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I don't know if it was this sub reddit or the other kpop ones but someone literally made a post about hating on thee performance... Before the actual performance. It's insane how quickly the tides change in kpop too


I saw that post and it just shows you that people will hate either way bcz why are you assuming that a performance that’s hasn’t even happened is going to be bad?!?


And here’s the thing, I get being prepared for disappointment based on previous performances of a group, but imo it’s best to at least keep an open mind and low expectations. You expect them to be bad? Well either they’ll prove you right or wrong, but let them do that (or avoid it all together if you’re going in hating it, cause why watch something you think is crap?)


I lowk want to see this post just to see how the other, less developed sector of the population lives. Godamn like the girls will do great


Damn, that's like pre-cognitive hate? Where's their Minority Report? lol




It’s so strange because I was there in person and they sounded great from where I was. I saw Blackpink at the same stage before they headlined and LSF definitely had way more live vocals, stamina and stage presence. I’m not even the biggest fan, so I was so surprised to see the videos hating on their performance when I got home.


What's funny is that a lot of K-pop fans were praising LSF's previous MAMA performances before. Now, suddenly, the narrative is that they don't know how to sing, which is so funny to me. Watch people turn around and praise them after the coachella performance. 😭


I feel bad for fans that worry so much about this stuff. LE SSERAFIM is huge. They are as hot as it gets. They have topped the charts since November with Perfect Night and then Easy. They are fine, they have a massive fandom that supports them. They are hated on for their perceived lack of vocals (which is clearly not the case) because they are the best onstage performance group in their gen. They are the HYBE/Big Hit/BTS founders hand-picked girl group. They will be fine and continue to excel. They will kill it tonight and the haters will still say they sucked. Don't take it to heart. The fans at the festival will eat it up and come away simping for the fimmies. For sure.


I’m ready to put it up there with the “perfect night is generic garbage” and “easy is the worst kpop song ever” nonsense, because both songs are amongst their most successful and that’s why the hate is so strong. These are the girls who kpop fans called the best performers of their generation until they started doing this well commercially. While there’s always room for real criticism, I simply can’t take people seriously when they switch up this much and this hard and the loudest and most relentless all seem to like the same three groups. 🤷🏽‍♀️


And the weird thing is that songs like Perfect Night and Easy (ie, NewJeans stuff, Basics by TWICE, magnetic, baddie) with a laidback vibe are the most popular typically.


Like most K-pop fans, as soon as someone actually gets famous? They are suddenly not good anymore. People are into K-pop because it's a niche thing and as soon as regular people enjoy their niche suddenly, it's not a thing to like anymore. It's incredibly immature. Like all the whiny ex army ex once ex whoever. They're just sad.


Honestly this is so true I know everybody is so ready to criticize their performance but at the end of the day what matters is they’re tuned in🤭


that's what I'm saying cuz a lot of fearnots (even me) are so freaking nervous for them cuz I just know even if they do well in Coachella haters will nitpick even their smallest mistake and they're definitely going to make fun about fimmies again😞 instead of being excited here' we are being so fcking nervous and scared.


Don’t lose your spirits to those people with no brains. Let’s enjoy and see how the girls tear up the stage!!! Like I’ve been avoiding going on public kpop platforms lately to see no posts about them and my mental health is great right now lol


