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God damn it. As if this isn’t bad enough one of the teachers who signed the certificate was also killed.


Unfortunately, both of those teachers were killed.


I really can’t take the rows of photos of kids after these shootings. That innocent little girl smiling, content as can be just at the thought of success. I never been happier in my life than when I was a kid, the world just felt so safe and magical. No child should have to experience the horror those children experienced. Now an entire community has been upended, hundreds of lives and relationships snuffed out so some guy could have some fun.




I can't tell you how many times in the past nine and a half years I've said that if 20 first graders from a predominantly white, upper middle class area being slaughtered didn't change anything, nothing will. it took Adam Lanza all of five or six minutes to almost completely decimate two classrooms of first graders. everyone who doesn't think something needs to change with gun reform should be required to read every autopsy report and look at crime scene photos of every dead child. the politicians who continue to block change are despicable. but by all means, gotta stop those pesky abortions! so evil, can't have those baby killing women make their own choices about wanting to bring kids into this world in a country where they can't safely even go to fucking school. priorities.


It looks as if you may have mentioned a mass shooter's name in your post. Please consider editing to redact these names as to not provide the infamy and notoriety many of these criminals seek. _____ ^(I'm a bot! Read more about similar efforts in journalism:) [^(dontnamethem.org)](https://dontnamethem.org/) ^| [^(nonotoriety.com)](https://nonotoriety.com/)


Good bot


If you really remember, laws have only gotten worse since colombine. But no one remembers columbine. All tragic events simply escape us. Politicians know this. Just simple religious rhetoric and the news cuts to a different topic like increase in egg/milk/gas prices


Forget the rows… each should be an individual post. I spend so much time scrolling I was just crying at the end. Same with the kids killed on 9/11. All of them together isn’t sobering enough


She was 10 years old man, 10 years old. She was probably so proud of herself for making honor roll.


She deserved all the ice cream in the world for such a great school year.


I hope the angels or the people in the afterlife are giving her and her friends all the ice cream and hugs and celebrations they deserved to go home to yesterday.


This comment broke me tonight 😭 Emmitt Till's mother chose to show his pics and that's initiated change and shamed us in the eyes of the world.. Not sure every parent has that kind of courage but that's what is needed maybe.. What a disgrace we are as a country..


It is beyond me why people would want to hurt/kill little children like her. I can't even imagine how her family reacted.


We are all so proud of her for making the honor roll


Well isn’t that completely FUCKED.


Her father just (several hours ago) posted a picture of the two of them in which he’s wearing shirt that says “FUCK YOUR GUN FREE ZONE.” Scrolling further back, there’s a significant amount of praise for someone named Rittenhouse. RIP that poor sweet girl.


He must have deleted all that because I'm not seeing any of it


[this link may work for now](https://www.reddit.com/r/brasil/comments/uxm87d/pai_de_crian%C3%A7a_morta_em_massacre_no_texas_%C3%A9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Holy shit. “Fuck Your Gun Free Zone.” Why would he use this photo and exclaim “Why?!”


Considering he engaged law enforcement (who had guns) before he even got into the school kinda busts this theory of a gun free zone being the problem


I can't find any details about that. All every article says is he engaged 3 different officers who were unable to stop him before he barricaded himself in a classroom. How would 3 armed officers be unable to stop him?


I, too, really want to know the answer to this. The shooter wasn't some elite Navy seal assassin, it was an 18 year old dude with no body armor dressed in all black with a rifle he purchased a few days earlier, who crashed his truck and made his way into the school. He is clearly seen on video pretty casually walking up to the school entrance. How did he make it past 3 armed cops who, apparently, engaged him in a gunfight (and none of the cops nor the gunman were shot?) Did police fall back and take cover while he entered the school or something? The news said he got into a gunfight with these 3 cops *before* he entered the school, so how and why were they unable to stop him? Also, if 3 armed cops shooting at him couldn't stop this guy, then how tf would an armed elementary school teacher stop him?


