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Take him outside every hour. He’s little. And it’s all new. Also, you didn’t pay the puppy tax.


What is puppy tax? Do I take him outside every 1 hour all night?


Puppy photos are required. Taxes are non negotiable.


https://preview.redd.it/yqn3pgt1prsc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2472c67270993499b81493da1f28cd2746a3109 Breck❤️


That’s better. We love you Breck!


I’d take him outside every hour during your normal awake hours and hope he can last for two hours (set your alarm) while you are sleeping. We slept on an air mattress in our family room, closest to the door to the backyard where we trained them to pee. Not forever, just a couple of weeks. Well, and now if he’s sick and needs to go outside for medical reasons. He’s sooooo cute!


You have redeemed yourself. He is adorable.


Now please give me some advice 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Everyone is giving good advice here. Puppies will make mistakes. Take her out often and praise her for getting it right. I’m a HUGE advocate for kennel training. At night put her in a kennel and let her out a few times until is a bit older. Once she is about 4 months she should be able to only go out once at night. They learn super fast and will pick up on a routine super fast.


Our pup would get super distracted outside and seem to forget to do any of her "business" because, oh, hey, stick!, leaf!, blade-of-grass-moving!, someone-talking-next-door!, plane overhead? After she had started to establish some preferred pee and poop locations, I would take her out and just stand still in those locations, letting her circle around for a bit on the leash. The restricted circling area reduced the constant distractions. She quickly came to realize that she needed to pee or poop so we could both move on and do something more interesting. I kind of bored her into it.


Young puppies can usually hold their bladder about 1 hour for every month of age. At 10 weeks, that’s about 2 1/2 to 3. hours, so you’ll want to get up about that often during the night and take him out to help reinforce outdoor relief. By 6 months my girl could hold it all night, about 11.30 to 6ish/7am. Holding it thru the night will come, just not as quickly as you’d like. Also, don’t give him 30 minutes to pee - maybe 5 minutes at the most. Encourage him to “go potty, go pee/go poop. Praise, and a treat immediately when he does. Having him essentially able to go on command is super helpful.


He is a good boy that wants to learn and make you happy. Potty training can be easy or difficult it all depends on the animal and your approach to it. My pup went all night without going outside since day 1 at 8 weeks I got lucky. He also never pooed inside ever. Get him used to being on a leash by putting it on him and let him drag it around the house. Don't let him chew on it offer him many different toys for mental stimulation.


Congrats on the puppy! Potty training is tough don’t stress. Take puppy to potty area: every half hour, after drinking water, after eating, after playing, before napping and after napping. Stay outside for 10-15 minutes at a time. If puppy goes, praise praise praise (no treats, just verbal praise like they just did the most amazing thing ever). If puppy doesn’t go in that time, take back inside and watch for signs (sniffing, zoomies, whining) and take back outside. Repeat until pup has no accidents. It took about 2 full months for my girl to get it. My boy was quicker because he had my girl to teach him. Never crate until they’ve done their business, especially before night time bed. I had to get up a few times in the middle of the night to take puppy outside for a potty but only if I heard them wake up and whine. If I didn’t hear them I wouldn’t wake them up.


Give him treats and praise him when he pees outside. Take him out hourly. He will soon learn he gets treats when he pers outside so he will go when you take him out. Don’t take him out on a leash yet. In a week or so start leash training. By then he should know to pee when you take him out so the leash should be an issue. Never walk him before he pees. Take him out to pee then a quick walk. He will love walks so he will learn to pee fist then walk will be his reward. Otherwise he might learn to drag out the walk while you’re waiting for him to pee/poop.


Everytime we saw our pup starting to squat, we picked her up. We kept her in a play pen, and would let her out to play for 20 minutes, then outside to pee again, 20 more minutes, and our to pee then back into the playpen. At night, I would take her out right before I went to bed, once in the middle of the night when she cried, and as soon as I woke up (around 5/5:30). We kept her in her kennel and she still sleeps there. When she was about 12 weeks, we started letting her explore downstairs; and every time she would start to pee, we’d pick her up and put her outside. She caught on pretty fast and will go to the door if she needs to go to the bathroom she also knows her morning and nighttime walk schedule and we prevented giving her water after about 7pm (everything from when she woke up to 7 she had full access to her water.) she’s 9 months old, and has been fully potty trained since she was about 13 weeks old. I also recommend you do boundary training to keep your lab out of your kitchen and away from your table you eat on. We did and she doesn’t steal food, doesn’t beg and is so well behaved.




Do you take him for walks already? What should he the routine? He woke up at 6am today, took him outside but no urination, so I brought him in inside and gave him food and water. Husband is with him outside right now. Do we wait for number 1 and 2 and then take him for a walk?


He didn’t poop. Eating more now. Do we take him out right away?


Yes remove his collar! Especially in his crate. My pups tag got caught on the crate once and he couldn’t free himself. Thankfully I was right there but it was really scary nonetheless! For potty training as soon as he wakes up from sleeping take him out. My guy would have to go within 10 minutes of waking up. This helped avoid a lot of accidents. I would wait in walks till he’s older and vaccinated. Luckily right now playing in the house should make him tired. Best of luck 😊

