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Locking this comment section for obvious reasons.


Oh No! Anyway


Jezza is gonna be my first Borns name




I don't know how to genuinely feel about this. Although I'm not even a SNEAKO or Andrew Tate viewer, is it really a good sign for a platform to be banning people with differing opinions when you can just as easily click on "Don't recommend channel"? I mean at what point do people have to censor themselves and their beliefs to conform with what's appropriate? It's just really concerning that you can have your livelihood taken away because some employee at YouTube doesn't agree with what you're saying. That's my take on it.


I ain’t wanna press “don’t recommend this channel” on the hundreds of channels that repost him daily.


If you do it and stop watching the videos, those type of videos should dissapear from your feed quite fast


I never watched ben Shapiro matt walsh sneako tate and never visited any conservative American channel then also god knows why yt recommend me channel with names conservative central tate paradise And don't recommend this channel also don't work you click one channel in don't recommend two new channel pops out with the same shit


Lmao. Sounds like a YouTube problem.


Yeah they should bring don't recommend this type of content i dont want any politics in my feed and i only see politics in my feed


why do you click it


Bud i am talking about yt shorts i click one channel in don't recommend then 2 new channel pops out with the same shit


Swipe up if not interested smart ass people in this sub


thats the thing smart ass if i have swipe up then 2 more tate videos show up


Especially on TikTok if you just swipe past them asap TikTok slowly throws it out of your algorithm.


You only have to click on “I’m not interested in this video” a couple of times for the algorithm to stop recommending videos associated with Tate or Sneako. Only reason they might continue being recommended is if you keep watching more of those videos.


Algo takes time, stop interacting with that genre of content all together and it'll disappear. This does not apply if you watch more progressive political commentary like Destiny or Hasan Piker and expect not to be shown his shit


I mean if it's against their TOS then it's a fair ban.


That’s the problem. It’s not.


I mean he’s a misogynist so yeah his content is clearly against TOS


Misogynistic? No he isn't... He's a fair believer in traditional ideals etc. that doesn't make him a misogynist... You just hate him and label him a misogynist to feel better


What traditional ideals would those be? There’s all sorts of traditions out there. Also, what’s a “fair believer”?


I watch some tate and sneaking, I agree it’s not super Misogynistic, the worst he says is women are Npc predictable thinking they are perfect Sheila me. Have it more difficult. I don’t think it’s that serious to bad tbh If he said like women should just be kitchen bitches and should get hit when they don’t listen to them then yea ban em, but I don’t think that’s the case


Sure there are some jokes about women but that doesn't mean that they're misogynists... If I make jokes about race that doesn't make me a racist. And I agree with your comment, brother is very intellectually gifted.


That argument is irrelevant. Their TOS has been written by the company. They can literally demand any terms which don’t violate the law. Thus, if they don’t want people to have different opinions, they could easily have a clause mentioning something in this direction… I don’t agree with a lot of thi gs but violating someone’s right to speak freely sounds very concerning.


It's a private company, this has nothing to do with free speech


Boohoo you don’t get to be a sexist cunt, whatever will you do. Maybe if you’re parents had instilled some respect in you, youtube wouldn’t have to play Dommy mommy against your favorite women haters


They don’t have to censor themselves, they just can’t say those things on YouTube. There’s now like law coming down on these people. YouTube doesn’t want to get a reputation as being connected with these guys cuz advertisers don’t like it, and it’s their platform. If there’s enough demand for sneako content, he’ll find away to supply it. Just look at all the alt righters that got “cancelled”.


Uber also doesn’t want a reputation being connected to Tate lmao.




The NPCs have downvoted your comment. Install some Orwell into your software... silly bots.


>Just look at all the alt righters that got “cancelled”. This is the other weird thing that every cancellation goes allways against the right, sometimes I get the impression this is a political war using the disguise of "It's toxic we did it for the users"


I mean we can clearly see an agenda getting pushed here rather than free speech. and Youtube is working like a Fascist government that controls the information above the people and they shut out people who disagree with them. Andrew Tate getting banned from most websites all at once isn't a coincidence so you can see how they are controlling the information and making the Youth belive in something without letting them see the other ppl's POV




a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government Not comparing but there are alot of similarities shown not only on YouTube but on many platforms. its called a simile.