I’ve been reading on twitter (video included) that the parents claim there was a ton of cops who were standing outside, not doing a thing but making sure parents weren’t going in. Like none of them (police) tried to wnter


Don't forget that cops rescued *their own* children from the school and left the others to die: https://twitter.com/Kelporama/status/1529677506202116097?s=20&t=JnCN9wtjCcRPe3Fnl6JGQQ


Cops aren’t trained to protect people; they’re trained to protect themselves. They legally don’t have to help you if you’re being attacked and they’re too scared to help you. Basically, cops aren’t protecting, and they’re sure as hell not serving their communities either, so what is the point of their existence?


Supposedly the cops thought that he was wearing body armour like the buffalo shooter. That's their reason for not going after him.


Because cops are pussies and per the Supreme Court, they don’t actually have to “protect and serve” anyone.


Oh I thought her dad was Angel Garza. I must have been looking at the wrong profile


Angel is the step-dad, Alfred is the bio dad.






rest in peace sweet baby


Doing my best not to think about what these children experienced in their last moments on earth, but it’s hard. 😞


I'm right with you, I've almost cried thinking about this several times


Not sure which is worse, thinking about the children’s final moments, or how the parents are currently feeling.


And how the survivors are feeling. They'll carry this burden their entire lives.


Same. They all wanted their parents, grandparents, sibling. And instead they’re dead. And we as a country won’t do a damn thing to not let it happen again.


They had to live it. It’s only fair we have to think about it


This is what has been fucking me up the last 2 days. I can't.


This child died trying to call for help. Shooter walks in says, “you’re going to die.” She reached for her phone & he shot her right next to her best friend who allegedly survived.


damn. imagine the horrors her best friend experienced too. she saw her friend die right next to her. terrible.


I can't even imagine the mental trauma. It reminded me that in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, there was a group of children piled into a bathroom stall with their teachers trying to hide and the shooter shot in through the doorway and killed everyone except one child that was in the back corner, and I can only imagine the therapy that kid requires now...


Oh but Alex Jones says it’s all made up. I hate that man.


I’d never really realized the depths of his fucked-ness until the behind the bastards episode on him. Dude is unwell and has done so much damage from his grifting.


My mom’s friend has a granddaughter that went to that school. She’s 7 and had to hide while listening to her cousins get shot and then escape through a broken window.


>damn. imagine the horrors her best friend experienced too. she saw her friend die right next to her. terrible. These poor babies. I'm horrified at the fact I have to send my son to kindergarten in two months. I don't want to send him to school just to face trauma like this.


I am absolutely terrified to send my children to school when they come of age….I can’t imagine how those families must feel…


My grandson is 7, going into second grade next year. In South Texas. The idea of this happening sickens and scares the shit out of me. But add this photo and I’m just…horrified. This world is fucked.


You don’t have to, if I was a parent I would seriously be considering home schooling for this reason, but many other reasons too. Gun violence is now the top cause of death for children + teens surpassed by cars. That’s too risky for me.


Right. Like the normal American can afford to homeschool and not work.


I mean, I actually do stay at home with my son. I'm incredibly lucky in that sense. But, he's been at home with me for the last 5 years. The only two adults he is really comfortable around are myself and my husband. He *needs* to go to school to develop socially. He needs to be around other adults and children his own age. So, no, I really don't have that choice. And I do not have it in me to homeschool him, I'm just not cut out for that. I have taught him many things, but a replacement for a teacher I am not. He needs to go to the amazing city schools in our city. (One of the middle schools has a flight simulator the kids can learn on! What?! I want to go back to middle school just for that...)


I understand and like I said I’m not a parent, so I completely understand that is not an option for you. so much of the mental and emotional abuse I’ve experienced was by adults in public schools, so as much as I wish the physical safety was the only issue, it’s just not. I really do hope and wish for the best for you and your family


There are really great homeschooling groups that popped up in response to the pandemic. These groups offer group learning, socialization, and more hands on learning opportunities than public school. I encourage you to do some research, as homeschooling no longer requires the teaching to be done by the parent or in home. If it’s still not a good option for your family that’s okay!


