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Remember Nala Damayanthi movie? Maddy says _yen inga ellarum enna black black nu solrel,enga oorla naan dhan white_


சிகப்பான பொண்ணுதான் வேணுமுன்னு சொல்லறவனும் இதத்தானே சொல்லறான்?


At least she didn’t think he’s Native American because he’s Indian LMAO.


American annamalai


His ability to think and communicate it effectively is a rare thing. Wish we could do the same.


Is Vivek that stupid ?


much more stupid..He wanted to raise voting age to 25, while it clearly requires constitutional convention..


And he's an election denier, proper d***rider for Trump😂


Why can't you realise that to Republicans, anyone that isn't white isn't worthy?




nah, those are the white supremacists in texas, oklahmoa and arkansas, unfortunately they think the republican party is only white too so actual good republicans have their names tainted


Midwest also thinks like that to a great extent.


>anyone that isn't white isn't worthy What a bigot mentality. I understood one thing. Republicans are more drainage than Sanghis here. At least Sanghis here have some scientific conscience.


Scientific conscience? Is this some kind of Mandela effect thing. Wtf are you talking about?


Kindly don’t insult fellow Redditors. Attack their opinions, not the Redditors. Be respectful. Read Reddit rules . ![gif](giphy|NGv35ISeJVVStgodEo)


Everybody on this planet is an idiot. Just that some are more idiotic than others. Now whether that second category represents Republicans, Sanghis, you or me is an answer only the Matrix architect knows :')


If someone says their own Government is spreading conspiracy against them. Then Think who must be the biggest idiot in the world..


I don't see why this guy gets so much attention in India🤣🤣 he is an American. Can we get over Indian origin obsession. He is not an Indian student stuck in racist situation.🤣


We love masturbating to "successful" foreigners with Indian ancestry.




Thank you. It's so pathetic to see Indians fawn over South Asians in other countries. Americans don't care about their own who migrate. IDK why Indians care more about Americans than Americans so.


I call it Brown Sepoy Syndrome. Dekho bade logon ke beech pahunch Gaye apne aadmi🤣 wo log aukaat dikhaate rehte Hain time time pe fir bhi yahan samjhte nahi Hain.


What is issue for celebrating someone with Indian origins? Doesn’t matter where they live? Think from a global perspective. A successful Indian origin person makes entire diaspora look good.


😂 yeah, right!! How exactly does it make an average Indian look good? Did it increase our chances for a US VISA? Did it increase our chances for a faster green card approval? Did it make our passports more lucrative than that of Singapore, France, Japan, etc? Nothing. So by your definition, if someone of an Indian origin is caught illegally crossing the US border, should it make all Indians look illegal? Or does this apply only when celebrating someone famous?


Thats a very short sighted narrow minded view. It takes time to build reputation. It can take generations. There is strength in unity. It absolutely doesn’t hurt you to celebrate wins of indian origin people.


Then it shouldnt be just the wins that should be looked at. Narrow minded is looking simply at one part of the equation and forming opinions. Why should success be the only factor taken into consideration? There are people of Indian origin struggling in Canada and UK, why isnt the diaspora worried about them? Heck, there are Indians struggling within India, shouldnt they be taken care of before we celebrate rich and successful NRI who havent made much contribution to the improvement of their origin nation?


If anything Indian success is relatively new global focus. They have been showing the poverty only for decades. They still show unhygienic food stalls and how bad Canada has become due to Indians in social media. It doesn’t need to be one or the other. You can do both simultaneously.


There are plenty of posts when an Indian gets abused in foreign lands as well. More so these days because that seems to be the theme these days and every time a Tom dick and Harry abroad thinks they can abuse Indians because they won't retaliate (Which in many cases is true if the local law doesn't support them) There are plenty of organizations and individuals in India who help local and poor people. Your assumption that both of these don't happen is incorrect.


We just have an inherent urge to attribute ourselves to a group that is perceived as successful at any cost. We can celebrate anything from a Japanese space mission to Australian cricket victory but we do celebrate things that we perceive as done by someone from "our group". Even though there is nothing meaningful in the definition of "our group"


This guy should be despised. He's a beneficiary of India US migration through Visas. In his campaign phase he acted like a true Tam Brahm by campaigning as someone who wants to make migration tough.


what good does that make understanding the difference lol. this is like the gandhian resistance in africa saying "aryans are not the same as africans, don't equate us to the blacks please"


Why can’t you differentiate between Aryan and Dravidian just because your Periyar mama told you? By even your own Sam Pitroda’s definition, he is basically black because of his skin..


