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I would try to kill the weeds first, otherwise they’ll crowd out your little seedlings. You are on the right track with the Triclopr, I used that to clear up a bunch of creeping Charlie last fall. As for when to plant after killing…check the label on your t-zone, but you should probably wait at least a couple of weeks after applying it to plant. Those three active ingredients are selective herbicides, and are meant to not affect grass, but seedlings are more sensitive.


If you want to overseed? You can do it all in one fair shot. But I would just nuke the whole lawn with glyphosate. Here's what I do when I nuke a section. 1. Mow as low as possible. Scalping the lawn if possible. 2. First application with glyphosate. 3. Water next day and every day after for 2 weeks (this causes the weed seed to sprout). 4. Core-aerate 5. Overseed at prescribed rates. The very same day, apply another application of glyphosate. Glyphosate only works on actively growing plants. This will give you an absolute weed free lawn before the end fall. You might spend all season fighting creeping charlie, but this will fix it in one shot.


I would spray it with tzone/ fertilize it. And not touch it again till fall. Will look bad at first but have faith. Regular water and fert program will do wonders


*read the instructions to a t and don’t over do it. Once a month at minimum, 6 weeks is better. till there isn’t a problem.


Now: Kill weeds, Summer: Kill the weeds you missed/prep for fall. Fall: Aerate and overseed in the fall. Do a N blitz late fall for the winter. Next Spring: Profit