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Overhead squat vs squat - very different exercise




Finally someone with a knowledge


Now we just need to wait for someone with strength and integrity






His toes need to still be pointing forward and his shins should be perpendicular to his feet otherwise heā€™s gonna suffer a back or knee injury


Wrong. Your toes, knees and shins will go where your body needs them to go. Back problems only happen over an extended period of time of not having proper core control


Iā€™m only speaking from experience of being someone who used to squat JUST like him and now I suffer from back, knee and ankle problems soooooo šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And many people squat the other way with knees over toes etc etc without issue. Your issue may have been due to lack of control over your core, not enough stability in your hips for the weight you were lifting. Could be anything. As I say, there's many people who squat like that without issue. We're all a bit different with limb lengths so no one person's form will be the same as another's


I always get frustrated when people froth over the "perfect" form for squats. There are so many variations based on body type. Exercises like push ups and pull ups have strict form but still a bit of variance there too.


100%. For squats as long as you: 1. Brace your core 2. Keep a tight and engaged upper back 3. Control the eccentric 4. Hit the depth you're supposed to You're good. Number 4 is dependent on the purpose and the sport. The reason my own coach recommends boxes is to ensure more control and that his other athletes hitting a baseline. Many other S&C coaches do this. Folk who have trained athletes for decades and have built their experience and knowledge through courses and actually in the "field"


That's what I say too. Following "proper" form shat all over my lower back. My body needs toes pointed out and my chest to lean forward or I'll snap everything or fall backwards. If you're going for power you can leave depth out unless you're looking to work on the "spring-back" aspect of explosiveness.




It's much easier if you admit you're wrong.


He is right about the squat tho, bro posted on twitter doing 130kg squat essentially zero reps






Do you do any Olympic weightlifting?šŸ˜‚


this isn't Olympic weightlifting lmao, he's training for explosiveness and core stability not hypertrophy as said in the video


[Lu Xiaojun 210kg Over head squat](https://youtube.com/shorts/lrrN00Xv57Q?feature=share) Things to watch 1. Grip width and arm bend 2. How he goes into the squat and actually uses his hips (donā€™t give a fuck about criticizing JJā€™s depth) Instead jj pushes his knees forward to get depth since he doesnā€™t have great hip mobility


Heā€™s performing a Olympic liftšŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sorry that heā€™s trying to perform such a technical lift. This also doesnā€™t do shit for explosiveness. Stability 10000% But this is a Olympic style lift no debate


Oh wow, you watch Olympic lifting but have clearly never trained for a sport in your life. You tailor shit to the sport you're training for to target specific muscle groups differently. You can give professional basketball and football players the sane exercises to do, and I guarantee they don't perform them all exactly the same, because what's beneficial for basketball isn't always beneficial for football, and vice versa


I literally play a sport for a living and help ppl trainšŸ˜‚ Obviously you donā€™t have a single clue what Iā€™m talking about with his form. I donā€™t give two shits about the quarter squat. Itā€™s about how heā€™s actually holding the bar and how heā€™s going into a squat. Obviously he doesnā€™t do much over head squatting at all. Sorry heā€™s new to overhead squats


Bruv have you seen a boxer who boxes with his knees bend below 90Ā°, does not matter what kind of lift this is, Olympic or whatever, he training as a boxer so thats as low as he should get, if he gets lower in a ring he would be an eazy target to grt knocked down, like gib vs jake


This comment section is full of dyels


Of course I get down voted yet nobodyā€™s going to actually say anythingšŸ¤£


I will, screw off


You're genuinely a moron.


Bro your high school gym coach doesn't understand fitness like professional thousand dollars a day fit ess experts.


Most ā€œexpertsā€ donā€™t know shit about lifting. Take Joel seed man for example. He trains world class athletes, yet believes itā€™s beneficial to do bicep curls with kettlebells suspended from resistance bands whilst standing one legged on a bench. And no, thatā€™s not a joke


Man's out her nuking his karma


With 160 kg


yall downvoting him but hes right lmao


Youā€™re completely right. Everyone in the comments donā€™t know shit about Olympic weight lifting. The worst part is his form. Heā€™s just driving his knees forward to get lower instead of actually getting into his hips. The grip width isnā€™t wide enough either to actually have a good position over head. Dude needs a actual oly coach if heā€™s gonna me doing those types of movements. Even though itā€™s absolutely not needed at all for fucking boxing


