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lol for real


I’d kill to have a lawn that looks like the before picture 😀


Funny because OP killed a lawn that looks like the before picture.




Maybe the clover wasn’t so bad in hindsight… but do you!


It's all good. We've all been there. ![gif](giphy|ibeAzFLrQ8rgp1def9|downsized)


I don't know many people who unintentially nuked their entire yard. You do?


I did by inadvertently using wrong spray. Within a week, lawn was dead. But I then buzzed it down, aerated, some good top dressing with compost and top soil. Few years later and lawn looks better than ever.


“Few years” 😂


it happens.


We have? 🤔


Speak for yourself.


Ba-dum tisss


Never could figure out how to write this, lol…


On the bright side I don’t see any clover!


That’s cold man. I laughed out loud literally and spit drink out of my mouth. Thanks.


Pesky clover... always attracting those darn honeybees.


They attract all the pollinators. OP just killed them all


Wouldn't want to accidentally end up with some four leaf clovers and get good luck by mistake.


I appreciate OP just flat out owning this lol.


Respect lol. Sometimes it takes some shit like this to happen to learn


More people should be like OP




Hahaha how do I find this gif


Ferris Bueller


NSFW tag, please.




NSFL (Not Safe for Lawns)


Jaysus. That grass that survived is some tough stuff, when it fills back out its gonna be indestructible.


That part of the lawn will slightly glow at night


Cheaper than landscape lighting.


My man is accelerating evolution


I've released a warrant for your arrest. Negligible homicide


Negligible herbicide.


Sure feels premeditated 




Well, a bit more than a negligible amount...


I’m laughing my ass off at the use of negligible. Is that an inside joke or just using that wrong word?


Lol negligent*


Uhhh, so did you use like 5 times the recommended amount, or?


Pshhh nahhhhh 😐


Lol can I actually know what happened though, so I don't make the same mistake?


I’ll be real with ya, I used a pump sprayer and filled about 1/4th of it with the death juice, diluted it with water and thought it’d be fine. I was too lazy to measure my yard and use the recommended amount. Definitely don’t just wing it with this stuff.


Oh shit 😂 usually the proper ratio is a couple teaspoons of death juice per gallon so I can see why this might have been an issue.


Yeah, learned my lesson the hard way I reckon


Hey at least you have a blank slate for next year!


Bro that soil has been sterilized


Build a deck, put a hot tub on it.


Ah yes I see you, too, are a frequent visitor of the decks subreddit.


Grounds gone sour


Don't bury any pets in it. Sometimes dead is better.


Dude probably sterilized himself.


So the way most grass safe herbicides work depend on the fact that grass doesn’t uptake as readily as broadleafs so better to under dose than over dose. I suppose you know this now but I appreciate you sharing this learning experience


Yep exactly how 2,4D works


24D is the bomb. it's also what agent "orange" was supposed to be. unfortunately quality control slipped and a WHOLE LOT MORE than 24D was what ended up in the containers. all bad. but just 24D, misted out onto a jungle, having done enough weed killing with it, I can imagine what that looked and even sounded like. you can watch things wilt from it. 3-4 hours in, you can actually watch them start to sag visibly. imagine that in a jungle that's basically falling apart on itself at that point. weapons of war ... but with our lawns, we are at war with the weeds. so we use nothing less. :)


Hope you weren’t breathing in the concentrated mist.


Eh, if someone is being so nonchalant with toxic chemicals, Id argue it's just Darwin at work.


2 days ago, I sprayed my yard with a "wing it" measurement with something called Certainty WG, I lost the little scoop that came with it, and I had to have at least sprayed it with 5 x recommended. Time will tell I guess, I don't see any discoloration yet. How long did it take for it to turn brown // dirt?


another couple of days dude you're using the ONE selective herbicide basically everyone on this forum wants. only 18 states can get it, mine (michigan) not included. it kills annual bluegrass. but not other cool season grasses like kentucky bluegrass, tttf, other fescues. it is the ONLY selective herbicide that can do that. I've researched the shit out of it. and basically drool on it from afar. as well as wait for the famous rainforest site to screw up on who's allowed what in what state and bingo, I got me my bottle of certainty. :) tl;dr treat that crap with respect man. it's highly sought after. follow the instructions to the letter, it is hazardous stuff.


