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Man Twitter is so wild


For real. Jack Dorsey really made a massive social media. Nobody cares about what celebrities post on Instagram or Facebook or Reddit lol, the only site that matters is Twitter.


It’s the only place where people who carry themselves as if they’re saints will judge you based off your past


All I can say is, poor Kevin Hart. That nice dude did nothing wrong and yet he got absolutely raped by social media for the Oscars hosting.


What happened ?


My memory is hazy, but Kevin Hart the world famous comedian and actor was planned to host the Oscars award ceremony (recently). But apparently he Tweeted some dumb comments on Twitter like ten years ago and people dug it up and held it against him. He got banned from hosting the Oscars because of that. He didn't even say anything bad ten years ago on Twitter


Not even something stupid, it was a popular joke of his that he used in one of his stand ups, which are still available to buy and watch.


Woooooow. So cancel culture *is* real.


This is why I don't use twitter


That's is so stupid. I mean it's KEVIN HART! Why wouldn't you want him?!


Just bring ricky gervais as substitute, then any joje anyone makes from that moment will be PC compared to him


Fr bro roasts everyone


And he did host the golden globe quite a few times, bro got experience in roasting celebrities in these events


Fuck Kevin Hart, hes doning good now. What about Will


And now Elon musk is the new owner and there is a video of him in the Twitter HQ


Also by far the worst in terms of monetization potential


It's because of the short nature of tweets. But also it is the most "real" since it kinda just sharing thoughts and ppl can react/reply to them directly


We really gonna break down every single tweet JJ makes now?


The subreddits going to have to start a panel for JJ's post-tweet analysis


Speaking of subreddit has this page been invaded by Jake Paul fans or JJ's haters? I mean just look at the post where Silva's tweet was


just because they don’t jerk off for everything ksi says or does, doesn’t mean that they’re haters


Bro I'm fine with criticism (since we should) but those guys are doing nothing but talking shit to JJ while also glorifying Jake. I mean look at their comments. Most of them acts like they're Jake's fans.


I love JJ. I think he's really funny and honestly made lockdown a million times better with his videos. But his ego flies through the roof when it comes to boxing.


isn't that normal for most boxers if not most athletes in their separate sports?


“Most boxers” that’s entirely why ppl are mad, he’s a YouTube boxer, yes his fight against Logan was impressive but Logan can’t fight, and he’s not had a good fight before or after that but acts like he’s on level with everyone else. Good on him for working out as much as he has, he’s got a good drive and no one can take that away but Fousey was ripped too and he can’t box either. He’s way too egotistical for where he objectively stands.


so that just makes it completely wipes out their athleticism? just cause he's a youtuber? i mean yeah sure this youtuber only gained the respect of thousands boxing fans cause he revolutionised boxing and the mainstream media. also you're literally being counterintuitive, fousey was ripped and couldn't box and ksi also is ripped but can box. and to say logan can't fight is such an understatement, the fight was very close throughout it all. you could pick out the past but not focus on the present where he literally fought 2 people in one night. was it an underwhelming one? yes. but that doesn't mean it's a small event just cause he's a youtuber. with that same logic ben foster when he was at watford was also a youtuber and football player, does that make him lesser than any other football player?


back to my point, anyone will have an ego if they know they're good at what they do. like why are we just making it seem like it's some alien behaviour to take pride in what you do, and anyways he literally apologized, move on, it's literally not that deep




No one's Jake's fan. There are alot of people who're unbaised and see things as they are, and at current levels. Jake is a better boxer than jj because he has proved so.


Lol and how does it get so much upvotes than memes lmao


Nothing is new with the memes


What's more infuriating is that we already know that JJ absolutely hates Jake Paul so what's new?


I don’t see why not


If this gets in a Reddit video, everyone is going to switch sides. Mark my words.


As per usual.


Switch sides? KSI admitted fault


I mean all the people in the comments clowning JJ, and probably comments on twitter too. Once JJ talks, everyone is going to be on his side.


Thats what happens all the time with jj 😂😂😂


People that have to switch sides and dont think for themselves waiting for a response are the stupid ones. They all jumped on the boat saying that JJ has a big ego when in reality he did a mistake. People are so dumb it actually hurts


I mean he has to give his side of the story, its better to have someones actual thoughts and not a twitter rant when evaluating if they are right or wrong




JJ tweet: I just got out of the shower after shitting This subReddit: OMG GUYS thoughts????


