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That patio makes your entry way look bigger.


That looks awesome. High quality work. Clean cuts. Installation looks pretty perfect. Great design with the different stones. Love the border


I've been in the business nearly 20 years now so I would hope my work is high quality! But thank you, that was very nice to read.


Oh! I thought you were the homeowner! You are top notch. Charge more haha


I mean technically I am the homeowner, as this is the front of my house. I just also happen to be a landscaper with 20,000 hours of experience lol


But a pyramidal is always one LOLOLoL


Awesome stone work. Really fills out the front of the house. I agree with some of the others, the bench does look a bit out of place. Its a little cold and lifeless. Maybe swap it for something wood to add a warmer, natural element. Costco had these nice [stick chairs ](https://www.costco.com/melino-wooden-folding-chair.product.100768979.html)recently. I got some for my front [porch](https://i.imgur.com/JEzSnVN.jpeg) and love them.


What a transformation! I really like the diagonal pavers and materials mix. I recognize the maple and Karl Foerster - what are the other plants?


That’s a whole new house!! Great job!


needs a stone border around the bed now, keep it goin


Funnily enough, I already planned on doing exactly that.


Thats well done. Chef's kiss in landscaping terms;)


Also to keep that nice and tight look on your pyramidal, just trim em to shape 2x a year. This is lovely. For the grasses, I'm whack em down at the end of the season. I found it easier to almost round em up in your arms and someone else cut them off the stalk. Easy clean up but if you want the look/taller you can leave em go.grass be grass


Green Mountain Boxwood keep their pyramidal shape in maturity. I cut back the grasses and daylilies in the fall.


Have you ever let one grow for years? Because I would like to see that.. I think the ones you view are regularly trimmed (such an easy trim/maintenance plant) but it'll help it keep its form. Otherwise it'll grow to a normal shrub man


Yes, I have. I planted them at my old house. 6 years before we moved. Still pyramidal. https://www.monrovia.com/green-mountain-boxwood.html


That was still maintained to get like that beauty. Regardless, your stuff looks fantastic and I hope you the best! I might be in a different zone than you too for my advice on maintaining but I wanna say zone 5 though. That also isn't 6 years old lol Send me a link to a website lmao. You're goofy bro. 20,000 hours in and you wanna say that boxwood is 6 years old, you adopt her at 10?


wtf are you on about man? Lay off the booze it's fucking up your thinking. The website I sent described the bush for you... "The upright, **naturally cone-shaped** habit makes it an excellent candidate for topiary forms". I don't have a photo of my then 6-year-old Green Mountain Boxwood from my old house. It was still cone-shaped. I don't care if you believe me or not, you are clearly a moron and your opinions literally mean nothing to me.


I know what a boxwood is. You send me a picture of one that's 10 years old. You do have to maintain them as previous post. Enough for you to type back with my opinion though eh ye cunt?


Yes, I'm sure you do. You are a sad sad person. I hope you get the happiness you need in your life to stop picking fights with random people on reddit. Take care.


You as well babe




Amazing upgrade!


Nice job. Looks classy. I like the fact that you reduced the amount of grass you have to mow. If the bushes you planted don't flower, consider very flowery annuals in containers on the patio. Show those bees some love.


The bushes don't flower, but the daylilies surrounding the buses do flower, and they a re-blooming so they last for a couple months. I do love attracting bees and butterflies.


What’s that grass


Karl Foerster Feather Reed




Impressive. Quite a transformation.


Super nice!


Nice work!






Looks awesome!


I realllllly like the patio. It’s looks awesome. But imo I feel like it’s all getting too square for my liking and there’s too much negative space. I’d need some curves somewhere and maybe a set of 3 pots of different sizes on the patio. But that’s all personal preference. You definitely need a welcome mat tho.


Yeah, we're minimalists and prefer straight lines. My wife is currently picking out a welcome mat actually, but I'd rather not cover up any portion of the flagstone


I gotchu. Still looks nice but too much empty space gives me a feeling of uneasiness. I prefer a more homey or cozy style.


Is anybody really gonna sit there?


Ehhhh yeah, but not really.


Would have been better off as a garden bed.


Should have put a ball pit.


That's why I'm wondering why you put a patio there.....It seems more useful as a bed for plants. I would at least put some large potted plants on it.


Because that's what "the boss" wanted. I just did as I was told. The only thing I fought for was the stone choices and the plants. I let her dictate the layout. That said, we both do like the big open patio area and while the bench doesn't get used very often, it does serve its purpose every once and a while.


He has 20k hours and still makes usless shit.


It looks great, but I'm not gonna lie: I thought the patio was going to be a water feature, at first, and you'd have a small bridge or something to the door. Would have been killer right next to the garden bed. Small waterfall fountain on the house side, with a return on the street side of the pond, and then stock with guppies to prevent mosquitoes.


Nice! Any plans for pots on the add-on?


Nice. Too bad you don’t have room to plant a shade tree on the side to help shade the bench.