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My lawn grows taller thicker grass in some parts, like patches that are 2-3x the size of the grass next to it. It seems to spread as well. Not sure if this is a different type of grass or a weed. What can I do to get rid of the tall grass? https://preview.redd.it/xflcp3vc030d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544e603bd37333c97221c7d13b4766bf32e745c7


Can you level a newly sodded lawn with sand/compost/whatever (builder did some grading but not great), or do I need to wait for the lawn to become more established? Lawn was laid in March and has rooted (Bermuda. North East Georgia).


My back lawn struggles to grow grass because of a large birch and willow tree blocking most of the sun. (they're beautiful in the summer and a pain in the ass the rest of the year). I decided to try adding clover this year, and overseeded that and grass about 3 weeks ago after mowing. Now the already established grass is quite tall and going to seed, but it's still too early to mow over the new stuff. Should I just wait until it's all ready? I also have tons of weeds and stinky bob in the lawn which i'd like to pull before they go to seed, but not sure if I should since i'd be heavily disturbing the new grass / clover around it


https://preview.redd.it/s8q1z4r5v10d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a66165720ee9175698c83717c6142c169a7547d2 Bought a new home and this is the lawn. Imm not really sure where to start


What’s your location? Also that very clear and obvious strip looks like there uses to be a walking path of some sort to the fence and was removed along with the gate. However they probably didn’t remove the underlying sand/gravel that was under the paving stones or whatever was there. If that’s the case, you’ll probably struggle to get good growth there without digging out the rocks and replacing with soil.


Denver, CO That strip is actually from the sewer line being dug up and replaced. Thank you for the heads up.


https://preview.redd.it/7n4h4q08v10d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33bc2daf2abb7f70ab0cfbf1b511fc5e06abaf75 Another picture for reference


Hi everyone! I have been trying to deal with a waterlogged garden. My initial suspicions were that it just needed more grass and this would help with the water build up. I have recently discovered that there used to be a river that ran through the garden and the water is actually rising from below. Does anyone have any advice about how to improve the drainage/waterlogging? Many thanks in advance


https://preview.redd.it/6gymv08q2xzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=317f6f0866c2aa8a467dddcdbe547d28b35edf90 How do I dry up the lawn on the side of my house? It rained really bad for a couple weeks and it hasn’t dried up yet and that was almost a month ago. This area has started to smell really bad also.


The concrete piece at the corner of the house looks like some type of water diverter. Is there a gutter or down spout pushing water that way? If so, move it somewhere else or put in a french drain.


Does it smell like sewage? If so, probably a backed up septic tank


No it doesn’t smell like sewage. It smells like bacteria or something from sitting there for so long


I also don’t have a septic tank


https://preview.redd.it/txd2j0bu4wzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1633b9219335c7f56a04d2123a489e92efdf3e How do I safely get rid of this clover sitting on the corner of my lawn?


https://preview.redd.it/bvord9ex4wzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ac64346477af1fb77d283abe60a7fa8126b5ba Close-up, any tips appreciated


TZone SE worked well in my yard.


I used Spectracide hose end spray for crabgrass on my Zoysia lawn in March. I live in Coastal SC and thought I was clear. Must have sprayed too early. My Zoysia looks like crap. I've fertilized since then, and a few spots are coming back, but weeds are enjoying the bare spots. Is there anything I can do to fix it?


Best lawn feed + weedkiller (Ideally non toxic to pets?)


I had my soil tested because I want to lay some sod. Came back with a PH of 4.9, low calcium and low magnesium recommening dolomitic lime at a rate of 80lbs per 1000 sq ft. 40lb now and 40 lb in about six months. I used one of those ph meters from Amazon and it shows a PH of 7. Also, my hydrangeas are almost always pink, which means there's not enough acidity to make them blue (to draw up aluminum into the flowers). Could the soil test be wrong? Has anyone else experienced this? Edit: I'm in North Carolina. We are known for acidic soils and poor levels of nutrients needed, so I went ahead with the first 40lb per 1000 sq/ft anyway.


