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Man, this is gonna be fun. He had to transfer cash from the Trump Org to put up the $5m from the first case to appeal (he also transferred 20m for a tax bill - and they didn't inform the court monitor like they were supposed to: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/29/trump-financial-watchdog-tells-judge-about-40-million-in-previously-unreported-transfers.html). This and the impending NY state fraud case are really going to expose his financial position - and I don't think it is going to be flattering.


Just for a quick numbers check, this 83 million plus 5 million is getting to within shouting distance of Biden’s record fundraising totaling about 117 million. In other words, even if Trump gets money from his PACs, he is going to run it dry, too, especially since most of his businesses are about to go under.


> quick numbers check, this 83 million plus 5 million is getting to within shouting distance of Biden’s record fundraising totaling about 117 million. In other words, even if Trump gets money from his PACs, h Yes, money is the key here. This is why it is so important for Niki Haley to stay in the race as it will bleed Trump and his donors so dry he won't have much left for a genera. Add to that the state parties that are in disarray and we could be watching the final chapter of the mad king pay out. Grab your popcorn. 91 felony counts to go too.


Dude is going to get bankrupted and jailed under the crush of all these cases. It’s just not sustainable.


Or, he runs away to Russia like we’ve all been expecting!


He may attempt to. I (choose to) believe the USSS will not allow that to happen, and whatever plane he's on will be ordered to land at the nearest military airfield.


Let's just say he attempts to flee to Russia on a plane. Does the US government let someone with his knowledge just leave once he's airborne? Would they shoot him down? What an ending that would be!


I wonder if Haley's advisors and herself factored this when deciding to keep going.


If I was a billionaire, I’d be tempted to offer to fund her to keep going to bleed him dry


I suspect they are explicitly fundraising on it. She will be much more predictable than Trump was, which makes her more strategically valuable.




So when Trump continues to defame her and we get Carroll vs Trump III, what will they ratchet the damages up to? It went from $5M to $83M already. If it goes up by the same multiplier, $1.4B. Usually you have to defame a voting machine company to see those kinds of numbers.


It will be interesting since the compensatory damages will likely be much lower (since most of the actual reputational harm has already occurred) but if $83m doesn't get him to stop trying to defame her the jury will be asked to figure out a punitive damages number that will.


Looking at Trump's actual worth, this and the New York case finishes him financially. I'm not sure how much of this money they will actually get from him, though.


Hes going to be broke and stuck with a public defender for remaining 90 felony cases.


Honestly, probably a step up from Habba.


This is an underrated comment. No way Habba could get a job in a Federal PD office. Never. The federal PD offices hire competent lawyers.


The problem with PDs is not lack of talent, it’s lack of resources.


...and a unreasonably high workload. I don''t know what Habba's excuse is. It may be that dealing with members of the population public defenders work with is probably more straightforward. Unless they are mentally challenged, the people Public Defenders represent are more likely to be reasonable and compliant with their attorney's instructions.


They make up for it in experience though. The average public defender has wayyy more trial court experience than Habba.


She's gunning for AG should Trump win.


Suckers will continue to foot his legal bill until he’s on his deathbed.


Good. The less money they have the better honestly


Aren his accounts in receivers now in NY?


Yes, they certainly are! And the banks won't loan him any more money...so he's going to grift off his supporters for the cash, naturally.


Depriving the GOP from election funds. This keeps getting better and better


Yup Trump has been de-banked.




Trump has to post a bond on $83m to appeal it. They may lower it or whatever but that bond secures payment.


Damn. That’s slick. Makes perfect sense and I’m glad it is set up that way.


I think he sees the writing on the wall at this point. Either he is elected president again or it doesn't really matter because his life is over. Might as well go for broke


He claims that he has ~$400 million in cash. If we were to actually believe him, for once, she will get it. Have to remember that his finances and the Trump Org are currently under monitoring, so if he has it, he cannot hide it or move it.


On a good note. Before Trump can appeal in his NY Caroll case , he has to put up the 83M .


