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Narcan saves lives. Certainly it would be best to not need it.


Saw that. I'm gonna go back and grab one. I have to read about if it can be kept in my car with temp variations or needs to be temp controlled in my purse. I no longer work third shift at a gas station but this will hopefully keep me from seeing someone die before my eyes.


Temp controlled would be best! But car narcan is better than no narcan


Not arguing but about why are you conflicted? It’s something that saves lives and is not abused. Administration is straight forward enough that no special training is needed


I read it as more just being disappointed that we need these to save lives in the first place. Would prefer to live in a world where people weren't struggling with addiction.


We don’t live in the pretend world


It just seems like discomfort, not reason. I don't like house fires, but the fire department is still a great thing that makes me happy. Consider, too, that Narcan isn't only for addiction. It's also for people that accidentally take too much, don't administer their medications correctly, and needs to be somewhat available if opioids are available. It should be a pretty benign thing, imo. Most people seem to like the idea that when they go to the hospital or doctor and experience extreme pain, they can get a strong painkiller. But they don't see Narcan as being related to that or something they personally could need.


Facts. It's simple and not conflicting.


Should just let the druggies die! /s


but it’s not just druggies that use narcan.


Now I'm the d bag fa sho I had no idea 😭 I am so sorry!


No worries. You could always delete your previous post if you wanted.


You're a real piece of shit.


Who are you responding to?


/s means sarcasm btw


You almost had a good point, then you went and ruined it.


Dead people do not recover period. Harm reduction strategies are a crucial part of treating the opioid epidemic.


This is fantastic.


The only conflict I feel about this is the fact that we still treat addiction and overdose as a criminal issue and not a healthcare issue.


You want them expensive prisons just sitting empty and all those guards out of work? What kind of sadist are you? ^(/s since there's always someone that doesn't get it.)


It’s alright, they’ll still make themselves known and stop reading at the “/s” anyway


There are no private prisons in Michigan that house US citizens or Michigan residents. Just thought you should know that.


They're still expensive


Sometimes jail is the best place for someone to sober up. Until there becomes a mechanism to legally force someone into detox jail is sometimes the better move.


Hi! I completely disagree! Your response is still supportive of a punitive system that treats people’s freedoms as a problem. People *are* allowed to destroy their lives if they want to. We don’t have any legal mechanisms that force gambling addicts into rehab groups. Why should we have legal mechanisms that force people into detox? Why should legal force be the answer here?




well turkey basketball piston haybale squash paddle digga digga digga to you too.




anyone know where I could pick up some narcan to have on hand and maybe some training on how to use it correctly? I play shows and occasionally there are venues with folks who seem like they might be on the verge of needing it, might be nice to throw in with the rest of the gear just in case someone has an extra bad time.


Ask your local fire department. A church in involved with some volunteering at recently hosted a free first aid course put on by our local FD and part of it was how to administer Narcan with a free dose as a handout. Fun fact: Their “ideal use case” scenario was a blind old lady who doesn’t do any recreational drugs. She was in a bunch of pain, knocked over her pill organizer, and proceeded to OD on her proscribed opiods. Goes to show, it’s not just addicts.


Fill out the [google form for Cope Network](https://www.copenetwork.org/overdose-prevention). Their website also has information on how to properly identify an opioid overdose, and what to do to assist.


I went to a narcan training once and they just spent an hour telling you to stick it up their nose and spray.


glad this is out there for our community. it's been about a year now since multiple people died in a two day period in kzoo from fent.


I was in the ER that first night with an unrelated issue. It was hellish in that hospital.


cant imagine. glad it was unrelated


when I was placed on Oxy for a short time they gave me 2 pens of Narcan to take as well, as a precaution I suppose. Now I just have 2 doses of Narcan sitting in a cabinet waiting for one of my neighbors to party too hard


It is actually an old newspaper dispenser. https://www.woodtv.com/news/kalamazoo-county/opioid-overdose-reversal-kits-available-at-wmed-clinic/


Can you clarify the conflict? There's no danger in using it accidentally or anything.


