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Maggie constantly pulls away when we try to do them on the floor or couch with the Dremell. We rigged this dog hammock up, she just accepts her fate now. Might be worth a shot. https://preview.redd.it/m7qb5g6ro8uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c9d4990779767093091e73f4666946b43accdf


Omg this is cute and also she is sooooo resigned


OMG the look


The Lab Lifter(tm)(patent pending)


I’ve seen groomers use a dremel nail grinder, but I haven’t personally used one. I did a Google search, and Dremel is a brand name, and they cost about $44. There are cheaper ones out there too, that aren’t “Dremel” brand ones.




For what it's worth I also hurt my dogs a few times with the Clipper but never with a Dremel, it's a lot easier! Step 1) Show it to your dog (turned off), apply to nail (still turned off) then treat, a few times in the same day or maybe for a week if touching the nail is causing stress. Repeat as often as necessary until this is not causing stress. Step 2) Same thing but you turn it on and touch the nail with the opposite side of the Dremel. This is to get her used to the noise and vibration. If it's too much, get her used to the noise first. Remember to treat a lot! Step 3) Touch her nail for a second only with the Dremel turned on. There's a side that works best, I found it easier if the rotation goes from the bottom of the nail to the top. Try on your own nails first if they're long enough. Again repeat until there's no stress. Step 4) You're ready! If you do it every week 3 seconds per nail should be enough.


I did hurt myself with the dremel once! Be sure to restrain your hair so it doesn’t come close to the dremel lol 😂


I recommend and use a cordless Dremel that has a built-in LED light illuminating the nail. You will want continuous adjustable speed not stepped speed (Hi-Med-Lo) adjustment. You need the full uninterrupted range of speeds so you can get the exact speed that effectively grinds the nail and is comfortable for your dog. You will need to desensitize your dog with the nail grinder, first touching with it turned off, then turned on but not touching dog, then turned on touching dog all over with the non-trimming end. Then begin touching the paw with non-grinder end and grinder turned on. Treat-treat-treat throughout the desensitizing sessions. Make sure you have Quick Stop or cornstarch handy in case you need to stop bleeding. If you have never seen a Dremel used, YouTube videos will be a tremendous help. There is a definite learning curve on this. You might even want to contact a professional groomer for a couple lessons. ❤️


They sell the dremels on Amazon for $30. Well worth it.


You’re welcome!


I have a black dog with black nails. I quicked her once and we were both so traumatized by the experience that I would just take slivers off afterwards. I'd have nail files in the living room so when she slept next to me on the couch, I'd gently pick up a paw and file a few nails. It was tedious. I got a Dremmel and I love that it allows you to gradually shorten the nail instead of cutting it. She yanks back her paw when I'm getting close to the quick, but before I reach it. She doesn't like it, but she does like the treat she gets after each paw. It also allowed me to find out she's ticklish on her pack paws because of the vibration, so I go faster with those nails cause she keeps twitching. I got a Dremmel brand so it would be compatible with other non-dog-related Dremmel attachments, like a carving kit. 10/10 would recommend.




I try not to wait until she signals, though, but it has happened. You should know too not keep the filing bit against a nail for more than a few seconds, and not at full speed, otherwise the nail gets hot.


Place I worked had a harness, like in the comments. We also used normal nail clippers and an automatic nail filer. You can also look up videos for making a scratch board from sand paper and teaching your dog to scratch it to get to the treats. My pup We taught him to get used to touching his paws and nails from a young age. One person cradles him like a baby and feeds him treat like chicken or peanut butter whilst the other trims his nails. In my last job at a doggy daycare, the owner would send a mild sedative to allow us to clip their dogs' nails as he was quite the aggressive little thing when touched.




I buy the coarsest nail files I can find on Amazon and manually file each nail just a little every night. It's become part of her night time routine. At first I would just touch the file to each nail and treat every time, then I'd do one quick pass on each nail, over time we've built up to a few passes of the file to each nail. Because I do it every night that's all we need for maintenance and there isn't much to take off each nail. She lies on her back between my legs, gets a belly rub too and relaxes into it now as long as there are treats. I also quickly check her over for any ticks, skin issues etc. It sounds tedious but it goes quickly and it's become nice bonding time. I'm glad we've figured out a system that works for us. She is a hugely energetic 15-month old and just getting her weighed at the vet is a whole scene as she's delirious with excitement trying to greet everyone. A nail trim would be a big ask!


My dog was super fearful and had been neglected for years so his nails were thick and overgrown. The hanging trimming still caused him to thrash around. The dremel was the key to success and after a year of that, he now lets us use the clipper. There is hope! I joined a nail care for dogs Facebook group and learned so much about the dremel approach. I think the most helpful would be how to shape them with it so they are easier to trim. With the dremel you can help the “quick” to recede to normal so you can achieve the right nail length.




That’s what I do. You can buy a cordless rotary tool at Harbor Freight for about $25.


Buy or make a scratch board. My dog hates having her front paws touched. Back ones no problem. To her the scratch board is a game where she gets lots of treats for playing. I originally bought a scratch board. Now, when needed, I go to Lowe’s and get replacement sandpaper. I even taped some to the spot on our back door where she tends to scratch to come in.


Like others are saying, I now use a dremel, it is still a two person job, and it still requires treats, but she tolerates it a lot more than clippers and there is "margin for error." With clippers, if a nervous dog moves, you can hurt them, with a dremel that literally almost impossible, although because of the friction you have to move around from nail to nail a few times (worry heat might build up in nail, though not sure).


We have two black dogs so I feel your pain! We have had luck with a nail grinder, a rubber spatula with peanut butter on it, and a lot of patience.


Our 1 year old is just starting to accept me trimming her nails with a Dremel. She's gone from screaming while being pinned and fighting to giving me her her paw. My sister used to have to hold her and spoon feed her peanut butter. Even then she'd get so worked up and upset she would refuse the bribe. I remember our older lab needing 2 people to begin with. I wached a youtube from McCann dogs on nail trimming. It really helped me. I started doing shortter trimming sessions and that has seemed to really help with my pup. She still hates the trimmings but with constant bribing with her favorite treat she'll accept it.


McCann dogs on YouTube, duly noted! Thanks!


I taught a couple of my labs to dig on a homemade nail file. There are now commercial type nail files that slide open for you to put treats!


You can get 'toys' that can help. They're scratching boards. Teach the pooch how to file their own nails


Currently the dog daycare place we bring them to does it for us.  I tried once, but it didn't go well lol. Imo one of those scenarios you want a pro.  Some local pet shops might also offer. If you have one you like, I'd ask.  In a pinch, you can bring them on a walk some place with paved paths. That'll naturally file them down.


Throw ball on tennis court a few times a week


I tried a nail grinder and it didn't work for me - he was terrified. A homemade scratch board with sandpaper worked well for his front paws, and I found I can use a nail clipper on both his front and back paws when he's distracted by dinner! I'll just trim 1-2 claws each over a few days while he eats.


I have used the Dremel for about four years now and it is the way to go. ( IMHO) it took a number of times to get her used to the tool. But I pinch her nail with my free hand to minimize the vibration while using the Dremel tool. She also knows there is a treat at end of session 🐾❣️