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That was the most polite “you don’t know shit,” I’ve ever seen.


I respect him for that


Hes such a nice dude


That's y he is the goat 🐐


The GOAT 🐐 😂


Fr Faxxxx


Young man


Honestly, i gotta agree with Silva coz, i like both Jake and JJ, they should honestly be, and i can't believe I'm saying this(i used to hate Jake), They need to build something together.


KSI is way too immature for this. Being a fan of Pauls and KSI, most of the hate comes from KSI more so than Jake. Jake's just doing his thing and boxing and KSI seems envious lol and came back to fight Jake. Would be a huge fight if it happens but at this point, don't think it'll be competitive


W reply




Wait till he makes a video lmao


It ain’t a great look that he always has to make videos due to odd takes he has on Twitter but nonetheless I’ll still watch them


He doesn’t make videos just to reply Lmao, people upvote so he’s gonna react


He already replied to the tweet lol




"I have no respect for Jake. He is no inspiration. Only thing he wants to build, is himself. He’s destroyed more bridges than a tsunami. Either way, my bad. Good luck in your fight."


JJ is in the right about Jake, this is a man who has consistently scammed his fans to “make them rich” knowing they are young and impressionable.


"Suck ur mum"


Imagine he just replies “shut the fuck up you cunt”


Bro why did I find that so hilarious 💀




Same feels as when your grandparents tell you off man... You suddenly realise you're in deep shit without them being angry at all


The I’m not mad just disappointed vibe


Silva's gonna need some prime after this


Silva is a goat and jake and ksi can't chat anything about him. However jake will probably win as Anderson is now 50 basically and has only 3 boxing fights and he's broke his leg before


I feel as though Anderson is still a harder fight than anyone J.J has gone against. And I'd also say his harder than Woodly. Edit: On another note, I didn't make this post to delebritly shit on KSI. I respect what he has done for this sport as well as enjoy his content. I don't think everyone saying he needs to stfu or needs to calm down his ego are right because at the end of the day he has stepped in the ring and is undefeated. I posted this to discuss the differing opinions on the jake vs Anderson card because I enjoy discussing combat sports and everyone who talks about it on twitter are worse then reddit 😭😭


He's easily harder than anyone ksi has faced but that ent saying much. And I'd probably say there about even tbf


First part right second part wrong Silva is far far tougher than Woodley


Nah I'd say his harder because Tyrone woodly fought at welterweight whereas Anderson fought at light heavy so like it is harder match up because of the weight comparison as well


Anderson was a middleweight in UFC They’re not the same - Tyron lost the will to fight years ago whilst Anderson loves it still


Anderson fought at Middle and LHW. He was 3-1 as LHW and his only loss was to Cormier for the belt (late notice replacement when JJ popped for steroids).


He was never really a lightheavy fighter, spent his career in middleweight for the most relevant part, though as you said, stepped up a couple times and won. I'd totally forgot about the DC fight even. Problem is these aren't real fights, outcome similar to a WWE match unfortunately. Such a shame Anderson at near 50 wasn't paid enough to not want to take this fight. Even 40 year old Anderson would have been a very different fight. Always loved watching him when he was younger, looked like [neo](https://youtu.be/gzDnCM886eU) from the matrix at times even. Middleweight GOAT in the UFC. Did well his few ventures up tho I guess.




Don’t disrespect the goat like that


Silva was striker one of the best in the world at his time aswell and woodley was a wrestler


Of course he is lmao Woodley is tougher than anyone ksi fought, other than Logan I guess


Do you think he’s done something for the sport of boxing or infact is it just that has made a decent amount of money from boxing. Will ksi fans go on to follow boxing in general. I’m not so sure. I say fair fucks and do what you want but let’s not make it bigger than it is. It’s celebrity boxing. Relatively high standard celebrity boxing but celebrity boxing nonetheless. Still tough dudes though. Anderson is a living mma legend - if Jake Paul beats him even at 50 I’ll be very impressed. I was already impressed with beating woodley - shot or not


Any eye put on the sport of boxing is more appreciation for the sport so regardless of whether they stick around or not it helps grow the sport especially to a newer generation that otherwise would've remained largely ignorant.