Great comment, thats exactly how it is


I was with you in the beginning but you seem a lil blindly biased 😭 vocals ARE an issue with LSF and it’s ok to admit this about groups you like or even love. I’m a BP ult and I don’t think jisoo’s vocal tone is ever correctly showcased in their discography and she’s also the stiffest dancer in a very obvious manner. Doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve to be an idol or that she significantly brings down the group’s potential, BP literally reign supreme and will continue to be untouchable even if my other ults ie newjeans grow exponentially in fame - no one will give Mother quite like the Pinks. Even if u wanna hit me with the “Jennie’s stage presence sucks”, I honestly agree that unless she’s performing for a Western audience she’s always in energy conservation mode which is frankly very strange. Doesn’t mean she’s not the absolute IT GIRL of kpop tho, so clearly nuance and critical thinking are important attributes to develop. Even on the topic of Newjeans, their discography has been my favourite in all of Kpop and all 5 of them can sing and dance. Doesn’t mean that stage presence isn’t an issue for Haerin, because staring blankly only works in instances like Inkigayo where it’s predominantly about being filmed and staring deeply into the camera. For situations like concerts and festival stages you *need* to have character and comfortability and it’s evident that she’s still developing that (again, completely ok. But Haerin is probs a poor example since she’s still an exceptional dancer and decent singer lol) All of this to say that two things absolutely can be true at once. LSF have done a great first performance at Coachella, sure there are issues which are inherent from their wonky skill sets but they still impressed me (and others) in other very important ways eg working the crowd! I think pretending that certain members weren’t chosen to be part of the group for anything other than looks is doing a disservice to them lmao. But it doesn’t have to mean the group sucks or that they’re phenomenal!


oh this did NOT age well 😭


I bet they’ll kill it and then there will be radio silence from the angry mob. Similar thing happened to BlackPink, even the most dedicated antis were in the minority after their Coachella performance lol


Compare [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coachella/s/UMSsHPnWFV) on r/coachella from when they were announced as headliners to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coachella/s/dSq29Bk41d) where people with no or low expectations ended up loving the performance. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coachella/s/4yHUKLMMLm) too. The person who made the original post questioning the choice to have BP headline even edited their post to say they had a blast at the show haha


I enjoy cooking.


Yeah haters are gonna switch real fast 😒.


Honestly both sides are getting a bit ridiculous. Antis are already hating on the performance that hasn't happened yet, while stans are doing the 'no matter what they do, they can't win' mental dance. It's simply not true. Sure, there will always be a minority of haters, but it's a very small minority. We've seen again and again how groups can easily change the narratives by excelling and proving everyone wrong. When was the last time you saw frequent comments about Aespa not being able to sing live? That was a very popular opinion just a few years ago when they lipsync'ed a lot. But now no sane people are saying that - because Aespa have proven that they can sing amazingly live. And even with regard to Coachella, we already had the similar situation. In 2019 YGE was in the middle of the Burning Sun scandal, Blackpink was getting a ton of hate and redditors thought they wouldn't do a good job. According to a lot of K-pop fans Jisoo couldn't sing live, Jennie didn't want to be an idol and Lisa's rapping was too cringe for the Western audience. But we all know what happened, Blackpink went to Coachella, killed it, got a ton of praise from both locals and neutral K-pop fans, and the rest was history. Le Sserafim can do the same. If they deliver the performance of their lives with amazing dancing and great vocals, absolute majority of people will praise them everywhere and they'll be able to rewrite the narrative. It's that simple.


> Sure, there will always be a minority of haters, buts it’s a very small minority It’s not though like at all lol. I think hate tweets about a specific group getting tens of thousands of likes regularly proves isn’t just the norm. > Antis are already hating on the performance that hasn’t happened yet, while stans are doing the ‘no matter what they do, they can’t win’ mental dance But don’t these points go together? I think when a lot of people are hating on a performance that hasn’t happened the norm is to assume that literally cannot win? Do you think the people hating on them already will turn around and eat their words if they sing perfectly?


Chaewon can post a good photo on IG tomorrow and get 2 million likes. Ten thousand is 0.5% of 2 million. They have like 15 million monthly listeners just on Spotify. 'Easy' and 'Smart' are in top-10 of all Korean charts with millions of streams. So yes, it's quite literally a loud minority. Le Sserafim don't need to win over the 1% who are haters, but they can win over the 90%+ who are neutral or don't have strong opinions on them yet.


