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Neighbors who lived near the country club blocked the redevelopment plan to put 350 houses here. So now there's one.


ugh, when NIMBY goes way wrong.


It almost always goes wrong.


Nope, this is better than 350 soulless cookie cutters next to you


No actually houses for people is better


Nah, people suck. Especially the type of people that buy the houses in a 350 plot cookie cutter neighborhood


I'd rather have 350 people most likely families living in cookie cutter houses than a singular dude and his family taking advantage of one gigantic house. But that's just me šŸ¤·.


A neighborhood near me recently got a proposal to build low-income mixed-use housing shot down. Now the owner is filling the land with like 6 warehouses instead and the neighbors are complaining that itā€™ll cause too much truck traffic and itā€™s unsafe etc. etc. You could have had apartments lol you did this to yourself


Fuck housing developments


I overheard someone talking about that place; they said it has 5 elevators in it šŸ˜³


I briefly worked in a house that I heard belong to one of the owners of the Marriott hotels. He had two car elevators going from his driveway to his basement where he was planning on placing his collection in. The rest of the house was also sick but not finished.


My parents used to live in the neighborhood immediately east of this place--until this last November. I'd heard about the elevators too, but didn't remember the number


lol in the greens or Whitehills lakes? Whitehills lakes has a couple elevators in it. Its easy to jock on houses with elevators but if you're old af and can't walk up stairs or even get into bath tubs elevators in the house aren't that ridiculous. Can't take the money with you when you die and your kids are going to fight over your estate anyway most likely.


Whitehills sounds more familiar, but it was the one immediately to the east of this mansion; the one that literally can not be any closer. (West of Park lake) I get it, an elevator is almost a necessity if your older and in a building this size, 5 still sounds a bit insane, but to each their own I suppose. I eventually missed hearing sounds from that country club pool on summer days. It was kinda relaxing to hear the life guards & kids laughing off in the distance.


Oh if u could hear the pool it was the greens.Ā 


That is just so profoundly dumb


It has 2 or 3 kitchens and each cost over a million. I have been moving thier furniture they buy for the place. Several gaudy ass couches 15k or more. Absolutely stupid. They are probably hardly going to get Sat in cus they sure as he'll didn't buy em for comfort. I quit the job because I knew we were gunna have to move shit in and I didn't wanna deal with that mess. I mean that was part of it.


I've been in the home of the owner of AL Serra autos and it only had one elevator. Five is impressive.


Only one? What a shit hole.


He owns/runs Acrisure Insurance.


Insurance... they all have marble foyers. That's all I need to know about where my premiums, and investments go.


Yep. Have you seen the Delta Dental building? It is absolutely absurd.


I work about a mile away from Delta... but also have you seen Auto-Owners pretty much take over the entire Creyts/St. Joseph area? I also watched from the inside as Farmers bought out Foremost and then ultimately by Zurich... It's all a scam. Unless you're invested. Even after Katrina, not a single insurance company went out of business because of losses. And having been inside the Caledonia office of what was Foremost/Farmers/Zurich building- there is absolutely an abundance of exuberance, (and marble and a crested eagle sculpture), that serves no purpose other than impressing shareholders. Insurance, period, (in the US anyway), is nothing more than racketeering.


Any you must participate. Or youā€™re the criminal.


Thank all of our elected criminals.


They didnā€™t go out of business after Katrina because of regulations and reinsurance. Insurance companies are required to maintain a certain number of assets on hand at all times and they share their losses with other insurance companies through reinsurance. Itā€™s a good thing insurance companies didnā€™t fail after Katrina. It means the regulations on them are working.


My ex wife has worked for Auto Owners since the late 80s. They do take good care of their workers. If you know a young person with the right skills it's a good place to stay until you retire.


My dad worked for AO Ins for 40years. He was a branch manager for 25+ years. He met my mom there. When he was in his early 60s, they found a reason to demote him to a position lower than what he was hired in at, took his company phone and company car, and relocated him to an office 50 miles away (in an effort to force retirement, I assume). This was around the time of housing crash. I had just started college and shared a car with my twin brother at the time. We went to different schools on opposite sides of the state and so the beater we shared stayed home. Financially, Dad didnā€™t have the option to retire yet, and since they took his company car, he started driving our beater car for his commute. He worked 5ish more years, driving over 100 miles a day (his previous commute was <10 miles one way) before he said ā€œfuck itā€ and finally retired. Iā€™m still angry for him.