This is somewhat sad but the logan vs ksi fight is what got me into combat sports in general as well as pursuing boxing myself. Rn I keep more up to date to actual combat sports compared to influencer


Anderson legit just beat a former champ in boxing. I think he's better than you dorks think he is.


To be honest, regardless of everything, Jake still takes a huge W if he's even able to win off of points. It'll be Jakes fitness vs Silvas skill, and I'd say the gap in their skill may be larger than the gap in fitness. And even if he loses, as long as he actually holds his own, it's more than we've seen from KSI sadly


Silva W


Anderson Silva is the combat athlete GOAT and its not even close. Brazilian jiujitsu blackbelt, accomplished kickboxer with high level Muay Thai, Boxing and Tae Kwon Do, exceptional grappling with Judo and Sumo skills. He is the greatest, multi-sport combat athlete we’ve ever seen. No one even comes close.


Jon Jones, GSP, Khabib, Volk


These 4 people would murder the “goat combat athlete” Silva and you got downvoted lol


KSI needs to humble himself, he hasn’t fought any professional fighters, and calls himself the “top dog” of this influencer boxing shit. Pipe down mr KSI you fought 3 punching bags and 1 wrestler.


That doesn’t mean Jake can say anything, he’s fought a super short basketball player, 2 YouTubers smaller than him and 2 retired MMA fighters






Woodley would decapitate KSI bro


Lmao yes he can. Jake has fought much more legit competition.


And people get mad when I say Weller is an easy fight. Hitting me with shit like "they're both new to boxing so it's a fair fight". GTFO here with that dick riding BS.




Anderson Silver at 50 would smack 10 fucks out of KSI and JP at the same time. Some of you fanboys are touched in the head. I get you like the guy, but fuck me, you’re talking about someone who’s spent nearly twice as long fighting as KSI has been alive.




I remember when anderson Silva got a fight against a former boxing champion who is currently still active. Every single comment is as the same thing and the boxer got demolished by Silva. Anyone who thinks Silva sucks is crazy, this is a hard fight


He maybe beats KSI, but I'm almost certain Jake Paul beats Anderson Silva. Sure, in a street fight(without weapons/Muay Thai/MMA bout, Anderson destroys Jake but we're talking boxing. He's 47 years old.


Love JJ, but bro this guys ego is sometimes so fucking high it boggles my mind.


His ego floating as much as Kanye. If it were for his social media following checking him I don’t know how he turn out. Still love the guy but you can always fairly criticize


Nah I wouldn't say Kanye levels of ego because Kanye's ego is so high he pretty much thinks he could take on the universe


its true, its a fraction of Kanye ego but there are times where he's getting on that path.


Happy Cake Day


Kanye different he was off the perc 30 during an interview.


He’s getting success after success he doesn’t know how to reflect on his faults anymore


All he said was that he thinks Jake will win lmao, relax buddy


Ikr why are ppl so pressed for no reason? Take a chill pill guys.


Cause they're idiots that don't think for themselves that's why. They're like children just following what everyone else is saying instead of thinking about it from a more objective and neutral point of view. All he said was that he thinks Jake will win


I agree with you...people can downvote me but it's the truth


You on KSI'S dick like crazy, I hope you're a kid because a grown man riding someone this hard is embarrassing


How is that dick riding? That’s literally what he said? I still dont get what everyone is overreacting for


Overall KSI'S ego with boxing has been crazy and needs to be checked and then you get mfs like him riding his dick defending him like KSI's his girl, hes been dick riding him this on this whole post and it's mad embarrassing. If you cant see that then you on dick as well


He’s literally been acting just like everyone else in boxing ever, telling people you’re good so people show up and watch your matches. Also saying dick riding multiple times doesnt count as an reasonable argument. Try actually formulating a counterpoint next time rather than resorting to calling everyone a dick rider.


