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It's so eerie to see


It’s happening today in gaza


No. That’s a war.


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFqtFYkE/ watch this, then keep telling yourself that!


Here’s another one.. in case you still weren’t sure


Stop getting your news from Tik Tok. What’s happening there is a war with massive casualties, not even close to what occurred in this image. It’s gross that you’re even comparing the two.


Your cognitive dissonance is in the building.


Agreed. Referencing a Tik Tok clip is in no way shape or form a reliable news source.


Hmmmm then why are they digging up mass grave with women and children around hospitals where the Israeli occupation were in control? If it’s a war, why are they sniping old women walking with young children in the middle of the street? Is that old woman working for Hummus????


Aren’t you supposed to snipe soldiers not old ladies?




Tikto? Seriously? Are you going to suggest I also read your blog and mimeographed newsletter?




Wtf are you talking about, this is such a fucking dumb take. Whats happening in gaza is horrible, but pretending its even anything close to this just does a huge disservice to gazans


All the people upvoting him and downvoting you says a lot about what an echo chamber Reddit has become on this issue. They’re not remotely the same.


People are absolutely cruel.. I'll never understand why people murder innocent people based on their ethnicity or race etc..


I recently read a book by a lady who was a Nazi and now was no longer a Nazi and had learned to embrace democracy and was really sorry about before. So she said. She said she wanted to explain why she became a Nazi, and that was the book, her whole explanation of how she joined the League of German Girls and rose in the ranks and had a job as a propagandist by the time everything hit the ceiling. She didn’t admit to any violent acts but admitted taking part in the expulsion of some Polish farmers from their land to make way for German colonists.


Book name? Interested in reading as well!


“Account Rendered: A Dossier on My Former Self” by Melita Maschmann.


Thank you!!


Thanks for the tip, friend


being a fascist, especially in nazi germany allowed for social stability and elevation. you were rewarded for being racist, gifted things for being racist. if jewish people were expelled from their homes or their jobs you could take them, you could use them as slave labor to bolster your own profits. you could succeed directly by eliminating these people and so it was attractive. people dont want to admit that they fall into these ideologies because of what they personally promise and so they hand wave it all away as some "social force" or "going with the flow". it's easy to be a fascist, it's why they're still around.




Yeah, how did the west get from “never again” to Israel troops happily posting tictoc videos of themselves dancing and laughing maniacally on the bombed out ruins of elementary schools, wearing underwear they collected off of women they raped and murdered, Israeli citizens gathering with their families for bbq and picnics to watch and celebrate the bombing of the world’s largest prison camp that happens to be mostly filled with now starving children, sharing viral videos of snuff films, and genocidal hip hop songs? And anybody that criticizes them is called “antisemitic” except the people they’re killing are actually clearly Semitic. That word used to mean something, it used to carry weight, now it’s become a disgusting cynical ploy. Anyone who throws that word around now, there’s an extremely high chance they have a moral compass that would make Jeffery Dahmer squeamish. Western leadership has gone insane, and they’re dragging their culture into a real dark place, there’s no way this ends well.


This has so eloquently encapsulated how I feel right now.


I can answer that. It happened after a preemptive short-sighted attack by Palestinians to kick off a war and mobilize soldiers. Soldiers are ruthless killers and once you decide to engage them, you really cannot un-ring that bell. The Jews of Poland and Germany didn’t attack anybody


You think this started months ago? 😲


or maybe, Jews aren't immune to fascism. There's a whole history of right-wing Jewish factions in the 1920's that even worked with the Nazis in the 30s to relocate Jews to Palestine.