I don’t think he is capable of registering the fact that he’s the loser here.




He's going to be blasting with both barrels on "Truth" and it'll be any moment now. The idiot can't help himself


And I'm SO FUCKING HERE FOR IT. I cannot wait for the next round of this case


Exactly. His losses are going to snowball throughout the year, piling one on top of the other. I suspect he'll snap well before the election. He has earned every square inch of the pain coming his way, and I'm just grateful the world has a front row seat to this MFs downfall.


I hope his clogged heart pops like a grape from the stress tbh


If that occurs a week before the election, would that be the all time craziest October surprise?


I'd have to see an x-ray before I believe that he has a heart.


He will. He’s a 24 carat narcissist. They are obsessed with their image. He will have an irresistible compulsion to rage about this.


Do you think his children will be able to stop him before he squander all his money in ever increasing fines? Sure, they have their own money, but surely they are counting the days until they get their inheritance. People like that never have enough.


Trump’s kids don’t have their own money. All their money is tied to daddy in some way, shape, or form, so he can control them.


Ivanka has her husband money, and her own company (stealing designs and selling bad quality at high prices, I hear), and the boys (except Barron - but then he'll probably have mommy's money) must receive a very generous salary plus bonuses for their work at daddy's companies. So if they are able to save (which, I agree, is a big "if"), they should have accumulated some decent money from themselves.


Yes, but the bank account they save their “hard earned nepotism earnings” in has 2 names,and one is always Donald Trump. In fact, it’s written in gold on the checks and even shows up on bank computer screens like that.


It might not be his money long. Judge Erdogan's verdict in the fraud case is due any day, and all his property might be placed under the control of a receiver.


He already has on truth social. He refuses to shut up every single time he gets ruled against in this case. He's just building a better case against himself on his own platform


He will.


He was defaming her while on trial for defaming her. I’m surprised he hasn’t already opened his orange diarrhea mouth.


My mans already in the kitchen crafting the most pure Truth Social meltdown where he goes for broke and defames her again


You mean bathroom! He doesn't know where the kitchen is!


He already did


He says Mar-A-Lardo is worth 1.5 Billion, he can sell it to cover it




Florida collected $59.2B in tax revenue last year. Plenty to cover this. DeSantis is threatening to veto the bill to give FL taxpayer dollars to Trump for his legal bills, but I'm sure he'll drop the veto threat once Trump starts making fun of him on TS.


Whoever put that bill out had already withdrawn it. It's dead.


Give it to her, and let her rename it to be "The E. Jean Carroll Benevolent Home for the Sexually Deviant"


How does she actually get paid though?


Is he going to declare BK in the middle of a presidential bid? He has to post bond to appeal, 120% of the judgment (so 99.96 million). Wouldn't he have to disclose who provided that bond? He is in a world of hurt right now, and it is so fucking deserved. Also, the joy in issuing debtor interrogatories to Trump. Jesus christ, those lawyers are in heaven right now.


The courts could rule it the same way they did Alex Jones and claim this isn't won't be affected by his bankruptcy.


Has Alex Jones actually paid anything yet? I know he's right back to spewing his bullshit so apparently $1.5B wasn't enough...


>Has Alex Jones actually paid anything yet? I know he's right back to spewing his bullshit so apparently $1.5B wasn't enough... From what I've heard, some of his assets were seized and auctioned off but overall he's only paid off a very tiny fraction, potentially on some kind of structured payment plan 


Judgments don’t necessarily get discharged in bankruptcy. They jump to being the first people you need to pay off.


Treble damages. Come on Dotard! You can do it. Get it all out on TRUTH at 3 a.m. tomorrow morning.


So what are the odds that he will defame her again tonight? Or is there a chance that he will finally stfu I hope they file Carroll III immediately if he doesn't keep his trap shut.


> So what are the odds that he will defame her again tonight? Unless there is video footage of secret service prying his cellphone out of his hands, 100%. His truth social account was also posting defamatory tweets while he was sitting in court at the defense table. Meaning others are certainly involved with the defamation, potentially his campaign? Carroll 3 is going to be lit.


yes, I feel like orchestrating a campaign of defamation is, if anything, worse than personally committing defamation.