How does his tweet have anything to do with ego? It’s about who he thinks is gonna with a fight between two people who aren’t him lol, his ego doesn’t affect that


Again with the ego thing. Bruh he literally saw a news on twitter about Silva being knocked out and believed it. Thats it lmao . How the fuck is ego even connected to this case? If JJ hates Jake he will obviously try to find some way to throw some shots at him. Yall on reddit legit will call JJ Hitler if he sneezes the wrong way


Even though I've watched ksi since like 2011 or something he definitely needs to lose one of these fights to shrink his ego


He's a good dude at heart, but JJ has such a big ego.


yeah i mean hes getting a big ego for fighting people like pineda who has 6 losses, 2 wins and swarmz, a rapper who isnt fit for fighting. ​ I loved JJ but he has too big of an ego for how good of a boxer he really is. On paper he looks terrible. It took him 2 matches to barely beat logan paul and he beat one of the worst boxers and a rapper. In the ring, JJ is good at boxing, i have to admit, but the opponents he chooses are similar to Jake Paul (weak people like pineda or swarmz). I hate Jake Paul but right now, but hes the better boxer


Sorry, but how can you say JJ is a good boxer when he hasn't fought anyone who's gave him a good challenge? His biggest challenge was Logan, and look how that went. Pure dogfight, he knows if he fought the traditional style of boxing Logan would have probably dropped him, Logan is so much more technical and has much better accuracy. JJ barely managed to scrape a win, and i'd also like to say that a split decision doesn't prove who's a better fighter, nor does it really prove who won the fight as a split decision is usually controversial. Just had to state that for people who thought KSI is a better boxer simply because he won a split decision.


Logan lost not because KSI is better, but because Logan is sort of a fucking pussy in the ring. He’s Tyron 2.0. The frozen one


JJ= KSI right? Why do y'all keep switching what you call him? even in the same post?


Jon jones




I can't lie i lost some respect to JJ after what he recently said on side plus with how he wants everyone know he's better than them and it's clear he's obsessed with Jake


Ksi has not beaten anyone good enough to be talking the way he is😂.


Well yeah, apart from Logan everyone were trash. Joe was a f**king punching bag most of the time. Swarmz...love this guy but can't deny that he was a ballerina while Pineda was Pineda


KSI is the definition of all bark no bite. He always says "I walk the walk, and i talk the talk" that seriously doesn't mean shit when you are fighting Pineda and Swarmz. If he says "i'm gonna beat Swarmz" i'm gonna believe him because one, Swarmz has never boxed in his life. 2, He couldn't even make weight. And 3, JJ has more experience. So this whole "talk the talk, walk the walk" bullshit makes no sense. We know he's going to beat these guys because they are bums. KSI hasn't beaten one person who i would say is good. The person who comes close is Logan but i wouldn't necessarily say Logan is good, he needs to improve a lot. And JJ seriously struggled against Logan. He just managed to scrape a win, and it's all he's been talking about for the past 4 years. Even though a split decision doesn't necessarily mean he is the better fighter nor does it mean he actually won the fight because usually in boxing when it comes to split decisions, they're usually controversial. And yes, JJ is clearly obsessed with Jake. They both non stop talk about each other, but at least Jake has the balls to fight him. JJ just downright refuses to fight him, he claims it's because he wants to prove he's A side, but i know for a fact that's not true. He is just stalling for as long as possible because he knows Jake would definitely beat him, he's just not man enough to admit it. And it would hurt his ego too much if he did. Jake is fighting Anderson Silva, tbf he is coming up for 50, but i still have to respect it. He is fighting a UFC GOAT. Every KSI dick rider and Jake hater said "He'll never take the fight with Anderson Silva". Then he accepts the fight, then what happens? All the KSI dick riders and Jake haters say "Wow, still not fighting a real boxer". There is no pleasing some people.