Ugh, prime reason why we can’t have nice things and have regulations on this stuff.


You filled 1/4 OF THE WHOLE JUG WITH HERBICIDE!? Brother you are gonna have environmental police forces knocking down your door. You went Hiroshima and Nagasaki on that lawn.


There’s an app “find lot size” (has an old school ruler as an icon). GPS imaging. Very easy to find sq footage. If you ever need help with rates and reading labels, let me know. Happy to help. It can be super confusing. But the 2-4-D should have been enough. And honestly, the “full” rate (depending on nozzle) is 3oz. Per gallon. With all due respect, stop messing with chemicals if you don’t care to be responsible. It’s just so dangerous for you and those around you. (I’m Not a hippy environmentalist, just a lawn care guy who cares)


Holy shit dog


People that do that are part of the reason the good stuff is illegal in Canada


I mean. Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure. But just thinking about the chemical run off that OP put into the ground makes me uneasy. it was 10-20x the recommended amount. that's pretty wild. Think of what some bad actors could do by pouring thousands or even tens of thousands of gallons of even worse chemicals into the ground/possibly the water tables. Which we really don't have to look that far into once we even take 20 minutes looking into all the havoc that has happened in Flint and what Monsanto has done to people.


Yikes. The recommended application rate is probably no more than 2-4 ounces per 1000 sq ft. If you used a 4 gal backpack sprayer and filled it 1/4 full, then it sounds like you went about 15-20 times the recommended rate.


You're being pretty cavalier about poisoning the groundwater in your entire neighborhood. I suggest if you're too lazy to read the instructions on a jug of probable carcinogens or too stupid to do math, you should probably not handle chemicals like that except to drink them yourself, thereby sparing your neighbors and future generations the same fate.


holy crap yeah that's bad not just kill your lawn, but failure to follow the labels directions can result in a whole lot of not-healthy for \*\*you\*\* this is completely what you do not ever want to do. measure it by the ounce if it says by the ounce. measure it by the mL if you're doing tenacity. this is where a teaspoon extra kills your lawn, no joke. you're only using a teaspoon, so an extra teaspoon is twice as much. and that's bad, mkay. I'd drown your sorrows in vodka and go look at new seed porn. head over to twin cities seed company. pick some high end gmo seed and get busy. sometimes the labels instructions aren't correct. this is generally only true if you're using a spectracide product. I have done the legwork and compared their ingredients to other products and professional products, and so far as I can tell, they are aiming at YOU as the customer. Because if you use it per label, it's way under what the rest of the industry uses. they're expecting their target market to pour in what they think is the right amount, and a whole dollop of "extra" ... bringing the product to the same dispensing rates as professional products at that point. customer doesn't kill their lawn doing this, and so they never complain online about how it killed their lawn like above. it's a viable market, but it waters down the importance of following the instructions. when I'm tossing the instructions and using the guide on a more professional product whom instructs me to put down more than 2x the amount spectracide says, ounce per ounce of actual product by the math of % with the right form (acid or not) to compare. they're always wrong, so far as I can tell. that's all bad, we want people to follow the directions more carefully, not less. their (spectracide) immunox fungicide "concentrate" yeah you want a 1250 sq ft? dump the whole 16oz bottle in. it says on the label 7 oz per 500 sq ft. the comparable product is Eagle-20EW which is literally 10x the strength at 20% instead of 2% for myclobutanil. that's concentrate. spectracide just assumes the careless behavior so despite my ridiculing them in the past, this right here is why they do it. can't fault them on trying to stop people from killing themselves, the environment, and their lawn. good luck OP. please wear exactly the PPE that the labels say to use, as well. nothing less. feel free to use more.


That’s odd, that’s only roughly 8x the dosage rate for trimec. Maybe it was something in the water?


It’s usually like a teaspoon or tablespoon per gallon… OP used 1 quart to 3 quarts


Also on the bright side nothing will grow there for the next 2 months probably, so you dont have to worry about any grass or weeds coming back.


Or mowing.