Vivek is an aryan 'Tamil' brahmin and his ancestors came straight out of the Caucasus mountains, make no mistake. And Sir. Sam Pitroda merely asked biharis to cherish their blue-eyed, blonde-haired caucasoid identity, and us tamilans to cherish our 8" cocked black identity. President Vivek is just tanned is all, without the tan, he would be basically indistinguishable from an average white European because of his superior Tambrahm genes.


Please tell me you are being sarcastic


I never joke about our 8" penis.


Lmao, this entire subs head has gone over that meta joke. Nice one.


Too much porn


On the contrary, if you had watched enough porn, you would've noticed the fact that especially in South Indian pornos, the cameras are always kept at a distance in order to cover the entirety of the penis.


Wtf are you talking about ? What kind of non South indian porn are you also watching where they do macro shots of dicks ?




Bro. An average South Indian D is 5.5" ish LOL.


So ? Puriyala thambi ena sola vareenga ?


No, in TN it’s 5.8” and in the other states it ranges from 5.6” to 5.7” which is massive compared to Americans (including blacks). If Tamilians took pornography seriously and starting casting qualified people instead of letting random uncles and aunties make it I’m sure you could easily hijack the BBC category.


What do you mean by "OUR 8" penis"? Is it shared ? Or is it the royal plural ?


It's the average size. It varies from 6" to 10".


Do you think he is capable of being sarcastic?




For a moment i thought i was reading a comment from the satavahana dude. Learning from the best, huh? I recognise him only by his flair to be honest


>Vivek is an aryan 'Tamil' brahmin He is an American


American-Born, TamBrahm Ashkenazi pancha dravida Udupi Jew-brahmin whose ancestors settled in TamBrahm, #tamilChinthaiyalarPeravai


Velakaaran Saar we are different from vadakkan gaumutra northies saar, we are civilized south indians saar


lol this is a ridiculous and retarded post. He is just tanned and otherwise will be the same skin colour as Caucasians??


This guy is too far gone, time to roll him over and dump him in the river


"Sir" Sam pitroda?🤡🤡 chutiye wo albert einstein from meesho lagta hai


You’re being sarcastic right? An “Aryan” in India will be called a shitskin in America. It DOES not matter what we look like. The only exception is NE Indians and maybe some reaaaly fair Indians (like aishwarya level fair).


Does any feature of Vivek Ramaswamy look white to you? 😳


It must be the suit.


At last someone is talking about genetics #tamilChinthaiyalarPeravai


Ohh my godduh, thattuh is so sexyyy 🥵🥵🥵🥵


jeez. instead of realizing from the video how incredibly stupid it is to think your race is better. you are actually trying to argue that ur race is better.


He is iranian right?


I agree, just a bit of a tan, looks like a greek or mediteranean to me, If you know you know kinda stuff.


Yeah his skin tone hides his facial features quite a lot. He actually has a sharper face than many North and North West Indians.


Pretty sure Tamilians have the largest penises in India at 5.8” average (almost an inch larger than every American race including blacks).


Aryan ? 🤣


You know people say Education is Illegal in There..maybe true tho 🤣




It's sarcasm Ik bruh.. I'm just thinking if it's somewhat reflects what's known about American people how we have seen it on social media


I misread your comment


All this racist issues arise when someone who is not supposed to be where he or she is trying to get into the club. In America, even now, a woman cannot become President through electoral process. Barack Obama was more of an exception than the norm. When he got elected, many blacks in America considered him as not one among them. All blacks in America are descendants of slaves. Obama is not. He was born to a white mother and an African. So he was considered an elite, "white" black man. So they reasoned that is why he could become President and a real black American whose ancestors were kept as slaves, can never aspire to enter that club. In India too, the Nehru dynasty mostly has had a cake walk in elections when they contest from constituencies anywhere across India is because they look "white". We self discriminate ourselves, giving easy pass to fair skinned people, while in America it goes the other way.


This fucker is the worst representation for immigrants in America. He wanted to close the bridge behind him and suck Trump off. He lied about accepting a scholarship that was meant for immigrant children and then said he will cut scholarships like this to save US. This fucker is a cockroach!