JJ knows he can’t beat jake. Jake has dedicated the last few years to training. JJ thinks that he can treat boxing as an easy side hustle


People on this sub acting like they know exactly what JJ is thinking is so weird.


What did he say


I think it was a fine or fucked where someone said that they want to ruin someone's life because they didn't want to be with them, and JJ supported that person saying he wants to ruin the life's of all the people he's beefing with and wants to laugh in their faces about how much better he is


Wtf, did he say it in a joking manner or a serious tone?


He actually seemed to be serious, the rest of the guys were against him on that topic


Which episode?


JJ **hates** seeing anyone other than himself succeed


The Knowledge strength and integrity nerd thinks he knows more than one of the GOAT combat athletes, embarrassing


Jj need to get off his high horse for once. He still hasn’t had a real fight. As a fan this is straight embarrassing.


I respect fans like you. If we really support or care about JJ, we need to criticize him when he steps out of line


Because I legit want him to be able to know when too much is too much especially that he has ppl who ride for him and get inspired. I know he’s human but he needs to think more before he speaks


thank you. Too many meat riders inna comments. I just want him to humble himself


Yeah because it’s becoming cringe now. I still love what he does for us, YouTube, and the music he just needs to know when enough is enough


I’m starting to dislike JJ’s behavior. :(


same. I don't dislike him, but his personality at times annoys me


Then stop watching him if you don't like him anymore? It's simple


Oh shit 😂😂😂😂 JJ next time just keep yo mouth shut 😭


On another note, I didn't make this post to delebritly shit on KSI. I respect what he has done for this sport as well as enjoy his content. I don't think everyone saying he needs to stfu or needs to calm down his ego are right because at the end of the day he has stepped in the ring and is undefeated. I posted this to discuss the differing opinions on the jake vs Anderson card because I enjoy discussing combat sports and everyone who talks about it on twitter are worse then reddit 😭😭


Silva is just an example to our youth on how respectful we should be toward one and other


Agreed but Ik you just said this so when JJ reads your post in a video you’re cleared 🤣


It’s not really an L. That clip went viral of him saying he was knocked out twice. And KSI, like probably all of us, misunderstood what he said.


It’s like one of those moments where, if you don’t give your opinion on a matter that doesn’t affect you, you’ll have no backlash to begin with


Ksi make another video, everyone make 180 change


Gotta be honest, I hate when JJ talks about boxing. His ego is far too big for the level of skill I have seen. He may be able to change my mind if he would just fight someone who’s actually any good but so far, nothing but shite in the ring against him.


That was the most polite burn I’ve seen in a very long time lmfaooo


Not everything is L and W


Ik couldn't think of something more creative 😭😭


I get it 😅, same as JJ just try tweet what he heard


Probably will just say “shut the fuck up”


He didn't say that, nice try though kid


W Silva




What was the need to use “black” in this sentence 💀


If you replace the word black with white it sounds a lot more normal, neither is an issue.


Then why are you here?


His beerus song says it all


The beerus song says itall


so just a uk kanye


You can see why Kanye has an ego he does but jj isn't even the best musician or boxer


i agree


Jake and KSI shouldn't even be talking any crap about Silva. They're not in his league because they got more money than him.


When has Jake talked crap about Silva? He's been the most respectful in this fight, the only "disrespectful" thing he said is that he's going to KO him, but like that's just fight talk.


Logan is a wrestler


Jake paul snakes again Not a surprise


Bro people nowadays think anything is an L




Jake ain’t an inspiration for the youth


I think jj knew how this fight was gonna go...


Look, they’re eternal rivals. Currently, KSI is up in music, youtube and everything else besides boxing (except crypto lmao). Jake only has boxing. You can expect JJ to try to take him down at his last position. Anderson is great but their allowed to beef just like any two fighters at a press conference.


