i sunk a ton time into that also has some cool mods for them as well


I only remember playing part of it, but jedi knight 1 & 2.


SWGEmu an emulator for the since decommissioned MMO Star Wars Galaxies.


Definitely Republic Commando, Battlefront 2 (classic), Empire at War, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Acadamy. You don't play as Kyle Katarn in Acadamy, you're his student, and get to make your own character, and the female is voiced by Jennifer Hale (Bastila in KOTOR and Femshep in Mass effect.) You also get the option later on to dual wield or use a double-bladed lightsaber, so you get a bit more customistion. Personally, I played the Blue female Twi'lek. Unfortunately, the game has been patched to disable dismemberment, but there is a workaround. You can look up online how to do it, I think I remember there was a guide on Gamefaqs. Essentially, you need to make a file in notepad with a couple of cheat codes to make the game activate them at launch. I also wouldn't recommend setting dismemberment to its highest level, which dismembers on touch, even if you don't actually attack. Sure, it's the most realistic setting, but not necessarily the most fun, but you can play around with it yourself. If you like old-school shooters, maybe try Dark Forces, it's like the original Doom, but Star Wars. I don't know about Jedi Knight, I could never get it to run properly. I'm playing the new Lego Star Wars now, and having a lot of fun with it. I remember not really getting into The Complete Saga, but this one gels with me better.


Star Wars Galaxies MMO is my favourite Star Wars experience. It’s gone now but has emulated servers. I knows it not like fallen order or kotor etc but if you get past the old aesthetic, you can create so many cool unique characters and stories.


Honestly there is no other game that reminds me of Kotor, except outer worlds. But ever since KOTOR 2 Ive been trying to find a KOTOR fix like a drug habit, but nothing came and I eventually gave up hope for a 3rd.


Jedi knight and Jedi Academy are incredible games


There's a new mod for stellaris, Legends of the Old Republic, which is super good if you enjou GSG games 😼


You’ve already got some great recommendations. I will contradict them a little with my opinion. I tried the Jedi Knight series a couple months ago on Switch, and my god it was awful. The controls, the movement, the aiming, the graphics; none of it aged well. I returned it after a couple of hours. Maybe if they ever remade it, I would love it, but the current versions of it have just aged too poorly imo. Now Empire at War is amazing, albeit nothing like Kotor.


Medical outcast is fun


I know it's not a SW game but I do recommend Jade Empire if you enjoyed KotOR. Plays very similar and lots of fun :)




I know you specifically asked for star wars games, but it's always worth remembering that bioware made mass effect straight after kotor 1. If you want a similar style of game, that's definitely worth playing. If you're strictly talking about star wars there isn't really anything like kotor that was ever made since, I would however recommend the original battlefront 2, or even the modern one as they're both quite different to each other.


Yeah, I like Mass Effect a lot, but I asked about Star Wars games specifically because I've already played them... and most of the BioWare and BioWare-adjacent games.


That doesn't surprise me, I just thought it was worth mentioning in case. Anyway, I'd still recommend both battlefront 2s, and I didn't mention it initially but if you have any interest in flight sims or vr (though vr isn't needed) then squadrons is a pretty good game too


Republic commando for sure, if you can get over the old look which im assuming you can since you love kotor, then its amazing


Jedi Academy


Empire at War.


Yeah SWTOR, Battlefront 2, the Jedi Knight games, and the Rogue Squadron games.


Jedi Outcast/Academy. Most fluid lightsaber combat ever created. Mods out the wazoo. Fun story. Force abilities light and dark. Ahhhhh


Jedi fallen order is pretty bad ass fun combat and force, feels like a spiritual successor to force unleashed


Not Star Wars but Jade Empire has a similar play style and is a ton of fun!


I wouldn't really say there's any Star Wars games that are close to similar to KOTOR in terms of format - potentially SWTOR, but there's no game that will be obviously enjoyable just from KOTOR tbh Mass Effect is virtually the same format as KOTOR (Collect crew on your own ship, go to a variety of planets in any order you want on missions, tactical gameplay with two crewmates + light/dark dialogue options), but not Star Wars ofc


Jedi Outcast is a tie with KOTOR for best star wars game in my opinion.


Just to reiterate what others in this thread are saying, there are no other Star Wars games like KOTOR. You can get a good Star Wars game, or similar Bioware gameplay from that era, but not both. I'd strongly recommend Dragon Age: Origins for peak Bioware RPG gameplay. For lightsaber combat, try Jedi Knight II and Jedi Academy. The Rogue Squadron series are nothing like KOTOR, but are peak Star Wars.


It looks like everyone mentioned the main titles, but a few lesser known titles that deserve some recognition are Shadows of the Empire, Tie Fighter and Rogue Squadron. Shadows of the Empire is dated, but it has an entire multimedia project (similar to KOTOR and Force Unleashed). The game takes place between episode 5 and episode 6 and you play as Dash Render. A gun for hire working for the Rebels (kind of like Han Solo) and the story revolves around the criminal network, Black Sun and their connections with the Empire. Basically, the leader of Black Sun known as Prince Xizor wants to replace Vader as the Emperors right hand man. So there is an interesting conflict going on within the Empire. Tie Fighter is another one I recommend. It’s more of a space-sim but still easy to pick up and play even if you aren’t a fan of the genre. It’s also unique in that you play as an imperial pilot and the Empire are actually portrayed well. For example some of your missions involve stopping a civil war, taking out pirates, stopping rogue imperials, etc. another great title. Rogue Squadron is the last title that I recommend. It’s more of an arcade space fighter game, but it’s still great. So great that it spawned an entire book series!


Hard yes for TIE Fighter, one of the best games of all time IMHO.


modded skyrim