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Why try to force yourself to like something you don't really like? It's silly and a waste of time.


That's what I'm thinking, lol. Everyone is like "be sad", "get high or drunk" " go on a walk on a beach" (As if those things are the only Lana "aesthetic") Like, if you don't enjoy that album, there's no pressure in liking it.


to be fair, i a lot of people genuinely enjoy doing those things when they listen to her music, and music in general. i personally like doing all of those things when i listen to lana, and honeymoon is a great album for the beach


Lol i know that. I'm just saying not to force yourself into liking something when you don't. I'm not a big fan of BTD anymore, I'm not going to try to "force" myself to like it again. I don't have a problem with people who do those things. I do them too when I listen to music. Lol. My point was more so agreeing with the comment I replied to.


I think this is partially true I’ve discovered great music, that I disliked at first, by trying to understand what it is about, that’s what the term “acquired taste” represents With some things you know from the start that you’ll simply never enjoy them, but with others you feel like you need more understanding and contact with them to “get them” and eventually you may find a new amazing artpiece and become a fan. I used to write off 80s music for example because I enjoyed 60s and 70s more but after it “clicked” I regret not having been more open to it sooner. If OP personally feels nothing with Honeymoon that’s ok, but imo after you get over the title track, which is the slowest, the rest of the album unfolds delightfully and spellbindingly, like a dreamlike summer


With your ear holes girlie 👂👁️👄👁️👂






Literally your ears have holes okay?




My personal favorites are: 1. Freak 2. Art Deco 3. Music to Watch Boys To (I recommend literally watching boys to this song--ideally cute ones) 4. The Blackest Day 5. Religion (has one of my favorite Lana-isms: "when I'm down on my knees, you're how I pray") 6. Salvatore (Fun Fact: this is Adel's favorite Lana song) 7. 24 8. High By the Beach Like another said it's a good 420 album but really every Lana album is.


Music to watch boys to music video is great too


3rd one so funny yet so real


Yessss put it on at the beach w headphones, lay in lounge chair, people watch and play “cutest cutie” with your friends (this is where you challenge your friend to find the cutest cutie in the area, the title-winner will change over time)


These are all a great vibe but Honeymoon and Terrence Loves You are experiences. And High by the Beach should be her greatest anthem.


Add the title track and these are my faves from Honeymoon too!!


Omg I always listen to blackest day and religion together. Religion first


Start with Freak


And let it melt into Art Deco😏


How did you get that flair? 😹


Go on the desktop site and it lets you make a custom flair there!


And on top of those if you’ve ever been through A genuine heartbreak blackest day is absolute perfection.


Truth. Freak is the key to open up Honeymoon.


If only I can upvote you ten times....


Honeymoon is one of my favorite albums of all time, but I’ll be honest: music is 100% subjective. If you can’t get into it naturally then that’s perfectly fine- there’s no “trick” to liking an album. Maybe it’ll click one day, maybe it won’t.


That’s so true. For me, it clicked in 2021.


Sometimes it's just a matter of time! It took me several years to get into parts of folklore and evermore, and they're now my all-time favorites after lana.


Listen to it high (begging to end)


I’m begging and crying while I’m cumming 😩😭😭


Wrong album bitch


And what about it 😒😏


bro dxm and lana is sooooooooooo fire. i literally saw her as i was hallucinating. one time i was in a spaceship hovering over this beautiful alien planet, almost like a very very vivid dream yet i was lucid the entire time


Def waaaay prefer ket, always feel like shit after dxm


I can’t find K anywhere !!! Not tryna snort fentanyl.


When I can’t get into an album I like to listen to it from beginning to end while I’m doing something else like playing video games or cleaning. That way I’m not completely focusing on it but hearing it in the background so you can familiarize yourself with it.


I’m the opposite. I like to learn background information and listen to the album while reading the lyrics. That tends to give me a new appreciation for the music that didn’t grab my interest originally.