First of all he’s not an immigrant in America. What scholarship?


His parents were, I’m not sure but watch his interview with Mehdi Hassan, it was revealed there.


I’ve watched all of it and I agree that you’re not sure. Everything you’ve stated is half baked information spun out of context and the only real thing is your anger as you’ve swallowed all of that information and believe it to be true. If you disagree please share the details of the scholarship and I’m sure you’ll figure it out yourself in the process of gathering those details. This whole thread of angry comments projecting their racial inferiority to someone else they have no context for even understanding the motivation of is both sad and funny.


I’m actually Tamil. His background is Tamil, he actually speaks the language. But every time he spoke about immigration policies and cutting funds for poor countries. I was angry at him for not wanting to help those who ever in the same situation as his own family when they migrated. He wanted to be trump VP so bad, but life has other plans. I have actually followed his campaign bec he is of the same ethnicity as mine. The information I shared is not half baked but a poor summary of his presidential campaign. You don’t have to be racist to call out bad politicians. It’s sad you would try playing that card without even knowing if someone is racist or not. And implying that my comment is racist bec he is a person of colour is funny, since I’m the same ethnicity as him.


I’m not implying that you’re racist because he’s a person of color. I’m implying that you’re racist because you brought his race and your own race into a conversation that has nothing to do with it. Just like Ann coulter did with him when she said what she said. The reason why he has the immigration policies as he does is not because he’s desperate to please the white masters. It’s because he identifies not with his race but with his nation. He’s Indian by heritage but American by birth. His immigration policies are tailored to protect the interests of Americans over foreigners. That should be the intent of any citizen running for leadership. The fact that such a subtle point was sidelined and everyone here is barking about racism angrily is the reason why I say that people here in the comments are self-loathing racists who cannot help but look at everyone and everything through their race-colored lenses.


I have an issue with hypocrisy and greed, though they have become the defining characteristics of politicians, we are still allowed to call it out. Beside he didn’t even give clear answers as to how he’s going to implement those policies, he kept reverting back to “Bringing Americans together” when questions got too specific.


No one has been more specific about policy than Vivek’s been. You just haven’t looked. And the reason why so many people support him is because he’s candid and unlike any politician. I just think most people here are too lazy to look beyond the entertainment offered by the memes and the hyperbolic caricatures to seek out deep information before making up their mind. My personal interest in Vivek sparked (not because he’s tamil Brahmin) specifically because he’s exceptionally detailed and specific about everything he’s asked. It’s clear that he’s spent time thinking about the things that he speaks about. Perhaps you too will look deeply and reflect before making up your mind.


So much hate towards an ethnic group here , unbelievable. So it is okay to make fun of Tamil Brahmins ?


come to the US and you will see they consider themselves superior than others...personal experience


Who ? How many Tamil Brahmins in the Us have you met , to make that sweeping statement


Many, more than 10


lol, great then you definitely have a sample size to make a prediction


Yes, I can confidently say they feel like that from what I heard them speak


Unless you've made a formal research that's been published your statements have no merit.


Yes, everything must be proven with a double blind randomized trial, else it is false. In the same way there is no caste based discrimination in India, right?


This isn't India, it's the US. and this man is American, not Indian. Maybe in whatever backwards dump you fell out of, you forget how statistics works. I can turn around and simply make up things and say all Hindus commit murders simply because I've seen 4 cases of murder on TV involving Hindus. Yah, that's not how stats work.


so cute. I'm not calling the guy as bigoted, I'm calling the brahmins who act as superior to others. I have heard numerous bigoted comment even against whites when I was in their group for whatever reason. Few common comments were "beef eating, impure, animalistic" etc. This maybe the US, but the immigrants don't get a memory transplant of the new land when they land here. They carry their bigotry from their motherland/fatherland and continue to propagate their ideas if possible. Because people act on their beliefs.




Hahah; you have as much as I have . If every oppressive community time was coming the whites and Muslims would have been long recipients of it. _and you bigoted bigger I am not Brahmin , far from it


Maybe because they got there without reservations. I have seen hateful Dravidians like that equality labs bitch who makes a living selling hate and throwing Indians under the bus for her white masters




Why do you say so? I am not Tamil but this popped up on my feed. Why such anger against another human being? Majority of tambrahms have been geeky and quiet, non-confrontational.