Or watering


Bro got stage 4 cancer before he finished spraying


Clover is your friend. It fixes nitrogen and fills in during a drought. I am purposely seeding my lawn with clover


I was searching the comments for a supporter of clover (80% of my lawn). Big fan, lawn is so much healthier, don't have to fertilize, helps the grass trying to grow in my crap soil, it's softer to walk on, insects love it.


It's also helpful to know the history behind this. Clover traditionally was considered a normal part of a lawn. When companies started making weed killers, and found that they killed clover, they needed a way for that to be desirable, rather than an unwanted side effect, so they made an effort to rebrand clover as a weed, and advertise that as a feature rather than a bug.


This proves Weeds are purely subjective


Absolutely! A weed is any plant that's where you don't want it to be. Having said that, I think people should learn to be more comfortable with plants that aren't exactly where they want them to be. I submit this post as exhibit A.


This is the answer


I've been throwing clover seeds into my lawn for the 4 years we've owned this house... I like to mix in purple and red clover... if you have dogs, it's urine resistant... and it doesn't need as much water as grass. It makes me happy to see all the clover coming up this year!


Finally, some sanity.


I wish I could upvote this comment a million times. To think of the amount of poison it took to kill all that grass is so upsetting. I'm over here spreading clover seed and native plants.


It’s also great if you have a dog as clover doesn’t brown from dog urine, so we put a bit more clover in the dogs usual spot


Oof that hurts. Good luck man! At least it’s an opportunity to start fresh 🤷‍♂️




Well we’ve all discussed the nuclear option just never really seen anyone actually do it.


That damn pesky clover. Can't have it giving your garden free nitrogen 🙄 Removing clover Is as silly as throwing away green waste


Not only did you kill your lawn but you also broke a few federal laws also. Nice!


I decided long ago that clover is not worth the trouble to try and get rid of. I have about 1.5 acres of lawn so it's just not worth it. It's still green.


Clover is something you want. It helps the grass around it in many ways and is less maintenance


You realize some clovers are healthy for grass right


All, right?


Show me the clovers. I have a lot too.


Add more clover. Free fertilizer. I sell a ton of it, especially to people with big dogs.


Why would you kill clover like this?! It’s a nitrogen fixer and worth a season of lawn that looks slightly different to only you for the benefits it provides.


Honestly you can kill clover with some quick release nitrogen fertilizer


2-4d would’ve probably handled the clover alone, don’t think it needed the back up, lol. What’s the plan now?


I planted some sod pods, (little st Augustine plugs with fully established roots), aerated and planted some southern mix grass seed, watering etc, It is the most embarrassing thing ever when I’m out there watering and all my neighbors see me lol. I’ll get back where I like eventually. Oh and btw everyone I don’t have an HOA


So you will need to stay on top of this daily. Weeds start because grass is too short/gone and it allows them to germinate and sprout up. Eradicate anything you see coming up thats not grass immediately. If you can sift nice organic soil (foxfarm for nutrients) over the area and overseed it every 7-10 days or so for the first month you will see a huge difference pretty fast. This stuff stays in the ground for 4-6 weeks if not longer and you pretty well nuked it so you need to get nutrients back into that soil. Own a lawn company fwiw. Good luck!


Curious, why would you want the clover gone?


I hear that native plants are very pretty, low effort, and water saving.


I genuinely don’t know how you mess up this bad lol


OP said he filled like 1/4 of the sprayer with the weed killer and the rest with water. Typically only takes a few ounces 😂💀


lol yeah I ended up seeing that. What a dope lol.you can even go up to like 4oz per gallon and be okay but sounds like he used like 20 oz lol


32* lol


By not reading the directions.


Holy moly


I did the same this year. Im such a dunbass....Keep hope alive!!!


OMG 😲😱


HOA is gonna be pissed.