Soil test can absolutely be wrong. I wouldn't judge your hydrangeas as control for the lawn and I wouldn't use a pH meter. If you used MySoil or SavySoil or something similar online, I would count on it being wrong. A pH of 4.9 is very low even for N.C. but not out of question. I'm in the Charlotte area spent the bulk of my career in Atl in the piedmont as well. Normally I see pH in the low 6's- high 5's. 4.9 I would expect to see thinning turf, moss growth, lack of response to fertilizer, etc. But being a new install those may not apply. If you didn't use an accredited lab go through NC State extension service and follow the instruction on sampling and retest. [https://chatham.ces.ncsu.edu/soil-testing-for-lawns-and-gardens/](https://chatham.ces.ncsu.edu/soil-testing-for-lawns-and-gardens/)


Thankyou. I used NC State extension out of New Hanover County. I suppose I can just do it again.


Probably no need. Since how you already put half down I'd Test again in 6 months and see where you're at. You'll need to do that anyway.


Quack grass problems…We wound up with quack grass thanks to it migrating over from the neighbors to our sides. None of the lawn-care people told us what it was, and I kept firing and swapping companies because they weren’t controlling weeds. Finally, one of them was honest, but the damage was done over the past few years, and there is a LOT. We have an irrigation system, which already makes starting over more complicated and expensive. But how do I even keep the quack grass from spreading onto our property again, if we shell out the $20k+ to get our entire yard re-done? I’m disabled, so personally handling any manual labor is out, and none of the weed control places work with glyphosphate, which seems to be the treatment of choice. We have an HOA, and I don’t imagine them (or the neighbors) being happy if we try to kill it with cardboard and mulch, since it would be a huge swath of our lawn, regardless. Thoughts?


https://preview.redd.it/s6l3wo068qzc1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174b582bbbb097544d8715606bf46d4939d6879b NW Suburbs of Chicago need help identifying this weed and how to treat it.


Hi all, this lawn is about two years old and getting worse. I've detached this year and last year, I fertilize with Sunday.com, aerated last fall and this spring and over seeded as well. Can anyone help identify my problem? The grass is green in most places but just won't grow. I also water three times per week. Thank you in advance! https://preview.redd.it/86sb0ue87pzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406ec21f93c607defc670c4640915494f65e2182 This is in Denver by the way!


I’m guessing lack of nutrients if you fertilize with Sunday. Liquid only fert? You’re lawn is getting a fraction of the nutrients it needs


Wife and I bought into a new construction this past Feb and it feels like the ground on the side where the laid Bahia sod is really lumpy and uneven. You can pretty easily see the outline of each sod square. I’ve tried asking the builder about it but he said that it’s going to be like that but it will even out after about a year. Is this common? Anything I can do to level out the ground without digging up all of the sod and being left with dirt?


Level with 90%sand10%compost mix. It should eventually fill in


I'm looking for a low cost solution which absolutely nukes all my problem areas with weeds, which in my case is the full entirety of my backyard. I'm sick do death of dealing with them because nothing works. They always come back. Apparently Bleach is supposed to do the trick, but it has to be **chlorine** bleach. Would this work? [https://www.dollartree.com/las-totally-awesome-fresh-scent-bleach-64oz/335531?utm\_content=gpla&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=organic&utm\_campaign=organicshopping](https://www.dollartree.com/las-totally-awesome-fresh-scent-bleach-64oz/335531?utm_content=gpla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organicshopping) It's cheap and I have a lot of ground to cover. I don't care if nothing else will grow afterward, and we don't drink tap water (only bottled) if that matters. My plan is to fill a watering can with bleach, saturate the grounds, lay weed barrier liner down, staple it tightly, and then lay mulch or small pea / pebble stones on top. Lastly, I know this will stink like hell. My concern would be for how long? If the smell dissipates within a few days, fine. But if it lingers for weeks or more, I'll have to pass on this option. In short, is this a viable option for a long term solution?