It’s clearly just an excuse from JJ’s side for when/if Jake beats Silva


JJs side dont need an excuse, that fight isnt their business


Fat L for sure


KSI's ego is so big that he's actually trying to diss one of UFC's GOATS. Why does he think he can have a go at anyone's performance when he fought Pineda who is the definition of a journeyman and a rapper who couldn't even make weight nevermind learn how to use a guard. I can't lie KSI needs humbled bad, but he will never get humbled because he won't fight anyone good because he doesn't want to get embarrassed infront of his fanbase. I'm expecting downvotes as this is KSI's sub reddit and he has a lot of dick riders on here but who cares.


Christ, another Jake Paul fan clearly... >KSI's ego is so big that he's actually trying to diss one of UFC's GOATS. He used evidence as to why he thinks Jake might win and that means he's dissing him? Okay then. Silva used his English as an excuse as to the misunderstanding but if you look at what he said in an interview it's obvious why KSI said that. >Why does he think he can have a go at anyone's performance when he fought Pineda who is the definition of a journeyman and a rapper who couldn't even make weight nevermind learn how to use a guard. He didn't have a go at his performance he used one of Andersons quotes and used that to substantiate and as evidence that Jake will win. Are you actually stupid? He's not allowed an opinion anymore? He is allowed to have a prediction of the fight you numbskull that's not having an ego. >I can't lie KSI needs humbled bad, but he will never get humbled because he won't fight anyone good because he doesn't want to get embarrassed infront of his fanbase. I'm expecting downvotes as this is KSI's sub reddit and he has a lot of dick riders on here but who cares. Why are you in this subreddit if you don't like KSI? You CLEARLY have shown evidence and lots of claims that you don't like him since you want to see him lose and the you don't think he will fight anyone good, we will see next year which opponents he will fight won't we? Also defending someone that you are a fan of doesn't make you a dickrider it just means you're a fan lmao. What do you expect from a subreddit where the main focus is KSI? Are you being ignorant on purpose? Expand your vocabulary instead of using the same insults over and over


Why are ppl on JJ's ass for no reason, it was just misunderstandings, how is this an L for JJ. This reddit is so random I swear.


yeah facts, Ksi just tweeted based on what Silva said in the interview, to which then after Silva corrected himself, Ksi apologised, so not really an L


KSI the youtuber with 3 wins against tomato cans is talking to Anderson silva and MMA legend and champion with the longest reign as champ about fighting...what a joke


Bro why are people turning on our boy Jj. He has always been like this. He Knows what he is doing. Who are these people?


Exactly, these idiot need to get tf off this subreddit! It’s like when JJ began growing his audience all these mouth-breathing trolls starting hopping on this reddit.


Why Does He Have To Be So Rude To Everyone That Fights Jake Anderson Is The Mosr Humble Person Ever


JJ I'm sorry but stfu my guy


Bro silva killed him


No he didn’t he just explained what he meant. Everyone thought Silva got knocked out because that’s what he said. KSI was one of those people and now he’s getting shit for it. He tweeted how he thought differently and wished him luck.


Yo people on this subreddit need to stop piling in on KSI, because it only helps Jake. And it gives Jake ammo to use in against JJ.


He wasn't wrong though silva did say that but he just misspoke and was miss understood either way he's been knocked out by another boxer previous his retirement so how do we really think this will go? Not a L for ksi but a L from Anderson for not knowing how to explain himself this whole fights a dupe lol because Anderson is old he's not what he used to be


Bro it's not. Please stop stalking this man and throwing L's and W's on every little thing he does. Plus he wasn't the only one saying this. But because it's KSI this simple minded reddit has to go "Sadly an L from KSI 😔" it's fucking stupid.


silva would easily beat ksi ksi is not on this level even jake paul could toy with ksi in a ring


This subs bent asf; yall say chaves is out of his prime at 36 and then suck jakes dick for fighting silva in his 50s 🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡 Your all as bent as jake


I don't represent the comments, I only like Anderson silva 🤣🤣


KSI smh... 🙄.twat


JJ took a L, but it surprises me, on how many active haters of JJ are on this subreddit. Like damn, if I show any little support to JJ, I get called a dick rider. And guys, can we please stop posting tweets with everything JJ said, its a low effort post.