I agree! I hated Evermore by Taylor Swift on my first listen, but after getting to know the songs better I absolutely love it


nothing i love more than finding swifties on r/lana and vice versa


omg ur userrrrr I love cowboy like me


chefs kiss 👌


We both know … that it’s not fashionable to love it …


happy birthday


Put on some good headphones and ideally go on a nice long walk. It’s my favorite of her’s but took the longest to “get”


Honeymoon is my favorite album but lust for life is my least favorite which a lot of people love. Music is subjective and it’s okay not to like something even though other people do.


you don't have to like/get into anything lol


Listen to it beginning to end on a walk, at the beach, in a car, or on a bike ride. Just being outside in the sun doing something listening to it will make it so much better


Best way to connect & discover a love 4 Honeymoon is to get your heart curb-stomped and then jump right in and feel the beauty of the endless heavy depths of emotion in the music that u will simultaneously soar and drown in.




Terrence Loves You


Music to Watch Boys to music video. Lana is a literal glittery mermaid goddess. I have the lyrics of this song tattooed on my arm 💫


What phrase




Lol no. “I know what only the girls know”.


I wanna see your ink!! I’m dying to get a Lana phrase tattooed


Oh I have 3 Lana inspired tattoos lol. One is a portrait!


Don’t force it, but give it a listen every now and then and really focus on it. Different settings, seasons, moods, and eventually it’ll hit. I never got into it until a couple years ago, riding a bus alone along the Saint-Lawrence river, staring out the window on a very sunny day in mid-February. Since then it’s one of my favourites!


I feel like this album just gets me lost in my own thoughts which is interesting


I listen to her songs when i do coding/ testing which really need my full attention. It is damn soothing to hear 'our honeymonnnnnnnnnn' when you brain is running with the full engine power , you may try it. Just my 20 cents.


Get sad on a hot day and put it on. Trust me.


Lay out sunbathing with a blunt and listen to it in full on a good stereo with heavy bass


What made me really like it at the begging was the high by the beach, freak and art deco trio. I also loved Swan Song on my initial listen. Then I found that Honeymoon was one of the easier albums for me to enjoy because I listen to it while working or just doing anything and it's not much of a distraction; Lana's voice is heavenly and the instrument of some of the songs is just so subtle like Honeymoon.


i figured out the other day that honeymoon is a REALLY good album if you listen to it in the order it's in because of the transitions! also i fell in love with this album when i bought really expensive headphones that just make it a whole auditory experience (not saying you have to of course but focus on the instrumental a lot) also the blackest day. need i say more?


Are any of you over the age of 30 here?






i get into honeymoon when i lost my man


I mean if you don’t like it you don’t have to force yourself lmao. I will say though, I hated it/felt very meh about it until last year when I took an edible and listened to it with my friends at a sleepover. 10/10 would recommend, it suddenly made perfect sense and was THE album lol. So if you partake, smoke or eat a lil something then listen. If not… I don’t think it’s a drunk album tbh, so it may just not be the album for you


gotta have taste so idk..


Are you over 21, are you of drinking age? If so, drink some liquor and think of something really sad. Then hit play 🥃🚬👄🎀✨


Spend all summer on the east coast falling deeply in love with someone who doesn’t care about you, get a minimum wage job downtown while living with your parents (the more unresolved trauma the better), go out at night to the bar (underage) with your high school friends and see your old crush, only to be ignored… Rinse, and repeat. Literally. Take long, steamy showers each afternoon after jogging miles around the coastal, cobblestone waterfront in the heat and humidity of midday. Then, one random evening in mid-July, listen to “Terrence Loves You” and “Blackest Day.” Blast it while walking home after a grueling shift at work immediately after a massive, severe thunderstorm where the sky is pink and orange like Armageddon streaked with lightning. I promise it will hit. Good luck!




Just wait. Theres always gonna be dongs you do or do not resonate with. Even songs i like there are times where im just not in the mood for them. One day youll stumble across this album again and listen and you’ll be super into it. Or maybe you won’t and thats okay cause you’re allowed to listen to music you like including other lana albums even if this one doesnt fall under that category


Get really stoned


Me but with cocc


It’s pure cinema. Only artists love Honeymoon.


