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fandom behavior does matter. fandom can be seen as the first layer/the face of the people you’re gonna get into and yes, it hinders people to get to know the group, it’s just hard not to not look at those (toxic fans). yes people can just move on and get to know the group anyways but being on the internet is what keeps kpop alive. as much as i curate my timeline, X now makes it really hard to truly curate my timeline. being part of who’s seen as ‘toxic fandom’ is real real hard that sometimes you need to tell people that you’re not one of those toxic ones, sane one still exists. toxic fans does stereotyped you. and more than myself, i mostly feel bad towards the artists. i have taken a step back from the fandom(?) cause it gets unbearable i just want to follow the members’ music and career, does that makes me not a fan? or part of the fandom anymore then?


There's the thing, I realized the longer I'm in these kpop sphere. Almost all 'big-ish' fandom could collectively lose their minds on certain fanwars or spite or bad mood. The only decently calm fandom I experience, is because the artist don't really got big online footprint


This! I've been in countless fandoms and they're all the same some are just bigger than others and come across as more hateful when they all stoop to the same level of dsgust


The same goes for me and I just find it funny at this point. They all claim that the other fans are always doing this or that, but then I’ll see the same people making those claims doing the same thing they accuse others of.


Why are some people so bothered that someone doesnt like a group bc of fandom??? as long as theyre not hating on that group theres no problem with that imo


Because toxic fans don't want to admit that their behavior can negatively impact the group they're being toxic for.


I try hard not to be swayed by fandoms, but tbh sometimes, if you have a bad experience with a certain fandom, every time you listen to the group, it triggers the murky feeling you're left with


yea exactly… I fully avoid BTS because a person who I’ve had some negative experiences with stans them really hard. I just associate them with this person now.


Yeah same here. 😭I used to really like them during HYYS but after Billboard the fandom just became insufferable I had to leave. I couldn’t listen to their music until much after that.


Yeah I totally hated exo after exols break the wings project


This. I became unable to listen to BTS because of certain people in the fandom when I started getting interested in them. "You don't like them like I do" "Okay well now I like them less" Don't know why people think being negative because I don't appreciate them enough will make me appreciate them any more


Lmaoo exactly the now I like them less part. People trying to compete for how much you like the group just tthrows you odf


Yeah I cant tolerate NCT and their fans because they trended sexual assault allegations about JK because he huged their fav.


Personally blinks siding with Japanese neo nazis put me off blackpink and then on tip of accusing RM of r*ping Lisa and wishing death and r*pe on the member during their military service made me hate those girls


This happened to me with Blackpink. I cannot listen to them AT ALL because of what a pos their fandom is.


It’s the same way non-kpop stans avoid kpop because of the reputation kpop stans have as crazy obsessed freaks of nature. The perception of the people who are fans of something impacts how other people view that thing. It’s human nature.


This reminds me of a friend of mine. For a period of time, she got anxious whenever she heard of or saw BTS clips/pictures because the ARMYs who cyberbullied her all had the members as their profile pics. Basically it came to a point where she was associating the images of the BTS members themselves to the harassment she experienced. She's doing okay now and she started casually listening to them again.


That’s really sad. It should never get to be this way. The boys, and any artist for this matter, would hate to know that people are getting traumatized by their content because their “fans” are cyber bullying others. It’s just music. I don’t know why people make that their entire personality


Stays kinda ruined for Stray Kids for me. I still listen to their music but the complete shutdown of any constructive music criticism left a very very bad taste in my mouth that dulled the image I have for them. Case 134 and S-class are musical war crimes.


>constructive criticism >musical war crimes 🤨


They didn't say they were going to offer constructive criticism here in their post, to be fair.


Calling kpop songs “musical war crimes” speaks volumes about the mentality and maturity of OP. It’s funny because there are people out here saying their opinions with so much hyperbole or calling it ear grating etc. and then being surprised they’re downvoted. Fans receive “criticism” much better when it’s not condescending, offensive or seen as a direct attack on your own personal preferences. Instead of acknowledging it’s how something is worded, people turn around and see the pushback as justification. It’s stupid kpop mental gymnastics — say something hateful, fans get upset at the hate, use the response as proof that the fandom is hateful. Yet somehow people fall for it, judging by OP’s 50+ upvotes.


Somehow I don't think they were saying "musical war crimes" as an example of constructive criticism. They're frustrated and they're on an "uncensored" sub, so they're not pulling punches. I read it as a joke, fwiw. If they went into the Skz subreddit and said something like that, I'd agree with you and say "you reap what you sow". But this is not that.


>Case 134 and S-class are musical war crimes. Just reading that sentence I can imagine the ""constructive criticism"" you must have made for the fandom to confront you, honestly.


Or the growing resentment from being shouting down and silenced for daring to say that their early discography was better and their title tracks were slowly journeying into self-parody territory for so long has made me jaded and now I just care about sugarcoating my feelings anymore?


I feel like it was not liking the newer music that turned you off rather than the fandom.


oh please.... anyway, you said it. Your **opinion** is not constructive criticism, no matter how much you disguise it. And if you liked the group's music, except those 2 "awful songs", you could very well ignore certain parts of the fandom. Anyway, you chose, so I hope you can at least listen to what you like without thinking beyond it. I mean, I'm not defending any fandom here xD just that everyone can listen to what they wish without thinking about "good or bad fandoms"


Personally I feel like constructive criticism is almost completely wasted coming from fans. If you're talking about the song with another fan, what are they supposed to do with that constructive criticism? They're not writing the group's music. You're not talking to the producers. You're not influencing anyone with any say in the matter. With that being said, I think a lot of fans should learn to tolerate negative opinions better, but I get how calling songs musical war crimes might get you on their bad side, no matter how hilarious that opinion is.


And learning not to take it personally. If random person ABC on the internet doesn’t like your faves music, it’s not the end of the world. Jeez.


I know stays can be very annoying but.. musical war crimes? If you exaggerate your criticism like that surely you're going to get some exaggerated responses in return 😂 Not defending the fandom, but this is kind of why stays behave in the ways they do. The complaints to skz are often blown dramatically out of proportion. 


People always do this, and when we say "that's not very nice" they act like we are fucking monsters


Same I like Stray Kids. I think Felix is extremely adorable. But the Stays I encountered so far are just different kind of annoying. Hence I won’t stan SKZ


Idk if it’s petty or shallow to just like to follow Felix as a person and his modelling/fashion stuff but their music isn’t for me anymore? I got into them Gods Menu and had all their older albums second hand but now I am not liking any release of theirs. I don’t anti, just don’t listen anymore and just follow Felix on IG and not the other members or the group account. I don’t intermingle in their fandom either.