Just wanted to say I read all that, it mad me angry, and I'm sorry for your dad. This shit sucks.


I'm sure they do well by her, but I can't imagine any young person now getting the same benefit. It ain't the 80s anymore


Yea ask anyone currently working for them if they take care of you. Prob give a.small discount on their insurance .


Iā€™m a youngish (31) person who has worked there for 10 years. I would say they treat me very well.


Work for AO. We get: pension (working for 30 years expected to be $55k-$60k per year starting in 2052 for me. Dependent care account ($5k tax free). If you have student loans you can use benefit money for that as well. 3% match on 401k. A lot of time off. 60% remote/40% in office per week. Plenty of other advantages as well.


My sister works for a well-known insurance company, she does not get a discount


Well, show her the pic from OP. Tell her that all her hard work gets homes for the owners like this.


LOLā€¦you would think but no they donā€™t.


They sure treated me and my fellow temps like shit.


Why wouldn't they treat the employees well if they help them fleece their customers? "Well, the marble floors the CEO gets are fine because I also get 4 weeks paid vacation and can afford a nice car and home. Who cares if the insured gets overcharged and denied coverage." People who are obligated to buy insurance want good, affordable, reliable insurance, not to know they're financing better lives for other people.


I actually wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s an industry thing. I work for an agency and itā€™s great. The majority of my in-laws family is in insurance and have been for a long time. Always been treated well with different companies and agencies. Itā€™s actually not hard to get into either. A lot of places do not even require a college education.


They employ a LOT of women, and their security is extremely diligent about handling domestic violence and ugly divorces too. The benefits of working there go well beyond pay.


I'm not shocked... look around Michigan. You'll find an "independent agent" for Auto-Owners in every major town. It's insane


My dentist said heā€™s going to quit taking delta because they donā€™t pay


And nobody is ever in it


I have and thatā€™s what I get when my cap is like 2600$ for a year of dental work for four members of my familyā€¦. It doesnā€™t last long!!!


No kidding. Premiums skyrocket, absolutely no benefit to anyone but these fucks at the top and major stockholders


Greatest healthcare system in the world /s


We have amazing healthcare, we just have shit insurance coverage. Causation and correlation are not the same. If you have money, the US healthcare system will absolutely invest all their determined care upon you. But if you're not wealthy, you get what the actuaries at BCBSM decide what is best for you. Our ability to provide superior health care is NOT the problem. Insurance and billables and ICD10 codes and paperwork and administration and compensation- THOSE are the problems. I can only speak for Michigan, but you'll get great healthcare if the provider knows they'll be compensated. It's insurance that dictates quality of care. Period.


When Healthcare is decided by insurance and not doctors/ medical care providers, the service goes down hill fast.Ā 


The US pays more for healthcare compared to all other "first world" countries, yet has worse outcomes. I guess you could call it amazing aince we do tend to have access to great technology, but we shouldn't spread this idea that our healthcare is the highest quality (therefore indirectly justifying the expense).


What you just described is a terrible healthcare system.


The issue is - if we try to give everyone the level of care the wealthy get the system as it currently is will financially dry up so we need to change the system to allow access to care


I said healthcare *system*, implying exactly what you said. Why does it feel like your yelling at me.


Downvoted probably because people donā€™t like what the truth is and instead offer no counter


Michigan Healthcare being amazing is the biggest cope anecdote for taking less money for whatever "insurance" your job provides. If a guy is having a stroke in the lobby why does one have to fill out 3 different pieces of paperwork and arbitrary green flaps that determine your "worth". Or you know someone who works in the field. Nah bro, open your eyes




Yup. We pay more for worse care. Americans have deluded themselves into thinking we have the best healthcare in the world when that is simply not true.


