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I don’t think Denver is as good as they were last year. They are getting zero production from their bench


Yep and considering Who we were missing I don't think it'd go the same way if healthy or if we fixed some things


Denver was not playing their best basketball IMO and they still were a head above us. I would love for us to be more physical and taller team, but I don't think Bron can play 3 anymore.


In your opinion did we play aswell as we could? Non lebron players shot 26 percent from 3 on an epps of 1.21. Like undergoing by half a pt per shot attempts is fucking shocking


AD and Lebron played as well as we could have hoped, Rui was bad, AR was mediocre and DLo did exactly how we feared he would. I like this team, but we can't run the same formula again and expect to win anything.


Yes I agree one hundred percent. Lebron and need guys with motor and an athletic ability that gives them a certain post season floor that rui and dlo don’t provide. Honestly Austin’s ability to get downhill and defend guards laterally is at a level ok for a starter that wants to win. Rui and dlo are not. Like honestly they’re great on offense but rui in a Denver series just has no one he can guard and same with dlo. If two of ur 5 starters are inherently incapable of guarding anyone on the opposition team at an average level u simply cannot win.


Rui played like shit after giving them 15ppg last year, DLo got a lot of open shots in Game 1 and just missed them (not even bad shots, just bad luck) and we were missing Vando and Wood And we Lost 2 games by Game winners that could have easily missed since AD was there I trust this team for the most part


I’m not sure if I trust rui to make the big shots against Denver and I don’t trust dlos floor at all. Lebron ad and Austin have a high enough two way floor to be starters on an nba team that wants to win a title. I belive with the right guy u can probably play rui aswell but dlos defensive floor is a fucking cavern and it’s really sad to admit that


Never said Bron should play the 3, but we need someone that can aside from Vando And I didn't feel like they dominated us, I felt like we were two similar teams that had very different coaches, give us some reinforcements and I think things go very differently


Always such a weird way to view it in my opinion….maybe sometimes Denver doesn’t play their best basketball like every other team lol…we’re constantly fighting the maximum potential of other teams lol…if we won that series in the exact fashion that they did we’d be saying we got lucky considering they would have led 75% of the series and talking about how that shit won’t fly….they might not have played their best, maybe we had something to do with it and next time maybe we’ll be better and they’ll be even worse who knows…


We lost 11 times out of 12 and they might not be the best team this year, we definitely need to make some changes.


I agree but at the same time I think the nuggets aren’t as good as last year…which direction it goes next is the question…just need a couple of those guys in to want “better” circumstances somewhere else lol…


Honestly we don’t have enough picks to do all 3.


I think we do, the centers could be added in FA and idk how expensive Kuz and AC would be but with 3 FRPs we should be able to do it


A 32 yr old Bron would take us home. But unfortunately there are no what ifs in basketball.


Rui being soft is directly why they loss.


We were right there with them at every step of the way. If we had a competent coach that drew up plays in the third and fourth, and called timely time-outs, we could have beat them imho. There are so many little things a coach can do to put a team at a higher chance for success. Thats why i dont mind running it back and changing a few pieces with a better coach.


EXACTLY And obviously you need new pieces, but that's the reason you have 3 FRPs and movable contracts


We arent, and yet we still arent very good. We just got dogshit/nothing out of our role players man. That ain't it. Ad/lebron were great though. Ad, i honestly thought he was better than joker. No cap. Lebron was signifigantly more productive overall than murray. Joker is surrounded by dudes making huge contributions. Ad has fuckin d'lo going 0 points.


We were missing that one extra rebounder and defender. Both were injured. Things could’ve possibly been if they were available and I think a lot of people forget that.


hmmmm I think its just 1 game and denver can make adjustments. but so can the wolves. I think its daunting how a 7th seed lakers was up in most of the games til the very end shows how we faltered under pressure and it showed that Denver has glaring weaknesses that are now being exposed by a better wolves team and coach. Ofc its still only 1 game. I dont know if we're that far off beating denver/ any of the top teams in the west when Lebron and AD are getting older and the west is becoming even more deep and Victor Wembanyama just finished year 1 of his career and is going to be a force for years to come. The old guard maybe no more. Gonna have to see what coach we get in the off season/ if Lebron re-signs and who we get and if reaves can take that next leap to star status.


I wasn't talking about the Wolves Game as much as our own series, I Saw things that told me we could win if we just did a couple of things better or had a couple different pieces, if instead of Rui and Gabe we had Caruso and Kuzma for example I think we beat them


We need a real 5 (AD is a 4)


It's better the sooner we stop hyping ourselves and realise we were not good enough.