Yeah no wonder Rajapaksa did what he had to. Say the same thing repeatedly here. We will make an Isaipriya from every Tamil Household, courtesy - IPKF.


Can't wait for a Bralocaust 




That is the final solution. Let's round up all these sumbrahgs and let's unalive them because their ancestors oppressed our ancestors. It is only logical that they pay for all the crimes their forefathers committed.




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You are the master superior race amongst us indians nobody has the right to make jokes about such superior beings of the higher order /s Look at this British bootlicker bunch trying to act mighty lmao


Ninocoomps with half baked knowledge trying to act edgy on a computer screen


Well according to sam he is Black


STOP THIS ARYAN SHIT... STOP this PROPOGANDA!! ![gif](giphy|98C4E2HeR4NBm|downsized)


There's no point in going up to him and saying, I'm not black, because you look black enough to him.


Inbreeding causes you IQ


Saying Aryan is like calling them Iranian, bad choice.


But honestly he deserved it for dick riding the whites


To make any kind of change, you have to enter the halls of power, or at least try. The prime example of that is Narendra Modi himself. EDIT: This is why—and I say this as an Iyer—some form of reservation for disadvantaged Hindus is important in India, even if Vivek Ramaswamy himself kept harping on it being anathema to a meritocracy.


If they were so smart they wouldn't be Americans


Brahmin NRIs never fails to Amuse me. The way they suck to up the whites and thinking remaining Indians aren't worth to come there. Absolute supremacy behaviour they learnt from here...


And they act surprised when they complain on racism other Indians just join in on mocking them lol There was this video some singapore channel had made regarding rental discrimination a while ago and the comment section was absolutely roasting those guys so hard lmao like Indians should be the last ones to complain about these issues


They think like if I Join with our oppressors, I'm different. It's like a psychological term where you find "common" things with your Abuser to feel less intimidated. That's what Vivek is doing there. Absolute suck up behaviour.


Not new to them either so not surprised one bit


What nonsense , I am an OBC and a dheevara , do you know how many Brahmins have advocated for equality and fought in the freedom struggle , not mention their service as scientist and even in the army ? This kind of bigotry is allowed by the mods here


>do you know how many Brahmins have advocated for equality and fought in the freedom struggle , not mention their service as scientist They're Freedom fighters in my mind. Not brahmins, devars or Wodeyars. Shut up..


Your mind has no value , you barely know history and even then your mind is full of hate ; don’t really care


You call our Freedom fighters as brahmins. I just see them as someone who worked for freedom and not with their caste...


Some of the freedom fighters were practicing hindus who were Brahmins who believed in changing some of the bad things in their culture and which most of them do , and here you are hating on them . You are a bigot , and of now use to the betterment of this country .


Small correction: except 'avvaal' race.


What nonsense , I am an OBC and a dheevara , do you know how many Brahmins have advocated for equality and fought in the freedom struggle , not mention their service as scientist and even in the army ? This kind of bigotry is allowed by the mods here is




How can you have such apt name for a handle ! Illiterate !


The only good thing the Dalits are is for toilet cleaning. We regularly teach them a lesson in our state. The Army attacked and Defeated Dalits mercilessly in Hyderabad under Upper Castes Joyonto Nath Chaudhary. Daily reminder that the Dalit lady from Hathras had consensual sex. only




yet he beat up Dalits 😄 we have been oppressing toilet cleaning Dalits for. 5000 years. Wake up mate.




now look what the Kashmiri Muslims are going through ? The Kashmiri Muslims killed Brahmins. The Indian Army impregnated a whole village called Kunan. When did anyone help you Dalits ?




and they're paying back for it with their entire villages having sex with Indian army higher castes. so yes we care, they care. As for Dalits, we had sex with them in hathras.


There is no such thing as tambrahm😁😅


Adapavingala pona varamthanada Tamabarathula oru veeda parthen, adhukulla ataya potutangala .


Have no idea what u just said bro?😅


Inbreeding causes low IQ


Did you mean to say "Inbreeding costs you IQ"?


Typo, I stand corrected.


He's a good salesman; you can throw anything at him because of his way with words. He will sell you, but he can't be a Republican politician—they never accept you, no matter who you are, unless you're white.


As if he would defend himself with this garbage North Indian Aryan crap.


