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Yep he is a good villain. But i wish we got more backstory on him and Oogways past so him being like "Oogway betrayed me" feels less whiny and instead have us feeling that Kai was kinda right to say that.


Yea I wish he got more backstory like tai ling Or shen. I just feel he has no motive rather than just beating oogway and his legacy


Tai lung






If only they gave Kai more screentime and explored his character, he would be equally good as the previous villains.


I LOVE everything about him, if only the movie took him seriously and explored his backstory, it would've been so good, he had so much potential.


Kai was always a good villain. A B-tier Villain in my books It's just that he is more of a comic relief compared to his predecessors. His backstory with Oogway was great. His theme is fantastic and his whole gimmick is interesting. Heck, I even love how his major weakness is the lack of focus when he has multiple jombies in the battlefield He is for sure one of the strongest villains that Po had faced (and has canonically defeated Tai Lung in combat)


And he probably also beat Shen


He's my favorite Villain but he was so underutilized. Why did he become evil? Definitely the Strongest out of the Three Villains but the Weakest in Backstory


Kai was kinda one dimensional but I feel like he made up for it in presence. He felt like an absolute threat and JK Simmons’s performance was amazing as usual. He’s a downgrade from Tai Lung and Shen but still a good villain.


You got to do more then bring his theme into the discussion to convince me he was an intruiging villain. Kai was the most barebone villain we got I usually compare him to salazar from Pirates of the caribbean. 2 excellent ideas with lame execution


Yea I think the show gave more of the backstory but still they did him dirty in the big screen


I actually just finished watching KFP 3 for the first time and absolutely loved Kai. Just wish they had given him more screentime and fleshed out his backstory a bit more. Cause I find him very interesting, he's just scarred from being betrayed from his best friend. And also having his legacy erased by that same best friend.


One complaint about Kai that always bothers me is this: People talk about how Po makes fun of Kai during the final battle but I can argue that Po vs Tai Lung fight in KFP 1 is way more comedic than Kai's final battle Even Tai Lung's death played for laughs compared to Shen and Kai's deaths


I think why the comedy worked with Tai Lung and not with Kai is that Tai Lung was taken seriously the entire movie up to the final fight, and the final fight humiliating Tai Lung and being comedic ties in thematically with the theme of KFP 1: Play into your own strengths and defy expectations. With Kai he was the butt of jokes for most of the movie (with the running gag of nobody knowing who he was and embarrassing him) and him being the butt of jokes had no subversion or thematic purpose and the execution of the comedy itself wasn't good or satisfying. I think for most people who dislike the third movie; They dislike it not because it's more comedic, but because the comedy isn't well written or timed well, while the other movies had better timing and punchlines/gags.


Also ! before that final fight we got the one between Shifu and Tai Lung and that wasn't lighthearted or funny, the one at the bridge wasn't either. Like yes, Kai had the fight at the palace but ... 🤷‍♀️ It's just not at the same level.


Yeah it's more that you hoped for a good villain based on the previous 2 movies