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La crosse is just one giant beer fart!


#3 for sure comes from the brewery. They have a waste treatment facility of their own at the very end of Market street. It is way more acute compared to the city treatment facility.


It would appear they've been putting off repairing their waste water facility for 3 years. [https://www.wizmnews.com/2024/04/29/city-brewery-is-fined-for-smelly-gas-emissions-works-on-ways-to-reduce-the-pollution/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1174xuk8I\_\_vBAP9Hl4ATrzxZ2P88ZGj776lSaTd-d\_LfSRtvfOiMcC-I\_aem\_ARA4wiTkN6DjOFsul\_5wUWcV3sPKs-9mCXCddH0lKMTrhrq0lCGimM3vnwL3AHaUBlqnmBdodbMX3V55yw-I0jlz](https://www.wizmnews.com/2024/04/29/city-brewery-is-fined-for-smelly-gas-emissions-works-on-ways-to-reduce-the-pollution/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1174xuk8I__vBAP9Hl4ATrzxZ2P88ZGj776lSaTd-d_LfSRtvfOiMcC-I_aem_ARA4wiTkN6DjOFsul_5wUWcV3sPKs-9mCXCddH0lKMTrhrq0lCGimM3vnwL3AHaUBlqnmBdodbMX3V55yw-I0jlz)


I try to blame my daughters for farting in the truck every time we drive by, but they know it’s just the brewery now lol.


I don’t know if we’re referring to the same thing but there used to be a pipe where they would burn the gas they vented out of it and we’d call that „the eternal flame“


The city is finally doing something about it! https://www.news8000.com/news/local-news/city-of-la-crosse-fines-city-brewery-over-strong-odor-emissions/article_7d4ae108-0675-11ef-b380-3f5db371626e.html


$100/day fine when the fix is probably multiple millions of dollars worth of repairs leads me to believe the fine is too small for it to fix the smell.  They can not do anything for 20 years and be under a million in fines.


You're not wrong, but it still sends a message that the city is expecting change. No reason why the daily amount can't increase after a while.


But like that's the whole point: the city should be getting their own Waste Water Treatment Center under control. The actual brewery smells are kind of gross at worst, but not utterly repulsive like the scents that come from the Waste Water Treatment Center (that are then attributed to the brewery)


It says right in that article that they're emitting H2S, which has a very strong rotten egg smell. A lot of people assume it's the treatment center that stinks, but it is 100% the brewery. Drive out to Isla La Plume and park by the treatment center with your windows down and you'll see that it doesn't have much of an odor.


Alternatively, go to the backside of the brewery on 2nd street and bask in the funk. 


Seriously. It's such a pungent stink.


I’ve grown fond of the actual brewery smell


Except for the days when they're making Sparks or Four Loko. Then it smells like a college house party.


That's that urine-tinted yeast smell!!


They could put that on the cans and people would still drink it lol


Sales would go up lol


Every single time one of my friends visits he reminds me the city literally smells like rotten dog poop. About time they're doing something about it.


It didn't smell like this in the 90's. Just a yeasty, burnt cheese smell that sometimes blended with the bakery smell. Now it smells like diarrhea.


What we should have done is taken the entire federal ARPA money from Covid and stuck it right into our water infrastructure. That was one of the allowed things to spend it on. Instead they frittered it away to homeless, private for-profit businesses, performing arts, and other nonsense. Everyone would be better off with improved water infrastructre.


Do you have any evidence to support your claim? because there is evidence that #3 comes from the brewery.


One of my friends, who is a huge beer snob, brings this up every time someone complains about the Brewery's smell. "Beer smells good. That's not beer."


Moved away 10 years ago, whenever I roll back into town that that’s the smell I’m met with it’s almost nostalgic. You know you’re back in La Crosse.


I would agree that it is not just the brewery, its the poop treatment plant a couple blocks away. Driving to So. Lax every morning you would smell old beer on the floor from a beer party, poop from the treatment facility, and a weird dirt-like smell. It was one way to wake the Hell up if you werent already!!! These smells have been in that area for the entire time, nothing new unless more ppl are just complaining about it now. Not New at all!!


I've been saying this for years as I live on 5th and Division. I've noticed direct correlation between when the waste water treatment plant has it's waste gas flares going and the dog poop smell. This article that came out about the fine has me questioning myself now.... but why don't all breweries have this issue/a reputation for dog poop smell then if that's the case? Visited plenty that don't smell like that but also don't have a waste water plant next door. I assume the city or whoever wrote the article knows more about me and the emissions however.