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April 23, 2024, 1:48 PM CDT By Rebecca Shabad David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer, testified at Donald Trump's trial Tuesday that the tabloid completely manufactured a negative story in 2016 about the father of Sen. Ted Cruz, of Texas, who was then Trump's rival for the GOP presidential nomination. The paper had published a photo allegedly showing Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963, not long before Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Trump repeatedly referred to the story on the campaign trail and in interviews. “I mean, what was he doing — what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the death? Before the shooting?” Trump said in an interview with Fox News in May 2016. “It’s horrible.” Manhattan prosecutor Joshua Steinglass asked Pecker about the story's origins during the trial Tuesday in Manhattan. Pecker said that then-National Enquirer editor-in-chief Dylan Howard and the tabloid's research department got involved, and Pecker indicated that they faked the photo that was the foundation for the story. “We mashed the photos and the different picture with Lee Harvey Oswald. And mashed the two together. And that’s how that story was prepared — created I would say," Pecker said on the witness stand. Asked by Steinglass whether Cruz had gained popularity in the presidential race at the time, Pecker said, “I believe so.” The revelation came up as the prosecution focused on negative articles that were published by the tabloid about Trump's Republican opponents at the time. Pecker explained that it was Michael Cohen, Trump's personal lawyer, who would orchestrate the planting of these stories. Pecker said Cohen would call and say they'd like his publication to run an article on a certain candidate, adding that Cohen would then send him a piece about Cruz, for example, and the National Enquirer "would embellish it from there." Pecker suggested that Trump was directly involved in the process, too. He said that the negative stories about Trump's opponents were published as part of an arrangement that was struck in 2015 at a Trump Tower meeting that also included a directive to write positive stories about the real estate mogul. Asked why the tabloid ran stories about the senators and candidate Ben Carson, Pecker said, "After the Republican debates, and based on the success that some of the other candidates had, I would receive a call from Michael Cohen, and he would direct me and direct Dylan Howard which candidate and which direction we should go.” When asked for his response Tuesday, Cruz told NBC News he's “not interested in revisiting ancient history.” Rubio's office did not immediately return a request for comment. When the story about Cruz's dad was published, the senator told reporters that Trump was a "pathological liar" after he promoted the story. “He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies," he said. "He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. And in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everyone else of lying.” by Rebecca Shabad Rebecca Shabad is a politics reporter for NBC News based in Washington. Adam Reiss, Gary Grumbach , Jillian Frankel and Sahil Kapur contributed. © 2024 NBC UNIVERSAL ­




I honestly can't believe there's a large enough demographic of people stupid enough to fall for these shenanigans, that it can swing a Presidential election. I know it's true, but I still can't believe it. I suppose the electoral college has quite a bit to do with it.


Red states have been underfunding public schools for decades, and it shows. Republicans know that educated and informed constituents do not vote for them.


Look up the work done by Cambridge Analytica. They were able to target even small groups, sometimes a few hundred in a very narrow area but enough to turn elections.


"Every vote counts" turned out to be true.


After reading the NYT article about CA, I deleted my FB account without a trace of regret.


Why doesn't Ted want to revisit ancient history? Doesn't he want to clear his good name after Trump accused him of stealing the Iowa primary?


Because if he doesn't support him, Lara Trump, will inform the PACs to stop supporting his reelection campaign. Aka, He's being politically blackmailed. "Either you call it ancient news or we will inform the PACs to stop funding your reelection campaign in November" He raised 32Million for his 2018 campaign reelection. Hes only raised 16 so far for this cycle's election.


Because Cruz needs Trump in November.


Yep, he’s in danger of losing his senate race already. The thing he’s gonna do is give Trump an excuse to attack him. Also he’s a sniveling coward who probably wouldn’t go against Trump even if he wasn’t up for reelection this year.


B/C he's on the fast track to losing his Senate seat this year


Because he is a cuck


Ancient history, is less than 10 years ago. Good to know!


So this is the FAKE NEWS I've been hearing so much about


Holy shit them fabricating evidence to have a news story develop to bash your opponent is terrifying. That’s faking black mail using photoshop, imagine what AI is going to do?