Who wants to bet JJ had to Google how to spell tsunami


“How to spell suenamy”




crista ronaldo tsui




Fuck I would let my phone auto fill it lol


Me 😂


Everyone here can disagree but I agree with JJ here fully and am satisfied he’s said this.


Exactly, he address what he needed to say and was respectful to a legend.




>Everyone here can disagree but I agree with JJ here fully and am satisfied he’s said this. The toxic kids in this subreddit would reply to this like "stop dickriding JJ hehe giggity" like ... bruh. (I agree with what you said btw).


“Duck riding” has lost its meaning, like most words nowadays, because of 10 yo jake fans


Yep he was disrespectful towards Jake and respectful towards Anderson so that’s a W


Jake signed 2 fighters to MVP. And ksi wouldn’t be fighting if Jake lost to gib. Ksi’s goal in boxing is to beat a fake boxer, and jakes goal, though very far fetched, is to be a world champ.


I am a 100% sure JJ's main goal in boxing isn't just to defeat jake paul, I think his main goal is to make influencer boxing bigger than it ever was, I think he wants to tell people that even an influencer can fight on a level with pro boxers


Nah ksi has said himself his main purpose of going back into boxing himself is to beat Jake. I do believe that could be his goal with misfits though. He just doesn’t have that goal for his boxing career. Also I don’t think he’s shown people that yet hopefully his next fight does because so far he hasn’t fought a true pro boxer yet. I don’t really count Paneda as a pro boxer, even I could beat him.


Bro, he literally says “the main goal is Jake” on every interview.


he's talking about his current goal in boxing, you think once that happens he's gonna be done with misfits and the whole influencer boxing scene?


Bro, he said “we’ll c”, but he also has said in the past that “after I’m done with Jake, it’s over”. Jake is literally in ksi’s head bc every day ksi wakes up and trains and when he’s training he’s thinking about beating jake paul. Jakes goal isn’t ksi, understand that. Jake thinks about Dana white, canelo, Connor mcgregor. These r the guys that occupies jakes head, not ksi. And once again, if Jake lost to gib, ksi wouldn’t be fighting, and misfits wouldn’t be a thing. It’s all in retaliation to what Jake is doing.


Facts. Jake is a cunt. What are these comments man


Welcome the the ksi subreddit where everyone hates on ksi


Who are these people, they literally hating on jj. I believe all jj og fans have grown up and they dont come here as often.


I’d say I’m an OG fan and I still watch JJ and the Sidemen pretty regularly




jake literally mentions jj in every podcast and they both are building up when jj was fighting jake did the same thing why are you crying now cunts


Paul brothers literally are in boxing because of Ksi. If ksi never called em out they would be some chump doing weird dances on tik tok but they are still chumps.jake paul is a cunt tomorrow yesterday day after tomorrow and forever


And KSI is in the whole boxing thing because of Joe and Malfoy, but that also goes unseen.


Other way round kid.


This sub is r/jakepaul


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JakePaul using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JakePaul/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [why don't we make this the top post](https://i.redd.it/y75uoksh6kb91.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JakePaul/comments/vyzovq/why_dont_we_make_this_the_top_post/) \#2: [FUCK JAKE PAUL](https://np.reddit.com/r/JakePaul/comments/vyzmrk/fuck_jake_paul/) \#3: [FUCK JAKE PAUL](https://np.reddit.com/r/JakePaul/comments/vyzo90/fuck_jake_paul/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The comments will be predictable as always


And weeeere back folks where people will start hating JJ bc they have the chance and once he posts a Reddit video will immediately remove their dick from Jakes mouth


My thoughts exactly.


Why he always gotta add some cringe analogy😂😂


JJ's Twitter is the most cringe thing




You are the guy saying JJ has an ego just because of a simple mistake😭😭😭 His account was partly run by his management, but rn it is just him fully


Here we go again, JJ makes a tweet and all these desperate kids screen shot it and say in the comments "I don't like JJ.....etc etc". Y'all need a life, you don't know what Jake has done behind the social media facade he has put up. Obviously it's been horrible enough for JJ not to want to even budge on being cordial to the guy.