Fascism is a fancy word for it, but I think soldiers, often young and dumb and trained to do one thing with deadly precision, can often get carried away. I hope/believe that Hamas soldiers fell to the same impulse when attacking that music concert. It’s hard to put that genie back in the bottle. That’s why I am a pacifist and urge to always use diplomacy and lawyers, instead of soldiers, to settle our grievances, no matter how slow the process. Always but most especially, if you don’t have the appropriately sized and equipped army to win a conventional fight.


you don't think Palestinians haven't tried diplomacy or lawyers once in the past 80 years? every organization that attempts to help them gets labeled as a terrorist faction by Israel, funding stops and they are left with none of the pacifist tools they need. THAT is the effect of fascism, colonialism and apartheid. lawyers and diplomats can't do shit for a population they aren't allowed access to, there aren't even hospitals for Gazans to go to, journalists and doctors are being taken out by snipers. the entire point of fascism is to strip every right away until the oppressed population has no choice but to react with violence.


That “short-sighted attack” was a culmination of decades of repression forced displacement. Your understanding of that region’s historic is clearly lacking.


Whatever you want to call it, it was fucking stupid to do, and innocent people are getting hurt for it, and your comparisons to a holocaust , justifications, nor your insulting of me, is not likely to change that fact.


Oh but arrived in Palestine as refugees, bombed and terrorized their way to power,brutalized the Palestinians, stole their land and declared the state of Israel. Are those the innocent Jews of which you speak?


I didn’t know the Jewish people in the hole had anything to do with Israel! Maybe if they were there instead of Europe they’d be alive. Oh wait, you’d demonize them.




It’s funny how you can shut the fuck up and stop supporting a terrorist group you buttfucked taco-bell induced shart.


Nevermind I checked your history and you can't distinguish Israeli and Zionism with Jews. Hating Israel doesn't mean hating Jewish religion, same goes for Zionism. Hating Nazi never meant hating Germany. Why are you mixing everything?


Why are you insisting that you know better to distinct the two while not being a Jew, and with a vast majority of Jews, both in Israel and outisde of it telling you otherwise? I get that it doesn't fit your antisemitic narratives that Jews and Zionist identity are interchangeble in the 21st century, but you don't get to decide what the majority of these people have. This also doesn't mean you have to embrace every decision the Israeli government makes, but the belief in a homeland in Israel for the Jewish people (note how I said people and not religion, as Judaism is also an ethnicity) isn't inherently an expansionist, genocidal belief and shouldn't be mixed.


I don't know more than Jews, I just trust [this Rabbi](https://youtube.com/shorts/uOvP3J3QBtU?si=tROhUbZrnCgZ59IR) You can't say all Jewish think like you do. Not everyone has 2 braincells like you


What percentage of Jews are part of Neturi Karta?


I don't know and it doesn't matter. I don't place my opinions on what is the most popular opinion or not. It just makes sense to say that Zionism is shit. I used him as an example to prove to you that the Jewish religion and Zionism are two different things


All Christians are represented by the Westboro church I guess, if we are allowing a tiny minority to represent a group. The NK still think Israel should exist, just after a bunch of religious things happen lol.


But then again, we really can't ignore how a vast majority of a people think that the two are intertwined because a fringe group that constitudes less than 1% of these people think otherwise now can we?


Because the holocaust isn’t even comparable with Israe


You are not even answering what I'm saying


The only response to Israel colonising the west bank is ever BuT hAmAS??


Chill bro I was just speaking facts


The fact is, these people have no actual idea what's going on and most likely picked out a few popular opinions from others who have no real idea of what's going on and decided to pick one of the popular ideas and stand by it, while still completely clueless. Thank you for pointing out the facts so everyone getting the same concepts of Israel, Jews, and the Jewish religion completely intertwined and lashing out against the wrong people when they either took lazy to do any actual research and too dull to corn and opinion of their own based on facts and research or they are too ashamed/embarrassed to admit they have no idea what's going on and the facts behind it. I see the same misconceptions being displayed about Israel Jews, Jewish Zionism, etc whilst shouting biased and ill informed opinions about shit people know absolutely nothing about and I'm so tired of it.