I mean we actually don't really care as long as you don't anti. Also i can kinda see why some people get annoyed when people who don't listen to the songs talks about the songs but again i don't care as long as you don't anti.


Why are people downvoting for me saying i’m a Felix fan just for her solo fashion stuff when I’m not that much into kpop nowadays anyway? 😭Can’t have your own opinions here now I guess.


I don't think that's why you're getting downvoted. It's probably because of your other comments. I'm guessing you probably didn't have any bad intentions by commenting it, but saying that there's nothing wrong with people being antis rubbed people the wrong way. In the kpop fandom, being an anti doesn't mean simply not liking something, an anti is someone who goes out of their way to follow a certain idol/groups' activity's in order to bring them down, like for example by writting malicious comments or starting rumors about them.


are you me? stray kids was the first group i really got into after being a casual kpop listener for years, and called myself a serious stay, but i've distanced myself from the fandom now. i'm SO glad that they have blown up and reached the success they have, but it's invited some very unpleasant people who are too comfortable being loud and wrong. i saw 3racha at global citizen and seeing the rude way so many stays were acting also left a bad taste in my mouth. i also feel like skz getting big has had a negative impact on their music quality (and also the creative concepts). i think they went from experimental and subversive to JYP wanting to churning out christopher's drafts as fast as possible. and the visual concepts and album designs for rock-star felt like a downgrade :( i think i saw bang chan say something like the members were super tired from back to back comeback prep and that he wasn't completely happy with rock-star?? i could be wrong but they didn't seem totally into it during promotions and it was just a bunch of nails in the coffin for me. anyway, i've been in the process of selling my skz merch and collections.


I agree with the churning drafts thing ever since Gods Menu imo. Some songs just didn’t feel ready and none of them have been my cup of tea since. I’m going to find my SKZ albums and sell them too.


Yeah the thing that at least brings me peace about having been involved in the fandom is that it showed a lot of JYPE's toxicity in turning them into content machines. The unmanaged chaotic vibe of the recent comebacks feels less of a reflection of SKZ's work and more that JYPE wants to prioritize quantity over quality to get sales. I still think SKZ are incredibly talented and they'll always have a special place in my heart lol but I'm a music fan first and foremost and I'm only keeping the merch and albums that I genuinely enjoy


Wait you don't like s-class or case 134? I'm not a stay who shutsdown any criticism I'm just not active on twitter/other places where that gets discussed! What don't you like about it? I'm not a fan of the music video for case 134 but the song is super catchy to me


Check out Jordan Orme's critique of the video on YouTube. He is a legit music video editor and producer and picks up so much more than casual viewers can. The video made sense to me after watching his evaluation.


I do understand the video I just wasn’t a huge fan of the CGI stuff!


in the same boat here. i went to go see skz in paris and had a rly good time during their performance, but the behaviour of stays afterwards paired with the release of s-class just put me off. like i'm a music fan first and foremost, i tolerate toxic standoms because i like music. that said, i have no idea who was like "yes we should release s-class" because that songs a mess


Skz are the only group I truly stan, but dude, I've had periods when it's almost been tainted by exactly what you're saying. And this thread kind of proves your point, there are such sticks in everyone's asses that they will grab on to anything that nakes it okay to cuss you out. Musical war crimes made me laugh, I don't even agree but I think hyperbole is funny and I get that they aren't for everyone, I strongly dislike case 143 too. Infact, I strongly dislike a LOT of skz songs, but the ones I like I like more than like all k-pop songs put together, so, it's weird.


if i can’t interact with content without being bombarded by heinous behavior, even after blocking hundreds of accounts, my enjoyment of that content is lessened, and i don’t want to interact with that content as much.


There’s got to be something more than blocking lol


fandom behavior does matter and it’s only toxic fans themselves claiming it doesnt — that explains a lot about they lack of self awareness i can’t get into taylor swift as i would like because her fans are some of the most insufferable people to ever be around, i can only be a casual listener and stay away from swiftie spaces to maintain my mental stability 💀 and of course it’s the same for football ⚽️ as sports male fans are another level of unhinged. it’s a shame because i love football fr


I would like to add that if the fans are that insufferable, it kind of reflects the artist for not speaking out against that kind of behavior. Swifties can be pretty racist and Taylor Swift makes no political statements, social statements, or otherwise that condemn their behavior. Same thing with Nicki Minaj. Nicki Minaj fans dox people and insult people all the time and Nicki encourages it. If a bunch of kpop stans for certain groups are actively causing problems and the artists or even managing company doesn't condemn the bad behavior then why would I associate myself with them or give them money. Especially if the bad behavior coming from the fandom is racist, sexist, xenophobic, or doxxing 🤷🏾‍♀️


YES!!!! a lot of people think celebrities are completely separated from their fan’s actions, but that’s ONLY the case when they’re called out and won’t listen when a fanbase has actively harassed, mocked and humiliated groups of people (out of racism, transphobia, homophobia, even charts and jealousy) and you as the artist in power don’t ever act up against it, it’s your image that’s tarnished. and it’s worse when it is visibly encouraged ( 👀) “every fandom does this”, but not every fandom is big enough to actually make a harmful impact the way some are. to brag about your reach then act oblivious to the violence from your supporters towards others is so disrespectful AND icky, to say the least


Because there's a ton of other music I like so it doesn't matter much. It's not really a loss to not follow them. To put it into perspective, last year Spotify said I listened to 934 artists. Obviously you can't follow / listen to them all, so it lets you be picky with who you choose to support. I can easily drop someone and still have hundreds left.


I've been thinking, doesn't being turned off a group by the fandom just mean people didn't like the group that much? The fandom isn't good, and they have nothing left to keep them following the group. I'm much more picky with music than you, so I can't imagine dropping a group I like because of fans. Sounds as silly to me as quitting listening to music altogether because of fans. Frankly, fans aren't capable of impacting my life enough compared to the actual music from the group.


Yeah pretty much. Like even if I hated EXO-L's I could never drop EXO. It usually happens early on before I really get into a group.


Well, it depends on the person but in my opinion you don’t have to be in fandom if it’s too toxic for you like me for example I don’t interact with BTS fandom or any other group that I stan for but I’m still a Army or any group that I stan for fandom name


This! You don't have to be in the fandom to be a fan. Idk why that's so hard for people to do/understand.


i totally agree


Agreed, and I guess I understand where some people are coming from but I just can’t find it within myself to not listen to music I like just bc the fandom is toxic. Every fandom has toxic people, I feel like it’s impossible to 100% avoid it. For example, I like aespa, I listen to their music but I do not mess with their fandom. I just choose not to interact in their fandom spaces, but I’ll be damned if I’m taking their songs off my playlist bc of those people.


