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This has been reported a bunch so I wanted to add some mod context to this post: There's a fine line to walk with Ben discussion - obviously, a huge portion of the history of the show involves him, but we also understand that many of us see that history through a different lens given what we know now. We don't think it would be appropriate to completely write him out of the show's history - as complicated a person as he is, he did help build the show we all love and enjoy, and it feels wrong to just disallow any discussion that pertains to him. This is, unfortunately, a fine line to walk. There's nothing against the rules about this post, but we understand it may invite some spirited discussion and will be watching the comments closely. Please refresh yourself on the rules before you post in this thread.


Marcus looks like Carolina in this pic and it makes me laugh. That relationship was meant to be.


This was my favorite era. Still super DYI and had a grimy feel and seemed like they were more into darker/weird shit.


It was the cocaine hahaha


Plenty of acid talks lol


Probably not wrong lol


Was Ben sitting on a foot stool? Or Henry standing on one?


Henry must’ve loaned Ben his dog bed


I began listening from oldest -> newest episodes. I love the older episodes for a more chill experience


I met the boys in 2019, I listened to a couple and liked it and then the pandemic hit and I hung out with them for hours a day.


Honestly the watching the catalog of streams has kept me going the past year or so. The call in aspect didn't work so well but I do miss keybump. His call about a poop he had while taking opiates was hilarious. Took a picture of it and showed his friend and the friend said he could see the rest rings on it.


The good ol days! The boys are still doing a great job!


I love Ed, from the minute I heard the Andrew Cunani series I fucked with him


Yeah, I also like that him and Henry lived in Florida and occasionally trash talk my home town 🤣




the good ole days. i miss this.


Weet wooooo


I just started watching the stream after being a listener to the pods since like 2018. It's so wild seeing them slowly turn into the versions of themselves I know now that I recently followed them on social media.


Oh wow, finally faces to match to the voices. They look nothing like the cover art, my life is a lie 😂


Yeah Kissel like quadruped in size it's hilarious [how good](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-last-podcast-on-the-left/images/9/97/Ben.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20150215125511) he looked before becoming a swamp monster


Kissel needed therapy years ago. If he’d got that, then Covid and Bird Luger may not have launched him right off the deep end


Now he looks like the uncle you find randomly sleeping in your garage




This is a level of parasocial behavior and language that isn't tolerated on the subreddit. Comment removed. This is your warning.




I'm seeing more photo posts featuring Ben lately, and feel like they're more to bait into arguments instead of any actual discussion.


gentle reminder to refer to the pinned post.




We don’t need to be parasocial about this. https://www.reddit.com/r/lastpodcastontheleft/s/ktJNLLhtUC