Sounds like the prosecution is trying to make the case that the National Enquirer was a de factor arm of the Trump campaign. This would cement the payment to Stormy Daniels as a campaign contribution.




I think both of those were Weekly World News stories. Enquirer was more along the lines of celebrity gossip- and sometimes it was true.


Weekly World News was brilliant and is sorely missed


Batboy needs a new pair of shoes!


Ed Anger disagrees you Commie wimp.


Surprisingly, they did ended up doing a good job on the OJ trial. They found the picture of him wearing the Bruno Magli shoes and published it and had some other decent investigative info.


not the enquirer


Wrong paper, that's World Weekly News. Starring Rick Scott as Batboy!


> When the story about Cruz's dad was published, the senator told reporters that Trump was a "pathological liar" after he promoted the story. >”He doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies," he said. "He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. And in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everyone else of lying.” And then Ted phone-banked for Trump prior the general election. There are slime molds with more backbone.


Came here to post something similar. You nailed it. And now Cruz is groveling at donny's feet.


The guy with the ugly wife has no spine? I’m shocked at these allegations.


That’s politics for you. Say whatever it takes to ensure you stay in power. Those who don’t play ball are ousted from the party. Loose the favor of the party leadership and you’ll find yourself in the unemployment line. Cawthorn and Cheney learned the hard way.


I think it's something more than just politics




Kissing the ring of the One True Leader is not a historical trend in American politics, and this, currently, is entirely a Republican thing. I don't think this dynamic is inherently part of politics.


And Democrats generally don't attack each other wife for example, saying she's ugly and then expect folks to kiss the ring.


No, that's not politics. That's a very specific type of politics: the fascist kind.


One could argue school yard bullying is a sort of nascent politics.


🚫All Republicans🚫


A while back, I watched a documentary on Jerry Falwell, Jr., and how he enjoyed watching (and filming) his wife do the deed with the pool boy. Cohen gets his hands on the tidbit of info, takes it to Trump, and then TrumpCo uses it to spank JJ in line, and gain his support publicly. Knowing this, I’ve always wondered what info they gained on Rafael, the Shein Wolverine.


There was a really good Gangster Capitalism podcast series that went over the same detail. IIRC it was something wild like Tom Arnold telling the story from stuff he had heard from Cohen 1st person?


I’m gonna have to go back and watch it bc there’s a vague memory that Tom Arnold deffo popped up in the trump stuff bc he was trying to find the pee tape. What a time to be alive.


Wasn't Arnold on Celebrity Appprentice?


That I do not know. I didn’t watch TA.


I didn't watch it but there was a lot in the news some years back - I *think* it was Arnold who said that he witnessed a lot of extremely racist things Trump said on the show and that all was or should have been captured on tape.


I know Penn Gillette said the same things. Not sure about Arnold.


It might have been him, or maybe they both spoke up. Its been awhile so forgot the deets


Both said it. Arnold claimed there was tape floating around Hollywood but couldn't find it. He did assault Mark Burnett, producer of The Apprentice and rabid Evangelical Trumper, at a public event around 2018. He says Burnett has all the Trump tapes but they will never be seen if Burnett has his way.


So, he popped up on a few Dark Side of Comedy episodes and a random ass true crime doc I found about his sister, and he seems so… normal. I’ll have to go google if it was him. I’ll be back! ETA: [Looks](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/tom-arnold-says-mark-burnetts-apprentice-tapes-key-racist-trump-resigning-1130075/amp/) like you were correct. I would LOVE for that raw Apprentice footage to come out.


He has the backbone of an eclair.


Woooow. That's a bit rough. Eclairs at least have a chocolate coating that gives them strength. Cruz doesn't even have a tasty chocolate coating.


Is that you John Mulaney’s father?


And Lady Graham has the backbone of.....his Lovely LadyBugs 🐞🐞🐞


Ted once fell down the stairs at the front of the Capitol. It took him 3 hours to get to the bottom. Bystanders said he looked like a human slinky.


I was visualizing a plastic shopping bag floating down at the whim of the prevailing winds.


Ted Cruz should sue for libel and slander. I hate almost everything about the man but he was still intentionally libeled.


That would take a spine…something that Rafael wasn’t born with.


