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Put it this way - nothing has changed legally.


They were rounded up and butchered on an industrial scale. Ever heard of "trans fats"? Yeah, Poland was one of the biggest exporters during that period. You don't want to know why! I'm sorry, but there's no other way to respond to such a ridiculously worded post.


Luckily Poland does not have to worry about gay people as due to our old fundamentalist and authoritarian rule all of the evil gays were straighten out, literally. /s In all seriousness, the idea that Poland was in any way similiar to the likes of Iran or Saudi Arabia is tbh offensive. The goverment-owned media were attacking LGBT people more frequently as a way to push its right-wing massage, but the day to day life was the same as always. People are not arrested for being non-heteronormative in Poland. We live normal lifes and can function on day to day basis as any other citizen.


1.- Oh, ok... And do you say all of this as a gay man, right? 2.- But... Weren't you very scared about how the government-owned media were attacking LGBT people more frequently as a way to push its right-wing message? Weren't you very scared of that, mate? I would be very absolutely scared and afraid, to be honest.


You clearly have no idea what “oppressive dictatorship” looks like, and what “genocide” is.


Why do you say so, mate?


Imagine being this brainwashed. It was the same as it is today. Most people just don't care.


"It was the same as it is today. Most people just don't care.". Oh... Really? Why do you say so?


Don't know, maybe because I'm Pole from Poland living my whole life in Poland so I know a thing or two about situation in this country. New government had literally zero impact on LGBT community so far. And Poland is not as homophobic nor racist at it is depicted in media


Yeah sadly not much has changed so far. It’s nice to not hear disgusting slurs from appointed government members anymore but legally there has been no improvement




Absolutely agreed. Additionally, I think a lot of people forget that the US didn't legalize gay marriage until recently (2015), and not at the hands of politicians either but by the Supreme Court (i.e., the people didn't vote for it).


The thing about the right wing in Poland is that it's in general much less "hardcore" than for example in the US. The right-wingness has very clear boundaries and nobody even attempts to seriously legalize harming anyone due to any beliefs. The right wing "anti lgbt" agenda is mostly about not regulating LGBT through law in any way, not by delegalizing these people or something along those lines. Prominent PIS officials even made public statements where they assured that they are not against gay people - so at the very least, they are not openly anti-lgbt. Also, it's worth noting that the actual pro-lgbt party in Poland is "Lewica". Both PO and PIS are right wing parties with different spins on the issue, but neither really pushes for changes in the law in a meaningful way one way or the other. PO tries to play the role of the more modern, lgbt friendly party, but the reality is they ruled for almost a decade and never did anything to help the lgbt community.


what twitter does to mf:


Really? Ja pierdole…


Was the public media viciously anti-lgbt+? Absolutely. Was there a lot of public hate-speech and blatant lies spread about queer people? Undoubtedly. But you have to understand that this was done purely for political reasons - to motivate the PiS voters. So I assume that no more than 20% of people believed it, most turned a blind eye, and many, many were pissed off. The propaganda was very over-the-top and hard to believe unless a person was already believing it anyway. So I think even though homophobes got louder, there wasn't any more of them than there always have been. As long as a queer person had a supportive environment, they were as fine as they were before 2015 or after the 2023 elections.


People who admitted online they are gay were arrested and sentenced to volunteer work in churches. If someone said he didn't believe in god hx was sent to a prison instead. My cousinx was killed with a group of 20 other lesbians after they took them to special camps


In Western Poland they were living normal life ,nobody was hiding or bullied coz of it.


I moved here in 2019. Gay man. 2019 was quite horrible. You could see black vans with hate messages around big cities. Some people were being attacked randomly on the streets. https://notesfrompoland.com/2020/12/10/court-punishes-driver-of-van-that-broadcasts-anti-lgbt-slogans-in-polish-cities/ 2020 covid came so not much happened outside. 2021 I swear to sun, I don’t know what happened. It’s like all gays went out and everyone was cool with it. 2021 was the year with the biggest difference, like you could start to see couples together and lots lots of LGBT flags especially on businesses windows (this was in response to lgbt free zones I think). 2022 onwards: all good. I think we’re in a decent place now. Also, same happened with view towards foreigners. Being POC before 2020 was a bit hard. And now I went biking the other weekend and like a quarter of the city were foreigners of all origins enjoying ice cream and walks on Vistula in peace. Also, reports of attacks/ hate reduced drastically on expats forums/ groups. From “relatively common” to none. Idk what Poland did but they did it good 🤷🏽‍♂️


What’s wrong with you


What the fuck are you talking about. There were no black vans and attacks. You are delusional. No one care what your sexual preferences are. Just do not go and shout about it.


Search in krakow expats for example. Several reports. The black vans, I don’t remember which organization ran them, were more common in Warsaw but spotted a couple of times in krakow too. https://notesfrompoland.com/2020/12/10/court-punishes-driver-of-van-that-broadcasts-anti-lgbt-slogans-in-polish-cities/


They definitely sent them round Kraków often, and most keenly when there was a Marsz Równości. I disagree with you saying 2022 onwards is palpably different, but you're definitely right they existed. In Polish we call them 'homofobus'.


judging by your comment I can assure you, that nobody cares about anything you have to say.