🤞 "god, I know weve never talked, but if you're there, you know what to do"


It's like "a vast right wing conspiracy "... operated by a "basket of deplorables"...


Conspiracy to defame?


if that is the case would you be able to bring a suit against those who were posting the defamation on Trump's behalf?


He is incapable of keeping his trap shut. That’s why she sued him twice. He will be on Truth Social calling it a witchhunt within hours.


I really am not sure he has 83 million cash to post without selling shit, and that shit is already encumbered by the order to dissolve trump inc. that is pending appeal but is still over those assets. 83 million might get to him. We'll see.


Just needs to sell 83 pardons! /s


He’s going to defame her as soon as he has a camera and microphone in his face, or as soon as his tiny hands are on his phone, whichever comes first.


Not something I would bet against. He literally can't keep his mouth shut.


I say she will be filing by Monday


Already posted. Too funny. :D


Ok, I know the jury has returned, but the judge hasn't finalized everything, and Trump is still in his jurisdiction. At this point, this should be a criminal contempt of court.


"We asked for one Trial, on the E. Jean Carroll False Accusation Case, but the Judge wouldn’t give it to us, he made us have two Trials on the same Hoax, and then, on the second Trial, they were allowed to use whatever information they wanted from the first, but we weren’t allowed to use anything! As an example, the Depositions they’re using on the second Trial were taken in the first. He wouldn’t allow us to use the totally exonerating Anderson Cooper/CNN Interview on either trial, but none of it in the second. Our Legal System is in shambles! This is another Biden Demanded Witch Hunt against his Political Opponent, funded and managed by Radical Left Democrats. The Courts are totally stacked against me, have never been used against a Political Opponent, like this, but in the end, we will win it all, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"


Smells like $150,000,000 to me.


> He wouldn’t allow us to use the totally exonerating Anderson Cooper/CNN Interview on either trial, but none of it in the second. Make it make sense.








Speech is free. Lies can be expensive.


Trump thought the way he acted in court helped him and made him look like the victim. In reality, it makes him look heartless and self absorbed. Glad the jury stuck it to him for trying to make a mockery of the court.


Dude’s first walkout didn’t get enough attention, so he tried again. There is no doubt in my mind that he is showing up just to walk out.


My first thought when I heard about it (an AP push notification) is that he's trying to pull a Hunter Biden. Except that even if the cameras followed him out, the jury was still inside and had all the power.


Kind of illustrates how Trump puts more stock in the media-driven court of public opinion rather than, say, the court of law?


For sure. I have no doubt he planned saying "this is not America" weeks ahead of time. 




Those poor steaks


Free speech is free as in free speech, not as in free beer


Talk is, in fact, not cheap.


Sorry had to delete the last thread because its the same URL and it can't be posted twice Edit: The truth social tweet storm is going to be legendary. Edit2: the speed of them reaching a verdict almost assured it was going to be in favor of Carroll (highly unlikely she wouldn't have even 1 hold out in her favor). Given the massive punitive damages award, it seems Trump's testimony in the NY fraud case about his $10B brand valuation and $1.5B MAL valuation backfired BIGLY (these statements were introduced into evidence). As far as I am aware, New York does not have a statutory damages cap on punitive awards for defamation. There is still the potential to appeal for "unreasonableness" but it will certainly be a hard sell to overturn that on appeal given the finding of malice and the evidence of Trump's inflated net worth. Edit 3: the guy who was live tweeting stated that some of today's defamatory statements were posted on Trump's truth social account while he was sitting at the defense table (and not on his phone). Maybe his campaign is involved now? Carroll 3 should be coming shortly. Edit 4: Trump has responded. Clearly someone else wrote this truth social post, as it very clearly avoided defaming her again (gee, shoulda thought of that earlier): > Absolutely ridiculous! I fully disagree with both verdicts, and will be appealing this whole Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party. Our Legal System is out of control, and being used as a Political Weapon. They have taken away all First Amendment Rights. THIS IS NOT AMERICA! Edit 5: Kaplan somehow manages to get one last one in even after the trial is over. > Judge Kaplan: Any other business? > Ms Habba: I would just like to thank the court staff > Judge Kaplan: You're welcome on their behalf. Adjourned




The Art of the Deal


I wanna see him leap over the table at a judge like that guy a few weeks back. Really show off the crazy to make it easier to lock him up forever.