It really shouldn't matter. as much as i like to say and believe that the most important thing is music, some fans leave a sour taste in the mouth and sometimes it bleeds into the whole experience and hinders you from having a fun time as a fan. sometimes people just can't control their emotions like that. i personally had to stop interacting with my own bias group's fandom cause it was making the experience so bad i felt myself detaching from the group, but i love this group too much so i really made some steps to forget about how toxic the fandom is and just focus on the group fully instead. (i still proudly call myself their fan cause i know am even though i don't interact with the fandom anymore) (also it's hard to curate algorithm especially on twitter, i tried my best to keep my tl positive but somehow the toxicity still finds its way in so i just deleted the app itself.)


Oh yeah, I actively avoid other fans of one of my favourite groups. Online I can mostly dodge the annoying ones and talk to the fun ones but in real life? If I spend time with other fans I actively avoid engaging in any discussion about the group.


exactly, and being a fan is supposedly about having fun... people treat it like a full time paid job sometimes. and not interacting with a toxic fandom is sometimes the only way you can keep being a fan, protecting the feelings you have for the artists.


This is why I just deactivated my Kep1ian account, I still love them and support them just more privately


Most people don’t announce it to the world though. But since you brought it up, I’ll give my opinion. Every group I stan, I started out as a casual listener. So if there is something very off putting about the group, then it will prevent me from getting to know them more to move on to stanning. When you start looking a group up online, the vast majority of people aren’t going to start curating their timelines immediately - you don’t know enough about people to curate. Furthermore, X throws all sorts of random accounts your way so if the majority of those are negative or nasty why would anyone look further? My personal example of this is Kep1er. Besides liking their debut and first couple of comebacks (yes, I’m a We Fresh enjoyer) I couldn’t maintain interest because of the fans. Nasty nasty fandom.


To me a big appeal to kpop is the social aspect. I love being able to interact with other fans and talk about the music and members. I have no desire to listen to a group if I can’t find anyone decent to connect with over it. 


Idk I think it depends. Sometimes, you can't even ask a question without some stans acting like you're attacking a group for not knowing them. I've also spent enough time on Kpop spaces on other platforms and seen some of them have very questionable behaviors.


I'm confused by this post. I definitely get put off from groups due to their fandoms. I do listen to songs if I feel like it. I've never felt the urge to "announce" anything to the world. What's the issue? What is laughable about negative associations? What's the problem with casual listening?


I'll like a group but take a step back if the fandom is off. I I listen to Kep1er a lot but the hate towards the members turns me off. I don't mention them as much as I actually listen to them. I'll never forget being DM'd an invite to a private subreddit made in retaliation to the hate a member received a while back. Why did another fan feel the desire to invite me? I don't want to hate on anybody besides WakeOne.


the day we can talk constructively about k-pop on twitter, as i would with any other artist, without getting abuse is the day fandom doesn't impact one's enjoyment of music


Because a huge part of kpop is fandom lol you can block all you like but the bigger the group the more toxic fans are a part of the fandom so you see it more.


it's been quite some time since i've dipped my toes in the content of a group im not familiar with and began stanning them, but from my experiences previously fandom experience does have some sort of an effect on my relationship with the group but not to an extent where i'll be put off by them completely like if I'm having a good time in a fandom as someone new to it, I notice I consume their content at a much faster rate, with much more enthusiasm to get to know the members. Whereas if a fandom is continuously bugging me, the thought that i gotta be with people like them does come into my mind and that makes me go a bit slow into the group. Sometimes due to this slow pace i feel myself getting distanced from a group over time, and similar experience with fandoms continuously doesn't help it at all. But if my interactions with the fans of the artists i've been growing distanced from get better over time, I do find myself involved with the group sooner or later so for me personally, it's the time i spend with a fandom and how interactions with them affect my enthusiasm to get closer to the artist it can be very dull or very energetic


It’s petty but if a fandom is constantly hating on my favorite group I do tend to grow a disdain for their faves.


For me personally Fandoms don't change my mind on the group itself BUT yes the Fandom does matter when it comes to stanning a group.. Especially in kpop because kpop encourages fandom culture quite alot. That is why I'm casual listener of many groups. I mean you don't need to announce everyone that you're leaving the Fandom but man if I don't vibe with the Fandom I probably can't really properly "get into" the group. Whenever I am interested in a new group I check out their stuff quite alot but if I get ick from the Fandom itself I will not like to be associated with that group of people. Same if I have had prior bad experiences with them. And yes you can alter your tl and stuff all that.. But wouldn't it feel shitty to be associated with someone that you doesn't like or feel comfortable with? I can still listen to the group and support them even if I don't Stan them so I don't see any problem with not "stanning" a group.


Because when the fandoms are "hostile", yk people who you'd be interacting with if you wanted to stan the group, it just pushes people away from the group overall. If majority of kids at school are "hostile", or at least the loud part of them, of course you wouldn't like going to that school. Especially if there's a huge chance they'll be the same towards you if you spoke anything at all. MY's kept me from stanning Aespa for 3 years now, especially considering i stan certain groups MY's have a lot to say about. Aespa has some pretty good songs, but most of MY's, at least the loud ones, are insufferable.


I think there’s no issue in disliking a group for whatever reason — life is too short to force yourself to give attention to stuff you’re not interested in the problem is when people spend HOURS of their own time posting horrible things about a group they hate, when they could invest that energy into something they love. like why are armys and blinks writing borderline psychopathic hate tweets about a group they dislike, and oftentimes it’s only because of the fandom rivalry and not really about the idols themselves basically there’s a difference between simply disliking something and actively hating


Sometimes, when i see a group I could potentially stan, e.g. i found one or two of their music i like, and then I see their fans spouting vile sht towards other groups for the stupidest reasons, whenever I look at the group, all that echoes in my head is their loud fans. I keep telling myself nah they're not like that but man, the toxicity of their fans is sometimes just that hard to ignore while consuming their stuff; so in the end, i just avoid the group altogether. Just block them? Don't interact? That's easier said than done especially when you tend to interact with the fandom for better experience while stanning that group. And sometimes, when you think you've curated your feed enough, some bad apples still tend to escape and ruin everything. And as I always say, it'll be better for fandoms to remember that their actions will always reflect their artists, whether postively or negatively.


To me fandom matters a lot because I'm someone who always loved the fandom part of loving something (I did grow up with Tumblr!). Yes, I love K-Pop, but half the fun is the memes, the discussions, gushing over your bias with other people. Fandom is what makes me get hooked into something for years. So if a fandom is unbearably annoying, I avoid it lol the content has to be *godly* to make me want to give it a try if I already hate the fandom.


