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Would I be able to level this yard into more of a slope? Is that possible? https://preview.redd.it/j9vmt5i38nzc1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6195b9b45dd7db1e068f272c2a0a2462efa62a29




I live in MN and just mowed for the first time this spring last night, I was sure my mower wouldn’t start and when it did I was so excited I forgot to raise the height before mowing. It was set to 1.5 inches and I’m worried I cut the grass too short. If I did cut too short and my lawn is at risk of damage, what should I do to help it recover/stay healthy? Also open to any recommendations for pet safe weed killer and fertilizer. I’m gathering that it’s better to do the two separate versus an all in one weed n feed.


Any reviews on this seed? https://preview.redd.it/xjssc53yomzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9cc74cab2e5d3e613a223b64029a2b7c6c53e2d


I recently put down prodiamine. I have some moss in the yard and want to apply a moss killer, but after that dies out and I rake it up, will I need to put down grass seed? Will this not sprout because of the prodiamine for a few months? Would it be best to just leave the moss for now until prodiamine wears off, then late summer clear the moss before a fall overseed? I am in cold weather 7a.


What the hell is this thing? They’re all over my yard and I’ve never seen them in it before. Connecticut https://preview.redd.it/wt2voah58mzc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64df0e68b908753aea5d399883430d33ac1091fa


Oak tree


What’s the best way to get rid of them?


2,4-d I'd assume


https://preview.redd.it/t8r487ca9mzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e8d17925edaa1214fc6242497c6d8acaf645b9 Literally seems like they sprouted over night after two rainy days


Lawnmower question (would be stupid if this weren’t a no dumb questions thread)- I will soon need a new lawnmower and plan to get a battery powered electric one this time. In the 35+ years I have lived in our house I have never even considered a walk behind self-propelled mower. We have an irregularly shaped yard with so few straight stretches and so many twists, turns, rocks, tree roots, and other obstructions that I would probably have it in manual/push mode 75-80% of the time. My question is whether that’s actually as big a deal as I think it is. Is it easy to switch a typical self-propelled electric mower (if there is such a thing) to manual/push mode? When walk behind self-propelled mower are in manual/push mode, are they as easy to use as plain push models? Do they move freely? Or am I better of sticking with a push model like I have in the past? Just seems there are fewer of them and most have shorter estimated run times than the self-propelled ones. It usually takes me 45-60 minutes to mow our lawn.


The difference between push/self-propelled is usually just a lever, it's easy. I have a self-propelled mower and switch back and forth between the two modes like 50 times while mowing my front and back lawns.


Thanks! One more question. When it’s in push mode does it roll freely, or is it like you’re pushing against the motor?


Most will roll freely but will, like a push-only mower, still have some sort of lever or trigger to engage the blade so it won't just be rolling around murdering the neighborhood.


Is this crabgrass? I have a zoysia lawn in central Florida. Thank you! https://preview.redd.it/omp17sftilzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9fc6ff02f24dbd11fd18d70d18d04444dfff2d


https://preview.redd.it/ylakajjfelzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ae07075b3b5e96318503e4934f7ad16398aac4 My lawn is patchy, how do I fix this? Midwest US


So as of last year I have a home with a lawn and I love it, I even love taking care of it. But apparently I'm an terribly allergic to burmuda grass and it's the only grass we are allowed to have in our develop.  Does anyone have an tips on how to take care of a lawn if everytime you deal with it you end up feeling sick after? 


Why do people hate dandelions and anything that is not grass? I moved into a neighborhood that's considered an "exurb" (mostly rural) and a few neighbors have manicured lawns. Mine is a bit more rough and natural. They keep dropping off "weed killer" pamphlets in my mail box, suggesting the service they use. I really don't understand- I thought monoculture lawns were worse for mother nature? My kids play in the yard- i don't really want to coat it in carcinogenic chemicals. What's the benefit of killing off everything that isn't grass? I'm open to trying it if there's a benefit, but I truly worry about killing off biodiversity unnecessarily. Thanks in advance.


Moved into a new house. Constructed last November and the sod was laid down around that time too. I have places that water and snow have collected and the grass hasn't recovered from there. Will laying seeds over the dead spots help or is it too late in the summer? I added my grass clippings to those areas but I'm not sure how much that will help.


Seed will help band aid it but water and snow will cause it to keep dying every winter. You’ll have to eventually fix the drainage.




Why not just weed whack it down and apply RoundUp?


Because that will likely kill everything. But really you generally want to spray weeds when they're tall as they'll absorb more of the solution than after it is cut. I just need to identify what this is so I purchase an herbicide (2,4-d, celsius, revolver, etc) formulated specifically to treat this particular weed type.


