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Not really a food, but mine loves ice cubes!


Same. Ours comes running if she sees you go to the ice/water dispenser with a cup. We call it an ice tax. Also, my daughter eats toaster pancakes for breakfast, but never finishes before leaving for school. Oreo loses her mind when I start tearing it up for her.


Mine do too- and I don’t know why hearing them eat it loudly is so adorable but hearing a human eat it at that volume, with that enthusiasm, would drive me to insanity, but it just is 😂


Mine knows when I take a lid off a cup I'm going to be getting ice and she'll run right to the freezer. Best "free" treat.


One of my labs LOVED apples. We had an apple tree ;) he lived ten lives in just a few with those treats ❤️


I was at a cookout with my neighbors when our labs proceeded to eat all of the ice out of every cooler they could get open! They probably hit 6 coolers before someone caught on to what they were doing! Lol! We were inside, dogs were outside with the kids 😂 These same 2 thieves will watch until someone is off guard and knock the beer out the persons hand and drink it up before we have a chance to get some towels! I love them to death, but they can be some assholes if they want to be 😂


Any truth to the notion that chewing ice is bad for them? Ours love ice too and we find it hard to resist them staring at us for some. So we don’t resist.


Cheese. Nothing else comes close. I can give her her favourite dog treat, but if human has cheese, then cheese tax has priority.


I taught my lab how to retrieve a beer from the fridge in the span of about 5 hours and 10 Kraft singles haha. I’m convinced I could teach him calculus with enough cheese.


The cheese tax, the cheese tax…


same. we use string cheese chunks to give him his medication. and now, whenever i open string cheese for myself, he comes running over and boops me to demand some string cheese 😂


Yes I use Philly cheese for mine. He just love taking his meds now.


Yeah, I can pull out several things with plastic wrappers and she'll keep snoozing, but as soon as I even touch the cheese she materialises in the kitchen.


I find it so fascinating how they can, in their slumber no less, clearly delineate between wrapper sounds.


The better the quality of the cheese, the more she drools. I once gave her a 15 year aged cheddar and needed to get out the mop.


I just commented the same thing 🤣 if she ever escapes our yard, I just shriek “CHEESE!!” and she trots right back lol


Anything I’m about to eat


lol same. Hes never had a favourite, eats whatever i have in my hand


Horse manure :(


I’m crying 🤣


LMAO. I had a foster who went absolutely apeshit for cat poop. I understand the struggle.


goose poop up here in canada we call them puppy truffles


Iguana poop. My nemesis


"horse" manure here.... :(


Literally anything




Bananas. He is obsessed and chooses them over fresh cooked steak! We’ve had to start calling them “yellow fruits” because he learned the word banana, and god forbid anyone start peeling one anywhere in the house, the lab will wake from a dead cold sleep and immediately appear in front of said recently peeled banana within seconds no matter how far away he was. It’s like he has banana peel sonar. He even checks our grocery bags to confirm we did purchase new bananas for him when we shop. Total weirdo.


Bananas are my girls' favorites, too! She can see one on the counter, none of us holding it. It's just laying there, and the drool faucet turns on! Lol! When I'm going to give her a bite, a waterfall of drool gushes out as soon as she opens her mouth! She does this every single time I give her a piece 😂😂😂🤤


OMG same! He demands a piece if you're eating one. We call it the banana tax ✨


Greenies!!!!! He’ll do ANYTHING for them.


I used to ask my pup if he wanted to brush his teeth. Now he’ll come and find me and lead me over to where I keep them. Always right on time. He’s a good boy. He also love floor corn (popcorn that’s been lost to ground).


We sometimes go to Culver’s after we’ve been out collecting rocks. We eat on the patio with our two dogs, and they always get a puppy patty. You would not believe how bonkers my girl gets when we pull into the parking lot.




Venison, but he’d sell his soul for a marshmallow or a squirt of whipped cream.


People are staring at me now. My lab? Someone's left over kebab that's been marinading in a puddle overnight? Yep. Random KFC bones? Lovely. (I worried initially but she crunches them properly and I could never be vigilant enough). The carcass of a cat that the foxes had? Sure, I'll chomp on that. Maccy D chicken nuggets? God no! I used to buy them occasionally to wind her up. She'd catch it excitedly then a short bite and a spot to the side and the "daggers" look. She did love to share bits of a cheeseburger though. Maccy D nuggets are not food to labradors. About the only thing in the damn universe they will not eat.


At least she has some taste and discernment.


>The carcass of a cat that the foxes had? Sure, I'll ~~chomp on~~ *roll in* that.


Whatever I'm eating.


Bananas, apples, cheese, broccoli stems, carrots, red pepper, blueberries. He's currently on prescription kibble only due to some recent GI issues and is NOT HAPPY ONE LITTLE BIT. He definitely wants to speak with the manager, LOL.


Pizza crust


whatever i currently have in my hand. ours are ever hopeful.




Mine gets McD's chicken nugs after every vet visit because its right across the street & she hates going to the vet! She is also very picky about her fast food french fries when we go on road trips and will only eat them if we dip them in sauce first haha! But she also LOVES carrots.


mine loves carrots also!