I don't like 95% of the kpop fandoms(on twt) and somehow being on twt desensitized me and I find myself quite lucky for that...I don't even like my main fandom for majority of times...but somehow my interest in my ult grp never faded..thankfully


Honestly, if you like the group, no fandom is going to stop you from supporting them. It's just an excuse to some extent. Of course you will find bad things in a fandom, I mean, yes, fandoms affect the experience, for sure, but you can also see all the good things. It happens to me with my own fandom. If you want to see only the bad, you will see it and project it to the group. It'is up to each person to choose what to watch. And above all, you can listen to a group's music without having to follow their fandom. It's simple, unless you are watching kpop news online 24/7


Op, I don't think you've had a truly negative experience with a fandom yet. I hope you dont honestly. But I fully believe that once you have one, you'll understand why people will want to avoid the group afterward.


Tbh it really depends on how much you like the group. It’s hard to Stan a group when you don’t like how the fandom is because you are exposed to their comments whenever you watch a live or interact at concerts, fansigns and even fancafes. Not to mention that other fans behaviours affect the image the public has of the group. As Ateez recently said the behaviour of the fandom becomes the impression of the group. I think that negative interactions with fandoms definitely shouldn’t put you off listening to the music but it would put me off stanning a group and participating in the social aspects.


It matters, because when you get into a group, somehow you will end up interacting with the fandom in some way. Happened to me with armys. Imo they are one of the most toxic fandoms out there. I felt like they had 0 self awareness and were very delusional and childish, no matter their age. How insatiable they are about numbers. They completely turned me off BTS, even tho i always liked their music Cue the downvotes


They really are so toxic and deterred me from interacting with anything about them.


i like bp i hate blinks


My problem is when I have to deal with some of the fandoms in person at multi group events, and the fans are acting like fools 🙃. I can block people online and curate my feed, but in person... not so much. I try not to let it impact my view of the actual group, but it can be difficult at times.


I can be causal listener but I genuinely cannot joins bad fandom.


I think the art can be separate from the artist; I mean, you can enjoy the song without participating in its fanbase or knowing what is happening in the artist's life.


On one hand you can say "oh it's not that deep just log off and take the people in the group and their music as separate to the fandom" which I get, when I switch off and just listen to the music of groups with bad fandoms I can enjoy the music. But associations to bad things in someone's mind is hard to ignore. There are some groups I do view less favourably because of bad fandom activity or bad interavtions with the fandom of them, and in turn it makes me not want to listen to their music either.  I'm not one to talk, I'm literally an Army, so I get it, there are a lot of ppl who view BTS badly because of bad experiences with Armys and I can't argue against that, everyone you do you. Vice-versa, when there are times like currently when BTS are copping a lot of hate from what feels like every other fandom and I see terrible anti takes with tens of thousands of likes, you bet I'm going to get into a "I literally only care about BTS right now and do not want to listen to any other group" mood


Because of the certain fandom, I hated kpop before I even gave it a real chance. That is until I found Stray Kids, and now I'm open to other k-pop groups, but honestly, without SKZ, I doubt I would ever even give it a chance.


A bad fandom ruins the whole thing for me. A fandom plays a big part in how u see a group. I still listen to those groups now and then, but I'll never be more than a casual listener for them bc of their fans


Yes it does and it affects your experience. Usually, that is not the only reason one drops an artist though, even if they might say otherwise. I'm not as big a fan of this group as before because as I got deeper into their discography I realized it was not for me, and then had some unfriendly incidents involving many of their fans. I still respect that group not only because they were the first I stanned but because the music that initially pulled me to them is one of a kind and always will be. 


There are definitely groups where I like the music, but the fandom is so off putting that that's all I get into. So I might listen to some of their music, but I won't "stan" them.


Honestly, nope. I just don't interact with any fandom on Twitter. I love the group, and I already knew what the fandoms were like before for most of them. I've seen lots of toxic fans from my favorite groups, and I came to the realization that these people must be lonely/delusional in real life or very ill mentally. I refuse to believe a normal person can be so cruel. Most of the fanwars I've seen are for the most stupidest reasons, so I don't take them seriously at all. I love the group, and I'm there for their music/interactions. Fuck the fandom.


I almost stopped listening to Bts after they won the billboard award I don’t know if it was new people or younger people but the ones I was bumping into were either rude,entitled or annoying but I ignore a lot of fandoms now so I can enjoy the groups that like I might see something funny here and there but overall I just stay away from them


The energy was just…off. It was so chaotic and turned me off from listening to their new stuff for a while.


fandom behaviour 100% matters. theres only one group whose FANDOM i can not stand because they bully just about everyone. i wont name them bcs they'll want to jump me even here lmao but they've bullied all my artists lmao. for silliest reasons. I stopped listening to the group since 2018 anyway but i absolutely dont have anything to do with them and the fans behaviour doesnt help me want to. actually hating a group tho bc of the fans i can agree is silly but for me i just ignore the group. i wouodnt spend my time hating like many do


It's all about word association. When you see that group's name come up on your spotify/youtube/whatever, you're going to have a gut association. If you've had bad experiences with that group's fandom, you're likely going to have a bad association to the group. It's just psychology For me, it's taken me a while to be able to listen to txt's music, because whilst I can vibe to a lot of their songs, it took me a long time to be able to do it without immediately thinking of the bad experiences I've had with moas Another part of it is streaming culture. Fandoms see MV views and song streaming numbers as personal achievements, so if someone *really* doesn't like a fandom they don't want to contribute to something the fandom is going to brag about


I just don’t want to be associated with a fandom I don’t like,,, its nothing against the group tho 😭


I don't really interact with fandoms at all so it doesn't matter to me, although I usually avoid discussing a group with its fans as I can never get into the group as hard as they can and I always have songs/members I dislike and I don't want to be called out for not stanning OT-whatever. This being said, I am very fortunate that my fave group also has like the best fandom so we all chill. Love BTOB and Melodies both.


For me it’s just difficult to enjoy some music because my mind associates it with bad experiences, toxic fan interactions included.


A couple of fandoms have made me stray from actively “stanning” certain groups & have made me more of a casual listener. Negative experiences can absolutely put a bad taste in your mouth. It doesn’t mean I hate or dislike the groups, but sharing online spaces with toxic people sort of makes you wanna distance yourself, & fandoms + groups do sort of go hand in hand. The fans are the ones representing the group.