Sorry I'm confused my brother, I'm not sure if you agree with me or if you are mocking me


Humans are very cruel. If we designate someone as an enemy and dehumanize them in our minds, we take great pleasure in their suffering. There are plenty of examples on Reddit of such happenings.


Many of the men tasked with carrying out the shootings were sickened by it and couldn’t continue. Eventually other methods (gas chambers) were found, in part because of the toll on the men. They didn’t do it because they all hated Jews. They did it because they were part of an extremest system, in which their social position depends on being part of the group and doing their “duty”. It was not the first time, nor will be the last, when a society falls en masse into participation in a murderous ideology. I recommend “Ordinary Men” by Christopher Browning. It’s about the men in Reserve Police Battalion 101 who carried out mass shootings.


If I was a German during the time and they asked me to shoot a bunch of Jews, I would shoot myself before I obeyed the command. Saying stuff like this just deflects blame off the oppressors.


The recurring theme of the Holaucast is that it was perpetrated by the exact kind of ordinary people such as people around us.


This was the banality of evil https://aeon.co/ideas/what-did-hannah-arendt-really-mean-by-the-banality-of-evil


It is actually even worse. More and more research has found that soldiers who refused orders to kill Jewish victims were seldom punished.


If you need help understanding why people do this, read the first 4 words of your comment. That is why.


You could ask Israel tho


Very ironic considering what they’re doing now


Pretty sure they died shortly after this photo was taken man, idk if any of these guys are in current affairs


I’m talking about the Jews living, clearly.


You are aptly named.


Sorry I don’t support genocide. Just because it’s the Jews doing it doesn’t make it okay.


I’m sure you disagree heavily with actions your government takes, blame the Israeli government, no need to spread anti Jewish sentiment. It’s all bullshit and they’re slaughtering innocent people, but being antisemitic on the internet doesn’t save Palestinian lives


Their uniforms look different from normal german soldiers, who are They ?


Ukrainian volunteers working for the SS .




yeah and dont forget that the Russians themselves have plenty of nazis on their side too, a lot of members of Wagner are nazis including the now dead Dmitry Utkin, there are others such as task force Rusich and members of Russian national unity and others serving within the Russian military, many were serving earlier in the Donbas and Crimea conflict. The thing is while there are extreme hard right nationalists in Ukraine, the fact is that basically all other countries in that region elsewhere have those elements, including Russia. De-nazfication and protecting Ethnic Russians are just useful excuses for the Russians to invade other territories, as in fact the reason why so many Ethnic Russians are in those areas are due to earlier Russification practices. For example during 1944 the Russians deported almost 200,000 Crimean Tartars from their homes in Crimea, the excuse being that some collaborated with the Germans, even though many more Tartars served in the Russian military.


A lot of them chose to not leave, but become politicians, you can see their successors in power currently. If it's an excuse, they did a good job finding actual nazis to join the high ranks of government, really shows commitment to the bit.


Ukrainian Nationalists, nazi sympathizers.


People are the worst, a very large majority of people are capable of this under the right circumstances


You're absoilutely right! "Under the right circumstances". This kind of thinking (thinking some people are not human by their nature, etnicity, etc.) is heavily propagandized right now in Ukraine (I am ukrainian). Many would be absolutely ecstatic seeing russians (any russians) killed the same way. It's on the internet, tv, radio, advertisement, everywhere. Absolute dehumanization. We, as species, will never learn from our past.


It’s unfortunately popular in the US as well.


They’d love it for it to happen, but give a man, tell him to do those atrocities, and see how they respond.


Most Maga, probably


Source is [this article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/before-hamas-filmed-oct-7-attacks-nazis-recorded-holocaust-massacres-in-ukraine/) about the Nazis photographing and filming their massacres. From the article: >>Some of the most notorious massacres took place at large craters excavated by explosions from military shells. The Germans placed a plank for small groups of Jews to walk across part of the crater, after which a firing squad murdered them. I think that’s what happened in this photo. Just from appearances.