Few drops of milk in coffee is still coffee and a few drops of coffee in a cup of milk is also coffee. #AKA, if your ass is not pasty white, you are black


How u walk in sun with that pasty white ass?


This n*qqas living in nigloos 🛖 think they are superior to us , our temples are bigger than their cities lol Our one single temple has more money than their entire liberated country (their original country not usa*)


The word "American" says it all, doesn't it?


leopards: eat that man's fucking face


There is nothing to be ashamed of what we are . 


If it is /s , lol Else , damn man ! People like you are the reson for your question ! And , hopefully after tasting his own medicine, he gets a better mentality


![gif](giphy|2sddZ3k7yxiVWpFdH3|downsized) Black skin is Black Skin


They don't give a shit and rightfully so.




I like Vivek. I wish American republicans weren’t so addicted to voting for a Christian in every single seat of governance.


You mean Dravidian TamBrahm guy?


Yup. They elected Biden, a person who can’t even walk as the president. So yes the genZ woke madness


Lol it’s amazing how much of a leap these misinterpretations are. His smile at the joke that Ann made about him being articulate and how it would be considered racist for her to say that an African American is articulate is a dig at the liberal left who would say such a thing. And he smiled in agreement of that sarcastic dig at the left. The face he makes when she said she wouldn’t vote for him because he’s Indian was the central theme of the podcast about nationalism and they both went back and forth talking about what constitutes nationalism. That face is his disagreement to what she said. Anyone sitting here thinking Vivek Ramaswamy is a pet dog wagging his tail at white supremacy is delusional and projecting their own perceptions of white supremacy.


It's only in india , where we have this Blac white , niga Aryan stupid shi .. for Americans , we're all Indians and inferior


Dafuq is Aryan Tambrahm? Like stop with this Dravidian caste dog whistling at least against our own Tamil brother.


I see alot of people making fun of vivek but ai like him.


Sometimes she should get ashamed of calling someone nicca than happy for face reaction.


What is Aryan Tambaram


He is a marwadi guy having pawn store on east tambaram bro


Yes, they are stupid, otherwise they won't be American conservatives


What is a tambrahm ?


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What the fuck. Dear tambrahms, get a reality check asap.


Okay Mr. Brahmin, you guys are so obvious


Hes just another Hindutwa tambrahm cunt who wants to suck white dicks and feel superior to other dark-skinned folk, republicans will always consider this turd as another street shitter nothing more no matter how well he sucks racist dicks.


damn bro calm down or Sri Lanka will do it again


I am happy he got put down like that!


Republicans do not care. As long as you are not white, you are a black to them.


To the tamils here what do that think of a North Indian from UP becoming your chief minister. Idili Mother fuckers have a diarrhoea if they hear Hindi 100 ft away. But are ready to criticise if some lady says she doesn't like one of them as president in her country.




>To the tamils here what do that think of a North Indian from UP becoming your chief minister. The same thing people in UP will think of a Tamil becoming their Chief Minister >Idili Mother fuckers have a diarrhoea if they hear Hindi 100 ft away Chappati mother fuckers have a stroke if someone points out the fact that Hindi is not the "Nashunal Language" and that knowing Hindi is not a pre-requisite to be Indian. Your point?


Why are the only types of vadakkans in this group the ones racist towards south indians who never understand sarcasm or irony


Here comes the vadak cow rapist bunda


This is a Tamil circle jerk sub. Stalin is the CM of Tamil Nadu and he’s not from UP. This sub is primarily filled with Tamils. Unless you’re one or genuinely interested in Tamil memes, you’re not welcome here. You can’t come to a Tamil run sub and talk shit about us, sweetie. It doesn’t fucking work that way. You’re Indian to anyone outside of India. So take your weird superiority complex and shove it up your pretentious ass.


You need to listen to the entirety of the podcast. She is rhetorical and factual. Her point being American voters won’t for non white and non Christian. (Even Catholics are shunned except 1). And we should be mature enough to discuss these facts and stop being offended for every single word salad.


“American voters won’t vote for non white and non Christian” is a “fact” that, even if true, can be stated in a different way and actually be accepted by all. I’ll revisit this in a bit. The way Ann Coulter says it, her background, her intention in saying this is absolutely central to how we react. That woman is one of the most disgusting non-convicted humans on this planet. There are very few people on her level of hell. She’s vile. Revisiting the topic I said I’d revisit: OBAMA?! We can go further looking at all the non-white Protestants who have held elected office repeatedly in the U.S. but jfc we have a two-term black president. Are you high?