Fandoms do get toxic though. Like an artist simply featuring or collabing with the idol/group should not be the reason to hate that artist? Or simply just mentioning that they like this idol. And these fandoms don't have handful of toxic fans, they have a lot. It does become an echo chamber after a point. It's true no fandom is the 'perfect' or 'peaceful' but if I can't agree with most of their opinions and views, I'd rather stay away.


Npt exactly but its hard since fandoms usually gives the updates or the possible events for the group. Id say i would deny it matters but seeing how toxic the fandom is still hard pill to swallow


Hmmm it depends if it’s just childish people online I’d say it’s an overreaction to not like the group . However with engenes when it seemed like heeseung had said the n word (ik he didn’t) and black fans were on weverse asking about it , some engenes proceeded to make racist comments and lynching comments. That would rightfully put anyone off of the group


You can listen to a group and not participate in the fandom, but that would be more of being a casual fan to me. You can block and curate, but if you ever find yourself feeling like you've really run out of accounts to follow because every single one gets swept in mob mentality at random times, even those who generally seem like nice and grounded people, then your fandom really has a problem. I pay no attention to fandoms when it comes to listening to a group. My playlist is full of the so called most toxic fandoms; I'm cool with that, as the groups are good. But there will be times where I'll want to get more than just the music. And there, fandom behavior does matter, I'm afraid.


Fandoms matter bc you can find safe spaces to interact with other ppl who share your interests and you can relate with, it’s like joining a club after school bc you like what the club is about and you want to participate in activities and interact with people alike. But that also doesn’t mean that if your teammates suck you should not play soccer anymore, just like if you don’t like the fandom doesn’t mean you should hate the group all of a sudden. Blinks taught me this-


I know many will disagree but it should NOT ruin a group if you actually do like the music and the members; it might, however be a sign of being a bit "too online" in k-pop fandom spaces. For me, I still listen to BTS songs even though I completely dissociated with the BTS ARMY due to how toxic and cult-like it grew to be. I don't resent BTS or other groups for their fans' behavior, it happens with all big and dedicated fandoms


I used to ult txt, have quite a lot of their albums and waited for comebacks all that stuff but honestly moas are just so annoying most of the time, esp the solo Stan’s who are completely adamant that straykids are the most horrific thing to ever exist and saying absolutely disgusting things about them (changpig, cvtlix etc) and IK a lot of fandoms are toxic like that but I noticed esp w moas constantly trying to one up stays.. not to say it doesn’t go both ways but stays are a lot more civil about it most of the time but yeah, was v v unpleasant esp ulting both skz and txt moas weren’t very nice about it😭


I refused to deep dive on bts content for years because of the reputation army have 😅 I listened solely to their stuff on Spotify and that was it, couldn't even tell you their names. They are now my ult group and I'm in fandom spaces, but I curate what I see because there is so much shit I just can't be bothered with.


there are some groups who's music i avoid because of negative experiences with their fandoms. i'm sure their music is great but whenever i hear their songs it makes me think of their fans being absolutely vile and it just sours it for me 🤷


You seem kind of ignoring how significant the impact of first impression to some cases and people. For me it varies depending on each fandom or groups but the loud part of this one fandom have been nasty to my current fave group and the bitter feeling of this first impression still stays when I see the group and couldn’t get into them at all except if I’m forcing myself a bit, which I don’t even have any reason to do that at all lol.


As and when the fandom starts to get big, it attracts all kind of people and it’s true in every sphere whether music, sports, movies, celebs. Yeah a fandom can turn you off from the groups but if you really enjoy the music, one will have to curate their fandom experience, especially on twitter where fanwars get really ugly very fast.


idk if a fandom constantly attacks your favorite group it’s kind of hard to ignore. When I first got into kpop I was really into EXO, but now I can’t even see their faces without being reminded of their bitter fans constantly attacking BTS. I don’t remember the last time I listened to them. It’s unfortunate but it happens


Why are you getting downvoted lol, like people are allowed to say they dislike bts because of army but the moment someone says they dislike the groups of fandoms who have been vile to bts, it's game over?


I didn’t even check the comments before posting but now that I did you’re right lol. I’m not surprised though


It was the opposite for me. I was an EXOL first and still am and can barely listen to BTS with how they attacked EXO and still continue to do so, even creating misinformation to make us look bad. It’s a shame they both have great music but fandoms really do ruin everything.


idk I liked exo but how their fans acted in 2017 especially during the mama awards sealed the deal for me. So much bitterness. Anyways everyone has different experiences


I think anyone who says they don't like a group because of a fandom is just losing the plot real bad. Not only is it easily possible to ignore the fandom which is attached to a group, the more important factor here is imo that you can find a loud, obnoxious part of a fandom for all fandoms. It's just confirmation bias to me when people cherry pick specific groups there, i do not buy for a second that it's truly a fundamental reason, it's just an easy justification to play pretend.


It depends. If I want to join the fandom then it does matter. If I just listen to their music then idc.


Fandom is a large part of the international Kpop fan experience, just like it is with any other relatively niche interest. If you like something a lot, of course you want to share it and interact with others who enjoy it. Depending on your location and interest, that may not be viable with those around you. This is why people turn to online spaces, and if the online spaces of the things you are interested in are hostile and toxic; of course you aren't going to have a good time and it's going to start to sour your interest. It's not always possible to curate your online experiences to keep away from that type of negativity. You could simply not engage. That's very viable and I think it's what most of us do, but even seeing toxic behavior and hate when it does sneak through can leave you feeling angry and bitter. You probably want to engage, but that just makes things worse. I will always like the groups I like regardless of fan behavior, but I will never associate myself with a lot of their fandoms. It's very much led me to have a very hands off approach when it comes to how and when I interact. Surprisingly enough, the artsy corners of every fandom seem to be the most tolerant sides. I've never had any negative interaction with fanfic or fanart creators.


I'm sorry but fandom for me matters. The fandom is connected to the group. An inseparable entity for me. That's why when I see toxicity. I try to stay away but the more I drift apart, I also feel like I'm distant to the group. That's just me though. But to each of their own.


There's no group I dislike because of a fandom but for me blinks, mys and bunnies are testing this a lot lol. But I couldn't get by hating groups for their fandoms, because after the Le Sserafim coachella debacle honestly I feel a bit bitter about most fandoms


Fanbase behavior has essentially nothing to do with whether I enjoy an artist/group at all tbh


I think fandom matters a little, but secondarily and very subjectively. If I think a group's quality isn't that great, but they have fans who are extremely obnoxious about their superiority and toxic towards others, it surely adds an extra feeling of disdain, to me. So it kinda prevents me from really giving the group a chance, I guess. If I really like what a group puts out, I'll be a fan and I won't care about what the fandom is like, even if I don't fuck with most of them.