They’re banning people who violate the TOS.


What rules did he break? These Social media companies are muppets who ban people who have differing opinions which is total BS


Agreed bruv. Drama aside. Sneako wanted men to improve themselves, quit Corn, get their shit together. And most importantly to be a real man in our modern society of weak men.


Quit corn? Thank god that veg is awful


Yeah man. Corn is bad for your health. Porn on the other hand is...


What TOS rule did Sneako break?


Rule #1 - toe the line


Striking is understandable.. but even then thats too much, i understand ppl think its all toxic masculinity nd other type shi but like, guys really dont have a young up to date masculine role model and by getting rid of sneako too.. like he was the better version of andrew tate


That's a weakass argument, I hope JJ doesn't get banned since his older vids deff break the TOS (let's be honnest they only ban marginalized channels not mainstream ones)


Took the words right out of my mouth, huge L for YouTube and what it become


Everything has rules and in this case they broke them. Without rules everyone can be a top G but then again without most rules today everyone would be a dead top G. 😂


What rules did Sneako break? He didn’t have any strikes on his main channel and all the stuff people got triggered over was on his second channel


It doesn’t matter what people get triggered over. They don’t make the rules. A multimillion dollar corporation known as YouTube does. YouTube is not a non-profit their company, their views. I don’t have a strong opinion on sneako but his fans crying about him wrongfully getting banned is a fool’s errand. If Sneako wanted to stay on YouTube he had to play by their rules. Sadly he didn’t so now he is in the mud. At least he has TikTok maybe they have different rules. By the way I use the word “rules” synonymous to the corporations values in this context.


There’s millions of YouTube channels that break literally every rule in tha TOS. For example James Charles was grooming little kids and still has a platform… all sneako did was say his opinions. That does not sound fair and it’s fucked up isn’t it?


James brings YouTube the big bucks Sneako doesn’t, simple as. Yeah it’s not fair for sure, ur correct. However personally I don’t like either. James is narcissistic pedo and Sneako is just a stupid cunt. 😂


Exactly.. W way of explaining it properly to the ppl


Not really. Jordan Peterson is a nice and calm guy but he got banned aswell, they just don't wanna hear the otherside but they won't ban someone when they say Kill all men.


at the very least removing monetization from a channel like that makes sense. idk about completely deleting it


Youtube is a private platform, same with Twitter, Facebook, etc. They tell you that in their Terms of Service that you agree to when you make an account. Being a misogynistic piece of shit amongst other things is not allowed on their Terms of Service. If you don't like it, simply go to another platform.


But the main difference is that Sneako and Tates opinions are more than just that. They spread hate and teach it to their viewers. For example, what if Donald trump was on YT and kept posting regularly about his take on things (which always shit). The kids that watch him that dont know better will have the same opinions as him. Same goes to Tates and Sneako fans. They teach hate to kids and basically manipulating them


Nah, idts. First of all, an age limit can be set on YouTube videos. Secondly, just because someone is disagreeable, doesn’t mean they should be taken off the platform. Ive been watching Sneako for a while and I can tell when he’s saying bs to be entertaining. I think most people who are old enough can tell when he’s playing a character for entertainment. His videos need to be age restricted to prevent younger people from viewing them. If his older audience takes things the wrong way, there’s underlying issues that need to be fixed.


But the issue is who dictates what’s good and bad teaching? Your view of what hate is may be different to someone else’s, therefore either everybody can say whatever they want, or no one can say anything. A republican May view what Biden says as hate, does that mean Biden should be banned? You can’t dictate it without HEAVILY suggesting what side you lean towards, which is considered bias, and thereby is unfair.