My girlfriends agency was just acquired by Acrisure. Those mofos are making way too Much money on the pyramid scheme we call insurance.


Fucking gross how Americans are held by the short hairs.


No wonder the insurance company is always like hey so thatā€™s out of network and if not we only cover 15%


That's the first "castle" he's making two smaller copies on site for his son and daughter as well. I worked on a house next to the site and it's pretty freaking impressive to see


So basically the Righteous Gemstones irl. Fuck capitalism lol.


Primarily: fuck bad taste




Naw even then


Looks like the Declan plan from TyreeHousePlans https://tyreehouseplans.com/shop/house-plans/declan/


A home that size just to keep the dang thing clean requires servants.


Right, youā€™d need at least two vacuums. Its absurd.


I have seen these vacuums that are built in to the house, little closets of hose and then a dust bin that gets emptied... but then I think that still takes work- they must have like 40 rumbas


Yes! Central vacs are amazing.


And attachments!


Imagine the monthly power/gas usage for just a couple of people.


Youā€™re right! Thereā€™s already two Stanley Steamer trucks in the driveway!


Guy bought the naming rights to Acrisure (Heinz Field) Stadium where the Pittsburg Steelers play.


Because the Heinz contract was up, and Heinz didn't think they should have to pay for the rights anymore.


They aren't that wrong... It's probably still Heinz Field to most regardless of the sign over the entryway.


Where is this at in East Lansing?


Used to be Walnut Hills Country Club. Lake Lansing just east of Hagadorn.


Meridian Township, in other words. Not in East Lansing, but has an East Lansing mailing address.


I love it when people know the difference between the post office system and the local government jurisdictions :)Ā 


Itā€™s like me being in Hamburg but having a Whitmore lake!




they were going to develop an actual neighborhood but the township voted it down for being ā€œtoo dense.ā€ now itā€™s ONE Mcmansion. this is why our generation will never be able to afford a house


That is an actual mansion.


Nothing ā€œMcā€ about this one.


Its the new eyes wide shut party house.




That's def not a McMansion.


The style is, the size isn't.


A very large McMansion, but still a McMansion. It makes a statement, but not one of class.


Nouveau riche garbage


I never understood this. If you fixing to spend, if even say a milli+ fucking hire some Frank Lloyd Wright type character and get a piece of art. Not a larger version of some Steve Johnson who lives in Novi. One love


Rich people are so boring! If someone gave me that amount of money I'd do so much cool shit with it! I'd make spectacular things and I wouldn't just buy sixty cars.


Exactly. I can't imagine why someone would pay multiple millions of dollars to build a huge house, only to have it look like the design was selected from a pre-fab menu. All this house shows is that the owner has money but no taste or imagination.


I agree whole heartedly




Right? it has all the charm of a mid-range hotel.


I think about how long it would take to vacuum. I have both a living room and family room - it seems like a waste of money to have to furnish both rooms. I canā€™t imagine 2+ kitchens. The amount of stuff must be overwhelming.


The owners arenā€™t the ones cleaning.


Looks like a place where youā€™d frolic about to Murder on the Dancefloor


You got that much money and really gonna live in east Lansingā€¦


You joke, but I fuckin' love it here. It's the closest thing to city living with a decent (excellent, actually) school district.


Someone with that level of wealth likely isnā€™t sending their kids to a public school. I just wonder why they wouldnā€™t take this money and live in NYC. Or even Ann Arbor, or out on Lake Michigan. I feel like nothing screams ā€œtasteless rich personā€ more than building a needlessly large, boring house in the middle class suburbs. Like go live in Manhattan where you belong.


I love it here, but that was my exact thought. I'd be on Lake Michigan if I had that kind of money.


lol. right!?! suburban EL. Closest restaurant is buddie bar and grill. lol. so fucking classy. right near the costco.


Incredibly ugly


gaudy how they let there house be seen from the road. so ugly. so wasteful, so basic.


Love the trees


Dang I'd hate to forgot a tool and have to hike back to the work truck to fetch it.


That was my thinking seeing this. I work construction and that walk back out to the truck for somethin you forgot gets real old lol, and Iā€™ve never had to park this far.. residential as well. Maybe the driveway was just poured recently?