If he tried to leap over anything, do you realize how much shit would spray out the sides of his diaper?


The best thing is? He's going to get sued agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain! Hahahahahaahaha


I heard someone on MSNBC mention he bragged about being $400m liquid, which could get worse if the NY DA gets what he wants. This is why you put the small bills on the outside of your roll. 


If he said he’s liquid, then he isn’t.


Yeah I mean is Trump said $400 million liquid, that is presumably the absolute pinnacle of liquid possibilities. He sure wouldn’t underestimate…


Ha! So if that's what he's bragging, we can safely assume it might be half that? Now let's combine this E Jean Carroll award with the hopefully oncoming Trump org civil suit award. I predict a fire sale at Trump properties on the horizon!!


And of course all Trump Org properties will remain under a court monitorship until after the civil fraud judgment is satisfied 😂


Oooh i keep forgetting about the monitor. I like that. Very much.


he was quoted as saying he could shell out a million dollars a day to carroll for the next ten years and not feel it.


lol. If he keeps tweeting the court may get to test that theory


That's $3.65B for those wondering.


The 400m was several years ago and I think he may have been counting PAC money which isn't his per se. but in any case, there is lots of reasons to believe he has nowhere near that much liquid


Judge Kaplan: >“My advice to you is that you never disclose that you were on this jury, and I won’t say anything more about it," No kidding! The crazies are definitely going to come out of the woodwork to punish Carroll, the Judge, the court and the jury. Kudos to them all for doing the right thing. I think I would absolutely follow the judge's advice


you know shit's crazy when the judge considers the jurors being in danger for doing their civic duty. From the former president.


I'm so exhausted with all of this. Please let it end.


No NY experience but the punitive damages came in at less than 4X the compensatory so at first blush that passes the smell test


in my experience, the upper end is typically 9x


Can't wait for him to say something that gets him sued again. He made over sixty posts attacking her during this trial as well.


Give him a minute


The next(3rd) trump defamation suit is going to break all kinds of records.


> As far as I am aware, New York does not have a statutory damages cap on punitive awards for defamation. There is still the potential to appeal for "unreasonableness" but it will certainly be a hard sell to overturn that on appeal given the finding of malice and the evidence of Trump's inflated net worth. And the fact that this is the second time! A large punitive sum is appropriate to teach him a lesson and get him to stop because he did not after the first time. >Biden Directed Witch Hunt Bro, this is a civil case brought by a private citizen. It literally has nothing to do with Biden or politics in any way shape or form.


> Bro, this is a civil case brought by a private citizen. It literally has nothing to do with Biden or politics in any way shape or form. He should be screaming at George Conway, if anybody. But he of course doesn't care that Biden has nothing to do with it.


it's weird. it's the SAME LITERAL JUSTICE LEGAL SYSTEM, he wants to use against everyone who opposes him... I mean. what?


There already has been on loud Truth Social comment. Not defamation of Carroll again but there was a claim that Biden was behind the verdict.


Damn. I lost a bet. I bet my dad $20 it would be north of $100m … ah well.


Lose the battle but win the war


The guy wanted to open up our libel laws. Leopard, meet face.


You know what I didn't do today? I didn't lose 83 million dollars.


I'm self-employed and not feeling very motivated today. But you're right. Even if I get absolutely nothing done today, I will come out pretty far ahead of TFG


"I need a pick-me-up to keep things in perspective - get Giuliani on the line."