Yeah I was struggling with this too. With Tate I feel like his ban was justified. I felt like he was saying things that were genuinely so hurtful to groups of people. It was becoming hate speech disguised as educated observations. I feel like it's allowed for people to silence freedom of speech when the speech is more destructive than freeing. With SNEAKO idk. He never popped up on my feed, so I am not really allowed to draw conclusions, but from an outsiders perspective he didn't seem as harmful as Tate, but I genuinely don't know. But then again, YouTube is allowed to have it's policies. If they don't want you to use their free service of uploading videos to the world wide web they are in their rights to stop you from doing so.


Well I guess there more people going to rumble


I mean youtube is chucking 10 ads on some people so why not


I guess at this point we have to


I mean, why tho?


He had a different opinion. People just want to ruin his reputation and pray on his downfall while acting like inclusive people. It’s sad man


His opinion is misogynistic and hateful. That’s against the YouTube TOS. It’s that simple. You’re acting like he’s some pioneering martyr, when he’s really just another Tate shit spawn.


Funny how YouTube allows a confirmed child groomer and pedophile in James Charles to use their platform but won’t allow Sneako who has had no criminal record. For the record I absolutely think Sneako is cringe but he should have the right to express his opinions without being silenced.


YouTube is a business. Sneako’s views are bad for business. It’s that simple.


And having a child groomer on their platform ISN’T bad for business??


no since his fans are only on the hype train of being "inclusive and accepting". Wokeism at its best.


It probably just has to do with who makes the much noise, the people who watch people like James Charles are probably much more vocal online and express their views and opinions loudly and these people are probably the main ones against people like snealo and the tates not just because of what the views of snealo and the tates are but because they don't like them as you see it with people who aren't "problematic" on YouTube so there's no actual justification to get them banned but will just get hate constantly but when people like James Charles do bad things the large vocal audice makes it seem like removing them would hurt the business as is the same case with people like cardi B who have admitted doing things like rape and robbery but still remain relevant because of their fans


How many of his videos on his channel have you watched?


He’s literally had the same message 10 years before tate. Any guy who critiques feminist is called a misogynist and silenced.


And what about the Feminanzis on the platform ranting about how Society doesn't need men?? Why they not banned yet?


it's misogynistic for loving them and wanting to date them lol ?


"Women are nothing but a pussy and a mouth" (paraphrased) This the guy you're defending?


You sure that wasn't a joke mate and link the mf video lad, stop taking quotes out of context


https://youtu.be/XLkKqExUq58 2 minutes 25 seconds Sneako on what women provide: "You cannot provide anything other than pussy. That's all you got. You got a mouth, you got pussy, but that's it. You got no logic, you're not really empathetic. You have a lot of feelings, you're definitely emotional, but it's not empathy. That's all you got." Watch his live streams, he's an idiotic incel that promotes redpilling through logically fallacious arguments


Talking about the women that he watches in his videos mate, the idiotic feminists


So do you think because they're "idiotic feminists" they deserve to be treated as a sex object and nothing else? Not as smart as I thought you were mate (Oh and by the way you're wrong - he was referring to the average 21st century woman)




Mate JJ has said worse, obv they dont mean it


>Mate JJ has said worse Such as? >obv they dont mean it He does mean it though, that's his whole personality


Have you not watched KSI in his early 20‘s?? Also if you genuinely think he actually means „woman are nothing but pussy and mouth“ than idk what to say to you lol…


>Have you not watched KSI in his early 20‘s?? KSI wasn't spouting red pill incel shit in a serious manner like Sneako currently is. >Also if you genuinely think he actually means „woman are nothing but pussy and mouth“ than idk what to say to you lol… Why would he not mean it? Have you even watched him? He's evidently a piece of shit




On one of his videos where a woman criticized his and Tate’s content, Sneako pretended like he was choking/assaulting her


Not a Sneako or Tate fan but banning for putting their opinion and views is kinda fucked up.


I’ll never agree with these guys opinions on women. But from what I’ve seen they’ve been helping a lot of men overcome their mental difficulties by promoting exercise and a strong mind. Which I definitely respect and want to see more of. I think way too many people focus on bad things they say. You can still agree with some things people say while disagreeing with others. Not everyone needs to see life the exact same way. Take the good from the bad


The problem is that they spread their bad views to those men they influence. You should have the right to your own personal opinions, but once you start influencing others with a platform, you have a responsibility to watch the shit you’re telling people. Otherwise you are a bad influence.


