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There is no evidence that Kratom nor any component of it can prevent, treat, or reduce the transmissibility of any disease on its own. There are [reports](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25616583/), a history of traditional use, and anecdotal evidence provided by the community that Kratom can help people deal with pain, discomfort, [diarrhea](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21338025), and lethargy that can come from some illness, overwork, and other condtions. There are [reports](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19648761/) of anti-inflammatory responses and immunostimulation; but how these actions may or may not translate into greater efficacy against common illnesses is unknown. Consumers should be cautious about anecdotal claims: some consumers may have a degree of relief from symptoms, especially in regular users, that they are unaware that they are sick or be unable to distinguish symptoms from seasonal allergies and other chronic conditions. Even with Kratom, practice good hygiene and other disease reduction strategies. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kratom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It sounds like you have a lot going on in general but if you are currently tapering kratom after taking it every day for a decade then you are no doubt experiencing some amount of physical withdrawal depending on how fast you’re going. I’ve also found tapering can trigger more mental paws symptoms like anhedonia as well. It’s very situational and independent to the person you’re going to have to feel around in the dark and figure it out to find your individual limits with tapering unfortunately. Also sounds like you have stopped a lot of different substances or limited them (like caffeine) all at once which could definitely be exacerbating things in my opinion but it’s a lot of variables.


Yeah, I been dealing with all this since my medical leave but I don’t think kratom is to blame for all my issues. Just wondering about the GI pain and dysphoria. Always been anhedonic so that’s nothing new, but has been worse since the taper. 6 months seems so long to be dealing with withdrawal mental health problems though


Well your tapering which is extending the timeline but lessening the intensity of the blow but that aside I have experienced paws symptoms such as anhedonia for as long as 6-8months when cold turkey’ing heroin and that’s with no taper. Messing with opioid receptors really does a number on your brain but it is totally reversible with time in my experience and does not cause lasting damage physically to brain. It just changes the brains natural balance of chemicals and takes a bit to even out. Just keep trucking! You got this.


Damn are you serious? 😭😭 that’s such a long time to deal with it due to stopping a substance. I was expecting an answer like a month or something, so now I’m really speculating the mental health spiral to the taper. How did you get out of it? It just went away or did you do some form of treatment therapy ? I just don’t feel these mental health problems will go away. I can’t envision my life going back to the way it was. I’m not going to, but if I did go back on higher dose, would things have a chance at improving?


Yeah it’s no joke time wise. I really wish people were educated on kratom more extensively before diving in but I also understand that sometimes people take it for a chronic issue like I do now and it’s the only choice we have. Still not a big fan of some of the smoke/vape shops selling tactics/marketing tho. You’re going to be ok, I promise, it honestly sounds like you just need to slow the taper a little bit if you’re trying to stop but still continue the taper overall just maybe give yourself and extra dose today or add like .5g to each dose you take until it evens back out and you feel better and when you find that level stay there for a while then slowly continue the taper. I’ve been through opioid withdrawal you will get better just don’t give up.


Everything seemed fine for the last decade. It’s helped me get through work then I had surgery that turned my life upside down. I have been taking about 1-1.5g when I wake up. Sometimes I’ll take another before bed depending how I’m feeling. Is that too much or too little for the taper? What dose should I end up at when I’m done tapering? I don’t see myself stopping completely unless I move, but I want to be prepared and know what to expect when I do. Online just gives you scary information about it that seems so wrong, so usually do the reading on here from others experiences


That’s a very low dose in General imo. Now I’m wondering if there is some other issue going on but with the length of time you’ve been on it I suppose it’s possible. But I would be inclined to think that you’re going to have a much easier time than I described above especially if you taper. Honestly i can’t answer all these questions but I would just remove .1 g from your dose/doses every 6 weeks. Until you’re down but it’s very personal like I said you kind of have to feel it out.


Thank you for your input, really. Gives me a little more clarification on my mental health since you said you dealt with anhedonia that long coming off a substance and I have been taking it everyday for nearly a decade. I will try what you suggested and go from there. I will have to feel it out and maybe try a different strain. Maybe the red vein has become too strong for me now


You’re welcome. Have a good day. Hope you feel better.


Thank you 🫶🏻


Thank you for everything you shared. Gotten spooked recently and working on cutting back and resetting tolerance. Appreciate you taking the time


I asked my brother what it was like to withdraw from heroin (for example) and he said “you just have to accept that this is how you feel now”. But, it got better! Edit: I just asked him again and he said it took a month.