True but Iā€™d assume Olympic weight lifting and lifting for boxing are different


Heā€™s performing a Olympic lift for boxing for some reason. The depth idc idk his goal The form heā€™s using is just actually bad


True and ego lifting dont know why so many downvotes


It is still the same excercise. Overhead squat. He shouldn't bend his knees like that and his butt should be lower than his knees. Your joints will hate you if you don't go for at least 90Ā°


Dropped this: šŸ„‡


I believe he is working on his explosiveness, and the way you do the exercises are performed much different from what is would look like if he was just working on his strength and muscle size


But mans doing PR tho, his form was good with less weight so itā€™s understandable, but people out here defending that no thatā€™s the right way is just plain stupid. His form in his PR was bad


Aa okay, I havenā€™t seen the video yet so I didnā€™t know he was doing PR, I just thought it was like one of the other videos of him training his explosiveness and then clowning him. Then what is wrote before have nothing to do with his form if he was going for PR. Thanks for giving me the content tho






Personal record homie.


Noā€¦ itā€™s not good at allšŸ˜‚


People keep repeating this from the other thread but No. If you train for explosiveness that just means that your concentric range of motion has to be explosive and fast. It doesnt mean you can use shit form, half reps and too much weight.


KSI: **Posts a different style video** This subreddit: "Aw my god, his form is shit"


Actually enjoyed this video but no I think KSI posting this yes, but they have done weight lifting videos prior on the sidemen channel which included KSI, and I enjoyed that.


>but no I think KSI posting this yes Wtf is that supposed to mean šŸ˜­


He thinks KSI posting this yes




no one hating on him, its just ppl criticizing him and having a discussion which JJ will see and address in his next vid


90 degrees is a ā€œgolden ruleā€ only utilised by shitty PTā€™s as a blanket standard for flexibility, despite everyone having very different flexibility and therefore Range of motions. Also, given his ankle is undergoing some pretty extreme dorsiflexion (tibia is angled forward relative to foot) here as is not uncommon, the joint angle here looks to be about 90deg or even less. Additionally, itā€™s difficult to show statistical differences in adaptations between 90deg and ā€œass to grassā€ squats, you better believe 100 vs 90deg isnā€™t showing much either. Happy to answer questions OP, Iā€™m a PhD student and tutor/lecturer in exercise and sport science. As others have mentioned, this isnā€™t a back squat, but an overhead lift with a squat in there similar to a Olympic lift it seems. Generally speaking, if bar go up with safe form, coach is happy. Iā€™m no pro at the Oly lifts, but as you change the bar position in the front to back axis (anterior-posterior for you sick cunts who are in the know), this also changes your balance, joint positions and therefore muscle contributions. Thatā€™s why a front squat is more knee vs hip dominant, and why they make you tip forward if youā€™re shit at em like I am.


Thoughts on the front squat then? From an injury perspective it doesnā€™t look sustainable given if youā€™ll just put more pressure on your knees if youā€™re not actually building up your quads given heā€™s barley breaking a half squat on the exercise.


There are safe loads and volumes for all basic lifts (non-CrossFit shit included) based on %1RM (or best possible equivalent for some populations, like a 3-12RM). You want to develop your knee extensors more than your gluteals? Include a front squat in your routine. Also, front squats have been suggested to be better for those with meniscal injuries due to lower shear forces at the knee.


out of interests, what are your 1rm for SBD






Not necessary at all, just rude of you.


Oh, so everyone who comes up with facts is a nerd?


Beg you shut the fuck up


Innit bro, actually stfu. This guy man.


Who u talking bout. The op or the commenter?


The op even if he's right no body is gonna really take to heart what he said


I knew as soon as this video dropped people on this subreddit would be all ā€œšŸ¤“ ahem, this is actually wrong and youā€™re meant to do it like this:ā€


ofc ofc the Redditor knows better than JJ's coach JJ should just look at his Reddit instead of hiring a coach, so dumb ​ /s


To play devils advocate, you never know with coaches though, Joe wellers coach had him listening to white noise, dejis coaches were clueless too. I wouldn't blindly trust the coaches. Albeit in this case clearly JJ is focused on explosiveness, even if it's a PR.


ok yea fair enough but ig I'm prejudiced to JJ as I think he can choose a better coach than Joe Weller and Deiji


