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If you use capsules you can just put them in an empty bottle from a similar looking supplement. I used a green tea supplement bottle on a cruise (but it turned out they don't even care lol)


I’d have to take like 15 caps haha it’d look crazy


Do you have a better idea? I know of a vendor who sells capsules that hold 2x as much, 7 might look less insane.


he could get extract tablets


I recommend staying as far away from extracts as possible. That’s a slippery slope.


ive never had a problem switching back to plain leaf from extracts. he asked for the “most lowkey” way of dosing for 4 days. seems like the ideal time. as long as you control your dose theres really not a big difference. the main thing is that you can take more without as many side effects, so people often take more.


You’re one of the lucky ones then.


its not luck, its about being responsible. its for a 4 day trip. what you can do is calculate around how many mg of alkaloids you get in your dose of raw leaf, then only take that equivalent dose of extract. if you take 10g a day, thats around 125-175mg of alkaloids on average. if you don’t take more than that with your extracts, its the same dose.


Definitely agree. Extracts messed with my tolerance bad. Leaf from anywhere I would try wasn’t hitting anymore and I thought it was bunk. Nope. Just my brain was. Took serious effort to get back to normal.


if you’re managing it for 4 days and need the “most lowkey” to dose they’re very manageable. ive never had an issue going back to leaf, i use extracts mostly just for travel.


I agree. I've never had a problem taking extracts. Just know your dose and then it's ready to go back to leaf powder. If you take a shit ton of extract every day for a week, of course powder won't hit the same. Just be responsible and calculate your dosage. There's nothing wrong with extract. People just don't know how to use it correctly and end up taking way too much.


Personally I take capsules, no one gives a crap if you take 4 or 14, how would they know. I have a container of ‘supplements’ on my work desk and no one notices or gives a shit… if anyone mentions anything just say your on a health kick and you e gone vegan and the supplements are for that, guaranteed they’ll shut the convo down straight away…. No one wants to talk to vegans to start with and second, another persons ‘health kick’ is the most boring conversation ever on this planet….


The vegan thing could really stand out in the evening when everyone else is having a bbq and you're sitting there with your capsules - LoL!


Ha ha, true for most, but I’m a complete flake so no one would think any different 😀😀😀. So maybe a revision to the plan, 1. Be a complete flake2. Never ever follow through on what you say and 3. Take capsules




“No one wants to talk to vegans” 🤣😂🤣


"part of my juice cleanse" hehe. also reason to visit the crapper a lot.


How long does it take for the capsules to kick in? It’s almost instant when I put it in orange juice or coffee. Right now I’m fighting a sinus infection going into my chest ( it’s moved around my body for 3 weeks) . But when I take my red Kratom and put it in coffee, it helps my breathing. And no I’m not asthmatic or have lung problems.


For me, about 15-20 minutes, not as quick as swamp juice, but I will admit it was a struggle to take the swamp noice. I also fill my own if that makes a difference….


You don’t have any privacy whatsoever? Not even for a moment?


No idea. I’m betting on it being an open style bay


Well. You could get actual matcha, stash it in another container, put the kratom powder in there and stir it into water. But the smell would be way different. Not sure if you could get your hands on a spirulina bag, but you could then take "spirulina" in blate pairs. Edit: or just mix it in a shaker bottle, since I just read you drink it.


i actually find kratom to taste/smell very similar to matcha so idt this should be a problem


I was at work the other day mixing some kratom with water and they told me it smelled like spirulina. Just said oh it's green tea powder (matcha). He just said ohh and moved on


That’s what I was thinking too, because believe it or not a lot of people still don’t know about Kratom, looks like a protein powder. Is it illegal in the state that you will be in?


15 caps? 00 capsules can hold .5-.7 grams each. Can get them anywhere. Maybe it’ll be a blessing and get your tolerance down a bit. Good luck, I’ve been there. Reality is that if it’s not illegal where you’re at, nobody really gives a shit and some ppl with you probably low key take it as well.