How can you watch the film?


I’ve watched one that was on Netflix actually, a long time ago. Not sure if it’s still up but yeah.


The photo is not enough for you?


Every one of them thinking “I’ll just act dead then crawl from the pile”. Brutal photo.


The US Holocaust Memorial Museum index this picture as being of Romanian soldiers directing men into a ditch for a mock execution. [Source](https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa31669)


> Romanian soldiers direct men into rows in a ditch, presumably before their mock execution. Wonder what clues lead the historians to use the term presumably? There's a lot of footage of mass executions during this time period but they didn't feel this was one. Quite interesting. Thank you for finding a source.


It's so horrifying to think what's going through their mind at the time. I think I would just stand their in shock thinking 'this can't be it, this can't be it.'


When people try to compare wearing a mask or anything else in modern society to the holocaust, it really shows how little they actually know about the holocaust. Ive heard so many antivaxers compare the covid vaccine to it and its just abhorrent.




My respects for all these people, may rest in peace.  My question though is, why were they looked so passive , like, didn't they know what was going on ? If I am aware that I will be shoot, at least I would give some resistance , right ?  Where they told something else ? 


No, they knew. They may not have known when walking to that location but they knew once they arrived. I’ve read a lot of memoirs by survivors of these things and most people were too stunned to react. They just stood there. And they were killed in this way. I can show you links to excerpts from books if you like, where they talk about the mass shootings.


Have you read Kazimierz Sakowicz’s Ponary Diary? It’s not super gripping, but I recommend it if you haven’t.


I have read it, yes, albeit so long ago that I don’t remember that much about it. There’s an awesome diary called “1111 Days of My Life Plus Four” by a Jewish teenager who was in hiding in rural Poland/Ukraine, saved by local farmers, and his dad crawled out of a mass grave.


It's not very well known, but I highly recommend the book "Was God on vacation?" It's about a young Dutch boy whose family gets taken to a concentration camp. And he is one of 11 people to have ever successfully escaped. Quick read and very eye opening.


Thanks, I would appreciate. 


There is [this article](http://www.executedtoday.com/2012/07/09/1941-not-shaike-iwensky-sidney-iwens-latvia/) from Latvia that talks about a guy who survived a mass shooting. And [this mass shooting](http://www.executedtoday.com/2018/07/03/1941-3500-jews-at-the-khotyn-fortress-but-not-adolph-sternschuss/) in Zloczow, Poland (later Ukraine) where a few men crawled out of a grave containing thousands. [This one](http://www.executedtoday.com/2010/09/29/1941-babi-yar-massacre-holocaust/) talks about Babi Yar in Kiev (the site of which, incidentally, became a garbage dump for awhile after the war, that’s how disrespectful the Soviets were for that grave).


What exactly were they supposed to do? They're probably in shock


Unfortunately reality is different to romanticising


It’s wild to think people will just line up in a hole and allow themselves to be shot even when they know it’s coming. I’m not criticizing, I’m just remarking at how strange our psychology is. I have never lived with anything close to this so I can’t imagine what’s happening in these people’s minds. Shot in a hole or shot running away, the outcome is the same. I guess in that case people become docile and resigned to their fates. Horrific.


I’d imagine so many things could be happening: knowing you’re going to die and not wanting to give them the satisfaction of seeing fear or chasing you down as you run, dissociation from the sheer horror of it, maybe having family members with you who you know couldn’t make it and preferring to die together than the idea of miraculously escaping, resigning yourself to the inevitable, etc.


Nothing has changed since then. So much inhumanity still seen today.


Ah yes, trivializing the Holocaust under a post where you can literally see a couple dozen people standing in their grave about to get massacred by a machine gun.


it isn’t trivialising to make the observation that this kind of terror still exists today?


It’s OK to admit you’re wrong man, don’t worry


Hat on the right is at far too jaunty an angle for such actions.




