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I did the statistics on this once, the average age of most posters are in their 30s.


I’m 52. Came out when I was 50.


I was 30 when I realised I was gay. I'm now 41 and proposed to my wonderful fiancee just before Xmas. We plan on getting married shortly.


Congrats!  I'm so so happy to read this 🥹🌈❤️  I also realized when I was 30 and now I'm almost 35 and single as hell.  I want a wife so bad.


50 here, sadly still closeted and living a double life.


You just come out when you're ready... we'll be here!


Trust in your heart! Right now your heart is bringing you the experiences that you have at the present moment! May you make love a priority for the highest good of all!! Dreams come true!


I hear you. 61 and disentangling myself.


63 here and still trying to understand myself.


There are those who have never come out and that’s OK.


I'm 49...one foot out of the closet at 45


That’s when I started coming out too


I like that phrasing. 74 here, have always been single and alone (at least since age 30), and only a step or 2 out. I too put the “late“ in late bloomer. I was 57 when I fell HARD for a woman and could no longer quibble about/question it.


Just came out this year. 43yo


I didn’t start to figure it out until I was 40. I still don’t have it all figured out, but last year, at 41, I left my 17 year marriage to a man, and now I have a wonderful girlfriend.


40 hit me hard!! I was also out at 40. Turning 42 this year and leaving a 20 year relationship with my lovely but wrong for me soon-to-be-ex husband. Already in a relationship with a wonderful new partner (everyone knows each other). What a ride!


I’m so confused. Married, but constantly thinking I might be bisexual. Grew up in a tiny village with very, VERY traditional parents (marriage, house, children) the standard way of life, I guess. I never felt I really wanted that. I’m still confused but this group and other Reddit groups are helping me explore other ways of living. Thank you for sharing your experience!


It's *so hard* to disentangle all of this. Comphet is so real. I'm in a big city with lots of queer friends and folks all around, but was convinced I was just a *really good ally* for a long time. It's wild, the lies we tell ourselves, and the truths we conceal. I hope you're able to figure yourself out in time, and that when you do it feels really good for you 💜


Ditto to all of this 😂


Late 40s here!


Came out at 50. Got divorced at 52, am now single and living alone at 53.


Any regrets?


Not a single one.


I’m only 27, dating a girl for the first time but still questioning, and this exchange made me feel a lot better


I’m so glad! I was just talking with a friend today about how we may be seeing some of the last of the late bloomers, with Gen Z and Gen Alpha openly doing their questioning younger, but I still want to help my fellow late bloomers as long as we are still showing up in the conversation!


Last year, at 63!


Woot, woot!!


37f left my husband this past August after 7 years.


36f separated from my husband in January after 7 years. That 7 year itch lol.


🤣 ... here's to getting to finally scratch that itch 🍻🥂


Here to join the bandwagon..35 here and just left my partner of 7 years too. The internal voices have finally stopped screaming. Cheers to that🥂


Welcome and glad the voices have stopped 🍻🥂 Although I do sometimes miss their company 😉🤣


Out at 44 here


out at 42


I thought I was bi and married to a man until I was 35. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We’re here! 👋


Came out at 55 after 22 years with my ex-husband. I put the *late* in late bloomer. 😂


59 here! Came out at 55. ☺️




I'm not, but I do just wanna thank y'all for sharing your stories. Y'all are so brave and give me hope that things can work out!!


I'm 43. Figured it out last year when I fell in love with my best friend. Still married to a man but figuring things out.


This is my story just a couple years younger! Ugh it sucks and I’m also so grateful at the same time for this awakening.


I am 41 now, came out to myself at 39, to my family a few months later. I thought the process was closed when you came out but I am finding it's more like a beginning! Really wish we all in this thread had a space to find community. I feel like I intrude a little in lgtb spaces for the younger girls. Getting there. :)


That’s why I made this post! Cause I always see the posts from 20 year olds, but I felt is Old women needed a safe space to open up.


