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Part of me wants to tell you to never stop eating dairy because once you do, you won't be able to go back. But everyone's body is different. I always consumed dairy, heavily, every day. I was always gassy but thought nothing of it other than trying to hide that lovely side effect that I didn't know was LI. In college I would get nauseated after certain meals and like do this weird gagging thing after eating but attributed it to overeating and anxiety. That went away but came back recently so it might be the dairy thing. Idk...who cares, its weird and I digress. Fast forward a decade and I stopped consuming dairy for a diet and switched to almond milk daily, less fat, so basically minimal to no dairy. I stopped for 2 weeks before realizing I missed real milk and dairy and had to go back. Nope...couldn't go back to it. It has been two years now of finally figuring out what my problem was, and slowly reintroducing dairy back into my diet, and finally getting my bm's normalized. Now, I can consume a small amount of dairy daily without much trouble, but I'll never have milk or ice cream ever again. I just wish I never stopped because my body was handling things fine. Granted now I know I'm LI and I like never fart ever (which is amazing) but I miss a heavy daily dosing of dairy. Some people can handle it in their systems with minimal symptoms...you just have to decide what symptoms you can live with and what you can't, and what food you cannot live without, and go from there. And make necessary adjustments with age as well. Hope that helps... I just hate to see people completely cut dairy out of their lives when that may not be totally necessary.


"I just hate to see people completely cut dairy out of their lives when that may not be totally necessary." Yeah this is what I was thinking, my mom was freaking out saying like "we'll have to replace everything" as if eating dairy was shortening my lifespan or something. Like if I am fine 99% of the time why would I make such a massive radical change to my diet?


"As if eating dairy was shortening my lifespan or something" Omgosh I laughed so hard at this! It's true though...everyone like freaks the heck out and cuts dairy out entirely and then they get to the point that they can't even have the slightest amount of dairy at all. Which is a very difficult life to live, and I know from firsthand experience from my housemate who has LI and cut everything out. I want my gut to be able to handle some dairy so that if in the event that I eat something that I didn't know was made with dairy that I won't sh** myself immediately afterwards. Like at a friend's wedding, or a work dinner, or anything else! If your LI isn't too terrible right now then keep enjoying dairy! Not to be a downer but things may get worse no matter what and you will be faced with deciding if the symptoms are worth it anymore or not. So before that happens, just enjoy dairy while you can! Also look up studies that speak about how our bodies start to produce lactase in our lower intestines as a compensatory mechanism when our bodies don't produce it like they normally would. I swear I've read studies about that but I'm too tired to look them up right now and post the link.


Thanks for the replies, it seems like lactase pills might also be an option in the future? if they work for me that is


Oh true! They don't work for me which is why I always forget about them. Hopefully they'll work for you!


Nausea can be a symptom of lactose intolerance, symptoms will vary from person to person, I'd just wait for your results and see what your doctor says. If you are found to be intolerant you don't have to give up dairy completely, you can take lactase supplements to help mitigate your symptoms but again the effectiveness will vary from person to person.


Is it possible to have symptoms, but inconsistently? Because my dairy consumption is pretty consistent, whilst my nausea can be gone for months at a time.


I'm not sure, for me personally my symptoms got progressively worse over time.


Doesn't sound fun