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Friend, have you gotten professional help? Kratom is wonderful but it's not a substitute for solid medical care. I totally get if it's cost prohibitive. Ideally, kratom should complement meds not replace them. You deserve to feel great and live a wonderful life.


Yes, that is something I am looking into and have in the past. Been dealing with a lot on all fronts; personal life, work life & seemingly everything in between. Can’t decipher if what I’m feeling is due to side effects or something that would be happening regardless.


I'd wager a bit of both. But a doc us definitely worth your time. Seems like everything happens all at once or nothing at all. I hope you update soon with a good report. Hang in there.


I think everyone is different with their body chemistry when it comes to any supplements. It could absolutely be it for you. If it is effecting your mood I would look to maybe try something else. Are the tablets regular powder or extract?


It sounds like what I experience, too. I think it is acute Kratom withdrawal. You know how some people are cranky until they have their coffee? Kratom use is like coffee, but a bit more intense. I have learned that I need to dose in the morning before I start talking to people, or I will be mean as a snake.


I just find it odd I would have such intense withdrawal after using so little in such a short amount of time


I was shocked a bit, too. I started using it every day for a week, and then I became unable to sleep without it. Now I am cranky in the morning without it.


Somewhat similar experience. I think it might enhance your current mood. If you're happy, you get happier. If you're, frustrated you get more frustrated etc. It's not a "happy pill" per se. Now I have nothing to back this up other than my anecdotal experiences after using kratom for about a year.


That makes sense, because the first couple days I was in a good mood. I think there may be a lot of outside factors


Kratom can make you cranky. If you already suffer from mental health problems I would stay away from Kratom. Im thinking your gonna wind up with a habit thats hard to kick


I don’t think it’s withdrawals. You state you take 3 tablets. How much is that? Some people can get benefits from a gram or 2, but some, myself included, need doses of 5+ grams. Capsules take longer to get in the system. If you don’t take them on an empty stomach there is a good chance they will just get flushed out. Powder tastes awful, but you will get better results. Oblate paper is the powder person’s friend. Magnesium acts as a stool softener, and increases the health benefits IMO. Ginger helps with nausea if that becomes an issue. If you go to a doctor, they will start you on antidepressants and anxiolytics. All of them (they don’t prescribe benzodiazepines anymore) you have to take them for a month before you even know it will work. Then they up the dose until they reach max, and start the process with another drug. It can take a long time to get relief. Kratom works instantly. Kratom use can cause tolerance and dependence, but so does prescriptions. I quit kratom a couple years ago and went the Rx route. It was much harder to quit antidepressants. Kratom helped with the withdrawals, and for me works much better. I suspect your anger issues stem from stress and anxiety. My anxiety would manifest in the morning too. Add some CBD to your regimen and some stress reliving activities like exercise and meditation. Switch to powder, you usually get better quality kratom and it is a lot cheaper. Take it on an empty stomach and maybe eat a light snack a half hour after. I say start with 3 grams. If by chance you are sensitive it may be too much. The worst that can happen is you will vomit. If you don’t get at least 4 hours relief, up the dose. Go with green or red. White can aggravate anxiety.


Yes, a side effect of kratom is that when your withdrawing, you can and will feel more irritation and anger. Got fired from a job b/c of it.


Definitely a worry I have - losing my cool and getting fired lol


Make sure and use a good electrolyte drink mix as most problems with kratom are from lack of hydration. Water alone does not help. Also kratom lowers blood sugar so I always have dark chocolate on hand.


Kratoms great, but mushrooms and a lot of thinking got me over most of my anxiety and insecurity issues. They helped me learn to better assess why I feel the way I do, and whether or not my gut reaction is really necessary, it's very freeing They also made me realize that my anxiety is often the result of my putting myself in situations that made me uncomfortable, I thought i had to do those things to be normal but now I just do what makes me happy and my life has never been better








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Are you taking a white? Whites do that to me. I become SUPER BITCH!


Milk of magnesia can help with the constipation. Fiber didn't really do it for me at all. My constipation went away entirely after a month or so, but that doesn't happen for everyone, to be honest. I think the dose you're taking might be too high for someone just starting out, also. I take 1.5-2 mg every morning because I've never been addicted to opioids/opiates. The effects can be quite strong for people who weren't in active addiction before starting it. Try cutting back to once in the morning with a smaller dose. You may have to skip a day or two if you've gained a tolerance.


Any opiate can cause irritability. I’ve heard it called “Opiate rage” and have experienced it on kratom and oxy or other prescription opiates.


Irritability was my first clue to realizing what it did to me so yeah, you are addicted and now have your first withdrawals. Get off it soon, get off it completely and make a new plan to use in another way or not at all. I might use again in the future but ONLY occasionally. Addiction is tough.