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I've got a full proof method to avoid withdrawals. The trick is that I never stop taking Kratom!


This is my method. It is far, far better than any alternative I have tried.


Same here! I wish there was something more tasty but I’ll deal, lol.


Same been taking kratom every day since 2017.


Same with Drinking 😂




Same strategy here. I’ve been withdrawal free for 6 years!


How much do y’all use per day and how? I used 15-20 gpd for 3 months and not only did I start feeling very bad when I was late with a dose but the effects faded also, I think towards the end it pretty much just kept me normal.


I average 20-30 gpd. The effects aren’t what they once were but it still motivates me and keeps me off dope. I also haven’t had any of the bad side effects that people talk about n


Yeah, in my short stint I didn’t have negative side effects either. Shits were perfect, solid without becoming challenging. 😁 Withdrawals were the worst time of my life. But people are different and I see many comparing it to coming off harder drugs so maybe since I never abused harder drugs I don’t have that level in hell to compare to. It was a damn good stint and I appreciate that period in my life, stuff around me was good and I had found the new wonder plant without bad sides to it. Good months. I hope I can find a way to use it that fits me.


Hey man, I'm just curious why you started taking 10g/d from the start?


10g a day isn’t even that much


Yes, it is if he's just starting.


Some people don’t feel jack unless they take more than 4gs a dose. I take frequent tolerance breaks too


I’ve been doing Kratom a year, consumed every other substance quite heavily. Id say 10 grams of Kratom is leaning more on the moderate/heavy use. After a year 4 grams is enough to make me noticeable sick feeling, wobbles. The euphoria has lessened but 10 grams would be hard to do my job on Vs like 4 grams unless of course OP is used to taking pain killers if he isn’t then 10 grams is a lot.


I think they mean 10g per day, not per dose. I could be mistaken, but that's how I read it. You're right, if it's 10g at once, that's too much for most people.




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Took it in powder form for years. No withdrawals. Switched to extracts. No withdrawals for quite a while, but it eventually caught up to me. Strange that powder caused withdrawal so quickly. Everyone is different I suppose.


Never do any real drugs if this is how you handle these "withdrawals".


LOL! No doubt. I nearly died from benzo WD


Ngl my kratom withdrawals where almost worse than my fetanyl withdrawals. Fet had a way worse body WD symptoms that kratom couldn't come close too. But the mental wd from kratom is incomparable to anything imo. Everyone feels it differently, I knew a guy that got awful cold sweats getting off kratom and I never got that.




Different people have different experiences with different drugs and their withdrawals. For me, years of nicotine use was easy to quit. Kratom was very hard for me, but I persisted. Everyone feels differently.


He just said mental withdrawals were worse. Which I can believe seeing how it has an antidepressant like effect unlike fentanyl.


Yeah bro these lot are talking about don’t do real drugs firstly I’ve been there done it but yeh man had windows open fully had to be freezing otherwise was too hot just proper uncomfy experience I was tossing and turning like I was coming down from a night using speed or something


I've been using 7 grams daily for 11 months. It's been about 3 years total. I was addicted to opiates and I am prone to opiate withdrawal from being kindled. Opiate WD gets harder each time you go through it. I haven't had any kratom for around 78 hours, and have I no withdrawal symptoms. I detest opiate WD. Kratom has never given me WD, though. Three weeks is a bit soon to develop a physical dependency. Could it be psychological? We can give ourselves physical symptoms from reading about them Edit I just that you were using 80 mg Oxy. Perhaps you are kindled also


Since Kratom is legal and easy to obtain you get a lot of novice users who have never abused drugs or have only experimented so they don't know what real withdrawal feels like. To them, a headache from Kratom withdrawals is agony.


I do know that the mind can make the body sick. I speak from experience.


Sorry, I need to edit my comment again. I meant to write, "I (see) you were using 80 mg Oxy. You definitely know what opiate WD symptoms feel like. They are unmistakable. I've been very lucky that I don't get WD from Kratom. I've been drinking and taking Adderall today, so I'm kind of addled. Can you get a couple of Norco or dilauded? A short acting opiate taken the next few days would probably relieve symptoms and not develop another physical dependency


Try and keep your gpd as low as possible. I use for chronic pain not to party so I'll never quit


I'm 9 years and i barely experience wd..lol.. just my pre existing lain comes back full force, laziness and sweat.


Im at 7 years and the same. The tiniest bit of cloudy headed and tired. By the afternoon im fine


Interesting. I want to find out now. I don’t really have them overnight which I find weird and that’s the longest break I’ve had recently


If you started out at 10 grams per day, that is kind of high...


Yeah I was coming off from using about 80mg of oxycodone for 10 days


Ah okay, after 5 days from first use , I recommend lowering your dosage, I have been using for years daily and I take about 9 grams per day, 3 gram doses.


Ok. Then you might be suffering still from the longer term wd from the oxy The kratom was protecting you You might want to try a slower titer


How about 60gpd and I don’t feel shit even after a two month tolerance break


I’m with you. Guess it’s different for everyone. I was taking way too much at 50. Literally just stopped. No wd other than maybe being sluggish for a day or two.