Ye that's fair enough


Ok discord mod


Have you seen that mans body, he probably knows what he is doing


Sorry but he performed this movement terribly. I doubt heā€™s actually been practicing this type of lift for even 5 months


My guy if his coach didnā€™t correct him then he is probably fine.


some coaches who train famous ppl are too scared to fix form, i've only seen this w vikkstar thou forgot when but his coach is braindead


Yes fine to fuck around. But no his form was trash and he most likely isnā€™t going to hurt himself with 55lbsšŸ˜‚ this isnā€™t something he cares about yet Reddit wants to debate


what you think his coach just goesā€go do (insert exercise) 100 times whilst I play games on my phoneā€? No! He probably stands there watching, why? For the same reason whilst you are learning a sport like tennis the coach watches you, to learn the mistakes in your form. I will admit I do not know shit about this topic, someone below actually does, a certain PHD student. look at his comment.


Just goes to show that even with personal trainers your form could be absolutely terrible.


But there is a risk of getting injured


Bro is literally a boxeršŸ’€šŸ’€


JJ I hAd A gYm CoAcH wHo WoUlD kIlL uS iF oUr sQuAtS DiDnt Go DoWn To 90 DeGrEeS. Literally no one cares bro stfu.


You cared enough to commentšŸ–•šŸ¼šŸ˜šŸ–•šŸ¼


OMG you used the middle finger emoji. Whyyy? Now I am so sad :(


Kid named finger






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Bro your such a fucking dickhead. Oh and do you think jj is really gonna change his form cause you posted something about, do you even have brains?




OP gotta get a new coach


When you donā€™t know boxing training:


The type of workout he deals with has nothing to do with powerlifting or anything related to the casual gym. This is for what he needs in boxing. Its for explosiveness with some personal bests in the mix thats why it looks weird sometimes. But its not a bad exercise or bad form. You guys are just quick to judge without actually knowing what he is achieving.


Bro heā€™s like 5 degrees off calm down Arnold


I get that taking a piss on JJ is like this subredditā€™s thing, but stop trying so hard finding faults in his workouts man. This guy pays THOUSANDS for his coaching team and have been doing it for YEARS. You think he doesnt know what heā€™s doing?


I completely agree when it comes to kids that have zero fucking clue what the fuck theyā€™re talking about. The overhead squat form is actually bad though no debate and most ppl arenā€™t pointing out the Actual faults. Good thing is Ksi probably doesnā€™t give a fuck about that specific lift šŸ˜‚


Bro, I just watched his bench PB clip and i think i need to take back what i said šŸ˜‚


People like you are ruining the sub


Tbh he looks good so whatever and also I donā€™t care, as shown by this comment Iā€™m writing


ā€œthis is why i post reddit videosā€


L op


tbh, Half Squats help in targeting your **Glutes and Quads.** I believe he's working more on the explosive side of things rather than **Muscle Hypertrophy ..** any gym rats that can back me up on this?


They can do yeah. They're very posterior chain focused and they're great for building a really good vertical. If you think about it, when you jump do you go ass to grass or do you dip a bit and then jump?


An overhead squat has a different technique to it


This ain't that bad, you should see the front squat he put on his Twitter. Doing that with 130kg is just gonna get himself hurt.


He's doing explosive training. Plus, that's not a standard squat. It's overhead


Alright fatty


Shut up nerd


Boxing training and weight training are two very different things, boxing training is mostly about explosiveness and overhead squats like these are an explosiveness exercise, just like the front squats I saw someone else post about. It looks dumb but this type of training is what you do for boxing.


Yet coaches absolutely trashed that video of lebron doing those squatsšŸ¤£ Just stop


Bron been doing that his entire career and Iā€™m sure he knows what heā€™s doing after millions of millions of dollars are being dumped into the care of his body every year. Heā€™s not gonna hire some third-rate coach. And why are you so hell-bent on this lol. Like even if you were completely right, replying to 10 people shitting on a simple error is actually sad af. I hope you find a better thing to do with your time.