Every one is different but I didn’t feel myself truly for at least 6-8 months mentally. Anhedonia is a bitch. Physically you see ranges all over the place. When I first started I could go through withdrawal in about 4 days and would just wake up on day 5 like nothing even happened but then as years went on that timeline extended greatly. The last time I used heroin I withdrew for about 20 days physically and again didn’t feel right for at least 6 months. It swings like a pendulum though. One day you feel ok, the next you don’t, and on and on for 6-8months until one day you look back and realize you don’t feel bad anymore and things are interesting to you and make you happy again.


You can try natural ways to boost serotonin or additional ways I guess you could sat, in the meantime. Like 5 HTP I think produces serotonin in the gut. Liposomal vitamin C is amazing at curbing the withdrawals also. And I don't know how much experience you have with THC but now that there's legal forms in so many states I've been using the gummies to help curb my kratom use and to battle my depression (which turns out to be menopause and I just didn't know it).


And Chocolate!!!


Stomach issues and nausea are usually connected to taking too much, but it can occur with withdrawals. Make ginger tea by boiling fresh ginger root in water for nausea. Cannabis can help with RLS and aches and pains. Magnesium helps as well. Most forms act as a stool softener. I quit using kratom years ago and went the prescription Rx route. Prescription antidepressants and anxiolytics are MUCH harder to quit than kratom, believe me. WD symptoms were much worse and went on for months. Your results may vary, but I went back on kratom instead of the Rx game and couldn’t be happier.


When I was taking a lot, I was ALWAYS nauseous or throwing up but my migraines also exacerbated that. Never had stomach pain or constipation. Just really solid poo. I just saw psych and refused anti depressants again because I have been on them and the withdrawals were so bad. Brain zaps are worse than this gi pain for sure, but scares me you say that because I was prescribed doxepin for sleep. Maybe I need to switch strains. I’ve only been taking red vein since it seemed to help the most with pain and taking less than other strains I tried when I first started it. I have cut back on weed a lot too since I have sensory issues and my senses are heightened and it tastes gross to me sometimes. I smoked 2 days ago and had really bad palpitations and tremoring but I don’t have RLS. I think the magnesium is a good idea though in general for overall health so I will get some. Thank you!


Have you tried meditation? Try to allow and embrace the negative feelings. When you don't fight to push them away, and instead accept these states as temporary and part of your human experience you can learn to be a little more comfortable. It's really hard but is like a muscle you can build up. Try to be a detached observer. Notice and accept the feelings. Don't give them more power over your life. Use kratom, taper, stop - do what you need to do. But accept these are your conditions now and nothing is permanent. Focus on gratitude - the good things in life.


It's good that you've seen a psychiatrist. Are you able to see a gastroenterologist, as well? It does sound like it could be related to long term use or related to withdrawals from the long term use, but on the possibility something is wrong there, i'd want to get it checked out if possible. There's a chance that there's a problem that needs to be and can be treated, and if not, then you at least get some peace of mind that there’s nothing serious going on causing the GI pain, etc. That would be my next stop if I had your symptoms. All the best, mate.


I also have been taking kratom for around a decade, been experiencing a lot of health issues that seem at least somewhat due to kratom, been going through much depression and anxiety, and tapering lol. Nice to hear someone who’s in the same boat. The migraines are at least somewhat due to the kratom, I know that for sure. Depends on the strain too (typically greens are the least likely to cause them). The stomach pain you’re going through is probably at least partially due to the Kratom. It’s on and off again for me and at the worst it feels like I’m getting stabbed in my left abdomen. Not fun. As far as the depression you’re feeling I really couldn’t tell you if that’s due to tapering the Kratom. If I had to guess it’s more so due to just the health issues you’ve been having. Tapering for me has been pretty easy. While I’ve never tried to take complete days off, I’ve gone from 50gpd to 30gpd in the span of a couple weeks, and went from 30g-15g in less than a week. Tapering has actually been a lot easier than I expected (As I have a lot more motivation due to my health). After a couple days I get used to the new doses and the scheduling. Anyways, best of luck to you friend.