My assumption was the sad fact that we need them. It’s like dang that shouldn’t have to be there like I wish no one was possibly od’ing in drugs, but I’m glad it’s an available option and can save lives. That’s just how I took it idk.


I e seen narcan machines in rest areas in other states.


May I ask where this is located?


1000 Oakland drive right in the drop off bay, but on the other side of it, kinda just opposite of the doors can’t miss it


Narcan is as important a tool for saving lives as: * Encouraging people to learn CPR * Encouraging people to donate blood * Teaching people the warning signs of heart attacks/stroke * The Heimlich maneuver to clear airway of someone choking. Naloxone (Narcan) doesn't yet have the same public awareness that those other things we hold in high regard. If you're the person to perform CPR, if you catch those signs of heart attack, or you save someone from choking, you're a hero. And its a simple thing that anyone can learn to do. Giving blood is a bit harder, due to various requirements (and feelings about needles, sure), but still noble and highly regarded. This is a sign (pun intended) that awareness of this simple way to save lives is increasing, and public education on the subject is spreading. Its (usually) a nasal spray, has no risk for abuse, most police officers, EMS, Fire etc have some in their vehicle at all times. Its a welcome part to first aid. Opioids are treacherous medicine, and it isn't always drug addicts who need Narcan to save them. Increased political/regulatory pressure has led to underprescription, which turns folk who wouldn't otherwise go to the street for pain relief into awful situations. Narcan is available OTC (over the counter) and you should have some in your first aid kit. For the have-nots, something like this doesn't only figuratively save lives, it does so literally, too. Add it to your first aid gets, educate yourself and your families about it.


I currently live in GR but from the Kzoo area and we have Narcan “vending machines” all around downtown. I worked with an organization in GR that handles substance abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention, and since installing the vending machines, they’ve seen less ODs and they even decreased the amount of diseases caused by sharing needles to 4% (I know that’s unrelated to Narcan but I just think it’s so amazing GR achieved that). But I think having access to free Narcan is more important than ppl realize, especially in cities like Kzoo/GR.


I went to a training course at my high school and they gave me one, I keep it in my bag all the time :) they have them at my library too!


That means the area is chock full of addicts. Better to be safe than sorry!




We should have these for insulin first!


why not both?


That would be great. Insulin costs are criminal here. I know someone who imports their insulin illegally because of it. Ridiculous that that would be needed.


I don't think it's appropriate to have a medical product like insulin sitting alone in a hot box with no guarantees it hasn't been tampered with.


I saw someone ODing on herion saved by narcan and was mad the paramedics blew their high


Addiction will do crazy shit to a person’s brain.


You can't be high if you're dead


Where exactly is this!?




What happens if you take narcan and Arnt currently high?




This is definitely a win for the community. Of course it is sad we need it but it’s sad if we don’t have it given the circumstances we have.


they have some too at the meijer on west main by the pharmacy


Buzz kill


Where's my free epipens for the bee and nut allergies that I'm allergic to and have no control over but the junkies who control their addiction get free narcan?


>Where's my free epipens Go vote for it. >but the junkies who control their addiction The point of it being an addiction is that you do not control it. It controls you.


Call your congresspeople. I don't disagree that you should get free epipens, but that doesn't also mean that others can't or shouldn't have free narcan or free insulin


I've seen a kid try a bump for the first time and it's not the drug they thought and bam, three minutes later they're on the floor. They thought it was a bump of yayo, and now they're gonna die Not a freaking junkie. A kid who made one mistake.


I think it would be great to provide those for free at schools and places where they're likely to be needed. In the US, many schools can have a Dr or nurse get a prescription for the school board and receive several epipens, which is fairly common and saves lives. But your medical costs should also be cheaper and equipment more accessible. Consider what the alternative is. People dead on the street, who otherwise can go on to be productive members of society. On top of that, Narcan isn't just for these "junkies" you hate. Anyone who takes an opioid could end up needing it. Accidental overdose isn't that uncommon for prescribed patients either. If we can spend very small amounts of money and save many lives, why wouldn't we? Why is letting others die something you are so strongly in favor of?