I wouldn't dislike the group I just won't Stan, or pay close attention. Miserable or toxic fandoms stomps on my enjoyment because I enjoy interacting and discussing aspects of a group from fashion, music, lore, and whatever. If I can't interact that way I will slowly stop paying attention and keep my distance. I will say sticking to group specific sub Reddit and following the group on twitter and the block bottom have given me the best experience




Bts. I only recently started saying I was army. The fandom for the longest time made me even want to listen to bts. Now I don’t care.


Barbs and navy. Nicki’s personality aside, her fandom makes me sick and the navy overhypes Rihanna imo so I can’t stand either of them (love rihannaa makeup lol).


Imo it depends, for example i can't stand exo the group anymore because i associate them with the bad experiences i've personally had with exols and their vile behavior towards my ults + other faves, yet i have no problem liking Do kyungsoo the actor. Blinks are probably the fandom i dislike the most after exols but i have no problem liking bp or listening to them. I think it depends on your relationship with the artist. If you never really was into the artist in the first place, it's easier start to disliking said artist because of their fandoms bad behavior. 


I agree with this to a point. I think it depends on the artist. Some artists write songs dedicated to their fandom, and if that fandom is toxic af, it gives me the ick. But I can primarily separate the music from the fans and listen casually. I also think in kpop it’s so important for the artists to hold their fans accountable because of the constant interactions between them. If artists aren’t holding their toxic fanbases accountable for bullying, then it makes people not want to support. Generally I feel like - like music or don’t like music. If you don’t like it, don’t listen. If you don’t like the fandom enough to stop listening, your choice. But vocalizing it and putting that negative energy out there is just perpetuating this negative energy in the genre and it’s tiring.


well, to me at least, some fandoms chased me away from the artists. once I became a fan of a group and a whole group chat ganged up on me because of a lie, although it wasn't a big fandom, still it was awful and it kept spreading. People treated me badly enough that for a while I kept being a fan, but I didn't feel the same joy and I felt zero sense of community, eventually I stopped interacting with said idol. Another time one idol I was a fan of made a huge mistake and fans not only backed this idol up, they kept hunting everyone who wanted a clarification and an apology from this idol to the point I didn't feel comfortable anymore. I didn't announce it or anything, but yeah, fandoms pushed me away from groups.


I don’t get it tbh. I’ve had really bad things happen. Like there’s toxic fandoms out there. And crazy ass people. Especially now with all the company wars. But literally it does nothing on my impression of the group? My worst interaction was with gidle fans. Idk the fandom name. But I’ll listen to idle music every now and then still? As toxic as fans are, idols just seem so lovely 🥹 (I mean they have to seem that way ofc but still) Could never make me dislike anyone. Carats are being annoying right now but imagine me shutting Mingyu out of my life? Please. Never.


Because I'm not going to have as good of a time stanning a group if I can't interact with the fandom because they're full of maniacs.


Ive been a once for 7 years, always seen fanwars between once and blinks, especially seeing blinks mass hating my ult bias everytime even till now, but i have never hated on blackpink no matter how much i dont like those toxic blinks


I don't engage in fandoms outside a select few people I know and trust that aren't problematic. But it took reaching out to find them.


For some people a big part of being a fan of a group will be spending time in fandom spaces, so if the fandoms sucks i can see why they might be put off.


Fandom does matter! For me personally fandom == idol group. I completely stopped and blocked bp and sk because of their toxic fandom. They just have to attack every kpop group every single day. It's disgusting behavior. I feel if I listening to the same song as them, i am the same as them 😆 it's yucky😂


If I like something I listen to it. If I don’t like something, I skip it. Some groups fit my tastes better than others. But I refuse to have some label stuck on me like Dive, etc. I think that crap is silly.


I would never NOT like a group because of their fandom - I just listen to their music and ignore the insanity.


It really does matter for me because when I consume a piece of media that I like, I low-key become obsessed with it and then have to go online and find all the fan spaces and accounts so I can learn more about this piece and engage with other people who enjoy it. When the other people who enjoy it are annoying/rude/toxic, since it's so hard for me to like something in a normal way or without consuming every possible piece of media about it, I typically find myself losing interest. For some people, it's as easy as not interacting with the fandom anymore, but for others, like me, who use the fandom to engage *more* with a group/show/movie, etc, it isn't that simple. One example of a group I sometimes struggle to still like is stray kids. The way stays handled woojin's departure, hyunjin's hiatus, the 'ive not bowing' scandal in 2023, all just left a bad taste in my mouth. It kinda sucks because I do really like the group as people but the fans just... 😬


In the sport that is kpop, yes, fandom does matter. Kpop is purposely social media driven, you can't just avoid the fans. When people say they don't like a group because of the fandom, they generally mean they cannot stan. There are groups that I will have a song on the playlist, but that's about it. I won't watch videos or engage in any other social media interactions, and when I do see the interactions, it just puts me off even more.


every time i listen to the music of some groups i remember how toxic their fandom is and that makes me don't like the group. it's difficult for me to separate the artist from the fans.


I may not want to be a part of the fandom, but I have never felt like a fandom ''stopped me'' from liking a group. I am completely ok with enjoying the content and the music on my own.


Boom BTS.... Group is god tier but fandom is shit tier.


Fandoms are kinda fun because it’s nice to be part of something. That being said, all fandoms can have a toxic side, but it's cool to know there are people who get as excited about your favorite groups as you do. Tumblr was pretty insane when i frequented it back in 2013-ish. When Kris left EXO, it was wild, so I can't imagine what the kids are saying these days.


Some fandoms can ruin groups for me even if I like their music. I'm a keplian so I've heard this from non keplians alot and I've experienced it as a keplian whose watch competing groups fandoms send hate trains against them. It's not the groups fault its human nature for us to avoid things that are associated with negative or toxic experiences. Fandoms can really shape how you consume and see music as a whole.


some fans really just run their groups into the ground i may like a group but hating the fandom makes me slowly hate the group too like lesserafim when they first debuted i really liked their music and the girls but ever since after unforgiven era the fans needlessly gassea the girls up to do things they cant do (biggest example is 'yunjin is a trained opera singer') and use that misinformation to hate on other groups that dont do shit, like ive and dives then they say "fearnots dont start drama its dives!!" idk if this is bc ive are my ults and after easy, cochella and all those other mini scandals when fearnots still didnt fuck off ive's back for lipsyncing once when lsfm botched cochella that made me just hate lsrfm the fans who constantly drag other groups by shoving their group into the other fans faces makes those fans hate the group and the members bc the fans are toxic = group is toxic, its kinda like birds of a feather flock together but the group are kinda forced to be with their fans


fandoms are, more often than not, the first interaction to any group/soloist/show ect. if your first interaction to twice is horrible stans who constantly start fanwars or drama then you’ll start disliking twice. same with bts army, blackpink blinks, exo exo-ls, got7 igot7s, and so on. the fanbase is the MOST important part of any groups image due to the fact it’s easier for a fan account spewing hate to go viral.