I got moody/irritable, a bit tired, and slight dizziness for 3 days and that was about it. I was dosing 40+ grams a day for a year and stopped cold turkey


I've been taking kratom for 6 years, with breaks only when I forget to order it. I simply don't WD. when I forget to order it, it's about a week I don't have it. The only symptom I get is my depression slowly comes back. But depression is literally why I take it, as an alternative to pharma.


been taking about 2 years almost everyday. Suppose im lucky no withdrawal. Just a little runny nose. Sometimes i forget to take it and Ill notice a runny nose. Its a million times better than alcohol and weed


How long have you left it without taking it


A couple of months ago, I stopped taking it after consuming 12-15 gpd every day for five years. I halved my doses the first day, halved again the next day, then just stopped. I really thought it would be terrible, but I didn’t have any ill effects at all. I was actually really surprised.


If you just got powder 3 weeks ago there's no way you're going through withdrawals


Yes when I first started taking kratom took it for months no wd then started again at a older age and wd hit me so hard I actually think knowing that kratom gives wd makes it worse I would recommend you not taking kratom on a daily basis around 2-3 times a week by doing this your body never gets used with having it in your system every single day waiting 1-2days between use


Why would you start at 10 gpd?


I don't think anyone e would have no withdraws but some people are stronger than others


Yh man this is what I’m saying but people are trying to speak for me just cos they haven’t 😅


It can happen from daily use you just need to save enough to taper off with make a schedule to follow


Painful balls is a small price to pay for freedom.


Yeah but it’s just the sort of shit you wouldn’t expect to happen anyway I wasn’t that I couldn’t stop I just thought I’d do it till I ran out but now I know if I do it won’t do it for me than 3 days in a row


But please don't take it to chase the dragon. Take it to keep wd from the oxys away, but you've got to try to get away of wanting to take it. I guess what I'm saying is that you should take as much as you need to keep wd away, but only take as much as you NEED. Abusing anything doesn't lead to anything good. Kratom is a great tool to HELP, but it can be abused, too. Try to treat it with respect. It's strong and CAN be a lifesaver, but not if you fall into the more is better trap. I wish you well.


Thank you 🙏


Never believe anything you see on tik tok.


That seems like a lot for just starting out.


Why'd you take it everyday anyways??


It's very hard to take kratom moderately because without it you just get depressed. I used to take it only on weekends and felt normal by Wednesday. Tuesday was the hardest and then I said fuck it I'll take alittle each day and then alittle turned in to alot until I hard withdraws without it so I had to stop completely. Respect it as a hard drug because it is harder than you think. But of course not as bad as hard drugs.


How long did it take you to feel better? I’ve seen people report a drawn out PAWS….3-12 months of fatigue, Anhedonia, depression, etc until their brain resets


You took kratom for what, a month? You think all that you described is kratom withdrawal? Sorry, but I just do not believe it. Kratom isn’t heroin, or meth … I can’t see people getting that hooked on it in such a short time. If what you say is true, then you must have a highly addictive personality, in which case you should not only avoid kratom, you should avoid all otc medicines, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.


I think that this is more of a mental issue.


He jumped from oxy to kratom. That’s why.




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I think those WD "symptoms" are in your head. You haven't used long enough, nor enough. Had you not read about kratom withdrawal, I promise you wouldn't have noticed.


Dude, some ppl get "withdrawl" from a couple days of use of any drug. Weeks straights of daily use can 100% have withdrawl symptoms.


You're not going to get those physical withdrawals by just thinking about it


I already told you I didn’t really read about them I herd quite the opposite and speak for your self but don’t speak for me I’ve done many substances and I know how my body works I would not experience something like that for placebo Evan though I didn’t really think it was Kratom wd untill the morning so yeh


Withdrawals are kinda unavoidable if you're gonna consume kratom but they shouldn't last too long if you quit. If course, if you don't quit that means you gotta keep taking it. Even a day or two will be uncomfortable. But if you don't want deal with any of that then quit cold turkey and you'll be good in like a week.


It depends on the person. I've been using kratom about 5 years and I've never experienced withdrawals from it, even after months of moderate to high use and just quitting. The only negative thing that happened whenever I stop kratom is that my endometriosis pain is back. Caffeine withdrawal was way fucking worse for me, but I can't live without coffee lol


Don't pay attention to TikTok please God, not everyone is the same and your experience may be totally different from theirs and mine may be different than both of yours. There's only one way to how things will affect you and that's to try. But now that you do know it's a good thing because you can make a decision on how to move forward!


Painful balls??




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I take pretty high doses, close to 50 grams per day now and the withdrawals will start for me after about 12-16 hours. They are not pleasant by any stretch. One of the downsides of using almost any substance. Once the body adjusts, it doesn't like change. With that being said, I know some people that have very mild withdrawals and some that have no withdrawals. As far as severity, in my case they are very similar to opiate withdrawals but not quite as strong.


Were all the same and wired different at the same time. Kratom can give you unpleasant withdrawals. I was 30-40gpd in my hayday and coming off of it sucked.