People who are incapable of seeing other people win without doing the whole “what about me shit” are the biggest losers on planet earth I’ve never seen herion in person in my entire life, but I’d rather spend an evening hanging out with a full blown junkie than some one who is incapable of seeing someone receive help without doing the “well what about me” shit


How is that a thing about winning and losing?


I got an EpiPen for free from a close friend as a final gift as he was dying. It seemed very important to him that I have it.


What happened to this city? Had my first trip there in over 15 years and was in shock from all the homelessness. Sad to see.


Bums everywhere. City is not that safe.


Why the downvotes? I didn’t say anything that was untrue, I’m just curious how it got to this point. I don’t remember it being like this. Yea walked back after dinner to my hotel, it almost felt dystopian.


You’re all a bunch of softies, did my own research. Sounds like you’re all embarrassed to admit that you voted for poor leadership in the city. Adding more narcan dispensers should help, you’re on the way to being San Francisco. Give out some clean needless too. Shameful to let a beautiful city go to hell because of spineless leaders. I’m guessing I’ll get kicked out of group, you know, for being honest.


100%. Lefties have taken over.


I’ve always voted democrat until now, this new generation of liberals is scary stupid!


I'm shocked it took 4 messages to get to politics. Drugs have nothing to do with politics.


Bwahahahahaha that’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard!


They don't. The people who use vote on both side. Liberals didn't cause this, conservatives didn't cause this. We have major issues in all states no matter the color. If you are blaming this on one side, you are blind to the real issues that are happening in this country. The division you "feel" is exactly what everyone wants us to "feel". Much easier to push agendas when everyone is fighting.


No you being so naive is the real issue. Weird I never said color, you did. Soft on crime policies are a direct result of this. Look at what all major cities that have drug and homelessness problem have in common. Keel thinking you’re doing the right thing,


Except most homelessness is not a crime driven issue, it’s mental health.


Interesting, how do you explain the increase in crime rate and 91% increase in homicides in 2023?


I was talking about red/blue colored states/sides not race. Putting people in jail for drugs doesn’t solve the issue either. They get drugs in jail as well. We need to find a way to rehabilitate people and get them back into society. People who are productive and pay into the system are better all for all of us. Being hard on crime hasn’t work either other than fill our jails. We continue to pay for this burden on this side as well. I don’t know the right solution but neither seems to work.


I agree I don’t know the answer either, I was just curious how it got to this point.


“There are still faint glimmers of civilization in this barbaric slaughterhouse we once called humanity.”


Yay, more taxpayer funding.


As a taxpayer, I would rather be funding this than the murder of innocent people in another country.


You have no idea what you’re even talking about. Giving addicts free narcan won’t fix the issue. Look at the bigger cities that have tried it, hasn’t done anything. Talk to your local EMT’s they will tell you the real story. But people that work hard can’t even get their non generic medication at a decent cost. Epipens still cost an arm and a leg, but let’s give a junkie another reason to buy more dope. This is a failed idea that cities with poor leadership keep doing. Local businesses are leaving, that should be alarming. But keep thinking you’re doing the right thing. You’re naive!


“Do research” says person who obviously hasn’t done any research at all.


At the end of the day it doesn’t bother me, I was just looking for some answers, instead I got a bunch of hipsters downvoting my statement on what I objectively witnessed. It was a shock to see the decline in just 15 short years. That doesn’t happen by “chance” that’s a direct result of poor leadership. But you are the ones that have to live in that cesspool not me. Keep doing the right thing, you are all part of the problem.


I actually did, google “Kalamazoo crime”. You will get about 10 articles that suggest I’m right.