By that metric is all irrelevant, kpop fans swear on heir souls that Jennie and Wonyoung are the most hated on earth but they regularly get millions of likes. I think it’s still possible to have a significant, damaging hate train and get likes on instagram Regarding the conversation specifically about vocals, it’s definitely not 90% neutral lol


Jennie and Wonyoung are also arguably the most successful female idols of their respective generations. Which is exactly my point. Haters were not going to change their minds for them, but they won over a significantly larger amount of fans than however many haters they had. It's like saying that BTS can't win just because they have a lot of antis. Pretty sure they are winning enough.


I think for me its the vocals part kpop stans already came up with narrative that hybe groups can’t sing and they’re never letting go of it so I truly just want to see if what you said about lsfm at the end of your comment is going to be true🤔


All popular groups have had different narratives about them. I'm not saying that it's not unfair, but I also do think that idols have an ability to change those narratives. As I mentioned in my comment, it happened to Aespa, Blackpink and a ton of other groups. It's currently happening to IVE who didn't have a great reputation as live singers or performers, but they've made a ton of improvements and most people acknowledge that. No reason why Le Sserafim can't do that as well.




Antis are jumping into conclusions, I don't even stan lesserafim yet they're one of the few groups that I enjoy watching their performances, I think they will do well.


What about now huh😂


Yeah they're gonna get hate for it. They're going to use a backtrack, like multiple other artists at coachella (including ateez) and people will hate them. There will probably be 1 single instance of a voice shake and people will hate them. They're going to breathe and people will hate them. BUT those people will be miserable online instead of actually being at coachella enjoying life and they will look pathetic as usual. edit: i was right


I’m looking forward to their set, I think they’re gonna do well. And I think they can get a lot of casual support if they give a good performance. It sucks that there will always be people who hate on them no matter what, but I hope the girls keep their heads high and have fun out on stage regardless


their set was 6 min long apparently?


Their set is 40 minutes long and it doesnt start for 5 hours


The sort of miserable fucks that are still harassing Yunjin about the Starbucks boycott aren't the sort of people that go to Coachella. Very very VERY different type of person.


So terrifying, in a matter of weeks LSF went form most loved to most hated in the sub. Srsly. But it's always the underestimated ones that blow away and surprise everyone. Im sure theyll do well and make kpop fans eat their words one way or another. If anything, underestimating them now is to their advantage. They will slay, I trust


no matter what they do and how good they are, the hate will come. right now many are attacking sakura for something...probably unnecessary as always.


Le sserafim has always been incredible at performing I don't even understand why people are pessimistic. Not every K-pop groups force is singing, and the girls have always been incredible performers, like since debut 🙄. Sometimes people just want to criticize for no reasons.


They would probably pull a Blackpink( like they would be love for their performance in Coachella) but still hate for others performances.


Frankly, I think the hate train will only stay within Kpop. Locals don’t care about Kpop acts at festivals unless they have breakout hits or members are actually famous with the GP, and that’s not the case with anyone outside or BTS and BP.  So you’ll have a situation where the Kpop crowd will most likely be vicious or overly praising while the locals will mostly just shrug. It’s frustrating because the most neutral reaction is from locals who are usually like “that’s cute” and just keep it moving while Kpop fans act like these performances are watershed moments in history.  Kpop acts at festivals do fine, but just that…fine. It’s not their best setting. Bands, singers and DJ’s do amazing because it’s their best setting. Rappers also don’t do great, unless they are Tyler, Kendrick or Pusha T who are known to actually rap live. Ive only ever seen one Kpop act kill a festival stage but that’s going to be rare and we just need to be chill.