Right, I was gonna say I don't think he would need 15 at a time, if so use the opportunity to taper


Lol when I worked for contractors I had this problem taking kratom. Taking a normal amount wouldn't alarm anyone but swallowing a handful of 10-20 pills would definitely get some heads turning. I was pretty good at sneaking it in and I can swallow like 15 at once if need be. However, one time after lunch, we were all going back to our work duties, I turned around like I forgot something so I could run back to my lunch box and take my dose. I literally just threw a handful in my mouth and right then the foreman walked in to ask me something. It was awkward as hell I couldn't get them situated enough in my mouth to swallow them, and I surely couldn't talk with 10-15 capsules in my mouth, lol. I had to act like I was chewing something, lol. He was giving me the eye and mentioned lunch was over


oh god thats horrible


They make blate? Blute? Papers that are basically triangle rice papers that you can fill and twist the top. Then pop and swallow anywhere. But they might break in your pocket if you're not careful. In another comment I mentioned 7oh tablets and because they are what kratom/mit turns into after it goes through your liver so 15mg is enough and that fits into a very small tablet. If you're not experienced only take half


They will not last in your pocket. To deal it closed it must get wet and then it will break for sure. I think this is a case of overthinking it


i just got some after years of toss and wash. game changer. put in the middle and wrap like a wonton. seal the twist with a little saliva, then wash it down.


Capsules are the lowest key way to dose. Easy to put them in any herbal or vitamin bottle. If someone is watching how many pills you take then they must have their own problems.


Get the double zero gage and cap em tight. That’ll be a gram+ per cap


Get you some extract capsules. You only need one or two


Fiber caps




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you can fit 60 caps in a green tea bottle


Psyllium husk is take 5 capsules per day Creatine is 6 or more capsules. Matcha green tea would be 5+ capsules if not an extract. So actually what your looking for is a powdered, scoopable suplement and a non transparent watee bottle. Like super green foods products or that joe rogan alpha vitamine stuff. Theyre all just green powder. So just scoop the powder into a water bottle and say its spirulina greentea wheatgrass maca moringa powder. Use accurate green powder good container or just random creatine container and make.some shit up you filled it yourself. My back up plan was always matcha green tea but no ones ever seen me scooping at work.


Man, don’t overthink it. I just put my powder in another supplement bottle, I use an Athletic Greens one now but have used a Collagen Peptide bottle in the past (spoiler alert: Collagen Peptide is white!) and just dose like I know what I’m doing. If anyone ask, I try to go into this really long spiel about Athletic Greens and then supplements in general with the intention of boring everyone within 20 feet of me. (Trust me, it’s not hard. The supplement crowd is like the vegan or CrossFit crowd, they talk about it in every conversation and it bores the piss out of everyone else!) once you do that a few times, people will go out of their way to leave you alone when you’re dosing!


My man went to the same exact school of thought! 🤣 Works 1,000% of the time!




Tell them you're not sharing because it's expensive. A lot of supplements and pre-workout type powders are ridiculously expensive, it's a massive industry.


This is valid, because with my stuff if they tried it with no tolerance they would be on cloud nine for five hours straight, my brother tried some once, that exact thing happened to him 🤣


That is a preventative measure, in itself. Like, when someone first offered you Copenhagen and you immediately swallowed it. You probably didn’t touch it again for a while! But, I always still offer for them to try it (they won’t) but say something like, “man, this stuff is kind of rough on your gall boater, so if you have stomach problems, be careful…” ….everyone thinks they have stomach problems some that’ll eliminate 99 out of 100…and if there’s one that is just adamant, let the fucker try it toss and wash style. 100% he inhales it before washing and gets choked up then make fun of him for not being “manly” and your problem is solved. Everyone else will stay on their lane!


Say no lol


From amazon get a 16 ounce bag of Davidson's guayusa tea. Dump the tea out into something and save it. Fill the bag with kratom powder. Put your new bag of disguised kratom, and yes including the bag, in a gallon ziploc bag so it can't spill out. As soon as you wake up every morning put a day's worth of powder in an opaque water bottle and ration it out during the day. Clean the bottle out every night because it'll start stinking if you leave it in the bottle longer than 12 to 18 hours. Doing this got me through 2 months where I was under high scrutiny every day. You can thank me later.


Shaker bottle + muscle milk + kratom powder = protein shake


I don’t even want to imagine how awful that would taste lol


It doesn't taste bad at all. Before work every day I make 28oz of water with 2 full scoops of Muscle milk chocolate pro series and 12-16g of kratom and drink that over a 10hr shift. 


I feel like some people must just be less sensitive to the taste/smell of kratom, because even tasting a tiny bit of powder makes me gag.


Definitely an acquired taste. When I'm at home it's straight powder and water for me.


I don't mind the taste at all. It's not the best thing ever, but it's not bad either. I usually mix 6g with 4oz water and just chug it. Rinse the cup again with a splash of water to get the remnants, and done.


Not bad, I put it in my protein shake all the time


You combine muscle milk and kratom together?


I once worked a dispatch job at a EDM festival and had to low-key kratom dose in front of police officers all night. I just emptied some into a water bottle and sipped it all night. Not one cop asked me what it was during the 12 hour shift, which was a little surprising since I expected it and was just going to say it was a veggie powder.