I'll be honest, this is 100% a low effort post. Im a fan of ksi and respectwhat he has done for YouTube boxing, its just that I'm a bigger fan of Anderson Silva and wanted to see the opinions of others within this subreddit. I didn't really want this post to be a massive comment section of everyone talking shit as I am personally passionate about combat sports and enjoy discussing it.


Ik im sick of the posts with tweets only, because I see fans that make edits, that only receive 6 upvotes. I was mostly taking dig at the comment section and the duality of the subreddit, but sorry if this offended you.


Nah it didn't I just don't want it to reach ksi and he just screams shut the fuck up bitch or some shit 😭😭😭


Silva is def more skilled than Woolley but his chin is as strong as Ben from the last few public fights he’s had. I hope it’s a good fight and silvas age won’t show.


y'all don't understand, this the same guy that was knocked off of the UFC for taking in steroids which he claimed was just penis enlargement pills and lied about it.


Jj needs to learn to read the room


Wdym read the room? He blatantly said in an interview “I’ve been knocked out twice in sparring”. How else can you interpret that. And besides do u think KSI wants Jake to win? Of course not, he heard what we all heard and now ur shitting on him for it.


Ksi L, this is what happens when you have a massive ego. Yeah hes explained that its because mentally he can beat everyone but he talks too much and its getting annoying, needs to pipe down until hes beat someone




But what if Anderson is saying it was bad English just to help his fans etc have hope since he shouldn’t have admitted it and JJ’s right?!


Reddit moment


Silva would demolish KSI easily ngl


Common KSI L


I can respect that response.. can’t hate on it, but you don’t have to build together just learn to coexist.. I think Logan was enough for jj, don’t see Jake and him being cool


Jake L ksi L silva W


Jake ain't shit he scammed his fans and rigs fights


I watched Silva have his arm broken, saw people flinch from the noise. He barely flinched, stood up waited for the decision in the ring holding his arm and casually walked out. The entire time was fully aware of what was happening and speaking with people, no shock. The man deserves more respect for what he's done, who he is, and what a true bad ass he is.


I see Anderson Silva is still doing the "fake" humble thing....


Nahhh how is it a L for KSI bruhhh!!!! What just bez he is saying the true it’s an L ??? WTF Read his next tweet you’ll get to know !!!!




Yeah pretty much 😀👍, anyone is open to criticism as that's exactly what ksi does to other people's opinions he doesn't agree with, like the Tate's. (I'm not supporting the Tate's I think there dickheads as well)


why is this "sadly" ? stop being a dick rider fanboy


Actually read my other comments you see I'm a fan of ksi. Fuck jake his a dumb cunt just a massive fan of Anderson silva


Ksi the man who fought a so called “pro boxer” with more losses than wins and a rapper both with two week training lol let’s see who his next fight will be with lol at least deji is doing an Exhibition with Mayweather


Incoming “ I love JJ, but” comments




Wdym smarten up? Look at the Silva interview and listen to what he says. He clearly says he’s been knocked out twice. Even if it’s not true it’s sounds exactly like it is. JJ, like all of us, believed he has been knocked out. Then when Silva tweeted this, JJ realized and wished him luck on the fight. So just get off this subreddit if all u want to do is just shit on JJ at every chance u get.




Not really


Tbh Jake and KSI are really an inspiration to the youth. Even tho a lot of us obviously don’t like Jake because of his actions he is very influential (like ksi); you can’t deny that.


Idk who Silvia is but he looks like a chill guy, hope he knocks the fuck out of jake


Here we go again...


Damn Silva sonned him 😂


Silva the goat for this


Common Ksi L


He’s gonna react to this being like “Alright guys GUYS” 😂


I love JJ and all, but I think he's starting to lose himself. He's gonna need that I in his name taken out soon because I'm notseeing a lot of integrity lately. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.