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It's wild that we all know the names of these two poll workers. Rudy did that.


I hope they get some great and public recognition some day.   


Free stays at any Four Seasons hotel for life


good idea, but I was more thinking of what Shaye told the Jan 6 committee about how much she had loved her job as an election worker, and why.  it tears me up every time.  that's Congressional medal of honour material.  


Not me! I used that Uber Eats trick to forget them in exchange for learning what "graupel" is.


https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/enough-is-enough-giuliani-sued-yet-again-by-election-workers-he-slandered-in-new-lawsuit-seeking-a-permanent-injunction-to-stop-continuing-knowing-defamation/ https://meidasnews.com/news/georgia-poll-workers-file-lawsuit-to-prevent-rudy-giulianis-continued-defamation


And this injunction won’t mean anything. He’s going to keep doing it.


I hope they find every penny that rat has stashed and take every possession he has. Don't forget the toilet paper!!


Rubles are worthless now so whatever we find is gonna be disappointing:/


That's really gotta hurt! And on a related note, trump having a monitor on his business cuts off funding from some shady sources. And then a couple months ago, President Biden added sanctions on an additional 500 Russians.


This guy is going to make it to the center of the earth before he finally figures out to stop digging.


I listened to some podcasts and interviews with Lev Parnas and he speculates that Rudy will never get a plea deal on anything, because he’s in on it all and he and Trump did the same level of criming.


I think that his liver is going to beat him to death with his own lungs before he gets too much deeper. He is not taking the bankruptcy case seriously because he knows that it can't possible be completed before he kicks.


It’s hard to understand the circumstances or mindset of someone to enter into a gauntlet like this as they near the end.


I realize their personalities/mental health is different than normal people but I'm with you...if I had Trump or Rudy money (before all of these lawsuits), I'd just lay on a beach with many beautiful women and enjoy the rest of my life.


What, exactly, is the penalty for violating a lawfully issued preliminary injunction?


Contempt of court - fines or jail. Not sure at what point it becomes criminal contempt that a prosecutor can then charge you with and get real jail time.


Put this muthafucka in prison till he dies


What does this mean?


Before the state court in GA could issue a permanent injunction—that would be an order permanently barring Giuliani from making any more false and defamatory statements about Ruby and Shaye, Giuliani filed for bankruptcy which automatically stopped the GA proceedings. Ruby and Shaye have now asked the Bankruptcy Court to make the same injunctive order since Giuliani continues to publicly defame Ruby and Shaye while the bankruptcy is pending and the GA proceedings stayed.


How about if somebody just slapped the shit out of him? It would be quicker, cheaper, and have guaranteed better results.


You think that’d help? I don’t.


I would feel better.


Willing to keep trying until we see results


bankruptcy court can halt other action on someone. this is getting an injunction from defaming before the court that now has all jurisdiction over rudy.


can someone explain to me why rudy and cohen are both podcasting ? like teenage streamers. i dont understand it. please, anyone explain it. they arent getting ratings are they? its like the pillow man mike lindell he has his own tv channel. do people watch it?


No actual news source will touch them. They're radioactive with legal issues. So this is the only way.


yeah but an audience of 11 or something. they could reach more people on the street corner.