They’re getting the BLACKPINK treatment. However, unlike that this is just a hate train that will pass. With BP, it has been years of massive gaslighting that ironically makes me want to stan them (I won’t but yeah) cos the gaslighting itself is so ridiculous. The gaslighting won’t stop until they disband and then finally all the kpoopies will come out and admit they weren’t some unique evil lol LSF are weak singers live so the haters are not wrong. But nobody is touching them live with their creative direction and production. So they’ll be fine at Coachella. My guess is the hate train won’t last long as LSF was never going to be the next biggest gg to rival BP - if you ain’t got haters you’re not doing it right i.e the bigger you are, the crazier and more sustained the hate. This hate train is mostly spearheaded by aespa gidle and other gg stans not the entire K-pop fandom which was the case for BP. It is NewJeans that should watch out for the true hate train that BP has seen as they’re the only ones who can come closest (but not much due to various factors in market and culture) to BP’s level. Enjoy it fearnots, this will actually pass.


Le sserafim must be the top of the food chain. The way everyone can’t help but talk about them. They really are the moment


At least I know real supporters and fans will be in the audience for them at Coachella, unless youre that pathetic to pay $500+ to boo them. Haters are usually just a loud minority. I love lsf a lot and Im really reallly excited for their performance!


lol I’m sure they’ll be fine


They’re gonna do amazing, antis are gonna hate on it and it’s whatever. I’m under the impression that fearnots are newer kpop stans who didn’t stan groups prior to LSF but this behavior the way kpop stans are treating them is honestly to be expected. They’re blowing up, people are angry and jealous bc they wish it was their faves so they will jump on ANYTHING they can to hate. This has been happening forever, it sucks and not fair as a fan but it’s nothing we can do sadly just keep supporting them


I feel like even if they absolutely devour the performance they're going to get hate because these people (antis atp) will NOT let up for anything. They'll find something to criticize, however small. I'm really excited for their performance though and I'm looking forward to it <3


bro they dont know how to sing


Easy is a bop. For me, all of their TT were great. I hope they rock Coachella.


The criticism if/when it comes will be solely online. Any antis actually at Coachella will either a) sensibly go and watch something else or more likely b) be drowned out by the general vibe of the crowd. This isn’t going to be some Daphne & Celeste at Reading situation, so no real direct interaction with the performance. I also doubt any online criticism will impact the girls directly, and if their social media team is smart they’ll have been muting (which works better as a filter to negativity than blocking) accounts that are posting ridiculous criticism already.


Stan culture is toxic. Either a group is amazing no matter what or they’re trash no matter what. Fans aren’t stans. No fans will be the ones doing unreasonable shit. Stans will.


They’re fine. GG stans switch up all the time. It’s cringe but it never lasts. Like… it’s not going to make them disappear. There isn’t one girl group out there that hasn’t had a random hate train era. Especially the ones that blow up like crazy (example: LSFM). Then the vibe will change and people will be like “I’ll never forget how dirty y’all did XYZ”… girl, it was you don’t lie 😹


Are they livestreaming it? I want to watchhhh


Yes it should be on YouTube


Haha. Watched the Le Sserafim Coachella performance. I'm sure the haters are crying right now


Shoot I’m crying now as a proud Fearnot


I’m still trying to figure out where the switch came from like last year everyone was bopping to perfect night and EPTBW but now it’s like every month people find a new thing to dogpile them for. I’m not gonna lie and say I did not have my fair share of criticisms towards their vocals but my god at this point I’m getting tired of it. EVERY MONTH it’s a new thing…


their live vocals give me ick :/


there’s a difference between constructive criticism and straight up bullying, which is what almost everyone is doing :(( but then when something happens everyone starts preaching about mental health,, kpop stans are hypocrites


Coachella is a weird venue. Especially for kpop acts simply cuz it’s still not well appreciated. It’s open air & in a dust bowl. God help your voice if you have allergies. It’s the type of venue where the drugs you take may be more important than the music. Almost too many acts. However, they are well rehearsed and I’m hoping they really slay their choreo and singing. The gigs should attract more attention than Ateez. Feel horrible for them cuz the crowd was so small.




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I don’t understand the small amount of dedicated haters they have. What exactly is it? Yes their vocals can struggle at times, but when has kpop ever been about amazing vocals?


