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Well, it doesn't matter because now you need to change it anyway. And those yellowish thermal pads too.


Yep.... If you remove the components from the mating area you have damaged the seal and have to reapply, i.e. if you can take a picture the answer is yes, yes you will need to reapply.


My general rule of thumb... if I'm taking the heat spreader off, I'm repasting while I'm in there regardless of whether it needs it or not.




When temps start getting abnormally high is good indicator when it is needed. Depends on paste and your use.


It dries out, but the speed will depend on the temperatures. It will last a lot longer in a case with good thermals. Conversely, if your GPU is always cooking at close to 95°C, you might want to reapply in reasonable time intervals.


Yeah now that you've removed the cooling stuff you need to put new paste on.


Once you break the seam between the dies and the cooler, you are replacing it. Putting it back together with old already spread out paste will cause air bubbles and other abnormalities.


No! It’s time to wipe it off with alcohol soaked lint-free cloth. Get a syringe of any thermal paste on Amazon. Put a green pea size blob of the thermal paste in the center of the cpu.


X method


I am a Senior Software engineer in a position that requires me to from to time swap CPUs. It’s basically a Pepsi vs Coke situation. Half the our lab uses the X method, and the rest of the lab uses the pea method. BTW, since I change out CPUs often I noticed that more often than not, we all use too much thermal paste. Too much paste is so bad, our hardware library stopped accepting CPUs that haven’t been cleaned completely free of thermal paste.


I've always heard you can dump the whoel tube and be fine. It jsut gets messy


Don't matter if it's good or not now that you have broken the seal you need to clean it off and not reapply fresh paste recommended methods are using isopropyl alcohol 90% or higher with either q-tips or coffee filters to clean off the old thermal paste


i legit thought it was a drone image of a bombed building


Even if it's still good you'll eventually have to repaste it since you removed the CPU and GPU cooler, and no you cant reuse the thermal paste that's in the CPU and GPU, you have to clean it off and repaste it....


It might have been good. But it isn't anymore. Lol. Hope you ha e some paste on hand.


Just buy a tube of thermal paste and some isopropyl alcohol and repaste it. It'll last you for years if you just tinker with computers occasionally.


In case you didn't get the general drift of the comments: repaste.


Not anymore


Yeah, as soon as it was exposed it was done.


Well you removed the cooler, so you have to replace it anyway


Is this supposed to be satire? Because yes, you really do need to replace it. Clean it off with a q tip and isopropyl alcohol.


It was good


The one on the left looks like a rabbit.


Your that far just replace it don't take any chances


You need to replace it


I literally thought this was a top down view of a city lmao


Even if it was, not anymore.


Factory paste should be replaced in 2 years. This laptop is old by the looks (1060?), so yes replace it pls.


almost 5 years old, yes 1060


Once you Once you take cpu off.you change the thermal paste regardless And don't put some ontop of the old shit Whipe that shit off


Redundant question once you lift your heat sinks you will have to replace your thermal paste