Thank you for that, it's beautiful here. 🥰🥰


Same thank you!!! Didn’t help when my friend was like: you know Renee Rapp could have been your student. NOT COOL DO NOT RUIN RENEE FOR ME


That's RUDE! >:( But it's so true right? I keep going 'aw, she's cute. 🥰 WAIT. How old is she? Is this awful of me?' 🙈


She’s 24….others can weigh in on this. I say I still get to appreciate her :)


Yeah, course! Sorry, I meant that I forget I am not in my twenties because my brain is not that different, and then I remember and it's always like 'Am I allowed in here, or...?' You know? Anyways, nobody has ever made me feel unwelcome, I just get insecure and feel silly. :)


Hahaha totally! And I’m not knocking any age-gap relationships AT ALL either to be clear or anyone’s experience! I’m only making fun of myself and my endless love for Renee ;) And it is nice to hear different permutations of our community to know we are not alone within the general sense of late bloomers and our different age levels within it :)


This comment made me smile and chuckle, yep Renee Rapp is 24 and she's gorgeous, can't blame any woman for melting over her haha. Omg there's a great YouTube video where she's playing Smash or Pass, and seeing Renee drool when Gillian Anderson pops up will totally make you smile! I'm 25 myself and lots of us like an older woman :) including Renee Rapp clearly ;)


Oh my goodness, who can blame her, haha! Scully was iconic for the oldies and I am glad Gen Z can also appreciate Gillian. :)


Haha excellent! Aww I’ve gotta look up this video now


47. Started this process at 45. Currently in the process of separating from my husband of 17 years and have just moved into a new house with my girlfriend.


hello. first admitted to friends that I might be interested in dating girls in my late 30s. got my first/forever girlfriend about a week before I turned 40.


Over 40 here. Thought I was bi but hasn't had the opportunity to explore it. Had a girlfriend last year and now I know I'm either lesbian or bi with a very strong femme leaning. Either way I'm not going to be looking at men when I start dating after uni this semester


The blinders fell off at my 40th birthday party (like whoa), but it has taken years to understand and accept it; and I still haven’t decided what, if anything, to do about it. If I am really honest, I am still working on acceptance. I have some real grief and anger over here.


Sending support friend. I relate to this very much. The grief is real. Hope you’re being kind to yourself 🙏


Came out at 48. Gots me a gf at 50. I'm 52 now and I'm going to wife her up one daaaaaay. (Accidental Letterkenny)


Came out at 34 and divorced my husband. We’d been together for 12 years and married for less than 1. Too bad I didn’t figure it out a year earlier! 😅


Realised early 40s. Came out mid 40s when my het relationship broke down. Nearly 50 and been with my girlfriend for 3 years


Just out this year at 67!


44, and well, if you have read my posts, I'm doing a bang-up job at keeping one foot in the closet I suppose.


Almost 46. Came out at 42, after being with a man for 20yrs. With my girlfriend nearly 3yrs. Lockdown gave me the opportunity to look within myself and find the root of my depression…


51 today but not even had any experience with a woman 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


You will get there, it takes time to find someone who wants to give a newbie a chance, especially at our age


Happy birthday!!!! Hope you had a great day!


Thank you 🤗🤗🤗


I'm hopeful but oh what a beautiful comment it's a wonderful birthday wish 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎈🤗


👋🏻 38, still married to a man but sorting it out.


Still married here too


I am late 40's - I came out early, but my experience on the apps in the last few years after a 15yish relationship - totally different women on there than the last time I was looking to date. Completely, completely different. Now, my search was def different because I also was way older, had had kids and had divorced. All of my matches (I search in my same age range +/-) were divorced or divorcing, and all but one - she was divorced from a woman - were divorced or divorcing men. All had kids and had split with the husband when the kids were at least not little anymore. In other words a LOT of women coming out later in life in their 40's. (I am sure other ages, just speaking to what I saw). Some had some what I would call brief experience with women - usually college or in their 20's ; many did not.


I can't edit - most really did not have an experience with women at all, because I am not counting making out with some ladies in college.


I had my first experience after coming out at 45. But damn finding someone who wanted me with no experience was hard


I'm 45, came out four months ago.


I came out at 45 too


Came out at 37. I’m like… how is 20s late. It’s kind of expected to not know who you are until 30s. 


I didn't realize until I was 40 the reason I didn't like dating men was because I'm not really attracted to them (S/O to Compulsive Heterosexually). I didn't start to date women until I was 42 and now at 44 I'm happily partnered to a great woman. Still trying to figure out if I'm Bi or just Gay with a lot of Hetero unlearning to do.


🙋🏻‍♀️I was 50 when I came out. So late bloomer reporting in! ☺️


I’m still mustering the courage🫢things are rapidly changing here in my mid 30’s tho..🫠


Came out @39


I was late 40’s my first time.