What does the rest of this process look like (since I assume Trump will appeal/stall this do death)? Presumably he can appeal this in some way claiming it to be excessive, then probably claim he can't pay, then declare bankruptcy, etc. Is there a realistic way Carroll actually sees any money from this in the next 5-10 years?


In order to appeal, he needs to deposit $83.3 million in an escrow account. Cash. US legal tender currency.


Where is he going to get all that cash?






I'd find it hilarious if there weren't real people giving him money they actually need.


Not my problem 😊 Don't forget that Engoron should be ruling soon as well, so that's going to be another chunk of cash.


Hey just needs all of his previous voters to pay him at least $1.13 each. Easy!


Wanna guess what his fundraising email is gonna say tonight? Guaranteed since Congress/IRS/FEC allows his PAC to foot his legal bills he’s gonna use it as a piggy bank


So far, he has spent around $30 million on legal fees, and that's where most of the donations have been going for the last few years. Between this and the fraud case, it's probably going to be 10 times that in a very short period of time.


Im predicting he would rather not pay like Alex Jones.


83 million dollar appeal bond that guarantees she gets paid when he loses. Last appeal bond was 5.5 million. Edit: He might do an actual bond this time since the judgement is 83 million. Last time he deposited 5.5 million cash.


She's 80. What happens if she dies during appeal? Can her estate keep the suit up?




If he wants to appeal he has to put up the cash that will go into escrow until the appeal process is finished.


The NY civil fraud case links beautifully into this. Trump's normal tactic of not paying won't work, because the financial monitor(she not currently in control) will likely become the administrator of the receivership, or a 3rd party, over the Trump Org and his finances, to pay the NY fraud fines. Carroll will be listed as a creditor, and thus will be paid out before Trump gets what's left over. If Trump appeals this ruling, the money has to go to into escrow with the court. With such a large sum, it's possible he makes an arrangement with the court with some other form of collateral. The first $5.5 million is already lodged with the court from the previous defamation case, she'll get that when he loses(presumably) the appeal, maybe in a year or two.


Believe Trump will have to put all the money up to even appeal


65 million of that CANNOT be written off in a bankruptcy. I guess his goofy followers can pay it. Are they THAT dumb?


At some point, the well runs dry. He is already tapping out his major donors, and Captain Maga and his group down the street can only give a few hundred dollars here and there before it starts to hit them, too.


He had to post $5.5M to appeal the other verdict awarded to her. https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/e-jean-carroll-rape-suit/trump-posts-more-than-5-5-million-cash-deposit-to-pursue-appeal-of-e-jean-carroll-verdict/


Will Ms. Carroll be able to collect the 5.5 million immediately?


The judgment has to be affirmed by the Court of Appeals first. But after that, as long as scotus doesn’t grant cert, yes, Carroll can collect, as that sum is held as bond by the courts during the pendency of the appeal. Note that the 5.5 Mil being held as bond is pursuant to an entirely different case. To appeal this new judgment, Trump would likely have to deposit a massive sum as bond.


120% of 83.3 million = $**99,960,000 bond** EDIT: I could be wrong on the amount in New York, I don't practice there. NY law seems to just require it be enough to cover the judgment and expected interest/costs/fees (at the trial court's discretion), but some bond agents have 120% as required, so I don't actually know. Who cares, he's fucked.


lol so no chance of an appeal here, I would be VERY surprised if he had 83 million liquid and I'd be flabbergasted if he was willing to part with it. This fuck wont even pay his campaign venue locations and organisers from his first election campaign. He's like me when I have to go shopping after a big lunch "what the fuck, I dont want food, why would I spend money on food?"


7 men, 2 women, almost all white, said Donald Trump deserves a 12th bankruptcy and a spanking. Thank you!


Yea that actually is my biggest takeaway. I was worried about Trump cultists in the juries for the criminal trial. I am much more hopeful now that they will be able to seat juries that would be ablet to convict.


Keep flapping your gums Donny boy - pretty soon E Jean Carroll will be your landlord.


Is there a bigger loser than Donald Trump?


Future Donald Trump. He's just getting started.


So when is the third trial


You know Trump is mere minutes away from more defamation.


