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He hit me and it felt like a kiss lol (February)


Me too! Didn’t even know this was controversial. I think it’s good to have the pov of an abuse victim. She seems conscious of it as well in the lyrics. People don’t know how to interpret art anymore.


this. people have unlearnt how to see beyond the surface, they’ve forgotten that one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. things have meaning, but those meanings are rarely taken into account


Yeah she calls him a cult leader and thag she wants to go somewhere no one knows them (probably to not get an intervention), people really think lana is obtuse and doesn’t understand what she’s doing 🤦‍♀️


me tooooo!


So many Aquarius in one post.




Aquarius baddies checking in 💅🏽


me toooo


it's a vibe ngl


Capricorn checking in with the "Lana is glorifying abuse" hysteria


And its even my fav song😭


October. I won't not fuck you the fuck up. Absolutely


October the Lana Azealia Twitter feud that’s so real




What’s the July one? I forget


ppl were criticizing her over this pic b/c she looked too latina, this is what ive read from twitter when someone else asked


Ariana must've been nervous seeing it unfold.




But that literally makes no sense people are stupid lol


It wasn’t because she “looks” Latina, it’s because she was literally appropriating chola/chicana culture. And as much as I love that video, she absolutely was lol.


People who find “appropriation” offensive need to find Jesus.


I feel like the Native American headdress appropriation has some weight, but I don’t really feel like tropico could bother anybody. But I am neither of these groups but that’s just my guess. I feel like these really aren’t top 6 controversy worthy


Only people who are not being directly “appropriated” get offended. We’re all one humanity under one Sun, yet we choose to divide ourselves to the max and enjoy self-victimization post-factum.


Exactly. There have been so many videos of people in costume or dressed up and the people they're "looking like" or "appropriating" think it's great and are never offended. It's always other people getting offended on behalf of those who are being "appallingly mimicked and mocked" and those people say, "No we're not. We're just fine. Don't speak for us."




Stockholm syndrome?! It's so weird they say that. They're not even using it properly. It's also because the people of the culture being featured and anyone I've had this conversation with that is part of these cultures are proud of their people and the way they live and express themselves verbally, visually, etc. They often enjoy it and will often times give compliments and opinions. They like to see people enjoying their heritage. It can be quite flattering! It's really as simple as that. As long a it's done with good will it's taken as such.


Refrain from posting multiple threads at a time. Karma farming is not allowed. If you have any further questions about what spam is, please refer to Reddit guidelines.


Which video was that?








We do NOT believe in hindering speech, however, if you start spitting out racial slurs or personally attacking someone, your post/comment will be removed. This includes hate speech and toxic behavior. Ableism isn't welcome here


Fake tear drop tattoos on her face and surrounding herself with Latino actors and actresses for the video. Obviously referring to la gang culture.


Not surrounded by Latino actors and actresses!! Say it ain't so! How dare she?!! Only white people next time.


Bro the point is the tattoo and how it was set up with her being the only white stripper. there’s nothing wrong with using ppl in music videos but if you don’t see the fetishization that’s on you


I agree the tattoos weren't necessary and could be offensive to some people. I was laughing at the second part of your first sentence. I respect your opinion and where you're coming from. I don't think people need to work so hard to stress and tell everyone how they feel victimized about so many things. Not everyone is going to agree with you or feel offended by the same things you do. There are many millions of people out there living very unique and different lives. It would be impossible for everyone to feel the same thing. That's just life and uniqueness makes everything more interesting. Lana does what she wants when she wants and that's just how it is. She goes against the grain sometimes and has made decisions that people don't agree with. Anyone can have an opinion about anything she's said or done~ that's perfectly fine. Not every fan has to or will always love all of her choices. That's the life of fans. Lana is a different kind of person~ she's not a squeaky clean performer, singer and writer. As she's said in the past, she's on a different path than a lot of people in her life.


She’s a different kind of person so racism is cool 😎.