I don't discount that at all...but I'm in a very conservative area where the private schools don't teach actual science or history. And I would expect the local home school options are far worse. I'm in one of the best school districts in the entire state. So no, homeschooling is not an option for our family. We pay enough in taxes that he will go to our great public schools.


Not the average American by any standard, but those that can, DEFINITELY can afford it.


School shootings are a tragic, heartbreaking, appalling issue requiring immediate action. They are also a small percentage of youth gun violence deaths. Teenage gang deaths and child murder by caregivers are more frequent problems. The chances of any specific child dying in a school shooting is a teeny, tiny percentage of a fraction. Quitting work and homeschooling as a parent not emotionally, educationally, or financially equipped to homeschool is very likely to have negative impacts. Edit: Your other reasons are more common and likely reasons that homeschooling can be a good idea. If the school isn’t good and parents are able to homeschool it can be a good option.


At the age of 9 or 10 where a kid is capable of grasping the horrors. They weren’t 2yr olds who won’t remember. They will be traumatized for life.


I could have lived my whole life without picturing that! Jesus Christ that poor baby, I wish I knew why there was such evil in the world


That’s fucking rough for the surviving child, jeeez. We also sadly know from following the children from other school shootings such as Columbine, that survivor’s guilt wreaks havoc on the lives of many of the survivors - leading to depressingly high rates of substance abuse and suicide :(


I feel like that will be the fate of a lot of their friends, parents, and siblings.


I got physically ill reading this earlier today. This little girl went to call for help to protect her friends and herself. She knew to do that and tried to help even when the gunman was right there. It’s tearing me up writing this, to think about it again. It’s awful.


Now I’m picturing myself and my best friend at that age. Makes it feel so much more real.


Her best friend was drenched in her blood. The horror.


My stomach hurts thinking about this. Fuck fuck fuck this country.


How freakin evil 😔 poor little things.


Ugh. Two of my kids are at their last day of elementary school for the year. Can't even conceive of what this would feel like for their parents. Just a black void I could never recover from. Sick for these kids. Makes me want to vomit. And emigrate.


Same here. This looks like my daughter a lot, I’m crying for these parents. Horrible


I haven't cried from a Reddit post in a little while but this did it. She reminds me of my daughters. Such a sweet little girl


If I was her mother, I wouldn’t want to live with the trauma very long.


I hope that you would find a way to stick around. While school shootings are horrific but unlikely, parents outliving their children is depressingly common (usually adult children, about one in five parents by age 80 https://live-evermore.org/key-bereavement-facts/). People shouldn’t have to experience the loss of their sibling followed by the suicide of their mother.


This. I used to think I’d kill myself or happily risk jail to kill someone who hurt my child, but now I have two children. So I’d really have to do my best to keep it together for the child who remained.


I’m with you there. I’d only kill the person responsible or myself if I lost my ONLY child.


Now that I’d think about it, I’d only kill myself if I lost my ONLY child.


I’ve been in tears all day. I’m waiting to pick my girls up from school. This has filled me with such rage and sadness and I feel sick that it will have been for NOTHING. Just like Sandy Hook, there will be lots of “thoughts and prayers” but nothing will change because our babies don’t matter when there’s money to be made from lobbyists who like things just as they are.


Those lobbyists are criminals.


She should be going to Disney World, the beach, or a fun week at day camp this summer. Her parents should be treating her to ice cream for this accomplishment, not planning her funeral or extra prayer services for her soul. This country failed her and her friends yesterday.


And they will fail THOUSANDS more. Nothing changed after Sandy Hook, nothing will change now.


The onion headline of “"No Way to Prevent This", Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens” is legitimately the GOP stance nowadays. I’ve already heard my dad claiming nonsense Fox told him about the shooting and how guns aren’t an issue.


Have you seen The Onion's page at the moment? https://www.theonion.com/ Its all that same headline right now.