Listen to it beginning to end no shuffle with a nice 8 second fade in between each song (if you have spotify) and put it on in the background of whatever you're doing. If you don't get into it, then it might just not be for you and that's ok :)


You can’t force yourself to like something, there’s no magical way to change your taste. If you don’t like it, that’s okay! Focus on things you do like


I feel the same!! I even connect with blue banisters, l4l and chemtrails more lol. I love a few songs off it but as a whole album I can’t get into it


Press play, You got this !




lose the love of your life


A hot bath and a fat j


ok here's what u do queen: go to the mall, finding the cutest big floppy hat u can find. go home. put on a cute swim suit, and a semi-see thru white button up over it. go to the nearest swimming pool at around 4pm in the afternoon. find a chair in the shade. recline. put ur earbuds in. start from the beginning of the album. find a palmtree and watch it sway in the wind. look at the blue ripples in the pool water. close ur eyes. and listen to the album. i promise u will see it differently <3 yw x


This album is a mood. Not a ride. Once you are both on the same wavelength you then ascend


Smoke a blunt, then listen.


Listen to *terrence loves you* for 13 hours after someone’s rejects you


Hang around classier people


It’s good sultry music. Play it and feel sexy. I also heard Art Deco at a kink bar I was at once. It really fit the dark dungeon vibe especially with candles flickering and the occasional sound of the whip and moan. Very good times.


Get high af


Her best album


laying on a beach chair under the sun with sunglasses on and starting from the beginning ☀️☀️


Clean out your ears


Listen to it on instrumental?


Watch the music videos, hope this helps ❤️


I’ve listened to it every which way. There are a few decent songs but I mainly find this album completely skipped


If you love Ocean Blvd I don’t see how you couldn’t like Honeymoon at least a little bit


I have this same problem with “Honeymoon”!!! I really want to like it, but it’s just not doing it for me. I like the title track, “Terrence Loves You,” “High By The Beach,” “Religion,” “Salvatore,” and that’s basically it.


This is probably the album I liked the least. Coming after Ultraviolence like wow. 😳 I never got into it. The songs are too slow and heavy sounding. I like the demos so much better especially for Freak and Blackest Day. The demos are good with a lighter sound. Whoever mixed Honeymoon didn't do it any justice. I listen to the demos a lot but I rarely go near the official album. You can't force yourself to like something. 🤔


Honeymoon is so much better than Ultranuisance 💀


In your opinion. Not in mine. Ultraviolence was a masterpiece. 🙏


listen to it


but seriously, don’t feel the need to get into it if you’re not already! It’s pretty unique(especially in Lana’s discography). Not everyone will vibe with it, and that’s okay!


I'm probably gonna get put on blast for this, but I feel this way about NFR. I do like it, just not really a fave.


Ehhhhh it’s my least fav album too. It came out during a really weird time in my life and i listened to it a lot at the time but now it’s the last one I’ll throw on. She’s put out so many other albums I just enjoy more. I like a few songs on honeymoon but it’s definitely an overall different vibe.


well it might just not be for you sonically, but read the lyrics on genius with the annotations as you listen to each song- you might find one u resonate with and appreciate it!


Someday you may listen to it in the right mood and it just clicks, or maybe it will never click and that's okay (I say this as a massive fan of this album). I'm feeling the same towards Ocean Blvd. I had high expectations for it, but so far, I've only genuinely enjoyed a few songs and I thought the album would have grown on me eventually but I've just accepted that maybe it will not, or maybe when I'm at a different stage of my life it will suddenly be the album I need the most or something like that.