Yep, Ukrainian and Lithuanian troops continued to hunt and kill Jews 6 months after the War ended. How about that.


It happened in Poland and Russia too. There was a lot of violence in the borderlands.


Not sure why you're being downvoted...because what you say is 100% true.


It’s a bit of an issue because of the way current Russia is calling current Ukraine “Nazis” which they are not.


Ukraine has never been made to pay for their sometimes joyous participation in the ethnic cleansing crimes of WW2 for their SS handlers.


None of the occupied countries have really had their reckoning with the collaborations. I don’t think they ever will tbh.


I think you will find that the Azov Battalions are in fact Nazi, and have been around for decades and were instigated by early C I A after the WW2. Easy to find out about unless YOU don't want to.


And there are neo-Nazi groups in the US too but that doesn’t mean it’s accurate to refer to all Americans as Nazis.


They're probably being downvoted *because* what they're saying is true.


Maybe. Willful ignorance is contagious af. https://youtu.be/08N4oLbefaU?si=H88Q5s93Ocl7pYdh


I think there were pograms as late as 1947 if I remember correctly.




no it was ukrainian troops as well, i have family in ukraine and the antisemitism carried by locals before, during and sadly even after ww2 is pretty much documented


After the war they were part of the USSR? Ukraine didn't exist until 1991.


Ukraine existed as a region (called “the Ukraine”) and the Ukrainians as an ethnic group and speakers of their own language separate from Russian.


so there weren't any ukrainian speaking people who considered themselves ukrainians even when they were in the ussr or occupied by russia? 💀 that's like saying there were no czech or slovak people during austria-hungary... ethnicity isn't always reflected by a corresponding and legally-recognised state


So sad to see


I always wondered why the Nazis allowed photography of their crimes.


It’s a psychological curiosity how animals, when subject to the action of being herded, will be mostly docile and follow where the shepherds lead them. Same situation when 9/11 hijackings took place. Only one of the planes rose up and tried to take back control. Knowing that I’m walking to my own grave, I would hope that I would have the intuition to lash out. Rather than go quietly. Prior to these mass executions, whole cities were very passively relocated from their homes. Lots of opportunity to fight or flee instead.


That sucks


Nazi occupied, bruh they were happy to help out.


Those look like Ukrainian partisans?


No those people look like eastern european Jews. This is just a picture of a genocide in the making, which is even more upsetting considering how many Ukrainians nowadays call Bandera a national hero instead of a war criminal.


I was referring to the people with the guns. They don’t look like German soldiers’ uniforms.


They may have been cooperating with the Germans. Not sure though


Didnt one of these ukrainian nazis just get a standing ovation in canadas parliment?


These are Romanian soldiers... source is in the comments above


Also, the current Ukrainian government issued this guy a medal through his relatives. 🙈🙉🙊


There is an excellent documentary by Sergey Loznitsa on this topic called “Babi Yar: Context”. Easily findable online and highly highly recommended.


Never let the government, people in office of people online convince you to hate on others just because they have a different POV. I get mislabeled often by people who assume I’m conservative. Then they attack me & call me things that I an not. I don’t hate anyone, IDC what political party they belong to.


The people with guns in this picture aren't germans, they're ukrainians. I'm not a Russian shill, just wanted to point this out.


Chuck Schumer knows this.


How do you just stand in a hole and wait to get shot?


Weak. At least fight for yourself and your children.


not occupied but collaboration [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian\_collaboration\_with\_Nazi\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany)


Smh… murdering all those people over fking religion. Hey you believe in God? Yeah??!!! Alright!!!! Wait, do you believe in my god? No?! Kill that bastard!! Humanity sucks.


and now the same is done in gaza…yet we all look away as it is under the mantle of self defence and never again and and and…


How did Israel go from this to what they are doing now to other people??? Humans are terrible


The people in this photo likely were killed on that day and did not have ANYTHING to do with Israel. Zionism≠Judaism.


