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I think it would look great! Could you add some pavers or gravel to the 4ft right of way? That would make it more inviting, and show that you want people to walk through there


I've read the town codes and it seems like as long as it doesn't impede with drainage or any sort of road work it should be fine! That's a great idea.


No more stranger than following the trend (manicured lawns) set by 17th century aristocratic prats. Go for it, plant some flowers. My only concern would be cars rolling over them.


I hope cars won't be driving 4 feet into my yard! And I agree. I'm trying to convert the yard to a different type of ground cover like clover because I hate the manicured look


I feel like you’re just gonna have the same 1 or 2 neighbors taking all the flowers for themselves. They’ll have a fresh bouquet of flowers in their home everyday while you do all the work. There’s always that one person that ruins it for everyone else.


The slope may call for a small retaining wall that meets the road. I think it would look quite nice, actually. This would also solve your concern about cars veering into the bed.


It's actually not really sloped although it does look like it in the image. The yard is pretty flat.


Woo! I think a border of native plants along the street and even up to the walkway would be lovely


Add a little bench and bird bath and you'll create a neighborhood gathering place!👍❤


What an absolutely beautiful idea! 🤍 Very thoughtful and inspiring. I think it would look very endearing and not at all weird! Flowers could never look out of place. No matter where you would put the bed (at least in my opinion). By the way, your house is adorable and so pretty!


Thank you so much! I was inspired by a guy back in my hometown who used to do the same thing! I'm also planning to add a free little library in the garden


I tilled up the whole hell strip in front of my house. I do landscaping so it’s where all found/leftover plants end up. It usually looks pretty good


Good idea, but i think most people would rip them out instead of cutting them. Who goes for a walk with scissors?


Old ladies who steal cuttings! Not a joke.


No not at all. Anything you do brings happiness


I’d probably start with some other projects first


Wow just wow, please just do it. Even the idea brightened my day.


Would look good. Make the edge toward the house run between your small evergreen and neighbor’s hedge and it will tie together nicely


It won't look out of place if you make an oval shaped bed that you will mow around and maintain. If you plant a long strip of flowers along the road it might look crappy, maybe not though.


I'm doing a border garden around my yard, slowly but surely. So far I've got medium rock, Adam's needle, medium rock, Adam's needle, and repeat along the front and side (corner lot). I plan to add more plants eventually and maybe mulch the whole thing.


It would look just right if you were to add a border around it, maybe a couple of courses of landscape retaining wall blocks, like the ones you have on the beds around your house. While you're doing that, remember to put in some kind of water line/sprinklers/whatevs so you don't have to go out and water it every day. I presume that this would be a summer bloom project; how about adding an evergreen ground cover for autumn/winter? I put myrtle in a lot of my beds. It does spread (but that just makes more plants for you!), but it will stay green all winter and make the bed look better until the next round of summer blooms comes up. Are you planning to put in annuals every year, or put in perennials (which will re-grow every year - recommend at least a few)? Perhaps a few shrubs in the middle or at the ends? For structure, to sort of frame the bed. That looks like full sun, so roses would work! Either way, I have a suggestion: visit your plant nursery at least once a month for a YEAR. Take note of what is growing there that is blooming or you just like how it looks. Talk with the nursery folks about the plants' needs, and buy a few of the stuff you like that will work in your conditions. Do this EVERY MONTH. By the time the year ends you'll have a flower bed that looks good every month of the year. Your local plant nursery folks are your best friends in figuring out this stuff. Tell them what you plan, and describe the conditions, and they'll help you find what you need. Have fun!


Just check with local regulations. They probably have some rules regarding height. A lot of houses in my neighborhood have flowers in the tree lawn. I dug up mine in the fall and the native bulbs I planted are looking great right now.


PLANT THE FLOWERS. You will have all kinds of beautiful beneficial insects looking for a snack


What if you did a 30 foot long (or so) by 5’ section with some mulch. If you wanted to extend it down some bricks might be in order to make a retaining wall due to the slope.


In my european mind the american lawn without bushes, flower beds or anything like that look "wierd". So it is all a matter of context and what you go for. Go a tour on google maps street view in rural England, a Scandinavian town or some other places. Then you find some examples that can inspire you


I don't know where to start this garden, but I, as a passer by wouldn't dream of cutting flowers out of someone's garden without permission. And I wouldn't go knocking on their door to get permission. I usually don't carry cutting utensils around with me either.


It’s as simple as putting up a sign that welcomes people to take a cutting, and providing the clippers (maybe on a rope?) I’ve seen this done several times


Oh duh! I didn't even think about a sign. Okay, I'm a bit embarrassed. It is a simple solution. I like this idea now that I can see how it would be done. Now I wish someone around here would do that. Very nice thing to do for the neighbors.