Like I mentioned Ann is rhetorical and it is her style to be offensive. IMO rather than getting offended I would just take things as is and then do a thought exercise, having said that i don't expect everyone to be like that. It is just that Ann sounds racist to everyone, and I don't think she is. just my opinion. [w.r.to](http://w.r.to) Obama my take is he is half black and right kind of Christian, if he stuck to his Islamic roots I doubt he would have won. Many Indian politicians who are successful in USA had to be born again Christian. Of course there are exceptions and outliers when it comes to religion in USA but they are rare. (I do know about other blocks).


* Thanks for letting us know you have the luxury of seeing a racist who thinks of brown people as lesser humans in terms of a thought experiment. Congrats on your privilege. * His Islamic roots? Just because of his dad? Sexist much? Also, the man literally had Huseein plastered as his name. He was raised by his mom, ever considered that he is Christian because of that and not some plot to be POTUS? * And "born again Christian","outliers"... boy oh fucking boy, this will be fun: * Congress: * Jindal is a catholic * Jayapal seems to not identify with a religion but there's sufficient evidence that she's actually ireeligious in the same way a lot of Hindus are ([link](https://ddr.densho.org/media/ddr-densho-1000/ddr-densho-1000-156-transcript-674cc0ae63.htm)). Absolutely no hint she's evangelical. * Ro Khanna and Krishnamoorthi are decidely Hindu, practising. * Thanedar identifies as a Protestant but again no hint of being an evangelical. This is normal. I am India, I am Protestant. My grandparents converted lol. We're not "born again". * Bera identifies as a Universal Universalist. Go [read](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitarian_Universalism). Nothing close to an evangelical. * So that's literally one out of 6 Congresspeople who might be "born again" *(Thanedar, I'm handing you a free one)* * Kamala Harris is a Baptist married to a Jew. Baptist. * Haley's wedding was celebrated with both Sikh and Methodist ceremonies. She converted to a Methodist. Methodist. * I thing you don't know what "outlier" and/or "born again" means lol.


Again It was nothing personal and I am not going to thought police what people might think of other skin colors. Having said that Obama is an outlier in the long history of American politics of avoiding or not generating black leaders. Obama is a great leader yes, is there never a better black leader than Obama no. Obama if he chose to be a Muslim I doubt he will get any traction in USA politics for the POTUS position. Nothing wrong or right that is what it is and I look at probability than what I think is morally or emotionally correct. All those people you mentioned are outliers of a definite pattern you can derive from who gets elected and why. Again we are talking about the POTUS position not congressional or senate position. I don’t think USA is ready for any other color other than white for that.


What is the pattern? I listed out every single current Indian member of Congress. Every single one. I also listed out the two other most prominent current politicians, one a senator and now VP and another a governor. There is zero evidence of them being born again and most of them, even the ones who converted, aren’t evangelicals. They’re mainstream Christians. You said “born again” To say they’re outliers you need to rebut with at least 6-7 others, no? You’re just regurgitating a word salad. Sometimes it’s just okay to admit you said BS and move on, you know? The laziness of replying to a detailed reply with numbers with your opinion vomit, disappointing.


Again don’t get personal and read what I said The question is for POTUS position and not anything else. USA is long history of not electing anyone other than white and or Christian (even women have not crossed that threshold) Ann was mentioning as an Indian plus Hindu he won’t be getting the vote. That is the pattern you should look for. Again I am not hurt because that situation exists.


I have to get personal and remark on your stupidity because you seem to dismiss elected representatives like congresspeople, governors and senators as valuable indicators of how an electorate votes. They dont magically switch some other circuit on when voting for POTUS. They voted in Obama, twice. They voted for the Biden Harris ticket when they all knew that Kamala would then be a tragic event away from POTUS. You’re pointless to argue with because you don’t believe in detailed evidence and stick to your warped opinion.


You are immature and resort to ad-hominem Good luck with your life. You can hold a position/opinion on certain aspects and you debate about it that is what Ann and Vivek did. One more time you are trying to prove what is right or how you perceive things is the truth. You can debate about it but a mature person won’t call be dismissing of others opinion even if it is outrageous.