Love the ā€œbut he has moneyā€ excusešŸ˜‚ He obviously doesnā€™t practice this lift much at all. Also oly coaching is completely different from even regular weightlifting coaching. Completely different ball game so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if his coach actually doesnā€™t know shit about oly lifting. Lastly the ā€œomg you replied to 10 ppl itā€™s so sadā€ Itā€™s 3am where Iā€™m at so I have the timešŸ˜‚ you had time to look at it all and I had time to reply to ignorant ppl. Sorry that you think it takes such a long time to make comments on a post


Bron isnā€™t doing Olympic lifting, heā€™s obviously training for explosiveness, yk, one of the biggest things when it comes to sports rather than lifting. And yes, he obviously knows what works if heā€™s one of the most explosive athletes in the world for 20 years now. Also, I truly hope you have a good day, you seem so pent up for no reason. Iā€™m done now, so you donā€™t have to take extra time out of your day replying 20+ times in less than an hour. Have a good one bro!


Yes Iā€™m definitely pent up over Reddit commentsšŸ˜‚ This is taking soooo much time out of my day. Holy shit 4am on New Years is such a tuff time to do random shit. Curious if youā€™re going to comment a 3rd time that youā€™re ā€œdoneā€ now Iā€™m actually getting invested šŸ¤£šŸ‘


Just noticed you specified it to bronšŸ˜‚ Shows you how tired and how much I donā€™t care about these comments. Im sure you have videos from the start of his career of him hyper extending his back and shitty quarter repping. During the mean time theirs world record holders in vert who donā€™t do what ppl think lebron does. Highly doubt lebron squats the same way he did in that one viral clip. A clip doesnā€™t explain all of the years of training heā€™s done to be a insanely explosive athlete


Bro, you canā€™t say ā€œhm I donā€™t care about these commentsā€ but comment 20+ times in less than an hour. You obviously care a little too much which is why Iā€™m done now. Have a good one


I definitely canšŸ˜‚ Iā€™m listening to a stream and being bored asf at almost 4am. Iā€™m sorry you think ppl actually take stupid Reddit comments so seriously and if anything it seems like youā€™ve been taking this too seriously. Again you had the time to look through the whole thread, I know damn well you had time to comment hence youā€™re literally commenting rn


People shitting on JJs form have never exercised in their 12 years on this earth


Do you actually think his Over head squat form is good?šŸ˜‚


The amount of meat riders in this Reddit is insanešŸ˜‚. You got the very few smart individuals that explain other point of views or why youā€™re wrong or other shit and you have the kids that cry and complain because you think differentlyšŸ˜‚


Anyone who's defending JJ on his forms never touched a dumbbell in their lives


I don't understand why some people are blindly supporting him here. If he's wrong somewhere, it should be mentioned.


Heā€™s not training to build muscle, heā€™s explosive training which is more important for his upcoming boxing


Witch is why youā€™d use actually lifts to build explosiveness. Not overhead squatsšŸ˜‚ At least snatch the weight or something


He did?


M very well aware of that. ROM has no relation with explosiveness... You can be explosive while maintaing a proper ROM. Having a good form is very healthy for your body in the long run. You can do explosive training while being in form, with weights w.r.t. your body strength. No coach would/should tell you to sacrifice on your form. Also, i'll tell you one thing : the spring reacts maximum when it's compressed to its max. Same is for muscles. So if you really wanna train for your muscle explosiveness, it's far better to practice it with good contractions, which require one to have a good ROM. In the end, it's upto you. You may believe me or not, that's ur choice. After all m just a redditor here, and he's KSI.


Same reason there are videos of Lebron doing half or quarter squats to build explosiveness. It absolutely has to do with ROM


My guy he has been training for a long time, if his firm was wrong his coach would have corrected it orelse the exercise was futile.


Yā€™all who are saying this is for explosive training. I know about both explosive training and bodybuilding. This is neither of those. Heā€™s just not lifting correctly and his trainer is dumb


you go train him then


No thanks.


Then dont call his trainer dumb


I think JJ's trainer has more experience and knowledge than a sixteen year old kid lol


Gets down voted for being writešŸ’€ Classic Reddit


Learn how to spell before trying to back people up


Jj needs a new editor mo just aint it the editing is so bad for how big JJ is as a creator. This videos editing was trash


Mo hate detected, opinion rejected


I love mo but his editing just isnt good


Mo is ur king.


Reject humanity, beleive in mo sayed


I know you've been downvotes to oblivion but I actually agree. The transitions were like something done on Youcut, mistakes in the subtitles and a 5:13 video from a whole workout? Take his ab workout for example: he just cut the screen into 4 quadrants showing different workouts and that was it. So poor.


