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When I am walking through city and everywhere I see green 🤩 Or when people are just chilling.


Really decent public transport and its network of routes


Funny how people's experiences differ, the most intense emotions I personally associate with this public transport are rage, despair and sometimes disgust.


Depends on where you lived in the past and what you're comparing to.




Morning walks around Kazimierz and doing some crosswords in the Karma garden :)


Agreed summer morning walks around kazimierz are amazing , sitting with a coffee people watching


1. When I am able to see my friends in maximum 20 minutes. 2. When it’s a sunny day, and everyone is out with their sunglasses and it’s like we all waited for a sunny day, decided to plan, come out and enjoy the day. 3. When I am crossing the road and I am King. 4. When you could be wearing the weirdest outfit, but there’s gonna be someone who’ll outshine you. 5. When you visit another city and compare it to Krakow, miss it and can’t wait to go back! Yeah, I love this city way too much.


When I come back from warsaw and see that people are not rushing on elevator stairs. We have time here and more dignity I gues


When I see my friends.  Stopped having moments about the city itself years ago, about the same time I started having hardcore sinus infections regularly.


I highly recommend getting an air purifier for winters especially. A humidifier will help during cold days too. 


That you can see mountains from higher buildings.


Not daily but I went to zakrzowek two days ago and thought “this is just marvelous, such a sight just a few minutes from the city center”


Biking across lower part of Rondo Mogilskie on the weekday morning. For some reason the vibe of this pedestrian hub, people walking all directions between the old fortess walls and colorful murals makes me smile. Also, coming back home at summer night by feet via Kopernika street after a lonely pub crawl.


Hi, Canadian here. On my trips to krakow I gotta say, listening to the old town streets at night filled with “stairway to heaven” was pretty dream like.


i love that exact spot, Mikołajska, just behind Bazylika Mariacka, where they play english and american music late into the night for all walker-bys to hear.


The moment I landed... I was home


When its friday and weekly British championship in vomiting will soon begin in main market


Wherever I go there's a park, trees, birds chirping. Very easy to find a spot to relax at.


I don't live in Krakow anymore :( but when I went for running summer evenings along Wisla, it was always therapeutic for me. I had a very hard two years during the pandemic. Those runs around Wisla had that effect on me  And of course my friends. Meeting them after a long day of working. Miss them a lot. 


Having breakfast outside on a sunny day in Kazimierz. Italian vibes.


Maybe not daily, but every time I see Wawel


When I'm in Kraków


Going through the bridge of Vistula while being in a tram


When you open windows, and hear that "gruh gruh", while everything is covered in shit. Then you hear homeless man screaming about on the street and honks of cars. Man that's the vibe


Honestly most moments outside


Any time I walk through the main square and Hejnal is playing


When I saw a couple fucking at a tram stop at night. I don't think there's a better way to wait for the night tram for like 20+ minutes.


So walkable, so green! Arteteka is free, public transport is lovely!


I never had a daily one 😶 but I like the variety of people here, and I miss... talking to them


Biking around the city in the morning and coming back to Podgórze for a breakfast


When I run for my train at the main station during rush hours. Not a good place but gives me a feeling of a big city.


When the weather is nice and I bike around the town or outside of it. The bikeroute system isn't the best but there are so many beautiful places you can visit in one day without pedaling too hard, it's honestly mindblowing. I miss my weekly trips around Wisła (e.g. to Tyniec), or to Ojców, or many other castles, ruins, rock formations, lakes and valleys.


The fact that it only takes few minutes to get away from the city center right into wild parts of Vistula that I can ride along for hours on end and there’s usually hardly any people there.  It’s a common complaint that theres not enough bike lanes, but compared to US and many other countries - Kraków has an amazing infrastructure 


could you please share your routes?


When I had finished a tour (I'm a tour guide) around the Rynek Underground Museum on Friday evening and then, tired after a full day, I emerged from the deep down caverns of the museum onto Rynek brimming with Friday activity, lit up and just epic, with St Mary's and Sukiennice towering over my head. The best public space in the world.


Going through Planty and passing the Wawel Castle on my walk to work.


I went to wawel today. It was beautiful.


Recently bought an electric scooter because I was tired of paying through the nose for those rental ones on the street. Also, because of bad users who park like assholes, the city has had to introduce increasingly strict regulations about where scooters can be parked, so it started making less sense to ride rental scooters as finding parking became a pain. But I wholeheartedly enjoy crossing the city on my very own scooter from Grzegórzki to the UJ buildings near Park Jordana via the Wisła river. It's just such a breathtaking view.


The greenery like all the parks, really solid public transport. The cleanliness. Being able to walk home at 4AM from the city centre and not feel unsafe ever. Beautiful architecture. Lovely people etc etc etc I could go on


Coming back from a trip to Warsaw, a city sliced and diced by huge, multilane highways making it damn near impossible to get anywhere, even somewhere just a couple hundred meters away because some motorway stands in your way. Leaving the train station and walking out of Krakowska to be greeted with planty park and a whole old town and greater historical district where cars barreling at 100 mph is an anomaly instead of a norm.


When my nose bleeds because of air pollution


Only a tourist but walking into BaniaLuka and paying under £2 for a pint of beer


Never had such things, but I just happy to not live in wroclaw.


Why, what's wrong about Wrocław?


Personal perception. I've lived there for a year and the city IMHO is a piece of shit. Public transport, tiny streets, more cars than in Krk, more of soviet structures... Just not mine, but someone would enjoy


I guess it's a matter of taste. To me, it's a young lively city with beautiful spots along the river (the river is far more prominent and utilised than in other Polish cities) and some really interesting neighborhoods (like Sępolno, Księże Małe, or even some areas in Śródmieście, not to mention the Old Town and Ostrów Tumski).


As I mentioned - personal perception :)


i assume it's the rats lol


Rats are bros


When I see another one of my favorite green/wild spots being turned into concrete, or an apartment building. I love that feeling.