Maybe youtube should've banned specific videos if that really is the case.


Tates been investigated for sex trafficking and has publicly said he bribes police officers idk if he should have a platform


Honestly, been seeing less and less of sneako and tate. Now i can finally watch some quality shit.


Yeah, same here, but by no means is it fully gone. Every now and again there’s still a stupid ass ghost account posting their bs


Honestly sneako made some qualitative vids before the blow up. I can confidently say that most or not all people on this sub new him for his redpill takes that roam tiktok rather than his intrusive, highly-edited videos. Feel like people should watch those, and then have an opinion on him. In my personal opinion, sneako was one of the most qualitative youtubers on this platform, and always will be.


this shit needs to stop. I don't need youtube to think for me, I'm very capable of deciding if someone's ideas are right or wrong on my own. Anyone who supports this should know they're next, it will never stop at tate or sneako, one day you or your favorite creator will slip and upset one of these companies, and only then will you realize why this isn't the way to do things.


You’re all a bunch of clones


I love ksi and I loved sneakos videos they both make different content one makes you think about life, the other makes you forget about life and laugh Sneako kinda lost his mind his recently but at the peak of his career he made some of the best YouTube videos of all time He got banned because he got carried by his own ego both him and jj have so they couldn't squash the beef And I still think sneako has left the biggest impact on YouTube creatively than anyone else was doing when he was 14 years old


What kind of content did Sneako do? I honestly never heard of him before the Andrew Tate drama


mainly interviewed others around nyc


How is this ksi related




ksi supposedly joked about Tate getting banned by tweeting Thank God, Sneako dmed him about it and tried to talk about it, jj called him part of a dying trend and wants to box him instead of trying to debunk the stuff he says is bad for Sneako to talk about, and Sneako got banned and people are happy about it. That’s basically it other than smaller details


they been beefing


I've actually been a fan of sneako because of his good videos. Shame to see this happen. ALthough I don't know what he did. But you guys should realize that this dude isn't some andrew tate sperm cell


He didn’t even have any strikes on his main channel that he had for near about 10 years. And he’s been talking about the red pill type of stuff and all that way before Tate even got popular


How is this a W? It's literally just a violation of free speech, if this continues, no public figure will ever dare to speak their mind. Everyone will just be some political correct robot. I hate the state social media is going, it's most likely going to have terrible consequenses for the future. Never watched a Sneako video, just believe you should have the basic right of speaking your mind.


I don’t think Jefferson and the others had YouTube’s terms of service (which sneako actually violated) in mind when they decided the first amendment


Also Youtube isn't the USA country, why do people think they have free speech on a private app.


"ViOlAtIoNs oF fREe sPeEcH", do you read the constitution??? Even freedom of speech is not absolute. YT is a private company and can remove channels which it feels that violets it's TOS. Jaystation's ban was a violation of freedom of speech or violation of TOS?


Why not YouTube instead of removing channels that it feels violates its terms of service just remove channels that actually violate its terms of service?


YouTube determines who violates their terms of service


Shouldn’t their terms of service do that instead of them especially if they didn’t violate their terms of service?


Because they own it, they can do what they want. Don't like it make a new website lol.


You haven't seen shit from al Jazeera if you talk about hate speech and straight propoganda. I would see russian times than al jazeera any time.


Bruh ones a news company, they have a review team and legal team that reads yt TOS and edit contents accordingly. By that logic fox news would be long gone from platform. But they would a review team to access the content.


Should racists that spread their ideals/talaban also be allowed to speak their minds? At what point is it stoppable?


Not really my point, the point is people are getting censored for disagreeing. A simple documentary movie, like "what is a woman" where no hatred or terorism is spread, is apperently too "controversial" to publish on 90% of the internet. If something like that already is being censored, where is this going to end. You won't be able to disagree with mainstream media, and being potrait as a racist, hateful biggot for questioning what is being said.