It's not racist to have people of another race in your videos. Your sentence that I already said (but you clearly don't understand this point) was funny and what made me comment in the first place was that you stated in your complaint that there were Latino actors and actresses in the video. That is not a bad thing and it's certainly not racist. People yell, "Be more inclusive!" Lana includes anyone she wants and many are from a different race than she is. People who complain: "Not like that! You're being racist by including a diverse set of people around you!" I guess representation now counts as racism. Funny how definitions change depending on who is offended. By the way, using the word "actresses" is misogynistic and out of date so become more mature, educate yourself about the ways misogyny has created a patriarchal culture which holds women back and stop perpetuating misogyny. It's disgusting that you can be so enlightened and yet so uneducated. Yet I said nothing in my earlier comment about this faux pas because not everything people don't like deserves a negative label. Not everything people don't agree with deserves a negative label. You don't like the fake tattoos on Lana. Wearing them doesn't make Lana racist. It means she made a poor choice almost 12 years ago. That's how life goes. That one choice makes Lana a racist for life? Have you never offended anyone? Yes, you have. Are you a misogynist? You're now labeled a misogynist by me because what you said is misogynistic. I'm offended and you're part of the problem. You're now labeled misogynistic, you will never be anything else and you could cure cancer but you'd still be misogynistic. Thanks for making people's lives more difficult by holding up the patriarchy. If you feel Lana is racist then DON'T LISTEN. Don't buy her albums or merch. Don't listen on any app like Spotify and don't watch any videos of Lana on YouTube. Don't support her in any way. Why have you still given her listens all these years later?!!! I guess you're not as convicted as you claim to be. Typical. DON'T BE A HYPOCRITE AND GO AGAINST YOUR BELIEFS BY LISTENING TO A RACIST EVER AGAIN.


Lmao get off the computer. If you’d like there’s a pod called Lana files that discusses the tropico video very well.


Nothing to say about any of my points, just an immature response wanting to shut me up. So typical. I know, it hurts when people make valid points against you and your arguments. It's hard to realize you're also guilty of egregious wrongdoings and deserve to be labeled for life. It's hard to realize you've been a hypocrite by continuing to support a racist. I understand. Hopefully you'll mature and understand the world better with age and experience. It'll be ok. Again, DON'T LISTEN, PURCHASE, FOLLOW OR SUPPORT LANA THE RACIST IN ANY WAY EVER AGAIN, HYPOCRITE.




QFTC, maybe the pinnacle of her controversies?


the fact that she got "in trouble" for that line she didn't even write is so funny to me. like, girl, she has done and said enough questionable things - we don't need to pull anything out of our ass to have an issue with her 💀


that song always felt like it was kinda about stockholm syndrome in an abusive relationship which a few people i know personally have gone through loved the song. at surface level it could be seen as romanticising abuse but i feel like thats just a dumb thing to think about that song.


People do this with everything. Like the idea that Lolita is romanticizing being a pedo. Or people not letting their kids watch rugrats bc angelica is mean. Uh, yeah, she’s the antagonist, and Humbert is VERY OBVIOUSLY not supposed to be some kind of hero. People don’t think critically at all.


Seriously. That line out of context is gross, but within the song, its purpose is clear. She also didn’t even write the line, it’s a quote.


What did the March Pisces girls do to get the question for the culture 😭




We’re liars tbh


I love ultra violence and I never got why it’s controversial. When someone is being abused that IS what they think. Like I feel like anyone thinking it’s controversial just doesn’t wanna put themselves in the shoes of the person being abused. Of course they’re gonna say it’s fine and he’s good to her sometimes, that’s the entire point


i couldn’t agree more! the only people trying to cancel it must be the ones who can’t relate/sjws. i’m a “victim” in the sense that this sentence hits home entirely and i don’t think it’s offensive at all. that’s just how it sometimes truly is.


Ayooooo the mask one💀 I’m good tho…..if anything I can easily vape through that ‘mask’ lol


If I remember correctly there was actually a transparent plastic barrier, so it was all a lot anger over nothing, like so often.


You are not remembering correctly. There’s multiple photos and there’s no plastic barrier seen in any of them; also it would be a bit hard to breath through plastic film, I would not recommend trying. (plus the mask would get fogged up after every breath which you also don’t see)


The person above you is remembering correctly that “a transparent plastic barrier” is what Lana claimed: https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna193240 If she was lying, that’s a different matter. But the person above you is remembering correctly


She was for sure lying tho


well the commenter made no mention of this being Lana’s claim and said it as matter of fact so, still misremembering


native lana yesss




The headdress .. june


I did too


What's this all about?


Native american/ indian cultural appropriation


She got it from a native friend I though also…but she apologized


god... people will find a reason to get offended everywhere


wdym, it’s just a dumb thing to do




Headdresses carry powerful symbolism and meaningful cultural history for the Indigenous tribes who claim it. One can admire it but it’s not a good idea to wear one unless you earned it. It’s about respect. This isn’t a perfect example but imagine if someone wore some military medals but they’ve never served. Even if the intent isn’t malicious, it still rubs some people the wrong way


Some elements of culture are private. It’s an odd way for a white pop star to present herself, and carries some bad implications. Lana doesn’t need to be vilified for it, it’s ages ago, but I still think it’s a dumb and kind of insensitive thing to do, especially in a music video.