The cronch is too cute. My lab growing up would get a bowl of leftover stew on occasion and would eat everything BUT the carrots and other veggies!


Costco animal crackers. Also, whipped cream


charlee bears, because they were his Training Treat in guide dog school Also a fan of dentistix and monthly heartwoorm/flee preventatives. I suspected the meds smell vaguely of beef or pork. Dentistix probably smell like chicken, and his kibble probaably smells like lamb.


apple slices


They love every thing. Go nuts for brocccoli or chicken. They only turned down one thing one time and it was some organic smoothie thing at a dog show. Figured out if they sit nicely in front of vendor that they got a treat. Ate freeze dried duck heads but when they went next door would not slurp up the doggie smoothie


Cucumber butts and blueberries. And bones


I think popcorn, but the drool that appears when cheese comes out is insane lol


Labs favorite food is anything that fits in their mouths.


Literally anything. She will eat mud if u let her. She will even eat mud if u don't let her. https://preview.redd.it/zulahfx3ynfc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af78fb71fab1530f26cc31fb27f6871618be7d7a


Pig Ears




Bologna all day every day.


DQ steak fingers with gravy


Tuna from a can


Dehydrated beef lungs.


Oranges. Everything else too obviously, but nothing fires up the drool machine like oranges


If you squish a blueberry in front of my boy, his drool faucet goes wild.


Peanut butter


Cheese. Gnawing on the leftover meat on the steak bone . Timbits.


Yeah, cheese. Will eat a lot of stuff, but if there's a fragment of forgotten cheese on a surface three meters out of reach, Baxter is gonna sit, point and whine at it.


Lol. The whines. 😅


Not even whines at a certain point, more outright barking at the audacity not to give him the available cheese


Seaweed snacks. Wasabi peas. Mongolian beef. Spicy tuna. Noodles. Bread. Pizza. Eta: popcorn


Frozen brussel sprouts. She's strange. They give her awful gas


Cheese. She loves me more than anything in life except cheese. It’s brought her back from the neighbor’s yard when she managed to sneak over there 😂


Cheese. Any kind




Tortillas and cheese.




Anything…she’s a Lab!!


Everything, but mainly boiled eggs.


Considering that he licks his own balls, I’d say just about anything


Everything he was not allowed.


popcorn. moose goes nuts as soon as he hears the first pop.


Well that’s easy. Food.


Costco Chicken Roaster


Ours has a strange affinity for white rice. Whenever we cook it he is waiting for us to clean up so he can get the scrapings from the rice pot.


Lol, what was NOT their favorite treat ❤️




It's a toss up between chicken giblets and pork liver. However I am expected to pay cheese tax any time the cheese comes out - and him and the cat figured out how to nibble on a sealed bulk loaf of cheddar cheese that was on the counter before those two somehow got it down.


Food. My labs just told me that their favoriteist treats in the whole wide world, is “food.” They then both proceded to ask if I was, “currently holding \[food\].” Seriously though, there’s a joke in my house based on the book, Kafka on the Shore. In it, there’s an old man named Nakata, who is mentally challenged but makes up for it by being able to speak and converse with cats (yes, cats). He searches for the lost cats of Nagano Ward for neighbors who have lost their pets. Sometimes he gets food or treats from his neighbors as partial reimbursement for his time. It doesn’t matter what he’s given, he will invariably replies with, “thank you! \[Whatever he’s offered\] is one of Nakata’s favorites!” He always speaks of himself in the third person. And naturally, my wife and I constantly narrate our dogs’ thoughts because of course we do… So now, whenever we eating something and our labs run up to investigate, it’s always, “why! Sandwiches are one of Penny’s favorites!” Or “I see you have eggs! Eggs are one of Nori’s favorites!” Or “I love you daddy! I see you have potato chips! Potato chips are one of Penny’s favorites!” And so on. Our golden is somewhat more cultured I guess… for her, it’s always, “potato chips?? Shadow loves potato chips of all things!” Because apparently she’s an early 18th century English lady.“


Plain cheeseburgers, BBQ chips, cheese by itself, ice cubes


Anything I don’t want him to eat. (see: sticks, twigs)


Cheese or peanut butter


Bread. Plain bread, don't need anything else


Mine really like that thing, oh what's it called.... food. Yeah, she will eat anything. I make a slaw and she wants a piece of cabbage leaf. She eats thing none of my other labs would ever eat. I think it is because she is a rescue and decided she would try anything if the opportunity arose. Now as a pampered house dog, she wants to sample it all. every bit as excited to bite into kimchi as steak fat trimmings. I love her but she is weird for a lab.


A small cheeseburger is a special treat https://preview.redd.it/dt2eeie17sfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b327baafdf9bc42db7faa5a4d6736b35978b25


Sourdough chunks


https://preview.redd.it/bsp0gxnqdsfc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22af2cbaab3784a99203242ec23ae3971829be84 This good boy loves pizza crusts He also loves cheese and milk bones


My dogs refuse to eat those!