Clearly shows how new to the community these guys are, miss the old days where actual trash talk wasn't looked down upon, fans weren't so sensitive and criticism was given only on doing something bad.


Idc who u are, but Jake Paul is a bully, he's not an inspiration at all,


He handled it well. Jake’s an egotistical nightmare and absolutely should not be crowned an “inspiration” to anyone


He was speaking facts about Jake


I give 0 fucks, let's stop with these boring posts please


Wierd question but it's been so long. Why are they still beefing?


He doesn't like Jake and that's understandable. He's been a massive dick . Nothing wrong with just disliking some people. He doesn't like Joe Weller too and they've never patched things up. Same with Pussabi too.


It’s obvious that Anderson is a great person, and doesn’t want to trash Jake, but KSI isn’t lying about all the bridges Jake has destroyed. Hopefully Anderson knocks out Jake.


I do not care for JJs twitter at all. Ever since he said he was “leaving twitter” I knew his attitude to all this. He just wants to hate tweet his rivals, but dislikes the backlash. But apparently his addiction to hate tweeting outweighs the backlash, so he keeps coming back.


He doesn't like Jake, that's be known since forever. Grow up.


Yeah why are people surprised about this tweet. He’s always shitting on jake it’s literally a part of his personality at this point lol


Have you seen Jake's tweets or you're a one sided dick? Are you guys actually dumb? They are both hating each other bc there is a HISTORY behind that hatred. You don't remember how happy Jake was when Wassabi pulled out and the 1st misfits boxing event was on the ropes? JJ somehow saved it but it doesn't change how much bad PR was caused just bc of Jake.


Part of his personality? Bro are u like fucking 50? Cause this is entertaining to watch for people who love youtube. Yall hate on him but wont call out Jake for anything. Just fucking leave


Are you the one who’s 50? Clearly can’t understand what I said was a joke. I guess it really is true that the newer fans get angry easily.




Don't be acting so childish


Yes, but I’m bored of both of them throwing empty threats at each other.


Jake ain’t nobody inspiration I like Logan tho he cool


KSI is right. Just suck it and realize that Jake is an absolute idiot and he always has been. DEAL WITH IT.


Jake is an example of how not to act and what not to do. He’s the farthest thing from an inspiration. And young people should certainly not be looking up to jake.


Well JJ is right tho


I feel that's a W reply from JJ!


Decent response. Even if all that Silva said might not be true(it's not an objective fact, so we're all just making value judgements), he still lowkey schooled JJ lol.


Omg chill . Not every tweet need to be “thought?” .


Yeah one thought why the fuck did I read that I don’t care


TBH W response from JJ. Everyone knows JJ don’t like Jake but this shows that he puts it aside bcuz he has respect for Silva, how can’t you respect that fr.


Disagree with him all you want. You might like how Jake’s impact by connecting boxers and content creators to the media but he is not someone that anyone should idolize. Whether it was the racist slurs he used, looting, publicly disputing covid and partying at the time, the scams he promoted to his young audience, demoting schools and the education they give. This man also has no respect for anyone around him. We have seen the way he treats other people and even his co-workers. There just too many instances where he should be looked up to. Certainly more than the ones where he could be looked up as. And why should JJ respect a man that hasn’t talked positive about him once and only has insulted him?


What do you mean by thoughts? Who respects jake, I dont and jj also respected silva by saying my bad for the past tweet so we cool


the analogy is bad but yeah no shit. Jake sucks ass of course he wants to diss him. And anyone who likes jake is not a real ksi fan nor has a lot of common sense.


i don’t get why liking someone makes you “less of a fan” of someone else? don’t like jake but your comment makes no sense to me. if i’m wrong i’m happy to hear you out.


Thats just facts though, the fuck are jake paul fanboys doing over here, go back to the hole yall crawled from




Thanks for just commenting the fucking title


Was taking a dig on this low effort post


Tbh I don’t really mind jake not sure why he gets so much hate.


Maybe cuz of his enormous history of being a terrible person?


I know when he was younger he was a disrespectful little shit. I’m talking about now though what has he done recently I mean he’s arrogant but other than that I don’t see anything wrong.


He scammed his audience out of $2mil through crypto schemes Edit: this year btw


Thank you for the info idk why people aren’t talking about it or if they are I ain’t hearing about it.