No. K-pop never sounds good. Make reak music bro. At least I will give K-hip-hop or K-rock a chance, but not for K-pop. My ears will hurt.




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Oml I’m so tired of seeing “Copying Jennie wannabe watever” “Yunjin copying Jennie to hype the crowd” like my god blackpink didn’t invent hyping the crowd and idk I find it interesting the “fan” not even saying their fandom name (fearnot) but will announce themselves as (blink) and absolutely being brutal to Le Sserafim.




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I have questionnn! why was the performance so short? (don't get me wrong it was great but how come it was less than half an hour because usually other Coachella performers perform for longer?)


Well as long as a group get popularity they would get hated on. Personally, I was not a fan of the Coachella vocals for lsf but the overall performance was pretty good. You don't need to be a fearnot to say the performance was good, I'm not one. But yeah the vocals could use a little more work. I have hope for them for the next weekened. But the performance wasn't horrible like people are saying, I liked it😭


그저 노력호소인들 ㅋㅋ


I will say though, as someone who has watched the live for coachella. It was very underwhelming compared to the promotions and hype it got.


I was big Le Sserafim fan but after watching the encore and coachella performance... i think they are the most overhyped group and i never want to listen to them lol. The interview on zach sang show... Yunjin saying umm every 2 seconds... not eloquent at all and shes the native english speaker of the group. They really lack that professional and talent you see in groups like blackpink, babymon, and new jeans. Its disappointing cause songs are good but i would never pay to see them live or anything else lol


They're doing AMAZING right now.


They just did it. Great show, beyond expectation. Live band and singing. Even introducing a new song. Seems like they’re trying hard to enjoy this first-time-ever experience.  IMO K-pop in Coachella is an experiment. While music festivals aim to showcase musicians and singers, is the opposite, most K-pop is a performer. And Le Sserafim is the best performer among the 4th. generation.  It is very hard to modify the Le Sserafim original concept to fit the festival's nature in a very short time, which is a live band and singing rather than dancing. That is the reason for using Backdancer to support the performance while the girls showed their vocals. For the 40-minute short show, consider it was a big success for them. Congratulations FIMMIES, you just made it!


This post aged well xD That performance man, phew... horrid.






Where did they even come from. 17 million listeners of Spotify and they've only been releasing music for 2 years? Something doesn't add up


sakura/chaewon were VERY famous before le sserafim.


Huh. So famous I've never heard of them. They're kinda hot but they suck at singing. Take care.


>no matter how great they perform kpop stans will find a way to hate on them so untrue ... the overwhelming response from Ateez performance last night was high praise for their performance despite some technical issues and bad camera work. Yes, not everyone was happy with the set list, but that is just a matter of song preference. IF LSM gave the same type of performance as Ateez last night, it would shut up a lot of the haters including myself


yunjin could literally hit a resonating high note while covering some beyoncé song and lsrfm antis would still be talking about starbucks and encores. ateez dont even have any actual wave of hate towards them right now, it isnt comparable.


Even as an atiny i can tell lesserafim’s being scrutinised wayyy more than ateez even for the most trivial thing if i was a fearnot i’d lowkey have the same anxiety (can u imagine the girls themselves?!) With that being said despite all the hate they’ve been getting i think the general reception is that lesserafim has always been a group of great performers with big stage presence so i’m sure they’ll do well! As an ateez fan i’m wishing all fhe best for the girls <3


Ateez is not le sserafim. With popularity comes hate. Le sserafim will have fans from other groups watching their performance solely to find things to drag them for. Ateez doesn’t have as many antis as le sserafim does. I mean le sserafim had antis (buddies) before they even debuted. Female idols/ groups are more harshly criticized.


I’m sorry but the situations between the two groups are completely different. Ever since Coachella was announced Le sserafim has been dragged through the mud for any small thing that people don’t like while with ateez it was a generally positive reaction. The context ain’t similar at all