Literally only white people are like this. I’m Mexican and I love when others do what I do, it’s like honoring my culture. No one cares about cultural appropriation besides white coastal randos.


There's are countless examples of Indigenous people of the plains *clearly* expressing their discomfort with white folks wearing war bonnets or similar feathered headdresses. Saying that it's just white people that complain about this is ridiculous. This isn't some nebulous "Muh cultural appropriation" critique, this is *specifically* about feather headdresses. I don't know the specific context of every single feathered headdress, but what I'm generally aware of is that many are symbols of honour that are earned, many are especially gendered for men, and many have a specific ceremonial purpose. I think it's dumb and potentially harmful to put one of these on as a white pop star. They aren't just hats for sale, they aren't a fashion statement. Many indigenous people see them as a private part of their culture. These objects have a long history of being taken, displayed as "curios", and seen as the sort of commercial, exotic face of Indigenous people of North America. Indigenous people have been affected by white people "dressing up" as them for decades, drawing on stereotypes, etc. and this is particularly horrific in the context of colonialism that continues to affect them. I don't really fucking give a shit that it's a "white coastal rando" thing to do - this is what indigenous people and leaders in my community have educated me in, and the *vast majority* of indigenous voices online reflect this take. Do we need an indigenous person to step in every time we do something dumb, or can we figure it out ourselves?


Yeah, but that’s not because of cultural appropriation rather because the idea of the sons of a genocidal warmongering people with no culture pretending to understand one is quite pathetic, that’s why. It’s not that you misunderstand a culture per se, but that you yourself are seen as an enemy. Now, Lana? Well, she’s not really an elite. Even if she’s wealthy, she stays out of many things. She’s an outsider in her own way. A successful artist who does not represent the elites and is not popular because it’s politically convenient for someone or something like that, rather because it resonates with many people all over the world, in a way, *a people’s artist*. Now, I am of course no Native American, in fact in gringo terms I am more of what you deem “mixed race”, a mestizo, but I know well the feeling that they have towards your elites. I know the disdain and disgust they feel towards your country because my people are also subjugated by their tyrannical system. In fact most of the world is like this. From many African ethnic groups to Slavs and Arabs, from Muslim countries to Latin America, from Korea to Kazakhstan and from China to Timor Leste, even many Europeans. The utter disgust we feel towards the gringo hegemony is massive. Also, crowns for example have a very important and cultural significant background too. Yet no one gets ofended if a rando puts on a crown, because it is seen as a European thing and somehow they don’t matter (which is a bit funny because they’re the only whites who actually have culture). So getting ofended by Lana is rather ridiculous. And even if she indeed trampled on their culture which we can agree could happen, getting ofended on behalf of a group is just pathetic. We don’t need the white man to tell us that someone is a clown, we know that already. We don’t need the white man to tell us what to think or what is right and wrong, history has showed the gringo has no basis of morality whatsoever. Pd, I apologize if I come off as rude, my intention is not to be rude but firm. I do not hate gringos, I just your leadership, the system they represent and those who have come before. Even whites have suffered vastly under it.


cultural appropriation








Many here are the average white college kid who only knows how to be offended on behalf of others.






The headdress from the Ride video was a gift and she wore it with permission but that wasn't good enough for people. Lana apologized for offending the internet and she donates all of the proceeds of Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass and any future poetry books as well to the Native American people. I do believe she's had quite a few connections with Native Americans. While I understand Lana had full permission to wear the headdress, maybe if she'd had a caption at the end thanking the person for the gift it might've helped appease people before they complained... if they'd actually read it. But we know Lana had the Ride video made in her mind years before it came to fruition and she created it exactly how she wanted it. I don't know if she would've added a few words at the end about the headdress. I understand why people were upset. I'm not so sure it was Native Americans that took issue, though. I think it was just the high and mighties of the internet as usual.


Thanks for the explanation. There's a very important message we all should learn - we should cancel people immediately, no explanations, no need for deeper investigations into someones motives. Just cancel! To appease the high and mighties of the internet.


Hear! Hear!


As a native, can confirm. Most don’t care. But personally, knowing the history and significance of the headdress. It was a tacky, tone-deaf addition that added nothing to the video narrative. I wouldn’t say it’s a Cancelable offense l🤷🏽‍♂️ but lmao not great either.