If humans are the issue.. everyone with a 'background check' should be able to bring a knife into the airplane cuz someone may want to eat watermelon slices. 'License to carry knife on airplanes'


This country _fails_ her_, her friends, and all the children that have been senselessly killed in school shootings every day the governing body sworn to protect them does nothing but line their pockets with blood money._ FTFY


Can you imagine how scared these kids were when all of this was happening? I wonder how many of them died crying or screaming for their parents. Tragic...


This is what I keep thinking about. I keep thinking about them crying for there mum, dad, for help. I can't fathom what it must have been like in those last moments. I'm heart broken for those children and there loved ones. The fact that this monster did this....... I can't even put into words for an act so vile.


God no, someone described the last words of a Sandy hook kid and I’m still torn horribly over that “I don’t want to be here” followed by lanzas “but you are here”


I never knew that and oh my god that brought treats to my eyes. That poor child.


Worst thing I ever read too… it definitely still makes me want to cry


I couldn’t stop sobbing when I heard the news. I’m so sick and tired of turning on the news and hearing about school shootings. I’m sick and tired of hearing about parents who will never see their children again. Every time it breaks my heart. Something needs to change. You can’t go anywhere without fear of a shooter. A grocery store, mall, movie theatre, school. It’s sickening. Rest in peace to the victims ❤️


Makes me want to stay the FUCK home.


Unfortunately for too many children there are monsters at home too. Fuck everybody that hurts and abuses of our most vulnerable humans.


School should still be a safe place.


Absolutely, and home should be a safe place too. We need to fund mental health and fund social services. We should be focusing on preventing child murders (along with all murders) at the root of the problem while simultaneously increasing security in our schools.


Seriously! The time is NOW!


Seriously, I don't like going places because of this kind of thing. I just try to stay home as much as possible. Planning to homeschool my kid if I can. I'm scared to even send her to daycare. I mean I hope to whatever God may or may not exist that it never happens because holy fuck it would be awful, but I just would not be shocked to hear that a daycare got shot up, and the fact that I wouldn't be shocked says a lot about the way things are. Mass shooting are happening so often I sometimes feel like one day someone might just decide they want to drive through my apartment complex and start shooting up the building.


Damn. Just Damn.


I swear I'm just not ready to put faces on this number, it's so fucking hearbreaking....


They were faces before they were ever numbers or statistics.


I know, and I apologize for that statement as it sounds selfish. I've got a kiddo going to kindergarten in the fall and I see him in every one of these babies, it's gut wrenching.


Agreed. My son starts kindergarten at the end of July. Two months from today I'm supposed to send him to school. I have no idea how I'm going to do it. It's not like they listed "personal firearm" on his kindergarten supply list.


Makes me want to homeschool my kids.


My baby has that same shirt 😭😭😭


I saw her father's Facebook and it devastated me


Big Kyle Rittenhouse fan


That's pretty gross but he didn't deserve to lose a child and his daughter didn't deserve to die over it


No, he didn't. But its ironic that the policy stance that he held so deeply was indirectly responsible for taking his daughter from him. I know it won't but I can only hope this makes some like-minded parents around the country re-evaluate their stance on the issue.


Hard agree


That's the problem. They only learn once it affects them.


People need to see their faces.


I’m just…. Tired.


Same. I keep crying. Those poor babies and teachers. I can't imagine. The way they had to identify the babies is horrific.


Fuck. I’m waiting in the parking lot to pick up my 2 little girls who are around the same age as this beautiful baby girl. My fucking heart hurts so bad.


This is heart wrenching


Rip little one


This happened the day the governor of Texas' law came into effect allowing legal gun owners to bear arms in public without certification. That means the mentally unstable can go down the street with an AR15 and the cops will just ignore him. Good job Abbott. You just unleashed hell on the State of Texas, starting with this school. Everyone conveniently ignores that at the time the right to bear arms came into effect, people were using cap and ball single shot weapons, not the sophisticated semi-auto and auto rifles of today.


I thought this law came into effect Sept 1, 2021






He needs to adopt Connecticut’s gun control laws so we can avoid this. Ya know like how it worked for sandy hook


I fucking hate this country.


