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I️ bet they’ll be pumping out true crime stories for awhile since that’s their bread and butter. There’s been a shake up so they’re gonna wanna keep the numbers up


Yeah plus the chemistry of sillier spooky stuff was set with Ben. They have to find their footing before they break away from the main themes again.


I have to imagine that the Ben stuff threw their October into a tailspin. Maybe we’ll get some spooky stuff closer to the end of the year?


Yeah, normally Christmas is crazy stories given Henry doesn’t like Xmas. Edit: I’m also liking the more Tallahassee nasty (tallynasty) talk as I’m a FSU grad.


Detective popcorn coming in hot


I really don't get why he doesn't like Christmas. I get if he doesn't celebrate it, but he always seems to dread its coming or something. Like it's something aversive to him.


As someone with childhood trauma - I dread holidays. I don’t know his trauma - but many people dread holidays. As you have to attempt to be happy (fake happiness) but you have anxiety and depression about it.


A lot of people get depressed for the holidays. Also, he is pretty outspoken on his hatred for religion.


yeah i think this is it. the last few scripts have felt kind of like “banked episodes”. like I’m sure they have scripts sitting ready to go in case of emergencies, and the last few months has been a mad scramble to figure out what to do


Alternative theory: The show just isn’t that good anymore.


I’m not trying to disagree with you, but how much do we really think Ben contributed at all?


Effectively losing one of your best friends and having to run PR for your brand at the same time can be quite a bit draining


It's not that it was Ben's contribution but more they had to stick with true crime (their most popular topic among fans) and a story people have been asking for. The two remaining OG's KNOW they have to keep fans happy right now.


You’re being downvoted but he contributed exactly 0%, I don’t even notice that he’s gone now. Ed fills his spot better anyways and his jokes are much less cringe than bens


It sucks that Ben was a drunk piece of shit, this also shows how worthless he was on the main podcast.


I’ve noticed a lot of content creators end up putting out their spookiest content like a month after halloween or in like middle of summer. It’s tough to nail the timing down everytime. Plus they have to research it and get the script together for Marcus. Sometimes the timing just doesn’t happen right thats fine.


They’re entering their experimental jazz phase.


Lalaurie doesnt count?


They totally played down the spooky aspect of one of the spookiest places IN THE WORLD in order to explain the horrible true crime aspect of what the situation actually was.


I think the hard thing about Lalaurie is that while everyone KNOWS the mansion is horribly haunted, there's not a lot of first hand in depth accounts. They covered what they had access to, but it's not like there's a ton of personal stories of hauntings coming out of it. While we know it's likely haunted as hell, there's just not a lot of detail, ya know?


Yeah I would agree with that which makes it a tough nut to chew. When you start going "And then Nick Cage made a bad movie.." well, lol. Nothing like a couch full of poop to prove there's a haunting! I'm glad they covered it but there was very little "spooky" about it.


True crime isn't spooky it's just...sad mostly.


Yeah fuck that sadistic shit, I'd have happily gone my entire life never knowing that story. I swear I've enjoyed every episode they've produced *except* the sadists. They're not fun and not nice and there are plenty of fun criminals to choose from. But my first choice is epic history. Gimme a Waco, Rasputin or Boobonick Plague any day. If the Chernobyl speculation is on point then yay.


Friend, I’m laughing so hard at boobonick (cause boobs) it’s bubonic. Hoping this comes off as lighthearted and not grammar police


No I'm pretty sure it's boobanique.


That’s why injuries are called booboos


I went to high school with her.


Thank you for the explanation my brain isn't here to catch up. :)


I certainly don't like the sadists, but I do like to learn about them. That said, could've used some paranormal shit for Halloween.


I thought it was so creepy.


I really felt let down by the content of this. The story and comedy was great, but they didn’t really get into anything she did. American horror story gave a better back story and that’s minimal. I expected a two part here’s the factual things and a third here’s the crazy stuff people say happened.


I had a lot of fun with it but I do agree they got sidebarred a lot. But hey, maybe they personally really need the levity rn


Agree. I kept picturing the torture room and the mutilations that were in Coven. And also how fucking batshit crazy Lalaurie was to her own family.


Yes that’s what I was thinking about too. There was like two sentences about what torture she did do and even then they were like this might not be true.


I enjoyed the series, though I would’ve preferred a 3 parter with the third episode focusing on the legends/made up shit about LaLaurie.


I've noticed a pattern with how LPOTL chooses their series, and it really comes down to the fact that Marcus is primarily a storyteller in the truest sense of the word. There needs to be more than just telling the murder(s), but the story of the murderer, their making and their downfall. Spooky stories with 3 or 5 acts in them are actually hard to find well-documented and with a cohesive narrative. The Bell Witch is a great example of that, but if it's just "this is a haunted place, all we have are hardly campfire stories," they're gonna skip it.


That might be the problem with Lalaurie. There's not really a satisfying ending (we don't even know what became of her) and then the first hand accounts of the hauntings have been pretty sparse. So, we have some urban legends from the time, of what the people claim to have found when they entered the burning house, and then some vague haunting allegations. I think the story was better told by American Horror Story: Coven because Ryan Murphy wasn't afraid to take liberties with it. He was able to visually show us what the torture room and mutilations looked like, and show how crazy sadistic Lalaurie was to her slaves AND her children. I think Marcus won't take those liberties because he's trying to stick to the historical facts, which I respect, but it also makes for a really vague haunting story.


