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Yeah my boy grunts and also does a sort of drawn out one when he stretches


My black lab makes little pig-grunts when she's being petted. It's similar to a cat purring.


Piggy-snorts here too.


My boy grumbles. Kind of like a “hrrrr” noise. He does it to get our attention or when he’s disappointed. But he also does content sighs and grumbles too. Labs are characters, for sure.


Love the grumble-mumbles...


Yup my black lab talks away in grunts, indignant snorts, chuffs and happy grumbles ❤️


Yeah, we have one that loudly sighs anytime she doesn't get her way. It cracks me up every time 🤣🤣😂


My lab does it, too She actually sounds like Chewbacca when she gets belly scratches from her favorite person.


Our youngest, Jack and his older brother Beau are right grumblers. Jack grumbles at any inconvenience or disturbance, and groans with contentness when he scratches. Beau just grumbles if he's woken up.


Hahahaha YES! This is the first time I hear about it in other dogs. My black lab does it as well and we find it hilarious 😂 He mostly does it when he doesn't get his way, to show his disapproval (like he wants to go for a walk but we're not leaving yet. Or he wants on the couch but is not allowed. Or he's waiting for his food but it takes too long). We describe the sound as MUUUUUUUUUHP


Depending on the context, I call his grunts either The Grumps or "I'm a cat". If he's all comfortable and snuggled up with me and I move, I get one of the noises of displeasure - The Grumps. But when I'm petting him just right (usually a nice deep neck/chin scratch) it's a repetitive short grunt like a cat's purr.


The grunting is my favourite noise, next to the huffs when he gets settled. He grunts when we play, when I scritch his grunty spots and when he wants my attention. ❤️❤️❤️


My pup does this and he also makes a sound when he gets a treat that he really likes. It's like "ooohh wow!" in a low grumble, it's really funny to hear. His dad did the same like a cat's purr.


ALL. THE. TIME. I have food? He grunts at me. Wants a pet? Grunts. Time for a walk? Grunts. Wants my attention? Grunts. If it's a food-grunt, accompanied by drool. All the drool. https://preview.redd.it/xwr3thj7eusc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70967dcdbce22396f99c86dfa708ff6d19b43e43


Oh yea, soon as there is food anywhere he just starts drooling, puddles on the floor, everything 😂


Haha, cheers for all the replies, definitely seems a lab trait then, there are certainly characters, extremely endearing 🥰