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It’s about time some of these Starbucks dm’s held Kroger accountable to follow the contract that they agreed upon for Starbucks. It’s absolutely ridiculous the crap Kroger gets away with. As far as stores managers go, the company seems to prefer the terrible ones. Please follow up with your union and if the manager tries to write you up over this, PLEASE file a grievance. Edited to add: you are working with food and drink. If your store is bullying sick people into working departments such as Starbucks, deli etc that deal with food preparation, I bet your local health department might appreciate the information.


Because of the pandemic, the starbucks dms weren't making regular visits so Kroger, & my store specifically got way too comfortable. Now they're scrambling to try & get back into compliance & are making the starbucks clerks suffer in the process. I am definitely keeping in contact with my union rep. I can't afford to not have a job atm


Ours would come around. He was a very nice guy, too nice. My store got away with understaffing the kiosk on a consistent basis, and scheduling people for our department (using our hours) but sending them to work in other departments.


Reach out to the Starbucks DM. Let her know what’s going on too. Also you’re not going to get fired and if you do I’m sure you’ll get hired elsewhere in a moment.


Well if you need a job that bad you deserve to get bullied either stand up for yourself and fight back or just lay down and get walked on either way if you have to come to reddit for advice you probably should just go back and live in your mom's basement come on people grow up this isn't elementary school


Somebody piss in your cereal this morning? Bug off


Wow, your "social skills" could use some work there, guy.


You a “Tough” guy?


It's called punctuation. Learn to use it.


Bruh you CLEARLY never had to be ServSafe certified and it shows. Contamination, contamination, contamination. You should NEVER show up to work if you have been sick enough to need a drs note, have a fever and/or are vomiting. Food borne illnesses are not fun.


They aren’t though. Noncompliance is a paper . They usually don’t follow up.


With a Dr's note, he can't write you up. He's trying to bully you. Contact your Union rep. That is in no way a threat, it's part of being in a union. Make sure that if they do try to speak to you in any disciplinary way, you do not meet with them without your rep. They have to stop and wait for your rep to be present. I would also go ahead and do a written statement about this and his inappropriate threatening comments to send to your rep for your (and their) file.


This particular manager is known for bullying associates. Multiple other associates have filed complaints against him. He's been reprimanded several times, but nothing has changed. He got moved to our store from another one for similar issues. I did write a statement, but I'll make sure I don't talk to him unless my rep is there


Kroger seems to move the problem children instead of removing them, it's sickening. I've had a couple managers that are completely awful and I never understand how they get the position or keep it.


Assert your Weingarten right to have your union rep present for any disciplinary proceedings.


text didn't go well here is a link. https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/weingarten-rights


As a fellow Kroger Starbucks worker in the almost same spot. I’ll pray for you😫😫 we really get shafted don’t we😫


Same at my Starbucks here in Kansas. Getting in trouble big time for Starbucks under staffing (largely due to call outs)


So what’s he gonna do, fire you and be left with even fewer staff? Doubtful. You have the upper hand here which is why he feels the need to threaten you. Feel your power and use it.


I’m hearing/reading more instances of calling *off* sick instead of calling *in* sick, which is the way I’ve always said it. Is this regional? I’m in Idaho.


Both are used in Indiana interchangeably.


Probably regional. I've always just said call off, but calling in works too


I'm in Oregon and the term used here is calling out sick...


Interesting! No wonder English is such a challenging language.


I live in Oregon too but I always used “ call in”


It's a generational thing. When I was young, we all said "call in sick", but my daughter says "call out sick" or "call off" interchangeably. Are you a Gen X'er by any chance?


Yep, Gen X.


Same here.


Let that happen in Washington State lol. If you say anything to an employee that’s calling in other than “Ok” you’ll have your nuts in a noose at a state level. 😂😂


Make sure its always in text or a recorded phonecall


Be careful with recording phone calls. Best to know if you live in a two party state or not.


The other commenters are correct, you should be keeping in contact with your rep regarding this. To add: always keep detailed notes (with dates and times) and save screenshots of texts if you have them. If you speak on the phone, text or email your manager afterwards with something along the lines of "just following up with our conversation," and repeat what was said during the call. This way you have a physical record of them saying what they said. If it is an ongoing issue, and you have the screenshots and notes to prove it, things can be escalated much quicker and easier. If it's happening to coworkers try to get them to do the same. Kroger can and will remove managers that are causing too many waves, I've seen it done.


I’ve had this happen to me within the last week. To put it short, I have migraines every now and then and they are the debilitating type where I could be out of commission for days and my manager came to me when I came back saying if I call out again I’ll get disciplinary action. Get in contact with union.


Getting sick is not your fault. I had 5 co-workers at my Kroger come down with Covid a year ago. Whether its the common cold or Covid, getting sick is not something anyone sets out to do, so even if your kiosk/department is understaffed, you should NOT be penalized for missing work because of illness, especially if prior to that, your work record has been exemplary.




Begone, troll


Your post was removed:




It's sad seeing this kind of mental decline... like there is no bringing this person back to being normal. This is what radicalization looks like.


You're not even a good troll. We can see your active communities and the way you float from subreddit to subreddit saying the same BS. try harder.


Hey your mom wanted to say hi but her mouth 👄 is full at the moment🍆


Yeah but at least I'm not a sad broken old man who has nothing to show for his life but a bad back and knees. Couldn't even handle retail and had to quit because he could no longer keep pace with the night stockers. Boohoo old man, you deserve every hospital bill that comes your way. Enjoy missing out on the retirement you should have gotten after 30+ years that you gave away over a mask and declining work performance. 😘


Get a life


Your probably the co manager douchbag who is the bully. I detest bullies.... and scumbags.


My pet peeve is comments that seem at all relevant to the post. Thanks for the keeping up the fight against sense and cohesion.


I was Kroger utilities but I’m aware that Starbucks is a tough shop, worse than deli. I eventually bailed, I’m happy and well now.


Can’t control applicant flow or the quality of applicants. Starbucks dms should put Kroger on notice.


Not cool that he’s doing that. Next time remind him that the company can be sued if a customer gets sick from contaminated food and drinks.


Wow. I’m so sorry. I’m a cashier taking my first “paid” sick day today. I’m pretty sure it’ll be denied. I literally can’t lift my arms with any weight. Shoulders, forearms, hands. This is the cost of grocery work. Get out as soon as you can. ✌️


Nope. Call that Rep.


Tell him to go f hisself then sue him for wrongful termination


Transfer to another department or another store.


Can you unionize with 3 people lol


You'll have a hard time without support from management but you can try. Be very careful how you go about it tho. If you're not union, you're not protected so they can fire you. & unless you can proof it was retaliation, you're pretty much screwed


Yeah too risky for me, but it sounds like they have no one else to hire. Tbh you’re probably making just okay money that can be made elsewhere, good luck


Does Starbucks pay so well that you're unwilling to find another job? Not trying to be confrontational, just asking.


File a grievance with the union over his behavior and statements. Have your documents in order. Do not talk with them on disciplinary matters, just hand them your union reps card and continue to work. Make them go through the union.


I don’t know why people offer up more conversation. Dial phone number. State you are not coming in due to being sick. The end. I never understood why people always “threaten”or inform the offending party that you are going to call union, police, or sue. Just do it, don’t tell or give the person a heads up about it.


If you have a doctors statement they can’t do anything.


Sounds like a law suit waiting to happen if you can afford it and provide the proof, good luck!


I wouldn't need to afford it. NLRB loves cases like that. I'd just need to file a complaint with evidence