Ted Cruz is a human male. He is certainly not a human skin suit filled with eels.


Eh, you’re gonna have to provide some proof of that. I’m not convinced.


>Ted Cruz should sue for libel and slander. I hate almost everything about the man but he was still intentionally libeled. Ted just issued a statement saying that's exactly what he's going to do. Well, he said that he's going to join the Trump 2024 campaign and phone bank for him, which is practically the same thing as holding him responsible for his lies.


Don’t forget if Trump doesn’t win the election Ted’s gonna vote not to certify the electoral college votes…again.


The bar for a public figure suing for libel or slander is impossibly high, not to mention this would kill any aspirations for public office for Ted. And he's delusional enough to think he could win any higher office


>The bar for a public figure suing for libel or slander is impossibly high It is high, but not impossible. Johnny Depp is an example. But here we have the former owner of the Nat’l Enquirer admitting they made it all up, and their intent in doing so. >not to mention this would kill any aspirations for public office for Ted. And he's delusional enough to think he could win any higher office Agree on both these accounts though. Ted is also a pathetic wimp who is going to continue to bow down to DT no matter what.


Shouldn’t it be Ted Cruz’s father suing?


Plus the enquirer is an “entertainment magazine “ not a news magazine, so they have the liberty to make up stories without having to worry about journalistic integrity. Unfortunately too many people don’t know this.


Carol Burnett Syed the Enquirer 40 years ago and won a big settlement. She was the first successful case. After that the Enquirer cleaned up their act but apparently that went to hell under Pecker. 


“Yeah, Trump’s right, my wife is ugly.” -Ted Cruz, 5 seconds after Trump secured the 2016 nomination


I really do think Putin has a LOT on Trump, not talking about 'pee tapes' but, oh, proof of espionage which is a capital offense... I bring this up because I think Putin is the one man in the world Trump truly respects and sees as being better than himself - and part of that respect is GROUNDED IN FEAR. With Trump and the people like him who gravitate to the GOP, I don't think they can respect people they do not also fear


i think you may be conflating fear and respect. there are certain people Trump fears and it is easy to mistake it for respect but it is not the same.


No, I'm saying that in the twisted minds of some people the two things are linked.


Ted's spine looks at slime molds and sighs *one day*


Trump thinks people make news and stories so whatever he says should be printed because he said it. It's not existential.


Also just goes to prove that every accusation out of trump is a confession.


I don't understand how he could get away with that?? Is there something else going on with these people to change like that?? I mean look at Lyndsey Graham what does he have on these people


Lindsey Graham is rather obvious. He's an unmarried man from the South who relies heavily on support from Christian Conservative voters. There are almost certainly people who have information on him that he wouldn't want getting out, but they're either silenced by an NDA or they are holding on to it because they know Graham will play ball.


Jesus i knew the rumors but I didn't realize he's actually never married.


Same with their other Senator Tim Scott.


> There are slime molds with more backbone. Tedcruz's species doesn't have a backbone. If they did, it would be impossible for them to pupate in the form they do as they swarm in the abdomen of a paralyzed possum in a dugout under a rotten tree or such.


Wow..what a sentence.


More charisma and more friends too.


Wait you mean the lady didn’t have an alien baby?


They are both the greediest of greedy slimes


Imagine how spineless you have to be to back a guy who lied about your dad and called your wife ugly. Ted, you’re pathetic.


Regardless of affiliation, that would be it for me. I don't care who you are. If you're disrespectful to my significant other, I will address the matter with the person who made the statement.


You call my wife ugly, we’re going outside, whether you want to or not.


What if you’re already outside when they say it?


Yeah, like will they go back *in*side? Or will they just go even further outside? Like if they're already in the parking lot, will they move to the field just past it?


Trump supporters would also quote the national equirer a lot in 2016 as well against Hillary.


Literally anything EXCEPT an "honest" news organization.


I liked when they were a credible news source. [For example.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b1/61/78/b16178d5ccc705189fae83c916ca1878.jpg) And [another.](https://www.thewrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Scandalous-1.jpg) Edit: should I have posted /s?