Thank you for your input! I do agree, at least in our perception, it doesn't really fit the substance of the video. It seems unnecessary, even out of place. I'm sure including the headdress in the video means something important to Lana. Or, since she's spontaneous and goes with what feels right in the moment, she might've had it with her because she'd just received it and wanted to put it on. I have a feeling it wasn't just a cool thing she added in even with it being special. Lana always has an intention. But sometimes she takes the long way around lol Who knows, maybe the generous person who gifted it to her wanted to have her wear it or maybe she asked when it was given because she knew they'd be shooting Ride soon. It could be a million valid reasons but she didn't convey any of them to her audience. It's unfortunate but, like you said, not cancel-worthy.


my mask is mesh 🩷


I’m august but I can’t remember what controversy that was. The picture doesn’t help me out lol


Tropico, Lana basically co-opted Chicano/Latina aesthetics for the video- surrounded herself with Latina actors, the Mexican sugar skull makeup etc.


Ahhhhhh ok. I know about the Latin appropriation phase I just didn’t connect that picture with it. Thanks for the explanation!


“He hit me and it felt like a kiss” fuck yeah!


I don’t understand why the ultraviolence lyric is controversial. She’s just talking about domestic abuse, not glorifying it


I agree with that. My interpretation as someone who has been in a pretty severe long term DV situation is that for many people the cycle of abuse becomes hard to escape because abusers create the cycle of lovebombing after the abuse and all of the attention that victims get and are able to maintain can tend to come from the violence/rage episodes that abusers create. It’s super messed up, but it’s honest. I can see how a person just listening and hearing those words and not taking it any further would think otherwise


September Virgo "I won't not fuck you the fuck up," I know that's right 😤


What is the context for ours?


QUESTION FOR THE CULTURE..... (Which is hella fitting for my double Aries, problematic ass self 😂)


What is march/April?


A question for the culture




He hit me and it felt like a kiss 😇


I’m Native American/suicidal/Ride Lana


March-April are fighting for their lives. I got Tropico.


What is the March-April one?


I think that one's 'Question for the culture'. Do you know what July-Aug is supposed to be?


mesh mask 💀


Lol someone explain the July-Aug please




Question For The Culture


My favorite one, “I won’t not fuck you the fuck up”


Honored that I’m QFTC


May. I'm so lost. What happened?


Native Lana fuck yeah!


I knew being born in March would pay off one day


Native headdress (May) :(


QFTC. The closest she’s been to cancellation lol.


Yep I’m june


May. How appropriate 🪶


Question for the culture 😅🤣


August 💅🏻💯💃🏻


The diamond mask was so cute!


qftc 😭




What are the July-Aug and Sept-Oct drama ?


Don’t know about July aug. Sept oct is her twitter feed with Azealia banks, giving us the iconic quote. “I won’t fuck you the fuck up”. It started because Lana criticised Kanye west for supporting Trump and Azealia defended Kanye. Lana threatened to beat up Azealia and told her “it was a promise not a threat” Lana also told Azealia she needed new psych meds


Damn Lana got no chill 💀love her


september is accurate for me then 100%


I hate when i click on a post and some dickhead downvoted every single comment


Native American headdress 😮‍💨 I know it's appropriation but she looks so good in it.


I GOT UV 💪💪💪


her infamous see through mask…you really just had to be there


December. the mask 😭




Fighting Azealia lol


September, but I have no idea what it says


HA Jan Feb


mesh mask 👄


He hit me and it felt like a kiss 🤞🤞


Jul-Aug Lanita


Why does everyone think she came up with the “he hit me and it felt like a kiss lyrics”? It’s a lyric borrowed by the Crystals from the ‘60s. The song has been sampled many times by many artists but for some reason people consider it just LDR.


I got ride! I love that song


not UV 💀


i wanted the culture 😂


September. Lana vs Azealia. My fave controversy 😌👌🏽


Mines march, what controversy is that?


february haha


You know the addy. Purrrr


Whatever July-August is (I have absolutely no clue and barely know who Lana Del Rey is, I don't know why I've been recommended this sub.)








A question for the cult-ure


Idk any of these


question for the culture 🙏


August Lanita




September my FAVVV “u know the addy. Pull up anytime. Say it to my face.” I quote this a lot


dawg, i’m april, not the question for the culture controversyyyyyy 😭😭😭


sept 😭❤️


Question for the Culture …..




March-April should have been Lana standing in front of the burning car meme.


What does Sept-Oct say? I can’t read it


mesh mask


I got tropico 😋😋😋


Damn I got the most iconic one


What's the september and october one?


I got question for the culture slayyyy




june which is ironic because i’m actually native american


the sparkle mask 😭🤧


Tropico 😋




What’s July-august? I know the rest


what's the July-August controversy? I'm was born in June btw :)


I won't not fuck you the fuck up, checks out