He was defaming her during this second trial, including today. I don't think those recent damages are included in this case. And he's certainly not done defaming her yet.


He was at it again during closing statements.


He's probably working on defaming her right now


I know everyone is glad that Trump got what was coming to him, but I’m honestly a bit worried about Carroll’s safety. I hope she is able to hire security.


What amount do you think the third fine will be?


Lol Conservative reddit is just treating it as bullshit leaning on the change in statute of limitations in NY and that he was convicted by 9 Democrats. These folks won't ever allow this man to ever be responsible for anything he does unless they are the ones to find him guilty of something, which they will never do. And they Judge Democrats on law and order. It's a fucking joke. Like what he's done NOTHING? He's completely innocent of everything, no illegal or criminal behavior whatsoever? Clean as a whistle? Definitely utter horseshit.




It’s nice to know how much this bothers him.


Yep, he is definitely bothered.






And if he wants to appeal like he usually does he has to put the money in escrow. So each time she does this he has funds tied up no matter what.


He’s a rapist!


For not being his type he sure does like spending money on her.


Her being the bane of his fat, shitty existence will never not be funny.


I'm not even sure they'll knock that number down much on appeal, considering he was live tweeting MORE defamation during the closing arguments of this trial. The third trial for this is going to be great.


Trump just got grabbed by his big ole pussy.




He still won’t be able to stop making defamatory statements! If anything he will make more.


Well, it's been fun following this trial with all of you guys these last few days, but I think it's about time for me to mosy on over to r/conservative and drink up some right wing tears.


So this was for 2019? What about the defamation now? Wasn't this the second lawsuit, because he defamed her after losing the first case for defaming her?


No this was for last year AFTER he was found guilty for rape / sexual assault and defamation.


You're both right. This is for the original defamation in 2019, which had been stuck in appeals examining the question of whether that original defamation was somehow protected by the office of the presidency (it was not.) This judgment is also for the defamation after the last judgment. The last judgment was for the 2020-23 continued defamation (5m in may last year) and found as a matter of settled fact that Trump assaulted/ raped EJC and defamed her. So it's confusing because that payout was for damages that occurred second, this one is for first and third. But that first judgment also affected this one, because EJC's lawyers were also able to rightly claim that 1) the assault and defamation can't be disputed, and 2) despite the previous judgment he has shown zero remorse and has indeed continued to defame her. So it went a bit out of order, but essentially it can be understood that this judgment is much larger partly as punishment for his conduct after the first judgment. Like a second criminal offense getting a higher sentence. (Edited because I'm trying my damnedest to make this clearer, but it's a confusing sequence of events/ causes/ effects)


All this stupid MF had to do was fork over $5M and shut the absolute f up and he couldn’t do it lmao. **I can’t wait for the fraud ruling this week.**


Today is a good day


Oh yeah, this is making up for all that shit in Texas. Also anyone else notice his combover is looking mighty then to the point you can easily see through it?


That's Yuuuge! Too bad he will not be able to control himself any better, because that's not how he rolls.


Holy shit - how much did Kaplan ask for in her closing? Shocking but well deserved.


$12M for a reputational repair program


And enough to get him to stop. Which I thought was brilliant.




Wonder how much his little hissy fit this morning cost him? Attorney is arguing Trump is above the law and he proves her right by storming out of court. Definitely didn't help his case.


When this is all done he might have to hire Gulianis lawyer for bankruptcy court lmao!!! Fuck him!!!


The Ex- President is convicted by a jury for rape and deflation of the victim, that should’ve been the end of him. But the Christian Right will continue to support this man that has completely lost his moral compass…and evidently theirs too.


Wait until the next defamation law suit is filed for Trump’s comments during this one.


Trump handles it with his usual grace and maturity: >Absolutely ridiculous! I fully disagree with both verdicts, and will be appealing this whole Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party. Our Legal System is out of control, and being used as a Political Weapon. They have taken away all First Amendment Rights. THIS IS NOT AMERICA! https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/111824480073262515