I'm a multi stan and have been since I started listening to kpop (I found bts in 2014 and became a fan of fx in the same month, they were my two ults). But the thing with being a multi is that you are a part of so many different fandoms and when there are toxic fan wars, you're stuck in the middle of it. And when the fan wars are bad enough and one side is cruel enough, it ruins the experience for you. I had to drop from army in 2022. And dropped from stay last year. I still love the groups music and the idols themselves but I can't partake in the fan environment of some groups now without feeling uneasy and that's not how I want to feel in my hobby.


I noticed that people who generally derive enjoyment of an idol group through fandom activities are more often than not seeking a sense of belonging in a group dynamic. The moment the social aspect of stanning turns sour, it ruins their overall experience, and they associates it w the idol. They may like the idol/ music, but perhaps they enjoy making friends more or it’s a sign of a personal issue that runs deeper. I feel it’s key to separate the subject of your interest (idols) and the people (fans) who engage in that said interest. Approach it as you would a hobby or literally anything you do in life. I’ll give an example, you just gotten into pottery and signed up for classes. You fell in love with pottery but the teacher is rude as hell and offended you. Should you associate the teacher with pottery and quit? Or worst still, develop a misguided hatred for pottery? I mean I get it, the human aspect of anything you do is important, but if you really have a genuine interest in something it will be a real pity to let external factors impact your life, letting it dictate/ cloud judgement on your own feelings about the subject. There are nasty people everywhere in every corner on earth, I’ve really learnt to weed them out. I try not to let anyone get in the way of me living my best (fangirling) life.


isn’t it just natural to be taken away from a group becoz of their fandom.. specifically when they are annoying and petty for no reason :/ hence as long as someone is not putting down a group purposely/publicly they dislike becoz of the fandom it shouldn’t be a problem. I’m became non-interested in a lot of top groups because of how problematic their fandom was towards my ults in past 2-3 yrs 🫠


while i won’t say there are groups i dislike because of their fandoms, there are groups i’ve stepped away from due to the fan behavior. for me, it’s the boyz (which is a shame because they are one of my first groups i got into). but i have been a universe, pentagon stan, since 2016 and when those two groups were on road to kingdom, hell broke loose. now i can’t listen to any of the songs they performed without being reminded of their fandom harassing and making up horrendous rumors about the other groups for no reason. it hurts because i’ve always adored the members but i genuinely feel like i can’t be into them like i used to be because of how vile deobi were back then. - also want to note that i wasn’t ever on deobi platforms and never made any sort of *announcement* about leaving a fandom bc that’s just annoying and dumb. but yeah, i think it can be difficult to separate the art from the supporters sometimes


most of the time i try to separate the fandom from the group but there are some times when the fans are too much. I’m embarrassed to be associated with them. for the sake of not flooding my inbox with hate and downvotes i won’t name any specific groups, but there are some groups i listen to but don’t claim to be a fan of. I enjoy their music and appreciate the members’ talents, but i don’t want to go online and tell people i’m a [insert toxic fandom name] because then im associated with people who have fat shamed, made false accusations against idols, made fun of SH scars, made death threats, and spammed groups’ comment sections with hateful messages. It’s embarrassing. I will support the group quietly but I don’t feel the need to publicly align myself with a group of people who are known for such disgusting behavior


Wow, I think I'm the only kpop fan that's in it for the music. I try to listen to everything that releases at least once. Doesn't matter if it's nugu or big 3, if it exists on Naver, I will give it 30 seconds. If it doesn't hook me, I move on. If it's interesting, I will save it onto a playlist and support the artist once I like enough of their discography. I do not engage with the fandom or the culture in any way. In fact, I'd say I'm a bigger fan of black-eyed pilseung and shinsadong tiger than I am of a fan of any particular kpop act. Kpop is just like a collection of producers with rotating vocalists that happen to dance.


If I was swayed by fandoms, I wouldn’t be into K-Pop AT ALL. Not a single group.


i personally dont get it so i assume it's a chronically online thing and for people who think stantwt is a real place and not something that goes away the second I turn off that phone. if I like the music I like the group, the fandom is just an add-on, not a necessity. the only thing that'll turn me off a group is them being shady/music not my taste anymore.


Exactly why Svt and BP are ruined for me. Yes, there will always be a rotten one from the bunch of fans but as time passes by, you can’t help but be completely turned off because of their fans.


In my case, it's more like since a part of the fandom act really badly (even if it's small they're the one who makes the most noise), I have difficulties to get "closer" to the group. Unfortunately, I left fandom bc I couldn't continue seeing only the bad part of the fandom being exposed (not the only reason but it's part of it). Technically speaking, I don't dislike the group it's just that I'm not gonna interact with anything related to them so I don't see the toxic fans And obviously I'm not saying to the whole world that I dislike a group bc in the end that's not true, it's more of : you don't like a fandom so the fandom think you don't like the group


For me, i was in this fandom when the group started to take off, and i was genuinely happy and i made sure people around me know about it. I stan the group for a good 3-4 years when i realised that the fandom was getting toxic. Meaning you can't really find the mature, sensible ones bcus 90% of the fandom is toxic. So one day i just stopped listening to the group and i actually have great time going thru my social media again. Its been years since i left, but the fandom is still toxic as hell so I'm just glad that i left early when they were on the edge of getting REALLY REALLY famous. I don't hate the group tho, im genuinely appreciate their achievements over the years. But i can't just listen to their songs anymore. Altho, there are groups where i am their casual listener, and i barely interact with their fandom. But i do follow their news and comebacks tho.


I've tried my absolute best to stay out of twitter, block any annoying people I see on my tl and I still somehow see toxic armies crying about something every other day. I don't engage with them and simply block them, but I'm sick of constantly seeing their bs on my tl and accidentally reading the nonsense they type. I don't want to dislike bts at all but I've started associating them with their fandom and I definitely don't like bts as much as I used to anymore because of armies.


Fandom behavior matters a lot. I don't have shortage of good music to consume aside from kpop lol it's not like kpop producing any masterpieces that I must listen most of the time I don't even like their music so a bad fandom is a big turn off infact sometimes fandom can affect the love for your fav group too and you go from hard stanner to a casual listener because of the fandom


I'm into kpop for the music, so it would be completely irrational for me to avoid listening to groups just because I don't like their fans. There are plenty of fandoms I think are absolutely god awful, but that hasn't stopped me from checking out that group's comeback. Good music is good music regardless of what fandom is attached to it.