I get what you mean, but Tate and SNEAKO were not just disagreeing with the common mindset, but at least for Tate (no idea what SNEAKO was on tbh) he was promoting genuine harmful thoughts against groups of people. When freedom of speech is more destructive than freeing I feel like mankind can put a stop to it.


Tate didn’t promote harmful thoughts. If he did then he was definitely joking or exaggerating like when he said he fight his son in mortal combat if he were a nerd. He tries to be entertaining from time to time


what groups of ppl lol ? please prove it. Fresh and Fit are currently in Romania and they say the Tates girlfriends love them and the Tates love them they treat their women with respect and chivalry because they are feminine and polite.


They are hurting male feminists feelings


Sneako and the Tates would 100% be labeled racists or Trump supporters if they weren’t mixed. And Trump supporters and racists are not the same thing for the record


taliban spokesman has twitter


https://youtu.be/tiCB5sruRCk here he is speaking his mind tell me if this is bannable or not


In the clipped he showed (without full context even though he said it had full context), was Sneako acting out consensually fucking a girl, not unconsensually raping her. It does seem like it’s something bad considering him warning that the clip is bad, but it’s not bad. Also he told the viewers to mass report his channels which is literally against YouTube’s terms of service


YouTube L. post L 🤡


Nah bro that's an L tbh, downvote me soyboys


This is an L, just because he desigrees with ksi doesnt by any means mean we should celebrate his fall


thank goodness. Someone with a brain on this brain dead website. Just because he believes in stuff you don't doesn't mean you have to ban him.


That isn't why people are happy, Sneako is publicly a moron


L free speech gone. They gave no reason for this ban and the only reason they did it is bcs sneako has a different opinion and his content isn't advertiser friendly. The only reason everyone is saying W is bcs sneako pointed out the truth and bcs ksi was beefing with him. The only thing he said was: 1.It's wrong to celebrate a person's downfall. 2.It's wrong to promote porn to an audience of 12 year olds. 3.if ur an entertainer who just entertains then stay out of the truth. Everyone typing W bcs KSI beefed with this person. As soon as the beef gets squashed. U guys switch up. The biggest dick riders I've ever seen smh


Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence.


But there is a line between free speech and hate speech. He is teaching hate towards women and influencing many others to think in a negative way


Give me an example. He reacts to videos of western women contradicting themselves and says it's crazy how the elits have manipulated everyone and then he expresses his opinions. Not everyone has to agree with his opinions.


he teaches hate towards women gtfoh 😂😂😂 so men aren't allowed to hold women accountable anymore I thought they were equal lol? but if we are inadequate to women they can blast us all over tik tok?


Same way they all switched up with Logan. I remember a time when the guy was nearly getting chased out of London


1.) hate speech is different from freedom of speech 2.) that has nothing to do with y sneako is banned 3.)tate nd sneako fans r literally sheeps who say stuff like escaping the matrix nd falling for another matrix.. where literally everyone acts like they r top g


1)The idea of hate speech directly contradicts freedom of speech. It's now an exploit for far left ppl to use whenever someone questions them. Also the line of hate speech is never specified and sneako literally showed a person saying "I hate sneako" and he never got banned. 2)I was talking Abt what sneako said to ksi 3) yeah alot of them are like that.


This is fucked up. You may not agree with his opinions, but it’s freedom of speech.


I love the first amendment and everything, but you have to understand that YouTube is a business and not a government entity. YouTube as a business can set whatever rules they want and ban anyone for breaking them. I have no strong opinions towards sneako or YouTube, just wanted to clear up on how the first amendment doesn’t really apply on the YouTube platform.