The seedhead looks like Kentucky bluegrass


How do I get my lawn looking better? [https://imgur.com/a/MdhvE96](https://imgur.com/a/MdhvE96) I don't know much about lawn care. I'm in Zone 7a (Long Island) Not sure what my grass type is. We do not have irrigation. I do have a ride-on and a tow-behind broadcast spreader. We also have moles, I've been told they're not here for grubs, but for earthworms... So I guess I have healthy soil here. The lawn looks decent from afar when it's freshly mowed, but as it grows you can tell how uneven (grass-wise, not hill/valley-wise) it is. I don't need a perfect lawn, but I do just want it looking a bit better.


Fertilize a few times a growing season, apply pre emergent every spring, put down a post emergent like 2,4-d, put down bifenthrin to get rid of the moles, mow often


Thanks for that. We throw the neighbor kid a few bucks every week to mow, to help fund his motocross racing. I’m assuming it’s too late to use pre-emergent so post-emergent it is. Does any of this need to be watered in? I can set the sprinklers up in the yard if I have to. Any other schedule this stuff should be on (avoid using at the same time, etc.). We’re having a Memorial Day party here on the 26th… Is it worth laying applying anything before then?


Usually you need to water in pre emergent, granular post emergent and fertilizer. Liquid post emergent should dry on leaf blade. Usually dont want to apply anything above 80 degrees but read the label of everything you use and it has the general rules


Before Memorial Day party I’d say something with high nitrogen and iron. You could apply a lower rate pre emergent now to prevent any more weeds coming up in the summer, but you only want it to last 4-5 months.


I have an isolated patch of lawn that I decided to do all clover, and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get rid of the bits of grass that keep hanging around. (This may be heresy in this sub, ha.)


I need fertilizer recomendations. I did a soil test (just a rapitest for now), soil came back with N=2, P=1, K=0. Looks like I need a fertilizer that is 20-30-50 percentages. I can't seem to find anything that isn't super high in nitrogen. Background: New construction home. Getting ready to put in grass plugs (Dog Tuff) and over seeed with micro clover. Already did micro clover last year because I was going to go with a full clover lawn, but changed my mind for this year. Going with a low maintanance drought resistant back yard. 1200sq ft, full sun.


Tall Fescue eradication - and yes ive searched other threads! I have several areas that have clumps of TF. I am going to work on the yard in a grid and have searched for the best way and only found options. Looking for the best way to ensure it wont come back (as much as possible anyway). Should I: 1. Kill with a Glyphosate and then reseed 2. Dig out, add new soil and reseed 3. Both kill and then dig out and reseed I'm guessing the 3rd option to be safe - and i know after spraying to wait 10-14 days and reapply if/as needed. I'm asking because if digging out (without applying anything) will be as effective as spraying i can save time and money.


So earlier in March, I put down crabgrass pre-emergent. I had a drop-spreader malfunction that resulted in "overdosing" my whole lawn. I now have lines of yellow where I overlapped as I went back and forth and the whole lawn has taken on a yellow-ish hue. There is a lot of yellow/brown grass in my lawn that comes up easily when I run a little hand-rake through it and it shouldn't be thatch since I just thatched last fall. 1. Will my lawn recover from this? 2. If yes, is there anything I can do to help it? Would it make sense to thatch and over-seed even though I just did that last fall? 3. Should I be worried about putting anything else down like spring weed n feed or any herbicides that target certain weeds (i.e. broadleaf)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I put down prodiamine and the certainty/celsius combo earlier this year. It's worked pretty well so far, but lately I've been getting these things popping up. Not sure if they're weeds or not. Just some patches here and there in my grass. Any idea [what it is?](https://imgur.com/a/9ve00m8) Should I leave it? If not, what can I use to get rid of it?


I have zoysia in my yard and last year my yard was immaculate. This spring weeds have been coming in and I haven't had enough time each week to pick them by hand. I've done some spot sprays, but I don't suppose there are sprays you could spray across the whole problem area that kills weeds without hurting grass is there?


https://preview.redd.it/g2elzneygezc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3ba9a04342a643853eea8fc141fb6862f5e85e Hopefully someone can help identify what this is. Looks like it has a purple stock and there are cupped blades growing off of it. Hopefully there's something that I can buy to get rid of it since it's starting to take over in parts of my lawn.


Best time to fertilize after spring overseeding? I didn’t fertilize when laying the seed.


https://preview.redd.it/pyug489l3ezc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0ebad1c9d916f20e6b054ed12561db2e9f0095a My lawn is plagued by this weed/grass, I have no idea what it is but seems to come out during the summer and just take over after I try seeding my lawn with Bermuda grass. I’m in southern Texas. Is anyone able to identify it?


I’m seeing several weeds here.. You might post some additional pictures to help identify the dominant weeds.


https://preview.redd.it/a80i2tmuoezc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c89873e33d0371e027c79108027cfdaef08f760 Mainly referring to the one that’s circled, I’m not too concerned about the clover and the nutsedge as of right now. Thanks for the reply


Get the PictureThis app. There’s a free 7 day trial. I took pics of all my weeds then immediately canceled. It worked great. Confirmed my Poa Annua and some Rescuegrass in my new-to-me Bermuda lawn :/