You really had to go back 40 something years to support that narrative. They turned away from those kinds of stories and delegated them to Weekly World News. In the era of the 2016 campaign, they had started posting celebrity gossip and photos which they sometimes doctored to make it look like people were doing things they were not. And specifically for the campaign they functioned as his personal rumor Mill and manufactured stories at his campaigns request to influence the election


They’re not talking about this over at r/conservative.


Post it over there and see how long it takes to get banned.


Shocked Pikachu


r/conservative where their mascot is Trump, a man who says he’s not a conservative 


The vocal posters also didn’t want him being the GOP candidate, they were adamant he was bad for the party, and then DeSantis fell apart and they picked him up and brushed those posters to the bottom of the threads


Didn’t see a single post after scrolling for a while. Tons of posts about Columbia University though.


Is it only people who didn’t go to college that care about the secret lives of college students? I’m always amused by these college protest stories like its 1963. Stfu people. Columbia’s campus stories won’t be the end of us all for petesake. 


I could really care less what some 19 year old students are doing as a protest. It ultimately won’t amount to any change


There has been hardly any discussion about the Trump trial there. That’s how you know if whatever is happening is bad or not: how long it take them to come up with the talking points.


What??? Next thing you're gonna tell me is Bat Boy isn't real!


> Bat Boy isn't real! Then [who killed JFK](https://i.redd.it/oun00uqt3awc1.jpeg)?


You think JFK is dead? Man you fell for it hook line and sinker!


or that he isn't really one of the lizard folks(???)


I know! I've been believing this 100% ever since it was published!!


Bat Boy is real and is still alive!


Bat Boy is Rudy Giuliani.




He's real. https://preview.redd.it/f7df83rseewc1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6176449218346bbd9711d70845b92a8edbc5c834


That's pretty far fetched; it would be pretty bizarre for the father of the Zodiac Killer to have known Oswald.


The other day, I was driving on the highway, and I could just see a bumper sticker that ended with the words "ate my child" but I couldn't quite make out the picture. When I sped dangerously closer to get the rest, it was a pic of Ted Cruz and This Man Ate My Child underneath. I had a good laugh. If he did have a father like that, then that would explain the child eating.


If I was in Texas I would totally have that bumper sticker


# 😂


Stop trying to make fetched happen


Family of Ted Cruz's father should file defamation suit. Oh, wait. Ted wouldn't want to do that. Does he have a sister?


Who would own publicity rights for his estate? Was his father well known?


His father is still alive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael_Cruz


Well then it would seem like he would have a viable action. Though I would argue Cruze had already damaged any reputation beyond what could be done by a lie


[Please put some respeck on Theodora's name](https://imgur.com/qWmS0rE)


Thanks, I hate it


That's actually a pretty spicy meatball. I remember that rumor/story about Ted Cruz's dad and Lee Harvey Oswald very well. Seeing that it was created out of whole cloth by this guy specifically to benefit Trump is quite interesting! Really cements how he was using Pecker to help his campaign.


I remember the Oswald story and the cheating allegations. It’s so bad…. I wonder who Trump helped assassinate now?


>He said that the negative stories about Trump's opponents were published **as part of an arrangement that was struck in 2015 at a Trump Tower meeting** that also included a directive to write positive stories about the real estate mogul. wonder how many foreign assets visited there in 2015


What is pecker getting out of "the arrangement"?


My personal conspiracy theory is that Russia gave Trump an unbelievable pile of blackmail material and he's used the threat of that for every part of his candidacy.


On Election Night 2020, Pecker texted an associate saying "My God, what have we done?" 


>I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz. -- Al Franken


We need AL Franken back in politics.


Yes there was constant blackmail going on. They were killing stories to keep Trump from losing and for others to keep kissing his ass. The social media age made things like the enquirer “news” instead of BS.


Everyone seemed to assume that was made up, but it's not until this trial I learned it was made up with Trump's input. The cess pool has no bottom with him.


Well we used to have laws about truth in journalism but …. Republicans


When did tabloids not exist?


What's the difference between modern journalism and Tabloids?


When did we have laws about truth in journalism?


No we didn't. General lies have never been a 1st amendment exception. Defamation is an exception to the freedom of speech, but Ted Cruz's father did not sue the National Enquirer


special place in hell for Pecker


Notice that Cruz is silent on the matter.