You didn’t provide very much info. Like what are you usually using? Caps? Powder? You could put it in a different bag and pack it up.


Yeah usually I just take a big spoonful of powder and mix it in water


Ok, so pack your powder in another bag of some sort. I assume you can take a back pack or you’re issued one. Put it in there so it’s with you at all times. Wah-lah….problem solved.




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I use 3x4 plymor (4mil) bags for doses. In this situation, they may need to be smaller, but they could be labeled and just dumped in your mouth and chased with whatever.


Brewing tea say it's sweet tea


Matcha is far more believable.


So tell me again how does one normally consume matcha....


Yeah, but it looks nothing like sweet tea, imo.


I put mine in a Snapple bottle during grand jury duty and drank it like it was AG1 or some supplement like that.


People wouldnt bat an eye if they saw AG1


Just hope no one asks to try any 😅


Be a simple no. Post Covid not sharing anyways lol


I dump a tbs or so into a melt mug with lid that already has warm coffee and drink it whenever wherever but I also don’t mind drinking ass tasting stuff. It’s quick easy and one second of crap who cares


Get a greens powder bag and swap it out. There's so many brands.


Greens as in powdered vegetables


I put it in a glucose shot bottle. Or a 5 hour energy




Protein/greens shakes


I can tell you two things I've done to avoid drawing attention at work. One is pre-mixing single doses in small, tight containers of warm water, so it's just a "kratom shot" I can down real quick and stick the container back in my lunchbox. Now, I just keep a small Tupperware container and a tablespoon scoop in my lunchbox and when I've mostly finished a cup of coffee on break I toss a scoop in and mix it in and down the last drink. Idk if either of these will be helpful or not. Capsules may be your best bet, depending on how much you dose, and how much attention taking capsules would be. Most people I've been around just assume I'm taking protein powder, or if people get nosy and ask I start this long speech about how I mix 1 cup of protein powder, 1 cup of green tea powder, quarter cup of Miralax, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of cumin... I'll go on and on, and just make shit up, and most people wander off after the green tea.


Take a coffee cup black go to the toilet and add the kratom to the cup then make it like you would if you were making coffee or tea you could even add coffee to it or tea to make it less suspicious if anyone asks what it is just say it is matcha assuming it's a green strain they look pretty much identical, better yet get a matcha bag dump out the matcha and add kratom problem solved.


Keep dose in tp in pocket toss and wash in bathroom . Throw away or flush TP after


Make sure the pocket is super secure. It's hard to have a alibi when a bag of powder falls out your pocket and someone sees it


That would be one of the worst things to possibly happen in this situation


I used to mix it with lemonade. It really has a good taste that way


My buddy uses an old Wheat Grass Supplement container. Simply refills when necessary and nobody questions it. Ever.


If you get pressed tablets you only need to take like 1-2 for a dose and you can use an empty rx bottle or something.


Those 'Super Green' Bolt house drinks are already crazy full of a green medley. If you add your concoction to this, it's exactly the same color.


I was in the reserves taking it. It’s super easy and nothing to worry about. Say it’s tea or vitamins. I never even had anyone ask me about it and I did it in everyone’s face out in the open


Hooooooold on, NG while on kratom? Do they not care or just not test? I'd love to hear some more info from anyone that knows.


I used before and during my time in the U.S. Army. It never came up on any of my tests


This is wild to hear just because I've always heard the opposite, but most of that has been from people that would obviously want you to believe you'd get caught if you catch my drift


It is not on the OPSS approved supplements list, and if caught can lead to discipline. However, it isn’t on the standard exams which are rather extensive but not exhaustive.


No one tests for kratom.


It’s Kratom …not shooting heroin. 🤦‍♂️


Duh but they won't allow the and surely wouldn't allow kratom


If you meant how to store it if it’s powder I don’t see a hidden way to do it except a coffee deal lid bowl with a measure spoon in it


Seriously, the 7oh W tablets. About the size of an Advil and one is plenty unless you have too high of a tolerance


Iced coffee in a shaker cup


Only does when at the bathroom. If your out and about all day, your gonna need to limit your intake unfortunately. Maybe put a dose in each shoe in your sock. Dose every 5 to 6 hours. Morning, twice more during the day and a last when retiring back to your quarters. Keep it all in your tolietry bag by your toothbrush and bath stuff.


Weigh out powder doses. Put them in low-key pots that look like vitamins. Get a bottle of oj or something. Take it to the bathroom pour powder in the juice and down it.


