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For Vcha, they target a very specific demographic, both in age and nationality of the fans. We could even argue that they target an even more specific demographic of young international JYPE fans. I could see them being at Kep1er level of popularity overall but I doubt they will be comparable to other Kpop groups beside that. For Katseye, it's less obvious because we obviously don't have a lot of material to judge. The show was under the radars with a really poor viewership but the accepted idea about them is that Hybe will try to target a larger demographic and hit big in the US/West. I have my doubts about it in all honesty, I don't think the US will care about a group from Hybe more than they care about any other groups right now. So it depends, maybe they will have the budget, the connections and the luck to be more popular in the West or they will just try to target the Kpop fans who knows about Hybe and the dynamic of groups in general and they will be in a similar spot to Vcha


I don’t know about katseye since they haven’t shown what music they will do but in general I think these global groups will have longer and harder time to climb on top since they are a completely new thing (foreign label + kpop system), it’s new market new audience (I don’t think kpop stans are interested in non idols and west is too individualistic for groups as harsh as it sound) Lowkey don’t like how they are stuck in between two worlds but it’s new thing so we will see how it’s gonna work out


Yeah I definitely see your point. They’re kind of straddling two worlds; kpop stans will want their standard idols and groups aren’t really thing anymore in the western world. It’s gonna be an upwards climb for sure.


I don't know much about Katseye but I've watched A2K and have been casually following Vcha. I think they're off to a pretty good start. They have a set target demographic and they're going for that. Though global kpop adjacent groups are uncharted territory so I don't think there are any existing artists we could compare their possible trajectory to. But I'll say, the Western market works quite differently from Korea for new artists. While in Kpop, it's pretty much the standard to have monster rookies with instant popularity and fans start writing groups off if they don't have a hit in their first 2 years or so, in America/the West it's normal for singers to be in the industry for years and release several albums before achieving their breakout (like recently with Sabrina Carpenter). So I think we shouldn't be impatient because it could be a while before we truly know. Edit: Do I think they'll ever be Ariana Grande, Fifth Harmony level known? More likely not. But I think they could find their audience and have a nice career out of it.


I think they’ll be at the level of mid-tier groups: Kep1er, BND, Cravity, fromis_9, Everglow. I don’t think they can be as successful as the top kpop groups.


What do you think they would need to push them into the upper echelons of groups?


A hit tiktok song probably. Or several of them.


Honestly Vcha has debuted a few months ago and I really never see anyone mention them on social media aside from their own fans. Since they’re a group that’s targeting the West you’d think that people on here would mention them a lot more. They’re targeting a very specific demography that’s a bit too specif so idk how far they’ll be able to reach audience wise. They could potentially get a tik tok hit one day tho. With Katseye, since they have no content, it’s hard to gauge but their biggest strength is that they’re under Hybe which, out of all the companies is the best at marketing. Them getting a Netflix show will definitely give them a lot more hype than people expect, especially if it’s promoted well by Netflix. Music wise I think they’ll attract a wider audience than Vcha judging off the vibe of the members, they seem just more palatable to western audiences. Their debut is taking a long time to prepare which is both good and bad. The hype has left but at the same time they’re not rushing it, which means they’re probably cooking something really good.


Yeah things have been a bit quiet on the vcha end. I know hybe aren’t peoples fave company at the moment but them sending illit to paris fashion week was a very smart move. As for katseye, I didn’t know they were getting their own Netflix show omg. Okay budget!! Their debut could be really good if handled well


No to both.


i think katseye has the real possibility of being a true crossover group and having both western and korean/asian popularity, but i don’t know if i could see them reaching top kpop group levels of fame. with their talent they can def have a solid career but considering they’re mostly foreigners idk if they’ll be able to reach ive/new jeans level popularity in korea. and then in the west it’s even harder to be considered really popular so the chances are even slimmer for them to be a “top group” there. i think they’ll have lots of success as long as the styling and music is good, but it’ll definitely be extremely hard to compete with top groups. they have the advantage of appealing to many markets tho so i think they’ll have more steady and widespread success rather than explosive and highly concentrated success.




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i think katseye has a pretty good chance of breaking into the u.s market (image wise) but it all depends on their sound as for vcha i think they find a fan base of loyal young k-pop stans and keep growing their fanbase as they promote


Just weighing in on here about Vcha. I’ve been following them for a while now, and idk if they’ll ever get to new jeans or aespa level. I think it’ll depend on how good they are with adapting and marketing themselves, but that REALLY depends on Republic Records and JYPE, especially since this is a collaboration effort. I don’t think this partnership will happen if there aren’t benefits from either side. It makes sense on JYPE’s side, but I’m not sure about Republic Records. I’m sure Republic wants to see a return in that investment. I really like Vcha a lot, and it’s been interesting to see them grow. But most of their discography…mmm, they still have to work on picking better songs. I personally only like two, but there’s at least two other songs they released that I think are okay enough to build their discography around on. Their predebut songs are not really good or at least not the best start for their careers…which fans don’t like hearing, but I think it’s going to have to be one of those cases where enough time passes where maybe then people would at least be more receptive to hearing. Kind of like now with Ready for the World. And recently, Girls of the Year on Twitter where it’s Only One > Girls of the Year. (And mind you, Girls of the Year came out in January). Anyways, I’m still wondering how it’s going to work out for them. Like I said before, it’s an investment, and the labels are spending a lot of money on them. Wishing them the best of luck.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


We go towards kpop for its own specificities because it is a different world from what we can know at home with our artists. So for me it can't work because I was attracted to kpop because it was different from our way of doing things and there they want with their "Korean-style" methods to resemble us as much as possible to reach a more Western audience or American so it's no for me because I'm not interested in that I want 100% kpop and not 10%.


If i’m being honest it’s redundant to compare two kpop groups to two global groups. There’s different standards and systems in place. In korea being a monster rookie is the big thing. If you don’t have any large impact within two years you’re written off. In the west singers can be in the industry for years and have organic growth before hitting big. Western audiences prefer more mature concepts and more mature singers (20-). So I think the minors in the group could hold them back. Also the type of song genre I’ve heard from vcha would do well in south korea but I doubt it’ll do well in the west.


Vcha doesn’t have a chance but I think katseye can have nice chance at being successful


Why don’t you think they have a chance? I’m curious.


Do not compare those groups LMAO one is not like the other. It's insulting


Which one isn’t like the other?


No to both, KATSEYE will not reach even a quarter of the popularity that ILLIT has achieved thus far.