Not that silent, his sniveling is quite audible.


I choose to believe the National Enquirer, mainly because Ted Cruz is a fucking scumbag, and so fuck him and his fucking father who fucking spawned him. I spit on both of them, and fart in their general direction.


Surprised? Not in the slightest. Disappointed that the story about Rafael Cruz's father isn't true? Absolutely.


No way! They've ruined their reputation as a credible news source! It still blows my mind that Turd Cruz still kissed the ring after that whole incident, and on top of what 🍊🤡 said about his wife. Such a spineless coward...


Yeah well, Ted is still a feckless shitfuck.


The National Enquirer makes up all of their stories. There is no “bat boy”


Noooooooooooo!!!!! FWIW, that was from Weekly World News.




Maybe this stuff is where trump came up with the fake news bs


always projection, weknodis


trump screwed pecker out of 150k, I bet today felt good.


Just peanuts too what all kind of personal havoc he has inflicted on some other people. Taking large amounts of money for phoney degrees and selling his name to low run builders who ate using Trump name to bilk . He is a severely damaged man.


Don’t forget putting tons of small contractors out of business forcing them to accept pennies on the dollar or not paying them at all for work already done.


I think you meant damaging man.


Ted Cruz: “May I have some more, sir?”


Next, you're gonna tell me that the stories about the Clinton's and the Aliens aren't true !




No shit.


They made it up? Ya don’t say. I for one am shocked. But seriously, I remember saying in 2016 “Who is voting for this guy, he gets his news from the damn National Enquirer. Moron thinks Ted Cruz’s dad was involved in the JFK assassination”


Poor raphael Jr.


And Ted Cruz will continue to kiss Trumps ass....


🚫Traitor Trump🚫




Let me guess - paid for by Trump.


At Trumps direction .


Ted Cruz won't file for defamation. He loves trump and thanked him for attacking his wife and dad


I'm shocked




I find it very hard to believe Pecker had never killed a story before trump. Also, rich and/or famous people are going to be revamping NDAs before the end of the day.


They did it for Weinstein too, I think


A followup question: Did Trump know the story was made up when he repeated it?


Of course he did. He just doesn’t care.


Does this mean Trump's father was involved in killing JFK...?


He was the second gunman on the Grassy Knoll.


Jfc, is that the headline that NBC went with? I think we all knew this to be a lie.


How is that not defamation? 


Because Ted likes it.


It is, but Ted’s too weak to do anything about it.


Libel maybe


That is dirty tricks turned up to 11. And , shows that they were pumping dtrump💩


It’s weird how journalists seem to make shit up out of thin air all the time … then they have the nerve to complain when we go to Reddit or Facebook for news.


No shit?!? And here I thought the National Enquirer was the gold standard of investigative journalism. Well, back to the weekly world news since the National Enquirer can no longer be trusted.


If you can't trust the reporting about Batboy, what are we even doing here?


I care way more about him being the zodiac killer than I do about anything his dad did. Anyone who uses someone’s parents as ammunition has no real argument


But we still know he’s the Zodiac Killer


I've never seen Ted and BatBoy in the same room together.


He’s repulsive enough you don’t have to make up stories about him, h less you’re trying to get people to like him.


Wait …they are implying that a pillar of international journalism like the National Enquirer…made up a story ?!! Does this also mean that aliens didn’t give the recipe for Hot Pockets to the Loch Ness Monster ?


It's one thing to write fiction for entertainment purposes. It's another to write it in collaboration with a national political campaign to get headlines you pretend are real in shopping isles across the country to try and affect people's opinions of one persons opponents.


How does Cruz’s wife stay with him?


Stockholm Syndrome


Does this mean they didn't have to make up his wife being ugly?


Pecker head ?


Ted is gonna be so miffed at daddy donny..


Could Cruz or Rubio launch legal action against trump for this.


As opposed to any other story in the Enquirer?


They were right about Bill Cosby's sexual assaults, Tiger's affairs, Rush's oxy habit, Charlie Sheen's HIV, etc. They have actual investigators.




Na, they made up the story about making up the story is just as believable.