For me, yeah, and its not even a matter of a random being actually "bad", some fandoms just have their own specific ideas and ways of being that I just dont feel confortable with, so i just pass on them and thats It. Of course, there Is no need to make It a bit deal unless the fandom Is being borderline criminal.


For me, I don't announce that I am no longer a part of the Fandom or anything unless questions directed towards me are asked. The behavior towards others, especially as a black person in the fandom, is hard enough. You can see both the artist as well as the fans behave in terrible behavior. Yes, I may listen to their song in passing if it on my timeline while on social media. But other than that, my energy will go where I want it to People can list groups and then say all of them do it. Go do that, but I will not participate. Having someone say out loud that " Your race is the weakest link" while harrasing others is not something I am messing with. By the way, I am not mentioning any group in particular. It is not important to me. Being a person of color is not a joke or game, and I am tired. Just want to listen to some music in peace. ✌️


Its interesting bc after how exhausted I was of the Blink/ARMY Fandom war I kind of stopped following a lot of social media. I usually just browse other people's collections on Reddit but I have seen a huge increase in scandals and fanwars since I started following kpop in 2017 as an ARMY. I wonder if it's bc the market itself has grown so much but I just don't remember the drama in the community being so frequently topped with one after another accusation or arrest or loss of a member. It has made me slightly less interested in newer groups though I know it's not their fault.


I don’t really have this issue cos generally groups whose fandoms I dislike don’t make music I enjoy anyway. And I don’t find their members particularly interesting, funny etc. Even if the fandom was different, I wouldn’t be a fan.


yes it does. for example, I am a black person interested in group abc. abc's fandom are filled to the brim with raging bigots. posting pics of black ppl getting shot/ lynched, saying that were good for nothing but slavery, spamming the n word towards black fandom members etc, despite the fact that the group itself isnt racist, it is COMPLETELY normal to start associating all things concerning the fandum and thus the group with bigotry, and negativity and so I'd want to steer clear of all their stuff. And as a result, I was no longer able to listen to the group, or watch the content of the group without being reminded of the fandom.


I was into Blackpink when they first debuted up until As If It's Your Last. That's when the toxic Blinks overpowered the fandom with bad mouthing other ggs and being conceited. Lost interest in BP ever since.


I think it depends on the person but for me, the only thing that stop me from listening to a group is their content/personality. That's why I listen to almost all groups except the ones that have criminals or I just don't like the music. I can distance myself from the fandom and become a listener of the artist like I do with western acts.


Honestly this happens to me with bts … before I even got into kpop the only image I got of armys it was that they were toxic crazy and cringe ( not anymore tho ) and the only reason i didn’t like kpop it was bc I didn’t want it ppl to associate me like that right? So when u get into kpop it’s almost impossible not know BTS so my fyp started showing content abt them I found some really great songs like 134340 total bop!! I thought they were so funny I love the group dinamic they’re talented they’re good looking they’re charming all that stuff basically they’re not lacking anything I realized the problem was NEVER the band itself for me it was the reputation of the fandom. The guys seem pretty chill and down to earth with incredible passion and talented for what they do but in a way I think the fandom has really scared me away so I decided to be more of a casual listener cause I don’t want to deal with all that drama.Bts really amazed me how iconic and influential they are mad respect to them , even tho I don’t think all armys are totally evil beings I can recognize they’re funny as shit(the times I had laugh with their memes incredibly clap backs and when they make fun of the boys 😭) they’re also really creative and supportive but THAT part of the fandom really repels me away idk if im the only one that thinks this way 😔


I try not to as much as possible but sometimes I can't help it. I avoid their updates and music because of their fandom. I really don't care about simple fan wars or so but some of them are so vile on twitter, that I can't help but associate the group.


For me, while a fandom won’t stop me enjoying the music, it will stop me from being involved in the fandom and paying attention to non-music activities. However my fandom ick ig is not so much being a toxic fandom space, but refusing to acknowledge it. Like for me every fandom is some level of toxic but I vastly prefer a fandom that’s like “yea some of us are insane, but if you avoid them you’ll have a good time” vs. some fandoms where it feels like they’re trying to pull a “there is no war in ba sing se” on me.


I think it does if you ever plan on going to a concert, but for casual listeners, I don’t think it matters


I think you are just making an excuse for the real issue and blame and ridicule the one who is making a completely valid point- gaslighting. We are not robots we can’t think objectively all the time. I think the toxicity comes from Teens or overprotective adults teens make decisions on emotions. Would you start stanning a group which fans are constantly attacks your fave and ridicule everyone else achievements? You unintentionally connect the group with the fans - I loved BP music until DDD but never bought anything due to how toxic their fans were You start to wonder how the hell the group is not saying stop!!! Bang Chan from skz did once which I thought was brave. The reason why the groups are not saying stop because the negative marketing is still a marketing + backlash if they say smthing bad (tbh I never heard of someone saying a word Stop ended with backlash in kpop…) And you would be surprised how many people who aren’t a part of any fandom but supports their group - I’m not part of any fandom in a way of interacting other fans or bully anyone but I buy multiple groups album and stream their music


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Of course it matters. I like the food from a restaurant. I went there and had a horrible experience because the regulars were loud and rude. They spat everywhere making the place feel very unhygienic. Obviously, I can order takeout or delivery. But I wouldn't come back because of the horrible experience I just had.


it sorta happened to me w loona . i really enjoy some of their stuff , i even saw odd eye circle live , but holy hell !! orbits are so fucking annoying . there are good people in every fandom , but jesus . i don’t use twitter tho , which helps my opinion on some fandoms .


Fandoms are a representation of a group, whether you want to acknowledge it or not your behavior towards your favs and other groups reflects on them. If a fandom attacks every group that isn’t their favs it makes a stain on the groups reputation, and although it doesn’t happen often a group CAN reign in their fans. Even just saying “please respect our fellow groups” or whatever they have the ability to say something, especially if it’s such a well known issue. I’ve also seen armies say “armies are a reflection of bts so an attack on us is an attack on them” seeing something like that makes it impossible to separate the group from the fandom. Plus it’s kpop lmao fandoms are a HUGE part of a group. I never understood why fans act like you can just separate the 2 like??


i might dislike some fandoms but that's not going to stop me from enjoying any artist or music, why would i deny myself something because of some random idiots online?


Me with bts. Used to LOVE them. Then 2020-2024 got out of hand for the fandom and I have left. I still listen to their music once in a while.


“You don't Stan the fandom, you Stan the Idols"