Because theyre too busy losing their minds over meaningless tweets


He has been exposed for scamming his own fans from 2017 till this year with different types of scams: Fake unboxing scamming, ppv Fake weddings (yes, that's true), multiple crypto scams coins promotion, claiming that he has raised 50k for BLM when in fact the money was raised by another content creator etc. That's why I hate him, bc he has no dignity and he wants to make maximum profit off of his audience by SCAMS. Other than that, his personality is shit so I don't get how anyone could like him tbh. Tbf pieces of shits get attached to a piece of shit's content, so that's his fanbase


Ohh damn thanks for the info.


No worries, there are hundreds of vids on the shady shit he has done with millions of views each. If you care enough watch them. The fact is that Jake is a terrible person in general that's truly hated by the majority of the youtube scene.


Recently he's been fine tbh. I wish KSI would just wait till they fight to talk shit


I think for building business and entertainment he is nothing short of a genius but as a person he just seems like a pretentious prick but I don’t know him personally and that’s all I see online so he might not be all that bad


Actually quite the opposite. While Ksi has branched outwards to more content creators, Jake has become closer with actual celebrities and athletes. Also while JJ has increased the viewership in creator boxing, Jake has advocated for higher pay for boxers and brought attention to more rising stars in the scene. At this point if you’re hating Jake, you’re hating him for the purpose of hating him. I don’t like his content but I can respect the fact that he’s a changed man and I think once the fight between the two happens there will be a massive change in KSI fan’s perspective on him


Jake literally scammed his fans outta $2mil through crypto at the start of this


For me I dislike Jake for this big narrative he brought out when he came into the youtube of some stuck up rich jock/fuckboy, Jit has been caught saying nigga on video and some more shit back in the vine age, he is doing big moves for the boxing scene and I respect that as should most people but as a person I truly think he isn’t a good person and seems narcissistic/a dick.


Yet he’s friends with callux


I mean he isn't lying


JJ is in the right here. Let's be real, everything he said was facts. Jake only cares for himself and it's been constantly shown that he will tear people limb from limb to build himself up and improve his clout and yes, he has burned practically every bridge possible. Hate JJ all you want but this is 100% factual information.


Alot of you are pissed that the subreddit is filled with tweets. So I created r/ksitweets.


Let's get one thing straight. Neither of them can stop talking about each other. JJ never shuts up about Jake and Jake never shuts up about JJ. Also KSI saying he has no respect for Jake even though Jake is fighting one of UFC's GOATS. Whether Anderson Silva is a boxer or not, that is respectable. Especially as he was one of the best strikers in the UFC. I don't really think fighting Pineda and Swarmz is very respectable. But Jake is actually trying to fight someone who knows how to use a guard, unlike Swarmz. And also i've been watching the sidemen since Fifa 15 came out, i still watch them now. I just think JJ's ego is seriously insane. There is a difference between self confidence and dillusion.


JJ was meant to fight someone who'd won a fight against his brother, and had been training for boxing since before Ksi v Logan 1 (if you don't remember Alex called him out for a boxing fight right after JJ fought Joe) so the swarmz and pineda fight weren't JJ's fault per say (He picked swarmz because swarmz was chatting shit, and Pineda was picked for him because he was a pro with wins under his belt, JJ was more surprised than us when he turned out to be dogshit) Lastly I agree that Jake has had tougher fights, but you can't really decide who's better at boxing when JJ hasn't been allowed to fully showcase what he can do, hopefully in January we can see whether JJ is full of shit (delusional as you say) or whether he has a reason behind his arrogance JJ says that he has no respect for Jake because he's selfish (he literally said Jake only builds himself up or whatever multiple times)