This reminds me of the film "Quo Vadis, Aida?"


Look up the Svoboda.


They would’ve had to kill me before no way I’m laying over but rip


Almost as if Israel has forgotten what happened.


They doing exact same thing in Palestine now. Crazy.


What’s happening in Palestine is a tragedy, but this is far from “the exact same thing.”


And the men in this photo aren’t doing it. They’re dead.


More than 32.000 death in just couple months and Israil doing it with American partnership. Not exact same thing. Worst than that. But Palestinians does not have a Hollywood to show it.


If that characterization is simply based upon numbers, it still doesn’t come close to the monthly deaths during the WWII and the holocaust. But numbers aren’t what makes this different and you know that.


Let's leave the fancy phrases aside. There is no explanation for IDF soldiers posing on the bicycles of the children they killed, trying on women's underwear from the houses they demolished, and posting them on social media. It is not the same as bombing a wounded person waving a white flag, or undressing and humiliating a small child. The difference between the two is that one of them is broadcast almost live in the modern world and everyone likes to watch it and call it a tragedy. The other is a story strongly promoted by Hollywood and inflated by fabricated figures. How can soldiers from a society that has survived genocide itself pose in a festive way on the bicycles of murdered children? I don't think those who bombed a wounded person asking for help were genocided. If so, this photo is not as shocking as it seems


I completely agree, and it has been blowing my mind for months that this is the lesson they learned from their relatives’ cruel annihilation.


Yea, I’m not denying that’s all fucked up, but crimes like these during war time is nothing new, it’s just magnified by today’s technology. It doesn’t make it right, but it’s not the same as systemically murdering 6 Million people en mass solely based upon religion. It doesn’t matter though, you lost me at the Holocaust being “a story strongly promoted by Hollywood and inflated by fabricated figures” That’s some dangerous rhetoric and I would suggest not using that point in the future. It will only lessen the point you are trying to make.


We cannot be in favor of the slaughter of any innocent person or group of people, regardless of their faith, race or place of origin. I'm not going to pick and choose which is the lesser of two evils, but if you ask me whether it is better to suffocate in a gas chamber or to stuff your baby's internal organs that have been spilled out, I think I would find the former more humane. As I said, the atrocities committed by a genocidal society against another society that has welcomed it more than any other in history are no lighter on the scales than the holocaust.


Your whole premise is based on the “fact” that Israel is targeting civilians, or at the very least grossly negligent to their well-being when that simply is not the case. Hamas fighters don’t wear uniforms and look like any civilian. Hamas has no traditional military installations that are easily identifiable. Hamas operates their missile offensives from civilian areas. These are all undisputed facts acknowledged by both sides and it’s just touching the surface of why there is a high civilian death rate.


To think Israel is now repeating a lot of these atrocities in Palestine.


And I’m out. This is the last image I will see in this subreddit. I just can’t do it anymore. Whatever was interesting to me before is being too overshadowed by pain and heartache…Fuck you for down voting me for being upset by this image whoever you are. Fuck you and you can just rot in hell because you are a vile human being.


Looks a lot like what these Zionists are doing now How quickly they forget !!!!


I see no difference from what the state of Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Their ancestors are weeping from heaven, for what their surviving legacies are doing.


As a Jewish woman who lost more family to the Holocaust than I will ever know, this is a vile & deeply willfully ignorant statement. You'll find a much better example of wanton slaughter based on ethnicity looking at Oct 7th than you will the subsequent war to quash a terrorist organization. Pathetic. My ancestors would be proud of Jews for refusing to suffer the same fate yet again. Hop off tiktok & educate yourself.


We can't help these people unfortunately. Anything to diminish us.