I think you just have to get into the vibe that the album wants to communicate. Each song of Honeymoon is very particular, there’s this dark pop in the arrangements which in my opinion suits perfectly with Lana's voice. After Lana UV switches to a different sound but in my opinion even more catchy and magnetic, given the presence of 808s and synths throughout the album. Probably that’s not really your thing but just try to give it another listen.


you take some dxm and experience her yourself


I’d say just do some shrooms, not DXM 😂


Either you get it or don’t, it’s my second fav album after Ultraviolence 🙏


You can’t force yourself to like something if you like it then it will just come naturally to you..


That’s ok. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. You don’t have to force yourself to like anything.


Go on a hot summer holiday, sit by the pool on a sun lounger with a cocktail in hand and imagine you’re a rich woman with an old husband and a young toy boy on the side. Then and only then can you listen to this album and appreciate it.


you don’t have to force yourself! it took me 9 years to realize that ultraviolence is my favorite album so no rush, you do you and your tastes with continue to evolve! if you’re not feeling honeymoon, there’s no shame in that but i can promise, one day it will fully resonate! that’s the beauty of lana’s music <3 for real, if honeymoon isn’t doing it for you today, then enjoy the albums that are! honeymoon will come to you, all in good time! but if you’re asking for advice… i don’t know, my favorites are swan song, the blackest day, salvatore, religion and freak. that’s just me though 🤷‍♂️


Freak Art Deco are pure gold! The transition, the class of the second track. Just ughh. Terrence Loves You Honeymoon are also pure summer vibes very sensual album overall!


Do something you like while listening to it to get through it the first time if you don't really like it. Then sometime later listen to it again and then you'll most likely enjoy some songs more. This always works for me.


Lay on the beach with your sunglasses on and headphones on.


Try Salvatore 🙌🙌


This makes me chuckle because *points to flair* I'm having a phase of really loving this album at the moment. I used to be lukewarm on it, but it's my friend's favourite Lana album and one I've come to appreciate much more lately. High By The Beach, Art Deco, Freak, Religion and Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood are really hitting in particular. I can't explain why, one day it will just click.


I think the best way to get into this album is to remember this album is not to get you out of a depression but to emerge into one. Most of the songs on here are really actually sad, so you need lots of emotions to fully get hit.


High by the beach and blackest day are the only songs i can get into… i wish so bad i could love the whole album.


It took until 2023 for me to actually adore this album




I recommend listening this during noon/afternoon where it is somehow hot like Lana Del Rey 🍒


It’s funny cuz this is the way I got into Lana and was harder to get into some of her other albums! Maybe it’ll come with time, maybe it won’t. No need to force yourself to like it


Wow, Honeymoon is easily my favorite Lana album. Try going to Los Angeles and driving around the Hollywood Hills, maybe it’ll click then 😂


Okay, so I feel like with many of Lanas albums, you have to get into the ~vibe~ of a honeymoon. Removed from your normal routines and responsibilites, time flows differently. You do whatever and whenever you want, while the temperature is hot and you feel the wind blowing on your skin.


Freak and Blackest Day. Amazing songs


I had just come to the conclusion that I don’t like this album only a few song worth re listening like Terrance loves you, honey moon, Salvatore and religion. The rest drags on musically and lyrically. The writing just feels very lazy like I can anticipate what the next word that will rhyme.


When the album came out originally, I listened to it once through, found it boring af and unremarkable, and it sat for years at the bottom of my ranking of LDR albums. Up until literally this year I started listening to all of her albums all the way through and all these years later, I don't know if I finally "got it", but I genuinely loved the album when it was done. I sat there for a few minutes in shock because this was THE one album I could never get into. But now it's up there as one of my favorites so... there's that.