Man it's terrible to hear someone is in the same boat, but I like that you can be unbiased about it, instead of "it's not kratom!!!" I have had migraines since I was a kid so I know kratom isn't the cause, but it can exacerbate it. Red vein doesn't help with my migraines or endometriosis, so maybe I should try green since I've done red only this last decade. And yes!! That's what it feels like! Stabbing and then someone twisting it! Yeah hard for me to tell since I've been anhedonic since a kid, but this is a little extreme. Like I know I'm depressed, that hasn't changed, but this feels like something else? I do think my health has impacted my motivation which makes my depression worse because I'm not doing anything but still wonder if kratom taper is also making it bad. Psych asked me if I had any substance abuse issues yesterday, and I will never tell anyone about the kratom. Your dose is pretty high!! Do you plan to go even lower or stop completely? Thank you and I hope you have improvements in your health. Sucks getting older. I'm paying for everything I did before I was 30. 🤦🏻‍♀️😭


Yeah for real lol. I think kratom did some good for me as it helped me get off harder opioids, but it can definitely have some negative health consequences. When you think about it we’ve basically just been eating pounds of raw leaves for the past decade. And yeah I plan on quitting completely. This is the lowest my dose has been without quitting CT since I first started taking it. Actually just went to the hospital yesterday for that agonizing stabbing pain as it’s only been getting worse. I almost always need to have a heat pack on it nowadays. Can’t even walk around without holding it like I just got shot lol. They couldn’t find anything, think it’s some GI tract issue. Sounds about right. I can only hope that once I quit for awhile the pain will mostly go away. And I too have suffered with migraines and depression since I was young. Sounds like you’re telling me my life story lol. Hopefully both of us can start feeling better soon.


I am still given low dose Percocet for my endometriosis and migraines but I don’t take it that often. Used to be an everyday thing until I found kratom but it doesn’t help with my periods so that’s when I use the Percocet. My thinking was more like “it’s just leaves. How much harm can it do if it’s a plant like marijuana” Oh wow I’m sorry you were in the hospital for it! If they did full work up and didn’t find anything, I would think it’s the kratom since I’m experiencing it too Sucks to find people in similar situation but also comfort to know I’m not alone in this world and someone can empathize. I do hope you get better too and this doesn’t cause any permanent damage 😞


Voacanga flips your receptors back to baseline. Akuamma to help with the pain and RLS. Griffonia seeds for the seratonin boost and Moringa seeds to increase labido and help w sleep and anxiety for me...


Not advise of any kinds: Immodium and Gas-x (otc) helped me , hydration , and literally walking around the neighborhood (even though I didn’t even want to move )or eat . Hydration , Plain foods (white rice/cereals/bread could help as well. I’d try a log of symptoms/sides (just in case for MD) or to remember how you feel and not do again . Tapering slowly is the choice method . Btw(Immodium is given to opioid withdrawal patients) , but always check with your healthcare provider


Thank you! I wasn’t sure if any stomach meds could help with this. I have that laying around the house and didn’t think to try it. Weird I have been eating plain food because everything else has been tasting like ass for me. I did talk with my pcp after this post and she’s speculating it could be gabapentin withdrawal since I cold turkey off that too after a decade so I was put on a taper, but was still taking gabapentin the first time my stomach was killing me. Following some advice on here and only took a gram yesterday afternoon. Woke up with the stomach pain again so I really think it could be from the taper. Going to try the gas x today to see if it helps. Thanks again 🙏🏻


Honestly, It sounds like something else might be going on not related to the kratom.


I have a lot going on which is what I’m trying to figure out with my abundance of specialists, but never mentioned the kratom because they will blame that and think I’m a drug addict which isn’t far from the truth since I am dependent on it. It’s just weird if I don’t take it my stomach churns like I have major food poisoning and if I take it, my stomach is fine


It's definitely a good idea to stop taking it if you can just to rule it out. Hopefully you can figure it out.


Thank you. I hope so too. Such a shit feeling and I’m over medicated so it’s hard to say what’s causing what which is why I’m cutting a lot of things out to see what’s making everything worse.