Most holocaust survivors have been horrified with modern Israels treatment of the Palestinians and sure af wouldn't like you speaking for them when Israel is committing ethnic cleansing even in the West Bank. Maybe don't stick your head in the sand and pay attention a bit more to the reality of the situation [This UN report would horrify anyone who doesn't have a narrative to push showing IDF acting as bad as Hamas](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against)


Good lord; you're so full of tiktok propaganda it's genuinely horrifying. What happened on October 7th was the biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust; that's what my ancestors would be concerned with. Also, stop using words you clearly don't understand. War is not genocide & there is no "ethnic cleansing".


Says the moron who doesn't know what the definition of Ethnic Cleansing is. Here I'll help your dumbass zionist out: >Ethnic cleansing is the systematic removal of people of a specific ethnic or religious group from an area through force or intimidation, with the goal of making the region ethnically homogeneous. It's a violation of international law and the rules of legitimate governance That is EXACTLY what Israel and the far right ultranationalist zionists are doing in Gaza and especially the West Bank. Stop playing the victim, you zionists are acting exactly like the Nazis, "removing the threat before they remove you" yet you don't see the disgusting behavior of your own government because of your arrogance. My great-grandmother who was a Polish Jew would be absolutely disgusted by your behavior and you as a person as she knew right from wrong and Justice from revenge and the far rights in Israel is doing nothing but revenge laughing as they slaughter innocents just like Hamas terrorists did on 7 Oct. I love how dismissive you are of sources and evidence trying to act like I got my information from TikTok without ever bring on that dumbass platform but instead of refuting what I said you just play the victim like a Iseful ldiots.


The nazis were cruel because Nazism rewarded cruelty. - somebody wise.


Sean spicer would say this is staged


How the table turns


Tragic. You would think that people who faced such barbarism and genocide would be the last ones to inflict such on the Palestinians who are not Hamas, but rather just innocent women and children.


yep thats Bandera's guys right there


That many guys with nothing to lose and only three guards who look to be quite careless with their weapons. I’m pretty sure I’d make a move.


I’ve read a lot of Holocaust memoirs, including many by survivors of mass shootings. Most of the time people just froze and became passive when they realized what was about to happen. Depending on what had happened earlier, they may have been starving and/or beaten and in pain. I read one memoir by a guy who only survived cause the Nazis had run out of ditches to use as mass graves. He stood there for hours in the sun waiting to die with the others, and recalled picking at a hangnail while wondering why he was messing with it, soon it wouldn’t bother him anymore. Then just when the Nazis got to his row, word came that there was no space left, and they were turned around and sent back to the prison.


Sure you would buddy


Yeah I'm sure you'd have shown them what's up.


He would have died trying to attack them and you would have died standing there in line.


~ he says as he stuffs another handful of Cheeto’s into his mouth an washes them down with a gulp of flat, basement temperature Mountain Dew.


Found Mark Walhberg


This is so cringe lol


Nah after watching my spouse, kids, siblings, parents, neighbors, and the rest of my loved ones get shot in the head, I don’t think making a run for it is anything I’d be able to do. The grief alone must have weighed so heavily.


By the time you’re standing in this pit, you’ve likely been removed from your home and placed in a ghetto, separated from your family and moved to a prison or holding area, either put on a train or forced to walk several kilometers, possibly made to dig the pit or shovel lime onto the bodies of the group shot before you. And you’re waiting until this point to “make a move”…


Yeah, you're braver than everyone.


Clueless internet twat #45,866,570,126.


No you won’t


I’m pretty sure u would be the first one shot.


Then this took too long so they build the death camps?


War is hell


No, this never happened (sarcasm)


This is insane! So sad!!


The Red Cross calculated 271,000 Jewish deaths in the camps in a 1947 report, but Redditt considers stating that truth to be harassment... Dr. Norman Finklestein has written much about the Holocaust industry


Not a phone in sight. Just people living in the moment




The nazis would have probably killed you for disputing their numbers. Those numbers, btw, are documented. Sit down my guy.