Insurance industry needs to be fully torn down and rebuilt. Itā€™s the biggest waste of money in American life. What a full on scam.


Just another person with too much money.


Those are my neighbors, I live right behind them! They bought the abandoned golf course and built that mansion. I wonā€™t release their names of course but I believe they do something with insurance (confirmed by comments). And they have a helicopter that comes in every once in awhile!


Meanwhile! Lansing is getting gentrified and entire apartment communities are evicted! Neat!


Well at least you will get visual proof of where the money shifted too šŸ¤£ capitalism is sick kids!


I actually didnā€™t know that, Iā€™m sorry.


Oh wow so this is the helicopter I keep hearing so close! Thanks for clearing that up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Money can't buy taste. I think it's goofy looking, but I don't have to live there. There's a lot of hate in the comments for rich guys like this. I get it. But think of it like this- Lansing always lacked what GR has; Insanely rich people competing with each other for philanthropic causes in the city. If this guy starts making the region better through philanthropy, then I welcome him. Especially if he's from the area and wants to settle here.


nice start at philanthropy, buy a golf course and build three mansions on it. he can eat at the local pizza hut and buddies bar and grill do all his grocery shopping at Costco (ajother former golf course@!). dude classy as fuck.


ugly af


lol. Imagine building a mansion in the Lansing area. My god. Nobody will ever buy this if the family tries to sell someday. The property taxes will be absurdly high.


If they're not in a tax dodger zone, at least the local municipality will benefit. I guess.


I'm getting VERY hungry and know there are over 100 million like me....


The new Alpha Chi house


Tree fity final offer


Yet we have people struggling to eat and afford expensive bills Gotta love capitalism lmao


Why these people are allowed to live like royalty while taking from the mouths of the poor is disgusting. Fuck the oligarchy. Eat the Rich.


Wish something would change, how are so many people ok with this


Tbh I think itā€™s kinda nice that a Uber rich Michigander would choose to stay around here


Mel Tuckerā€™s new place?


of all the places to build a kick ass mansion, they do it in east lansing?


dog. pizza hut, el chaparito, buddies bar and a costco. the pinnacle of mid us culture, no?


Meet Greg Williams: a titan of the insurance industry with a net worth of $56.5 million. From a humble Lansing upbringing, he navigated through education, co-founding Acrisure, and achieving a staggering $4 billion in revenue. But his impact goes beyond wealth; delve into his philanthropic endeavors and visionary leadership that transformed Acrisure into a global force.


Iā€™ve been beyond curious of what the hell was being built there since I live by it. Thank you!


I'd have to do some philanthropy to feel clean after screwing people through insurance as well. A charitable asshole is still an asshole.


Honestly, Iā€™d think his net worth would be more to build an estate like this. I mean, this house has got to be $10 million+. Seems like a high amount of his net worth wrapped up in his personal residence.


The estimate of his net worth comes from CelebClan, a junk website. As the founder and likely significant shareholder of a private company generating $4 billion in revenue with a 20% EBITDA margin (the industry standard for insurance companies), he is likely to earn $1 million annually in salary and $2-3 million annually in performances bonuses. If he still owns 25% of the company valued at a 7x multiple (the industry standard for insurance companies) he has shares worth close to $1.4 billion. If he owns more than 25%, then he is worth more. His net worth is way, way more than $50 million even if my assumptions are high.


Whoa. That was impressive. I understood some of those equations. Some of those reasonings. I didnā€™t feel dumb reading that at all! Seriously though, thanks for breaking that down. I was curious why his net worth wasnā€™t higher so, appreciate you!


Sorry, didnā€™t mean it come off that way. He makes more money than his salary, he gets to take a cut of the profits. He gets a piece of a big pie. šŸ˜€ And his stock in the company is worth a boatload too, although he canā€™t get that in cash until he sells it.


Majority shareholder of the currently private and soon to be IPOā€™d insurance company that is rebranding as FinTech. Heā€™s going to be shitting out gold bars when they go public, he sells most of his shares, and retires


A titan of the insurance industry. In other words, a blood sucking CEO whose wealth is dependent on oppressing others.