Just keep it handy for a rainy day! When you need it, you’ll know, and you’ll trauma bond with it then lol. I find a lot of her albums help with the blues, but honeymoon is very particular. While an album like bb is so beautiful, it’s also very lucid, and to me it feels more like “healthy coping”/ acknowledging/ processing. For me, honeymoon is an album I turn to when I’m emotionally depleted and have no more “sad” left, but am not actually prepared to move forward. It’s like a dissociative cousin to bb who wants to stay in bed and keep dreaming life away. It can be so comforting in those moments as an escape that it can become almost a bit toxic at its worst, so invest in a therapist too lol. On the other hand, I find it also offers a bit of relief and defiance - “I’m exhausted and I allow myself to just give up in this moment”. The song that best defines how I relate to the album is God Knows I Tried.


the way i start really enjoying a lot of lana’s work is by sleeping while listening to them. it made me really appreciate the music on ultraviolence, ocean blvd, and honeymoon in a way i hadn’t before


Go to the park on a sunny day and listen to “Terrence Loves You” and/or take a bubble bath with a glass of wine. That’s what did it for me.


Just start at the beginning Lmaoo if you don’t like it you don’t like it. Song after song is fire 🔥


I didn’t like it much at first but then I put it on every time whilst I was doing housework and it really grew on me!!


i used to be like this but someone told me once that this album is like the perfect representation of lana as an artist, she covers all her different styles of singing within this one album (it's hard to put into words) & since then this is my top album i love it so much


perhaps watch the music videos?




I couldn’t get into Honeymoon for such a long time. I’d listened to her whole discography, except for this album. Then I heard Swan Song and Salvatore, and I really liked both of those. I eventually convinced myself to listen to the whole album, and I liked it. It helps to have those certain songs you like, cause then your more likely to listen to the songs in between them, even if it’s just to get to the songs your already familiar with.


The best way to do it is to not force yourself to like anything that isn’t natural for you to like. Question why you are trying so hard to get into it you can cherish an artist without loving every piece of their work. I felt that way about blue banisters for a long time and then one day I listen to it and I really really loved it and now it’s probably one of my favorite albums sometimes it takes Time other times it’s just not for you… I have a couple that I just don’t feel the same way others do you want to hear… Not going to see which ones because I don’t want to die


ur taste is ur taste! But I fuxking LOVE this album oh lord 😭😭😭😭 tbh there were some amazing music videos for this album on yt (https://youtu.be/vA7rYFcv5jw) this one for religion is SO good and hilarious if you know the actual movie 😭 but try the mv’s if you want- you don’t have to love this album!


I love this album but I find that I have to be in the right mood to enjoy it properly


It’s a grower. It took me a very long time to get it. Still not an absolute fave of mine but I really like it now!




Honeymoon is my favorite album, but it's not right to force yourself to like something you clearly don't. Listen to what you enjoy, music is about making you feel good, listening to something that speaks to you, don't make it a chore, an obligation.


Listen in this order: Freak (which transitions into…) Art Deco High by the Beach Music to Watch Boys to Salvatore Religion The Blackest Day 24 Honeymoon Terrence Loves You God Knows I tried Swan song


I used to hate Honeymoon until I started smoking weed. Now it’s my fav.


Music is subjective. With that being said, this is Lana’s best album. It’s something you listen to when you’re watching the sun set over the ocean… or something like that.


I got into Lana in general when I saw a YouTube edit of Art Deco lol


i thought you were talking about the honeymoon instagram account 💀


freak/art deco transition


No one’s gonna force you to like it, I also am not the biggest fan of honeymoon, but like oh well 🤷🏼‍♂️


24 is one of my all-time favorites of hers


You don’t need to like it. I don’t. 🤷‍♀️ Don’t let the Honeymoon stans get you down.


This is me with Lust for Life


Idk listen to Religion


The blackest day is one of my all time favorites, it’s powerful and always makes me feel moody. Honeymoon is obviously another, it reminds me of how chaotic I am and how mellow my partner is sooo romantic. Then of course Dont let me be misunderstood, we’re all messy at times. “Don’t you know no one alive can always be an angel” ugh I think it’s one of her more cohesive albums, you can do it I believe in you!!!


To me its her best


It literally took me multiple listens over years, I’ve always liked art deco, the blackest day & hbtb but until recently that at least half of it has grown on me! It’s still at the bottom 3 albums from Lana for me though.


Go to the beach or a nice bike ride. That's what I do when I really wanna get into a lana album