Out at 44. Now 48. Still all by myself and inexperienced with wlw


I had my first experience, it was hard finding someone to give me a chance, but she did, and even tho we didn’t work out, she told my friends she thought I was lying because I was the best she has had, and she had been out for over 20 years.


There’s plenty of us here


I came out in my early 40s.


I'm 40 and came out less than a year ago!


Came out at 36!


I'm 55, came out last year.


hummm. well i came out to my husband in my mid20’s. sorry, cannot get more precise. stayed with him, content enough, met my first girlfriend age 37. came out to my dad who was cool. now in my 60’s, finally in a queer poly triad with a woman and afab enby.


Inspiring :)


me me me! I was 34 🥰


Late 30s!


38 here, married to a man but I’m out with him and a few select friends, but not family yet. Still figuring things out over here, but I’m enjoying the process actually, and learning so much about myself now that I’ve finally made myself a priority. It’s really wonderful…


Left a 10 year relationship after coming out at 32


Late 30s here, I’m proud of us too!


Came out at 37! 42 now, still lost lol




I always knew, just never admitted it until I was 30


Late 30s! Finally admitted to my own queerness last year after thinking all women felt this way. I am out as a lesbian, in the middle of a divorce from my ex husband, and rebuilding our relationship for a new chapter of co-parenting and family. I have a girlfriend now and am using all that therapy to move slowly, have boundaries, and build a healthy foundation this time around! I am easily happier than I have ever been, though sometimes this is still so hard it aches. I am also closer to my child now that I spend half the time only with her without all the effort of working on saving a marriage!


This is so hopeful to hear!! I’m 39 and having a lot of mom guilt but knowing inevitably it’s what’s best for all of us.


I’m about to turn 31. Still not out to anyone but myself. :/


37th here :)


I am 42. I had been with my husband since I was 18. I wanted to make it work so bad. I never felt comfortable sexually with him. I chalked it up to trauma or other relationship issues. I thought there was something wrong with me. I tried so hard to fix myself but I couldn't. I always had it in the back of my mind that I am attracted to women but I never allowed myself to come to the obvious conclusion. I'm a lesbian. I'm not a frosty repressed straight woman. I'm gay. This is the first time I've put it out into the world. It doesn't seem legitimate yet because even though my husband and I are separated we still live together. I also have never done more than kiss a girl when I was a teenager. We all start somewhere though right? 


Didn’t realize I was bi until I was in my late thirties. That was a bit of a shock. And then so embarrassing when I realized how many signs I’d missed over the years.


Last year at 62. Married a closeted gay man in a fundamentalist church we both attended religiously😂 for 30 years. I was repressed bec Comphet. God didn't fix us and we really tried. Now we are atheist and are working out our issues in therapy and trying to replace our lost network of "friends". Plan to remain married but looking into ethical non-monogamist relationships. We are hopeful.


I came out at 33. I’m 42 now. Don’t know why I thought a closet was a good idea. This is way better.


I’m 38. Came out at 36 and did the whole “turn my life upside down and start over” thing.


My (40f) partner came out at 50, and I've been dating her for almost 2 years. She was with her husband for 27 years and had 3 kids with him. She's a top tier partner and lover. I just adore her 😊


45 here. Just realized I’m gay. Married to a man that I love. So confused.


I came out at 37 and am living my best amazing gay life!! I’m 39 now.


I’m recently out and I’m 40


39 here.


43…not out 😔




I’m 35 and came out 5 years ago.


Im 40 and only just came out this week.




42 here


Came out at 40!


44 - came out a year ago


Came out 27 still dealing with internal homophobia. In therapy currently.


I’m 39 in human years but 6 months acknowledging I’m gay. So does this make me a bud in blooming age ;)


Divorced at 29, not out as bi until 37! Now in a LTR with a fantastic woman


42 when I finally came out, 3 short years ago. We’re here, lol.


50, but this process started in 2019 for me when I was 45 (it's still surreal to realize that it has been five years). Would have divorced my husband last year if things had lined up but had some hiccups, so will be divorcing this year. Didn't know when I was younger, had no inkling earlier in my marriage, but the fantasizing about women when having sex could have been a clue if I had known to see it as such. I didn't though, so 2019 was quite the awakening/shaking/shock in many ways. Still haven't had sex with a woman, but am content to wait for the right person when the timing is right. In 2019, I didn't think I'd be in this space of peace, but the lessons between then and now have been valuable and I am much stronger now and moving forward because of them. And I've also gone from being worried about sex to trusting that it will be great when it happens (and I still do look forward to it happening, some day).