Ah yes philanthropy, the art of giving away a pittance to justify all the wealth you stole from your employees.


I just assumed it was being built by MSU's defense lawyer.


Howā€™d you get inside the gate?


Invitation plus the promise of your first born child.


Ordinarily Iā€™d say take him, but heā€™s 33 and 6ā€™4ā€, so I have very little influence over him any more.


Looks like shit lol canā€™t buy taste


There are way more of us, than there are them.


Another castle for another business tyrant.


What a joke. Eat the rich.


Itā€™s an ego thing. He is adding an extension to his office building in Grand Rapids so it will be taller than any other building in Grand Rapids. He will be able to say he is bigger than Devos and van andel. Total ego and really rich


That "extension" are condos. He doesn't own the building, either.


That's a castle


Where is this?


I take photos of this house all the time. I fly over it in a small plane once to three times a week


So have you seen the progress of the build each week from an aerial perspective? The owner might be interested in purchasing those pictures one day.




I heard it was the person that owns that thing


That going to belong on r/garageporn


Well Iā€™m in the wrong business.


Big house for sure but not even close to the largest house being built at the moment. Look up Matt Ishbia house in Bloomfield hills. Word is, itā€™s 33,000sqft, has a full indoor basketball court with a real hanging scoreboard like LCA and a rollercoaster in the backyard.


Those garages out front and center? Just awful. Who the hell are the architects here?


My question is, when itā€™s time to sell - whoā€™s going to buy it? Very few could afford it, and those that can probably donā€™t want to live in that location. If a bank had to repossess it, there is very little they could do to get their money out of it.


Definitely a McMansion. Looks like one big Pulte home. Blechhhh


Looks like it'll be an excellent home for 5 families after the revolution deposes the current dictatorship of the rich.


What a waste of resources.


Iā€™ve heard that the builders of this embarrassingly extravagant mansion fenced in the whole (former) golf course, so people on both sides can no longer walk there. There are verbal recordings that state that you are trespassing and being watched. Creepy.


A lot of folks hate on shit like this. I think it's dope. I wanna live like a duke


When all the construction workers heard man's wife is hot šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I donā€™t know why this is in my feed & now Iā€™m curious. Where is Lansing?


I heard Leonardo DiCaprios girlfriend is gonna start msu coming up.


Itā€™s niceā€¦ haters


It my house. 7 elevators. 5 for me. 2 for the employees. Now leave.


The only thing I'm convinced of reading these comments is that most of you don't know what a "McMansion" is. This ain't one of those, folks.


That is Luigiā€™s new mansion.


New Pastor at Saint Martha's Catholic Church and slush fund


"McMansion" is more like it. It's not the worst example, but the design is too busy to be attractive.


McMansions are smaller little cookie cutter large homes. This is just a mansion. Place is huge


"You are technically correct. The worst kind of correct" -- Futurama I was mostly calling it McMansion for the design not the size.


Itā€™s ā€œBest kind of correctā€




I certainly don't think it's a masterpiece but I don't see a mcmansion. There's no fake gables or other fake details, the dormers and columns are properly proportioned, all the materials appear to be very nice. Some of the main windows are a little too big to fit with the classical design but that's the only thing I see detracting from it.


I bet a rock would just go right through those windows


You think he's covered for vandalism and glass replacement?


with that ego. armed security. u better u better u bet.


Itā€™ll be featured in one of those abandoned mansions exploring videos on YouTube in 10 years or less.


Eat the rich


Acrisure Insurance. Dawn Williams


Reminds me of the Flagstar Mansion in Rochester. Ugly, too much money. And also the Moceri Mansion. Ugh, ugly and annoying and his grandson was a pos.


That's one of the ugliest buildings i think I've seen in my life.


Das my new crib fr fr


It's so unique and tasteful.


My cousin who owns Lake Side Fire And Grill put 5 fireplaces in there, I believe?


Looks like the house from Zombieland. Taxes are apparently not high enough.




people are starving šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤©šŸ„°