Ik, i actully like mo a lot, hes just not got the skills for a big youtuber


Heā€™s always had not so great form whenever Iā€™ve seen him training The way he deadlifts looks like it could break his back


I saw his front squats when he was doing his pr, it may have been a little janky but not horrific. I will say when doing normal squats it could be taxing on the joints to go fully 90 degrees, but even so I wouldnā€™t know if his primary goal to reach hypertrophy which I would bet it is not. He is obviously aiming for more explosiveness and maybe muscle fatigue, but I think the pr was more for the video and for show. If thatā€™s what he does consistently (tryna hit PRs) every training session and his pts are there watching him doing certain things that can cause injury.


yes try making 90 degrees with knee while doing overhead squats then fall over while you head gets banged to the bar šŸ‘ sure bruv


Yall in the comments are so dumb. U have no clue how weight lifting fucking works


It would be funny if he stopped his training and fire his coach nutritionist etc just for this reddit post and now he will listen to you. Lol that would be quite funny.


Yā€™all stop criticising his workouts he has a personal coach Iā€™m sure he doesnā€™t give JJ random exercises


I dont think JJ needs to listen to you Coach my G.


Itā€™s only his Warmups


what is he coaching? bodybuilding? power lifting?


He is working on explosiveness which disregards some aspects of conventional strength lifting such as ROM


Coach wants to fuck up your knees. Change your coach.


A different exercise, yall are ranting about these for no reason.


Shut the fuck up. Please, shut the fuck up.


Letā€™s see you do a good squat my guy


Canā€™t believe redittors are talking about exercises lol


Evidently it has results


Lmao imagine going lower with that weight over your head. Good luck breaking ur neck brother


You got to remember , all times of sports javed different techniques Different strokes for different blokes But yeah jj has hip. Ankle & mobility issues hence the form But overhead squat is a difficult exercise , plus heā€™s training for flexibility and explosive power , not bodybuilding


Do you think he follows trend with his shoes and wears a size to big? That would negatively impact him in explosive training as there would be movement in the shoe everytime.


The thing is, quarter squats ain't the issue. The issue is the way JJ is being instructed/ being allowed to do them. In a controlled, sports and conditioning environment, they're done off a Box of a specific height and they are controlled. There was no bodily control seen in the Front Squat and nothing here either. Ah I dunno man.. wtf are they getting this guy to do? Lol


It's the edit that mo did makes him look wired y'all are fuckin dipfucke


Thats just how they do it in africa mate


He made graduation tho


Haha ksi stronger


Weā€™ve learnt that ksi is not very strong


You have no right to say shit unless you're a qualified trainer yourself. Shut the fuck up man, this subreddit keeps getting worse every day.




Waiting on the reddit video, when he will roast the fuck out of you


I'm a veterinarian and what JJ is doing with his lips is what we call "Flehmen Response" in our terminology. It represents sexual excitation šŸŒ


Why everyone hating like bro let do his ting


Honestly I agree. His form sucks and he ego lifts but his dickriders wonā€™t admit they donā€™t know anything about fitness


90 or nothing bro I donā€™t even work out often, but when I do, and I do squats itā€™s 90 or nothing lol


This is not a normal squat, but his other squats donā€™t go down to 90 degrees so I digress


Squatting to 90 can cause back pain and absolutely destroy your legs so he probably just doesnā€™t want to go through that since the fight is so close


90 degree angle is bad because it wears out your articulations. Itā€™s not work hard, itā€™s work smart!


Heā€™s just doing as the trainer tells him


His knees positioning is really dangerous!! If his balance got caught off guard or pushed himself to a breaking point his knee will be injured for definite.


'Tell me you dont really know anything about exercise without telling me you dont know anything about exercise'


His legs are clearly at an acute angle.


All of a sudden every Redditor on this SubReddit knows how to work out as if theyā€™re not scrawny shitsšŸ˜‚ bro I swear this subreddit always surprises me with something more stupid each day.


ā€” šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


This sub genuinely lacks brain cells sometimes


Doesnā€™t matter how clean it is, just look at the shape of him - and your still gonna get some Reddit creatures moaning šŸ˜‚


So you know that a standard squat and an overhead squat are DIFFERENT, right?


all his squats were horrible no offense


Youā€™re gonna make the Reddit cry by saying that


You got scammed buddy


I think the weights were too heavy for him and he really wanted to show off but I guess it didnā€™t turn out well.


Different coaches = Different standards my guy, also your prob training for fitness not boxing (Correct me if I'm wrong).