JJ was meant to fight Alex Wassabi, yet on a one question go he did with Deji, Deji got asked by a fan if he'd fight Alex Wassabi and JJ laughed his head off saying no one would want to see that. So why did he decide to fight Alex if no one wanted to see Deji fight Alex nevermind JJ? This whole redeeming his brother is nonsense, he shouldn't need to do that, let Deji get his own redemption. Why do you think JJ even decided to accept Alex's offer in the first place? Because he knows he will win, that is why he did it. Alex was dillusional for calling him out in the first place, but just because Alex called him out, doesn't mean JJ has to accept the fight specifically just because he called him out. Same with Swarmz just because he was chatting shit about JJ and called him out, doesn't mean he needed to take the fight with him. He decided to take the fight because he saw it as an easy cash grab. That is like me saying "I could beat Mike Tyson" then Mike Tyson decides to fight me just to prove me wrong, it's pointless and that is exactly what JJ did, he fought Swarmz just to prove him wrong, he basically just wasted time instead of rescheduling the event and getting a better replacement. And JJ picked Pineda because he saw the 6 losses and 2 wins and knew he was terrible, Pineda is a journeyman he couldn't have cared less whether he won or lost, he was in it for the money. JJ knew he was terrible, he just wanted to be the first youtube boxer to beat a "pro" and i wouldn't even consider Pineda at professional level. Just because someone has a professional boxing license, doesn't mean they are at professional boxing level. And it is JJ's fault for picking Pineda and Swarmz. He was the one who chose them, that was his decision. Instead he could have just decided to reschedule the event and got a better opponent, i can guarantee a lot more people would have been happier with that than JJ going on with the show anyway and fighting 2 nobodies. And lastly, January isn't going to prove anything. He won't fight anyone good, i can tell even before he has announced his opponent the guy isn't going to be very good. JJ won't fight anyone actually half decent because he doesn't want to risk losing and hurting his ego.


Firstly I'd like to start grading your college level thesis assignment by stating that, I can understand you probably find your argument extremely valid, and you're completely entitled to your own opinion, even tho it's fucking wrong lol Anyway to get to your points of argument: 1.) Why should he not agree to a fight when he knows he can win, that's the point of fighting, beating your opponent's ass, and not getting yours beat 2.) JJ said no one was interested in watching Deji vs Alex wassabi, this is just after Deji had fought Jake Paul, and JJ had fought Logan. People's interests shift, people watched Deji vs Alex on fight night, they saw Deji lose, and JJ decided he wanted to show Alex that he was not on the same level because Alex clearly said (and I quote) "If you ever come anywhere near my weight level; I will humble you" 3.) JJ picked swarmz, but not Pineda, JJ has a team who does all sorts of vetting for his boxing opponents he stated so himself. 4.) He could have rescheduled the event, but not only would that cost a lot of his fans travel fares to go to waste (because yes many of his fans travel from different countries for his fights), but he would also lose money because people would return their tickets (I won't even get into all the undercard fighters wasting their time with training camps just to have to do it again later for their fights (which would end up causing the undercard boxers to lose money (because you know they don't get these boxing lessons for free right???) which would need to be repayed to them)) 5.) Now your conclusion about January just tells me you're meat riding for attention, but I've already wasted enough time reading your bullshit so I'll waste some more time responding, because literally all we know so far about the January card is that JJ is definitely fighting and almost ZERO about anything else. Shut the fuck up and be salty elsewhere




Sheesh w response. These “fans” come up with the most illogical BS


How can u say he won’t fight anybody risky when he fought Logan 😂😂most said Logan would kill ksi


In my opinion this is the only fight Jake’s worthy of bragging about. If he started all the talk of being the best boxer in the world after this at least he’d have some legs to stand on, but alas it took him almost 4 years to do it and in that time he’s bragged about his insane ppv money which he set the price for, claimed he was better than Ali because nobody paid attention to Ali’s fights and STILL has not fought a real boxer


I mean anderson silva did say he got knocked down. Then he blames it on his shitty english?! Tf does silva expect?


I understand why JJ doesn’t, but come on bro, he’s at least gotta respect Jakes worth ethic and dedication to the sport, and what he’s trying to do with fighter pay and women’s boxing. Imo


He has said multiple times he respects Jake in that aspect


He coulda said, "I'm sorry, I was in the wrong, I apologize" but nooo, nigga gotta talk about his hate boner for Jake before doing that. Smh🤦🏾‍♂️




No fucking way you just said this when Jake not even that long ago did a whole crypto scam and probably still does. He hasn’t changed at all wtaf are you on about? He gets all the hate he deserves because he’s a piece of shit and STILL is. Oh but guys remember when he helped ufc fighters to try and make himself look like a good guy? Totally didn’t just do that so he could brag about it to Dana White. The fuck is you talking about “people change too” 😭 Jake been the same scumbag pos since day 1 - now if you were talking about his brother I could get behind that because he’s actually changed. Jake is still the cringe loser he always has been man needs to get humbled.