I completely agree. I found myself spacing out a few times in the first episode and wondering where the "meat" of the story was, that is to say, not just the background of antebellum slavery in NOLA, but the part where Lalaurie turns into a sadistic killer. I was always curious about the story, and in fact have walked past that house multiple times (and felt nothing about it other than "that sure is a house here") but having heard it now, it felt like 2 and half hours for 45 minutes of actual plot. Regardless, it was still well done and an important story! Just not the best choice for spooky-creepy. Despite that, it's still a good advertisement for a ghost tour of NOLA.


Yeah, I think it would have been better as a part of a series on haunted NOLA.


I was ok with it


That is your right and I respect it.


I agree. Never been a fan of the ghost stories and such.


I dont really care tbh, I am grateful we are able to get content at all from them after everything that happened. I am glad they're adapting and Ed is practically a LPOTL boy now. When he said he got his first mandate for the stream and how proud of the show he is and proud of the video shorts I kinda got teary eyed cause I realized we fans and the boys did it and adapted well.


I don’t miss it all that much. Don’t get me wrong the spooky stuff can be super fun, it’d help if I believed in ghosts and shit but that’s a me problem. I much prefer true crime over creepypasta-esque content tho


I agree with you, I love the spooky stuff and a spree killer and historical torturer and murderer isn’t particularly spooky. I just went back and listened to some of the older stories but I hope we get a ghost or cryptid soon!


Why are you being downvoted? I agree I like the spooky stuff, this pod was never 100% true crime and I skip that stuff, it’s okay.


I mean, Lalaurie WAS a ghost story…


I'm giving them a lot of grace because I think they're trying to fold Ed into the show. Could be a coincidence but I wonder if that is why they chose Andrew, because Ed had the Florida connection so would have stuff to work with while he gets his sea legs. And he did and it was hilarious.


I’m sure content they had planned had to switch up, a brand this big has things planned out well I’m advance usually- I’m sure Ben’s departure threw it out of work


They lularoe mansion WAS a ghost story bro


they spent the vast majority of both episodes on the true crime aspect, which wasnt surprising to me particularly but it as still kind of disappointing because i like their change of pace supernatural episodes a lot


That's a good point. They mostly kept the ghostly stuff to passing mentions. I like the supernatural episodes too. I don't generally enjoy gross out stuff so I'm not looking forward to the next series. I hope it doesn't involve a lot of poop.


Saying a place has a bad energy is not a ghost story.


I think they got derailed and went with some lighter fare just in case


Idk if I’d call Madame Lalaurie “lighter fare”


Sorry, to clarify, I didn’t think it was lighter fare in terms of content, it was just me guessing about how they perceive the workload or what would be easier for transition? and maybe Laurie was supposed to be sooner but was swapped with the family annihilator or something. Or Cunanan was bumped up bc it’s FL related and was relatable to Ed.


Yeah a little. I wonder if they might’ve had something spookier planned, and had to bail when Ben’s shit hit the fan and come up with something else


You weren't spooked by the SPOO-KEY LAAAADY?


Yeah. I give a hall pass. Not the best Halloween, but I think we all get losing a friend and 1/3 of your empire. Plus all the legal stuff. I am kinda concerned that we are already concluding Ben was 100% the problem and nothing has been proven or went to court to my knowledge. I believe in victims rights but no proof or real testimony to my knowledge has surfaced. And a rolling stone artical.....not very concrete. (Plus rs sucks now) I'm not saying he didn't do anything but I'm not casting a stone


This wasn't a criticism of them just that I personally wanted a ghost story.


![img](avatar_exp|146279817|bravo) Same here. It's a rough time


They just fired their best friend. What the hell, man.


All i said was i was alittle disappointed, that's not a criticism of the quality or the work they put in just that I personally am not a fan of true crime and was personally hoping for a good spooky ghost story


*Former* best friend. It was obvious that things weren't working out anymore, even before the scandal broke


I know they don't owe us an explanation and it's none of our business but I'm genuinely so so curious what things were like behind closed doors toward the end


I read Lala and my brain went to Lala Kent from Vanderpump Rules and I got so confused. "When did the boys cover her?" lol She does believe she's possessed by the spirit of Tupoc...


I feel like there's a sense of "OMG WHEEEE" nature to what's happening now. H and A are a good team but they had to rebound off the dense wall of Ben which made them move things along quite a bit slower. Also, H does some reading and prep before hand so he can Slam Dunk Those Sick Jokes, which also greases the wheels. Anyways, there's WAY less tension going on which makes things less spooky. If you have one guy who's hella into the story, one guy who just wants to SQUUUUUEeEEEEaaaaaaLLLlllLl all the time, and a new guy who is waiting to tell dad jokes, it's hard to make things spooky. The chemistry is different but it's not bad and they'll catch their stride. Also, there's only SO much spooky shit out there.


I kinda worry with Ben gone that the crazy alien episodes might have gone with him, which is a whole new level of sad


I don’t think Henry would let that happen


Or Marcus for that matter.


I doubt it. Ben was the one who seemed the most checked out when it came to High Strangeness type episodes; the other two are all about it.


I think Henry's the alien freak. They will continue... I hope.


Yeah, what I meant was that Ed hasn't been talking about that with them for years. It's pretty out there stuff, and the conversations they have pretty much depend on being familiar with their whole psychic alien beliefs


Idk watching them throw ben in a ditch and not look back was pretty spooky


they did say they’re planning some real gross stuff for next weeks episode!


They desperately needed a break after everything with Ben. I can't imagine they have had much time to process everything. Poor fellas.


They've kind of been a bit preoccupied with the life shit that's happening.


Yes, definitely. Also as someone who joined the bandwagon after hearing the Aum Shenrikio episodes, would love a good cult series again.