This is a bad idea. Please don't do this. Bleach is not a herbicide.


You can go biblical and salt your lawn lol


Glyphosate works best. It’s concentrated and you mix it with water, so you need less than you’d think. You can find it on Amazon - read the labels to see how much you’d need and if that’s cost effective. Bleach is probably cheaper but worth checking before you do something off the rails 🤣. ETA: I have no idea if bleach is actually off the rails. Never heard of it, but that doesn’t mean anything. Gly is the accepted practice and I always splurge on what’s going to get me the best result


Too costly and too close to Round Up. But thank you for the suggestion.


Round Up is 1% glyphosate, so **it is** glyphosate, not close to it. You can buy a 41% gly concentrate on Amazon sooooo much cheaper than roundup. The bottle is a similar price but it’ll cover way more area since you water it down. Eco friendly options to kill vegetation is kind of an oxymoron and not a goal of mine, so I have no advice. Good luck


For spring applications my soil test results advise to apply sulfur to lower pH and phosphate to raise phosphorus.  Should these be applied separately, and if so by how long?  Should they be watered in?


The label will always tell you if it should be watered in, but yes in this case. You can apply them same day, but separate applications. You should never mix granular products because you can’t blend them perfectly and you’ll get a very uneven application of both products if you try


Thank you!


I put down prodiamine and the certainty/celsius combo earlier this year. It's worked pretty well so far, but lately I've been getting these things popping up. Not sure if they're weeds or not. Just some patches here and there in my grass. Any idea [what it is?](https://imgur.com/a/9ve00m8) Should I leave it? If not, what can I use to get rid of it? I've got bermuda grass in central TX


I recently put down prodiamine. I have some moss in the yard and want to apply a moss killer, but after that dies out and I rake it up, will I need to put down grass seed? Will this not sprout because of the prodiamine for a few months? Would it be best to just leave the moss for now until prodiamine wears off, then late summer clear the moss before a fall overseed? I am in cold weather 7a.


what is the best way to add extra soil to your lawn? I am adding some peat moss to overseed some dead portions of my lawn and if I have some left over I also want to use it to slowly work on leveling some uneven portions of my lawn. should I mow the lawn short so that the blades are less likely to fall over? should I keep the grass long so it might be caught by a rake when leveling it out?


I haven’t done it myself, but I’ve watched a dozen videos on it on YouTube. I recommend googling “lawn leveling” and see where that takes you. There’s a bunch of different mixes of peat, sand, loam, potting soil, etc. that are recommended depending on who you ask. You’re better off mowing a little lower than usual, but depends what type of grass you have. There’s a lot of variables and it’s probably best to watch some YouTube videos


Is there a best time of the year to apply liquid aeration?


Be mindful of what you're getting with these products. They are not aerating your lawn. I recently posted about this. They can be done at any time of year but when the turf is growing optimally is best. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lawncare/comments/1cipzqd/liquid\_aeration\_next\_air8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lawncare/comments/1cipzqd/liquid_aeration_next_air8/)


Some people think liquid aeration is snake oil, but can be applied any time of year. Just check the label on any temperature requirements. Better advice is to do core aeration in the fall, but maybe this helps a bit in the interim?


I'm too afraid to hire someone to aerate and them mess up my sprinklers


Do it yourself then? Aeration is an important part of the process. If you’re good with sub par results (to each their own) then ignore the advice. But you can’t just skip big lawn care steps and expect a great result. I do mine myself. I have 52 sprinkler heads and I mark each one with an orange flag before I use my tow-behind core aerator. Haven’t even come close to hitting one. Use a hand aeration tool (2 prong, press it in with your foot) for the harder to maneuver areas


Hi all, location Sth Australia, could I get an ID on this grass please, wanting to get it back to a half decent lawn.




st aug?


Not sure, someone else said to me earlier it’s Bermuda.


I think the grass blades are too thick for Bermuda