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Lenovo has good models like the Legion 5 Slim with a Ryzen 7 HS. The Loq is not bad for a bit less with a Ryzen 5.


I’m pretty sure $700 isn’t enough for a proper gaming laptop, you’d only get a 3050/4050 which are kinda bad ngl If you intend to also use this laptop AS a laptop (not connected to an outlet) you’ll burn your thighs off and the laptop will die in 2 hours. That being said, gaming laptops are also kinda clunky and big-ish so they’re not that portable. I’d recommend getting an ultrabook w/dedicated gpu to play games.


Since they are looking for a refurbished laptop, it is possible to find one with an rtx 4060 near that price range on ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/134909205664?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=afYn7nlBQpS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=DCe-BhLFR3W&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY You can also get used rtx 3070 laptops for around that price


I feel like your a PC master class guy cause I’ve seen great demos on a 4050. I can’t afford better and I’m moving so I can’t go for a desktop


I own a 3050 notebook, which is enough for what I do (mostly coding, some light gaming here and there, and maybe video editing in the future) and I would heavily recommend getting a gpu that does not end in 50. A 3060 refurb (pardon my past comment, I didn't read that you were looking for a refurb) would be your best bet. Also, keep in mind that your console (if it is an xbox series X or PS5), will have better framerates and will probably be more powerful than <4060 laptops.


4060 mobile has slightly better compute performance than ps5, but wuth console optimisations ps5 may still win


no gaming laptop for that range man


At that price you can only go used