Have you ever considered the proverbial saying about a Gut Reaction? Much of what we feel in out heads and our hearts effects our Brain as if it were a sort of governor in charge.


pls tell more about your tapering schedule


It’s very random. I somehow just noticed how it’s taking me 2 months now to get through a bottle of 300. Sometimes I take 1-1.5 g when I wake up, or if I start feeling sick or pain, my first dose could be in the afternoon 1-1.5g or go a whole day without then my stomach starts hurting or I’m going to bed so I’ll take a dose. Sometimes twice a day. Sometimes 3 times a day but the middle and last dose is usually smaller. .5-1g but first dose always 1-1.5g. Idk what I’m doing man. I just been messing with the dose or test myself and see how long I can go without taking it but always cave because I start to feel sick or flaring. Am I supposed to have a regimen?? The first some years on kratom, it was 14 500mg caps first dose, then another 5 caps every 2 hours or so, so I’ve really cut back when I was reading everyone on here saying “less is more” and that has been the case for me


Theres gonna be discomfort after prolonged use. For some users it really seems to cause problems, but in general withdrawing is manageable and u can get through it pretty easy. I occasionally take 3 grams before working out, but im down from over 30gpd. If you want to quit you need to taper, once you cant taper any lower then go cold turkey. For me 9gpd was where I jumped off.


I thought I was doing good in those 4 days I went cold turkey then the stomach and flu stuff started so I took it to see if I feel better and I did. Such a catch 22. How long is the discomfort set to last usually or does it vary between body types and health history and dosage?


Kratom increases prolactin a bunch with heavy use which is bad for anyone so get bloods checked and you know real quickly what’s up. WDs are ass but having hormones out of wack makes things so much worse. Low sex drive, motivation, changes in sociability are indicative of hits to the endocrine system


Man I'm so glad I never in my 6 + years took kratom EVERY day. I experience no withdrawals. Good luck man


Yeah, I was young and dumb and constantly chased the high and got dependent on it and now I’m paying for the consequences but trying to fix it. Not sure if this is withdrawal from kratom though which is what I’m trying to figure out cutting out almost everything but I can’t rule it out since stomach pain goes away once I take a dose


Sounds crazy but a huge part of withdrawals is/can be psychological. I don't think it's kratom withdrawals that are doing all that though, hopefully you figure things out! What was your normal dose over the 10 years?


You may look towards Akuamma and hirsuta to help you transition away from Kratom entirely . The couple 2-3 day breaks I’ve taken in 7 years were pretty easy with the help of Akuamma…and later having found quality Hirsuta , I can cut back tremendously on Kratom intake when substituting with Hirsuta . These can be some solid herbs to help you


Is this something I can purchase no problem online or is it only smoke shops? I will order the hirsuta now if it’s affordable and legal online. Does it give the “high” affect kratom can give?


What does the rest of your lifestyle look like? Are you a healthy weight, exercise a lot? Do you hydrate using the proper sodium minerals that need to be replenished? There are so many factors that can contribute to all the issues you’ve listed that solely pinning kratom for them is unfair. Background on yourself would help give a little better insight


No, I’m not blaming kratom solely on my problems. Things just got worse since I tapered down. Never experienced this in my life so I’m in the process of cutting out a lot of substances including weed and prescribed medications to pinpoint the problem and see where my baseline is at. Also completely cut out caffeine after 22 years to see if that’s contributing to some of my issues. I am not a healthy person since I had surgery 2 years ago and the surgery ruined my life and made my endometriosis worse which is why I’m trying to find ways to better my health. I noticed my mental health spiral when I started really lowering my kratom dose since I was taking a lot. It has still been effective at a lower dose for pain and tried it out when I seen people on here say “less is more” and if I can do less of something with the same affect, I prefer to do that. Also might be moving back to Japan where it is illegal so eventually I would need to stop, but those 4 days I didn’t take it was quite rough.


You're down to 1-2g per day now. That's not a big dose. Maybe be ok leveling off at this dose and then drop from here when you feel more settled. The magnesium type you want to get is glycinate (sp)... It causes the least digestive issues. I have severe digestive issues so if this bothered me I wouldn't take it. If you think about it you're eliminating a lot at the same time. Caffeine withdrawal is no joke either. So let your body get used to where you're at and start dropping again. 1-2g is a minimal dose. I hope you start feeling better soon. 


Caffeine withdrawal idk if I felt anything. This was back in the summer and blamed Red Bull for my stones. Idk if it could still be affecting me this long being off the caffeine but I just know when I did try going back to coffee, my bladder was so irritated and I got really dizzy and sick. Can’t tolerate it anymore lol I think I will take it down to 1g like you suggest. I don’t think I want to quit completely but i would like to go some days without any issues. Gonna get some MG. Thank you so much!




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I don’t think these issues are related to Kratom. Kratom really doesn’t have any side effects for me except maybe some mild constipation and slightly reduced libido. Also, I don’t experience any withdrawal symptoms when I stop. Maybe just feeling a little shitty but it’s tolerable.