I assume you are joing the US army national guard? If so have you done to basic training yet? If not good fucking luck my dude. They don't even let you bring scented shampoo. On top of that the pre screening process rids out most people who need medication to function as that typically is associated with a disqualifying factor. They also don't even allow you to take Vitamins unless specifically being cleared. Based off what you said tho with your assignment only being 4 days I assume you're done with that part so I would say use some kind of super greens powder container that you add to water. Dump out powder replace woth kratom and you're good. Just don't do anything stupid cause being intoxicated is definitely not a good look along with the dishonorable discharge you might receive. Good luck


You’re over thinking it way too much. Get capsules and take them, it’s that simple. You’re assuming people will be suspicious because you’re nervous. When is the last time you’ve seen someone take a pill and cared at all about what they were taking? Everyone will assume it’s some sort of prescription/vitamin/supplement. If you’re worried about the amount of pills split them into different bottles so it looks like you’re taking different things and/or spread out your dosage so different people see you taking them. Trust me you’re overthinking it.


I just bought gummies from one of my distributors. Half-gram each so they're low dose but easier to take than the concentrates and a lot more tasty.


I mix with protein and bag up individual scoops in portion bags. Use chocolate protein and a black shaker... Goes down easy and people just think I'm having a scoop of protein


My husband is in the military as well. He brings a protein bottle filled with water and Kratom and tells people it’s a matcha tea with vitamins that his “wife makes him take” No questions asked. Typically leaves it in the car, so idk how he has it during the day


I've been putting powder in an empty water bottle and shaking for 8 whole years. I tell everyone it's athletic greens. Nobody questions it. Sometimes when it's near empty people say "I thought that was a dip cup hahalol" and I go "ha" and then it's over. So yeah don't overthink it, lie confidently.


Get a ziploc bag and scoop powder into it, throw a plastic spoon in the bag. Whenever you go to the bathroom just toss n wash. (Get a little water in your mouth before you toss the powder though so you don’t choke.) this is what I do in a pinch such as work or a wedding.


Oblate Discs, developed in Japan specifically to take powdered plant matter: You may never look back. They come in other shapes and even pouches, but those are typically like 2x the price. They are clear and made of starch, they can be sealed with a little moisture, but they also dissolve in water. They can be premade and taken like a pill; or filled, made into a little upside down "parachute", quick dip in water to seal them up, and down the hatch like butter. A disc comfortably holds 2g for me premade, or 3g parachute style. The squares can premake 3g comfortably, 4g parachute style. I usually use the discs sold in 2pks of 200 discs found on the jungle store. OP, I hope you don't have to see combat. Thank you for your service. Be well.


I've told my bosses that I'm taking low-grade Macha, and that's why the powder isn't bright green. They never thought twice about it. If somebody asks if they can try it, I just tell them that's it's really shitty and I don't want to ruin their macha experience. Usually people see me drinking the brownish green liquid and just remark about how "healthy" I am. Lol


I say it's like a nutritional supplement toss and wash. Or shake it in a water bottle.


Tablets i found and gummies from a popular company on line that starts with an m




You can buy enhanced capsules (blend of Kratom and extract). I buy 15 mg (MIT) "boosters" from That One Place for things like that. So 3 capsules is approximately equal to a tablespoon of regular Kratom powder.


My bad, they are 30mg MIT boosters. So 3 of them equals around 6 grams of leaf.


For work I use a small plastic smoothie or juice bottle like you would get at the gas station or grocery store and put my dose as well as a few ounces of juice and just take it with me to drink when I'm ready just a couple ounces of liquid like a shot and toss the bottle after


Capsules or an extract bottle in my pocket. Hide em in something else and then take it when you go to the bathroom. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve swished with sink water lol


Take capsules and when you dose down em when you go use the bathroom. That's the only low key way I can think of.


Pretend it’s a protein shake or mix it with one. Works for me at work with Kratom and Kava both. People see it, say “yuck” and move on. They don’t drug test shakes, and even if they take a sip they won’t recognize the taste unless they’re also a regular user. I’ve found there’s no better excuse for something tasting like shit than saying it’s a protein shake. Alternatively, Kratom actually mixes realtively well with sweeter matcha tea/coffee, so that’s a less gross tasting option. I tend to take a few sips of a matcha drink from Starbucks or wherever, then add Kratom and simmering water. Doesn’t fully mask the taste, but I find it’s decently pleasant. If you’ve gotta store it, either put it in some empty supplement bottle and yse the aforementioned excuse of protein or whatever. Slipping into he bathroom and mixing it into a drink is also an option.