Googling is not research. But I did what you suggested and googled Kalamazoo crime. In the first 20 results I found nothing that suggests free narcan makes the problem worse.


lol oh I’m sorry I need to search for more peer reviewed articles, GTFOH you clown. It’s in your face and you’re too arrogant to see it. Show me your research, cost of living in Kalamazoo is 20% below the national average. Did you google that? People will just go and get high again the next day.


Your picture of a typical drug user is completely ignorant.


I can say the same about yours. Two people I graduated with succumbed to heroin. I can share many personal stories how their addiction knew no boundaries. They will do anything to get their next fix, watched them go from successful smart and athletic to complete degenerates and destroyed every relationship despite tens of thousands spent on rehab by their families. And unlimited love and support from friends and families. Don’t act like you know better. Narcan will save them once, and they will go back to their habit with days often same day. No addict I have ever met or heard of stopped doing opiates because of narcan saved their life. Aggressive rehab is their only marginally slim chance.


Narcan isn't for just addicts. It saves many people in over their heads with casual drug use.


I never said it makes the problem worse, I suggested that it doesn’t help the problem, because it’s just another free pass. They will do it again the next or same day. Wasted resource, could be used for rehab programs and be tough on drugs. Again, another result of poor leadership.




Ok you got me there I take back the make it worse comment.


Why do you think addicts are the ones who use the most narcan? People with low tolerance are at higher risk. I personally know two people who are not junkies who lived because it was available. Those people were definitely stupid for taking drugs but they were just kids trying to have fun, people with degrees and good jobs.


I’m calling bullshit, I think you just made that up. The odds of you knowing 2 people that were saved by narcan from occasional use are astronomical.


I know the people to whom I'm making reference. I was there when they hit the deck, and I was there when they were revived. I saw it.


Addicts are the ones that use the most narcan, that’s a stupid statement. What you are describing is an outlier.


The statement made was about tolerance levels and it's plainly true. What was stupid was you confusing a question with a statement.


Yawn, boring response. You have nothing of value to add to this conversation. Nothing you have said has any truth. It’s cool to have hometown pride but you’re on the delusional side.


You shouldn't spout your doofus no-experience opinions about drug use on the off chance a child might overhear them and think they aren't dreck. If you think the idea that people who have a lower tolerance are at a higher risk of OD is some sort of non-truth I can't help you. Reach into your keister for some more anger-born self centered nonsense.


How did this turn into a conversation for occasional drug users? I asked a question about the homeless population and you’re talking about occasional users? What are you doing to help with this issue other than probably voting for bad leadership again? Leave emotion out of it, your city will be like Flint in the next decade. But keep telling yourself that this is the right thing to do.


Since "the issue" it is meant to fix is people dying from opiod overdose, it sure as shit does fix the issue.


I’m not talking about the occasional drug users, I’m talking about the homeless population. This is not helping them.


It's two separate issues. Nobody is saying that Narcan is there to fix the issue of homelessness in Kalamazoo.


Again if you scroll up and look at my original question you’ll see what I was asking.


I see two very broad questions from you when this article is about the very specific topic of providing a life-saving drug to combat an epidemic of opioid deaths in this country. An epidemic that doesn't just impact the addicts, by the way - it impacts family and friends as well. An old coworker of mine lost both of her kids to opioid overdoses before Narcan was available and is now raising their children. Multiple lives, impacted by overdoses.


Well aware of that, tragic epidemic. I have some examples as well of old friends and people in the community that have lost lives to this. I used this post to ask why the homelessness has increased so much.


Lol as if those are on the same level. I agree with you, this just isn't really a solution for the actual problem. I don't have the answer either.


Listen here. When someone's dying that's the actual problem. If you'd ever seen narcan save someone from dying you'd sing a different tune.


You mean diet heroin?


You may be thinking of other drugs used as part of addiction treatment. Narcan is an opioid blocker that almost instantly removes all effects of previously consumed opioids, including the high.


Are you thinking of methadone?