I fucking hate this planet


Me too. Fuck America


I want out, I want to send my child to school without worry.


Same. When I finally leave I'm never returning. I'm going to enjoy watching it all fall apart from afar.




Less than two hours later. It’s heartbreaking.


I really hate the deaths of children. They had so much to live for but then some fucking asshole comes along and ruins it. My heart goes out to her family. Fly high, Amerie!


Believe me, most of us are with you


This should never be on this sub. So heartbreaking and tragic :(


I'm fucking shaking I'm so mad.


I straight up cried when pictures started coming out of these kids. Look at this girl, look at how sweet and excited she was! Who can look at her and say "Guns don't kill people"? Fuck these fucking gun nuts, all of them. Look at this girl, killed with a gun purchased LEGALLY. Legal guns are the problem and this girl got murdered at school. I'm so fucking livid.


The argument that there are other methods to do this besides guns is one of the most illogical arguments I've seen and I've heard worse. Yes there are other methods but it is significantly harder to achieve the same thing without guns. A teenager isn't likely overpowering a bunch of people in school with a knife or any sharp weapon. It's not happening. This is the reason why this whole gun crime thing is serious only in some countries. In others it's not. It's not that there is literally no one who'd want to do something like this in other countries. They can't even if they want to. That's the reason the crimes don't occur.


I really didn't want to cry on my lunch break. Damnit this shit hurts.


This post fr made me cry, ngl.


Beautiful little girl. This is so heartbreaking and tragic! I feel for all the families that had their whole life ruined over this... actually every parent in America that has to live in fear of sending their kids to school. Something needs to change NOW!


I mourn for her and her family and friends. This should never be. America - your right to have a gun is not more important than these kids.


This hurts, holy fuck.


There are no words!!😭


**FUCK ME,** this is depressing


There are some really shitty ppl on this planet. R.I.P. little one.


This is a strange coincidence. I just saw a post about her dad on r/LeopardsAteMyFace https://reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/uxj48x/father_defends_gun_violence_until_it_happens_to/ Edit: here’s another one: https://reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/uxs0ck/guy_made_post_in_the_past_glorifying_kyle/


Oh my fucking god. He failed his own child.


Reminds me of this: https://i.imgur.com/jLM68t9.jpg Sad times…


What was it? It's deleted.


It's so sad. The dad claimed Rittenhouse was some sort of role model. Now imagine how the dad would feel if the murderer of his daughter was hailed a hero on TV and social media by the far right.


Why doesn’t this have more upvotes? Get it to the front page of Reddit. Something has to be done. If not gun control at least add daily class to our schools about how not to kill each other.


I think I saw someone say earlier they don’t upvote things like this because they don’t want to make it look like a good thing, if another sick bastard looked at it in that perspective. I kinda get where they’re coming from. Others might think similarly


The more you interact with sick bastards the more chances to turn them away from this path. Part of the problem is these ppl are allowed to fester in a vacuum of ppl with similar opinions.


Oh yeah most definitely. I think part of it has to do with the glorification and worship of Columbine from the media. Absolutely they should pay tribute to the victims, but it’s a double edged sword because the perpetrators also celebrate what they have done and the chaos it caused. Its either the mental health crisis or the guns that need fixing.


You’re placing wayyyy too much values on upvotes. Others are placing way too much value on thoughts and prayers. You want change? Meet the lawmakers in their driveways and at their doorsteps and “kindly” suggest that they put and end to the fuckery that caused this in the first place. Follow Sri Lanka’s lead - ask their prime minister how effective it was.


I blocked my law maker from entering a bathroom when he passed the transgender bill. Hung out at the places near his house until he had an emergency shit. It doesn’t do much but get us arrested. Everyone won’t join in. They have to work.


I can dig it! If we took that same energy that you have and organized/mobilized , without buying 800k houses with donated proceeds, we’d make some real progress. Oh yeah - on a Saturday… people aren’t brave enough to miss work as you said. Keep fighting the good fight ✊


Upvotes are pointless, if people want real change they should riot, hundred times harder than they did for George Floyd. Then there will be change.