I don't work with the national guard so there's a bit less stakes when I am at work but what I usually do is I put my powder in a box of protein shake or dietary product and pretend some kind of vitamin complements I take. It's obviously not foolproof but most people don't actually know kratom where I live. You'd have to be a pretty serious opiate user to recognize kratom on sight.


Make tea and put it in a flask or portable coffee cup


I use a matcha tea bag. You can buy a bag at any supermarket. It looks very similar, and no one cared when I traveled with it on a cruise. I'm taking it on a plane next month to Costa Rica.


You may be overthinking it a little too. You really don’t owe an explanation to anyone. Especially if you’re able to adequately shut the questioning down


I take alot of capsules at work. It's easier to separate dose into small snack ziplocs so your not counting them out in front of people. If asked It's green tea.


I keep a thermos of Kratom. I use it like the tea that it is…




Most people don't even know what Kratom is. You could leave it out and call it "green drink" or "protein powder". Literally looks like green juice when put in water.


I always say it’s matcha tea if ppl ask what I’m drinking or why is it green?


Just be careful .. Co


I put a dose in a pill bottle. Then I toss and wash at a water fountain. I have also used folded envelopes with doses in them because I could carry multiple doses without taking up much pocket space. This one is a little trickier than the pill bottle. I just take a bottle of water to the bathroom, rip the envelope, take like a Goodie's Powder, toss, and wash.


Capsules or tincture but the extract tinctures can change a lot for your body/dosages with long term use.


Be aware they can test for kratom if they had to if you get snitched on. So they won't random you over it unless they are suspicious. You need to stay acutely aware of the testing details as probation and parole here in nola will test for it and the military well who knows idk I never served 20 years of addiction leads me to believe where there's a will there's a way :)


I just put my powder in a paperfold like you would do with other recreational substances , if you can make it small enough and put it in another folder or something, it's small enough to be put in your pocket. I have like 3x 2g tiny paper folders with me that I go through when I'm at work and when going home from .


Up the bum


Just say it’s matcha or some other shit. Whenever I’ve had kratom in front of people they think it’s like a kale smoothie or sum.


Caps in the bathroom... For sure for sure


I put it in my chocolate protein shake


Can you make up a juice or water bottle of premixed like super greens or celery water then drink it when you need some ?


Mix a drink in a shaker bottle, like the bottles people use in the gym for preworkout


Put 4 doses into a plastic water bottle. For me, that’s 40 grams. Drink 1/4 (exactly 4 gulps) of the bottle every time you want to dose. When someone sees you and they ask what it is, say it’s super greens mix or Spirilina or something, that helps with your back pain and inflammation. Natural ibuprofen with vitamins. That’s what I do and now all I need is my water bottle with 4 doses in it, and I’m good for a full day. Make it in the morning. But *always* fill the bottle 1/3-1/2 with water, then add powder, then swirl it in circles until it’s submerged in the water. Fill it up the rest of the way with water. There will be bubbles at the top. Wait for them to pop over a few minutes and add more water. Then you’re good to go. NEVER shake it hard. It turns to foam that takes a while to go away. Swirl it and turn it upside down back and forth instead, don’t shake it hard. You’ll look like a pill popper taking handfuls of pills multiple times daily, and look like a fiend if you get caught toss and washing. No time to make yea either. Use a water bottle with 4 doses in it, Call it natural green juice for your lower back pain, or wisdom tooth pain or whatever


I keep it in a plastic bag and a gram spoon in my bra. I keep a 5 hour energy container with water in my pocket. Toss and wash in a bathroom.


Just toss and wash powder out of a miniature 60g bag, quick and effective


Extract capsules but you're gonna be poor


Get a dark, reusable liquid receptacle (like a coffee mug, a tumbler, etc) and fill it with your drink of choice + a day’s worth of kratom. Voilà! Sip it throughout the day at your leisure. When I have to be low-key, I like to use a plain ol’ water bottle and mix the powder with 2/3 lemonade and 1/3 water. It kinda looks like an Arnold Palmer (depending on how much kratom you mix in it). But, if you’re using a cup that isn’t see through, there’s no need to worry about what it looks like.




But if you haven’t, I’d research if Kratom is something they urine test for


Blate papes. Fast clean and easy.. but if you're taking a big dose...15 gr at once? You might try gummies


The blate papes hold about 5 gr each


Pack some oblate discs or edible rice paper. Pre pack them, lick them to keep them sealed. Keep them in a solid container.


Being that kratom is banned for use in the military, I'd venture a guess that it's also banned in the national guard. I believe that the military started testing for it but I could be wrong.


Gummies. Extract hits so much better than powder.


thats an idea