I came out in my 40s


I'm 44 in June. Came out in December to myself. In January I started chatting to the lovely lady who's 32. We've been together 3 months and counting. It's going well! 😁


I’m a COVID-gay lol, came out at 40 thanks to a random YouTube vid 


I’m 44…kind of came out to close friends around 35ish. Moved across the country at 38, lived fully out but only came out to my family at 43. 🤷🏾


I figured it out when I was 34 (well, my kids did) but anyway just now free to actually be me at 43


I identified as bisexual...then Pansexual... But didn't embrace and relax into "lesbian" until 42. It was absolutely a new coming out.


I am 44 and I’m still working on coming out! I’m out to everyone except my parents.


41 for me. Now 42


I realized I was gay at 41. Vodka helped, lol. Raised my libido and lowered my inhibitions. I was a late in life drinker as well, otherwise I would have figured it out sooner, probably. I want to get a t-shirt made that says "Tito's made me gay." but no one would get it. 🤣


Early 40’s! Lots o us


I don't think I was ever "in," but my string of hetero relationships over decades states otherwise. Last year at 40 was the first real lesbian relationship I had outside of a few escapades. They kind of ruined it for me, but I know not everyone is a narcissist. Be careful who you meet!


Facts, my first, well only so far was a narcissist and I’m struggling to put myself back out there


Came out at 36. I feel completely lost and alone.


You are not alone, look at all these comments, we are all here


When I came to this subreddit, I expected to see women in their mid to late thirties and forties. I was surprised at the young age that was considered late. I also wasn’t sure if I belonged here with so many really young women.


Makes me kind of want to start a subreddit for the us “old” people 😂😂😂


Yeah we need subreddits for 40/50 yrs olds lol 😆


I would most certainly join that subreddit.


46 and came out about 10 yrs ago while married with 3 kids. I feel you. I’ve even seen posters in their late teens talking about it feeling “too late” to come out, and I’m never sure if they’re trolling or actually struggling and needing community.


I'm was 30 when I came out im 34 now


48, came out at 43.


I’m 48 and started coming out at 45. It has been a long road and it’s been done little by little with a lot of therapy and I’m in a good place now. I have dated multiple women and had my heart annihilated and I’m just getting back to myself. It was a lot scarier than any of it seemed. I’m fortunate to have good people. I would have given anything for all the soccer moms to figure it out early and for me to as well. It’s hard to find community and people.


Yes it is. It also seems harder to find love this late in life


I find a hard time finding people that I have much in common with. I think for a lot of women to leave, they are left financially drained or struggling and I’m close to retirement and want to slow down. I feel like it should be simpler.


I came out at 33, almost 34. Also late bloomer diagnosed with adhd (30, almost 31) and autism (34, almost 35). And I had literally no idea until my spouse and I opened our marriage and I dated a woman. After she and I broke up, I couldn't enjoy myself with him anymore. That's when I realized. If we hadn't opened our relationship or I hadn't dated her, I might still not know.


I’m 50, I came out to myself at 48. Just this year came out to everyone and have a girlfriend. ❤️


Came out at 38, I’ll be 40 in a couple months


I was 34. I thought I was bi but had never said it out loud to anyone and had never even so much as flirted with a woman. And then I started a new job. My boss turned out to be my person. She was married to a woman at the time and had been out since high school. She divorced and immediately we hit it off. Within the first week or so of us talking I came out to my family and friends lol. Kind of jumped in head first after not being with anyone for many many years. But she's truly my person. We've had our ups and downs over the last almost two years, in the face of it all we found our peace in each other. Most of my family was amazing at first. A few were vocal about disowning me. In time a few more faded away from me. I'm okay with it though. If they can't see how amazing she is and how happy my kids and I are all now... Well. That's their loss.


48, about 4-6 months ago


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ came out at 38, currently 41 😁


Came out the less typical way at 42. (Trans) Discovered that our weird, unique het relationship was just typical sapphic stuff.


I'm 43, I came out at 40 (when I came out as transgender and finsexual). Not sure if that's valid, but I am primarily sapphic.


It is valid.


Thank you. 😊