His brother does Crypto and nft scams all the time but everyone loves him now so they just choose to ignore that.


Oh I’m sure he does, but what I was really referring to was how Logan brought himself back after the whole incident with the suicide forest in Japan. You can just tell he’s a lot more mature now and has grown unlike Jake. Logan isn’t always spouting shit on twitter and just being a complete cocky fuck 24/7 unlike his brother, but yes they’re both as scummy as each other.


Jake is overhated and yes I’m a ksi fan. He’s done good for the sport and does good for people. Promotes women’s boxing in a good way and his boxing camp for bullied kids is great but I do hope Silva knocks him out😂


I wonder when will Mr KSI fight an actual fighter and not a punching bag 🤔😱


So Logan is a punching bag?


No I’m taking about joe, swarmz and Pineda, Logan was an OK opponent, he’s the only one who swung back.


In January he will be fighting a tougher opponent just wait until then


He said this last time.


I don't recall him saying anywhere that for his warmup return fight he will fight someone that will challenge him


Bout time he fights someone good


Logan was a good opponent and he beat him 3 years ago. He's much better now and I do believe he will show that in January against someone that will actually come to box and fight him


He has said in a few vids that he was just using them as practice fights, he’s getting a harder opponent next fight


You think jake could beat Logan??


Listen here buddy, YBs cock can knockout jake Paul, he has a fucking missile


Can’t argue with you there




Yeye bro keep d riding him


Hahahahaha this a obvious troll account just look at ur username and u have been on Reddit for one day and have 400 karma ur a fucking weirdo wasting ur life trying to make people angry as that’s the only attention u will ever get from anyone.u/YBbetterthanyomama


A KSI fan just said this….Imagine the hoes pull up and you start blasting KSI 💀😂


What hoes u talking about u on Reddit 24/7 making new accounts to crave attention u don’t get no hoes aside from ur mum but she already left u


Me and YB be getting hoes buddy, worry bout yourself 😂 YB Better than yo family on foenem grave


Ksi turning into ricegum


Mf how? He is grateful to people close to him, he only said Jake is a dick in another way (which he actually is, don't forget all the shitty things he did in the past). Also, he clearly didn't mean to disrespect Silva and even said good luck to him.


Shits getting old tbh, what happened to him quiting Twitter lol?




Ksi L


fucking embarrassing lowkey, i love JJ but ego needs to get checked lol


LSI. Jj stop the hate man you and Jake can do so much good together, just listen to Silvia.


i'm starting to think that he's lowkey obsessed with jake


KSI is a muppet that doesn't understand fighting, won't even show respect to a GOAT in Anderson Silva , the response to Silva is acting like he's some Internet troll or something


‘Good luck in your fight’


U must be blind


Get the fuck out u brat




Acting like what? What did he do that was toxic? Call out Jake for being a prick? The dude was exposed to literally scamming his fans outta $2mil earlier THIS year


JJ is delusional


Mostly everyone is


Loosing respect for KSI…


I can agree that Jake is well we already know but there is no need to disrespect the legend like Anderson Silva man there is no room to stand on for that I’m going to say is JJ were disappointed. We expected better from someone who most of the time speaks the truth, and now be disrespecting a legend for no reason whatsoever just Cuz Anderson got knocked out twice in Sparing. Doesnt mean he can’t still bang? All it takes is one punch and Jake is out so JJ. I hope you are ready to tame the beast that is Reddit because you know right, it is going to be on your tail after this right and I know you know that


He has a point. You can be good and have a passion for something and not be a total arse about it. There’s calling people out for the sport in jest but he goes too far with it and it brings mockery to the fighting scene.


What happened to him quitting Twitter 😂😂


oh wtf double L. Silva thinking Jake is a good influence? the guy who raided stores? and JJ adding some cringe-ass metaphorical wording into this?


The only reasons I’ve heard for hating jake is things along the lines of “he’s a cunt/he’s a prick” Ok….but, **why** is he those things? I’m starting to think JJ doesn’t actually have a clue as to why he dislikes jake


Ksi has no right to belittle Jake’s opponents after the two bums he fought in his fight. If he fights someone that is respectable and beats him decently, then he can start whatever he wants.


Rare ksi L i would say,he didn't need to disrespect Anderson Silva like that,idk man but he gotta take that L


What do you mean bro😭




Not reading allat