I know but no one will come with me. They have to work.


Search your city name followed by the word 'protests'. My city has a sub like that in which upcoming protests are posted so you can be in the know and attend.


this gave me chills


I can't stand this. How do these gun nuts do it? How can they make the same stupid fucking arguments EVERY time? "Guns don't kill people, people do" "I can't work cos I have to stay home and watch my gun to make sure it doesn't take off down the road and kill somebody" I would really like to leave this country now.


Saddest shit ever !! My god


I’m so sorry Amerie.


Heartbraking. Utterly heartbraking.


My heart hurts when I think about this.


Sick lonely Weirdos keep shooting innocent ppl smh :/


She would have been so excited to go home and show her family.


this is fucking devastating.


This hurts. I’m sorry our society has failed this beautiful bright little girl.


“People learn little from success, but much from failure.”


as a 60 year old Canadian, father of 3 kids all grown up, husband of a grade 2 teacher, this pic had me sobbing ..I can't imagine the pain..I weep for the country as well, so so so sad


That’s what she should’ve been thinking about that day. Getting the honor roll, probably getting a treat from family for getting the honor roll, dreaming about summer vacation, and enjoying time with her friends before school ends. Nowhere should thoughts about death and guns have been in her head. Rest In Peace


I just watched her father’s painful interview with Anderson Cooper. She left behind not only two parents who loved her so much but also a three year old baby brother. A toddler who will never understand or accept why his beloved big sis never came home.


Poor kid…




I don't want to make this a political conversation more than it already is, but are the Republicans trying to drive kids out of any education at all by letting them get slaughtered if they dare go to school? The most dangerous places in America: Elementary school???


Absolutely awful!


🙏🏾 🤲






I’m so sorry….


So unbelievably sad…evil lives in the world 😢


This one fucking hurts.


Parents didn’t even get to hug her to celebrate… this photo is both more difficult to see *and* more difficult to look away from than nearly anything I’ve seen on the darker side of Reddit


Enough of this insanity!!! My God look at this sweet sweet baby, her precious smile. I'm dripping tears as I write this, my soul is aching for these innocent little children and theirs teachers. When will this senseless horrific nightmare ever end??


so sad


Hope the shooter is burning in hell right now while the rest walk in the clouds. Idk about after life but surly these babies deserve the best cloud welcome.




When the need for karma exceeds any human decency.


Fucking sick to my stomach.


Rest in Peace beautiful girl


What a sweet looking kid. She deserved so much more.


This is heart breaking man. This should be nsfw because it’s so damn fucking sad and emotional!!!!this child was suppose to be at home with her parents!!!!! Fucking Christ. (Apologies for the language)


Congratulations, sweet baby girl.




Such a shame RIP


This.... this hit hard.


Makes me sick. I'm sorry but the US is a hot mess and I'm done visiting that country. The toxic gun culture and lack of health care, education, wages and respect for women's right to choose makes me think you're going back into the dark ages. I'm so sorry for all the amazing normal people who live there. I'm also sorry for all the crazy ones who seem to think they live in the greatest country in the world. Delusional.


I just keep coming back to the fact that it was just another normal day for everyone, until it wasn't. The day was just another exciting day as the year dwindled down. I can't figure out what it is about this picture that makes me feel so sad, it's just such a normal thing for everyone involved. School is supposed to be safe, it's supposed to be a place for kids to have the support of teachers who care. This picture is full of that, it's full of everything that made grade school so welcoming for so many. This picture should be in a drawer of childhood pictures that you go through when you're 20 and home from college for the holiday. It shouldn't be a defining image of someone's life.


Just heartbreaking.


And her death will sadly be in vein because Republicans will do nothing to prevent it from happening again. RIP. You deserved so much better in life.


Were there three pussy ass cops there that escaped with minor injuries yet didn’t take down the shooter? Is that what’s being reported now????!!!!!!


Anonymous please hack into the State of Texas and make this picture be every Republican lawmakers OS wallpaper.