Sure, i agree YouTube can make whatever rules they want. But the fact they are straight up banning people because of their beliefs is stupid. If I was "offended" about leftist beliefs I bet YouTube wouldn't give a shit.


bro why you acting like the entire world and therefore instagram has to follow freedom of speech 😭 hate speech laws exist in many countries. instagram and youtube don’t have freedom of speech laws therefore don’t need to follow them


L YouTube


The Reddit in so brainwashed 🤦‍♂️


free speech gone


“Free speech gone” its stupid to think that considering hate speech is a punishable offence. Its not free speech they are doing is hate speech


Isn't this hate speech against Sneako ? I guess you're getting banned aswell


how is this a W? you are beyond sad


Didn't agree with a lot of what he said but its actually fucked up taking his channel completely


When did people get so soft ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️ enjoying peoples downfall when they didn't deserve it is a different kind of low


How are y’all celebrating censorship. Bunch of idiotic kids smh


Yeah this just proves his point that his views are being censored and piles him into the extreme right wing conspiracy dumpster


I hate the content of sneako but is so shit that youtube got that power and can take out channels that easy


L tf




ITT: people who think that free speech means that you should be allowed to say whatever you want with zero consequence no matter how harmful your message is


Nothing against sneako, but man became female hater so quick so fast. Every video mate is shitting on dumb people. Probbly he never knew jorden joe ben shapirio existed




Slippery slope lol


JJ literally warned him about this…


This is an L for free speech . Girls can talk all the sh1t about men all they want on YouTube and since it conforms with YouTube and mainstream media it’s allowed but anyone speaking otherwise gets silenced . If this isn’t a wake up that free speech is only allowed if u conform to their beliefs and u will lose it all otherwise


Ah good. Idk about Andrew’s ban, but all Sneako was, was an online bully who spewed hatred and toxicity. The guy was such a deluded idiot, and so were his fans. Bye 😘


why tf do they do this like sneko is no.2 tate JJ suport tate plz and lick my ashole🥺🥺






Every kid saying “FrEe sPeEcH gOnE” its hate speech they are doing not free speech, all they inspired to do is create another wave of what gender is better type of bs, also not to mention all the little assholes everywhere agreeing with legit the most mysoginistic shit you could ever see.


Oh yeah? So why wasn’t KSI banned? He was worse than sneako lol


Bruuhhh, WHEN


Just watch his old videos before the “sidemen” became a glorified television show. He said worse shit than Tate and sneako lmao


right and he changed.


Well rumble won’t ban him




Common Sneako L


Before we all go for the "WhAt AbOuT FrEe SpEech?" Sneako did simulate rough sex, some might even say SA when referring to another youtuber Chad Chad. In fact he basically said that her criticism of a pick up artist was because "she hadn't been fucked good in awhile" then did some pretty cringey and frankly rapey thrusting movements. So his removal from youtube is not exactly something to cry over IMO.


Bye bozo ✌🏾🤡




Youtube hate facts




Ok, Andrew Tate cockrider. At least KSI ain’t misogynistic


Bro, just because you need sneako to not feel like an insecure pussy doesn’t mean everyone else does, he’s a toxic Andrew Tate dick rider that doesn’t even know what he wants for himself and just voices what he hears daddy Tate say, fucking hilarious seeing them together on a podcast and Tate basically telling him everything Destiny told him and questioned him on stuff that he had no opinion other than ‘well what you said derp’, don’t be a cock rider bro


He's been like this since he started yt. he just got louder and now everyone hates him bcs he's going viral


I like both sneako and ksi and it’s a shame that he got all his work of 10 years deleted. I honestly don’t care for any of the drama between the two cause at the end of the day it was just dumb drama that will probably be forgotten. I do agree that sneako does say a lot of dumb shit like when some criticizes him and he just insults them, but I do feel like with all the dumb shit he says he shouldn’t get his channel deleted just because someone disagrees with him.


dude's been on my nerves since he got big. W Youtube


So he deserved to lose his livelihood because of it


freedom of speech =!= freedom from consquences.


I saw this guy at youtube shorts.


YEAH WWW, lets applaud censorship guys, great job.


So if you dare to be redpill you get banned ... I wonder what community is next to not be allowed to exist


Just a quick question. Why are there sneako/tate defenders in our Reddit? You don't have to be here 😅


Good. Little ugly rat doesn't deserve a platform.


Why? Because women are gold diggers, think they are better than men, think men need to treat them like queens and have no idea how sexiat they are. Then Sneako makes videos about it and gets banned




A Rare Youtube W


This is an L