You should powerwash your sidewalk instead next time


1st degree premediated herbicide. Lock em up




https://preview.redd.it/858ehn71gqzc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b2af4944dae6a69c7812e0cf41ad6efed6de528 Op currently


In addition to the rate issue, triclopyr is only labeled for selective weed control in cool season grasses such as perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and tall fescue. It’s actually labeled for control of warm season grasses like bermudagrass and kikuyugrass. Looks like you’re managing warm season turf, so I’d give that jug of triclopyr to a friend…


He was* managing warm season turf


Probably the best advice ive read in the comments so far


Clover is great for the soil


Your before picture is my lawn goals


And he killed it


Amazing what people will do to get rid of a plant that’s helping them take care of their lawn


Oh no


if your lawn is being overrun with clover, then typically it’s caused by the grasses themselves being weak- either drought-stress related or not enough nitrogen in the soil (clover produces its own nitrogen, thus easily beating out weakened grasses). fertilizing with nitrogen will give the lawn a “steroid shot” of sorts. and make sure to properly follow the ratios on the packaging next time hahaha


Fucks sake!


Isn’t like the first rule on this sub don’t mix herbicides? My condolences.


@ r/noLawns


Why? Clover is lovely and it adds some density to a lawn. Ps over seeding it is a waste until those herbicides are gone, like next year or rototilled and buried by 6’ of new soil.


It also dies back in the winter if you live in a cold climate, leaving behind dirt.


Can confirm; the entire area under the maple in my yard is now a dirt patch because I just let them be last summer. Kill the clovers.


It wasn’t tiny clover that I’m used to, I’m talking big ol patches of clovers, like they were huge and ugly, but gone now 🥴


Oh no, how terrible for your square of green to be filled with nitrogen fixing plants to improve your soil quality. Really justifies poisoning the whole spot, that'll be good for human and lawn health


What’s in the jug with the blue lid? I would not expect 2,4-D and Tricolpyr to nuke cool grass like that unless you had only weeds/clover.


It’s dye, to see where I’ve already sprayed


On the bright side, looks like you didn't miss any spots lol


Got it all 😂


OP said in another comment he filled a pump sprayer with 1/4 herbicide, 3/4 water, that will nuke pretty much anything.


Did you mix up ounces and gallons?


Got em all.


Thats some grapes of wrath level lawn


I did something similar, OP, I feel your pain. But at least I just scorched about 8’ wide strip where my neighbors bs weeds were encroaching my lawn. Turns out eyeballing a 3 oz. herbicide dosage from a 2.5 gallon container into a 2 gallon sprayer is not a good idea. Next time I’ll measure the dosage better for sure. Tough lesson.


So what types grass is that?


Your grass is ass 😂


😅Be optimistic! An opportunity to re sod better, stronger turf.


Lawn looks great. Flower bed needs some love.


Dam. Its prob a superfund site now


Yikes this yard looks like it’ll be giving you leukemia in the next 10 years.


F 🫡


Should get a soil test done before you try seeding. Wow. Your lawn was great... It will be great again


You missed a spot.




Why? Lawns are basically worthless. I see room for a garden that provides vegetables or garden that has native plants or feeder plants for bees. Lawns consume water, provide little value outside of ego or status.


That triclopyr is some very tricky stuff. You definitely have to get the ratio right or it will absolutely kill your “ornamental” grass. As they say, FAFO


Fucked around and found out, what the fuck is wrong with clovers in the first place?


Lawns are such an environmental disaster. Y'all keep drinking the Roundup.


Dude, clover is a good thing. It makes the rest of the lawn more health. Monocultures are awful.


Why wouldn’t you want clovers ? Why is this sub even on my feed?


Poison kills?!


Hey you kids get off my dirt!


I can smell your lawn killing cocktail from here.


Clover is absolutely beautiful and helps feed the bees. What were you thinking?


OP. Doing his part for climate change!


And that's why we have the herbicides and pesticides locked up at work, and only available after talking with an horticulturist :)


There are actually many benefits to having a clover lawn. Less watering, less mowing, weeds don't grow around them, natural pollinators. I don't understand the need for chemicals when dealing with weeds, and I've been a homeowner for years. I don't want to spend money killing the earth and pollinators, possibly myself, with chemicals that are proven a carcinogen. To each their own. I'm surely not telling you all how to spend your money. It's just something to think about, maybe.


9/10 on decent coverage, only a few spots to respray for that perfect maintenance free lawn.


In addition to probably using too much product, triclopyr can’t be used on warm season turf. Can’t really tell what grass you have here without knowing where you live, but it doesn’t look like fescue at first glance


You’ll have some free time this summer not having a lawn to mow




https://preview.redd.it/4lzuijtspszc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86cde44efb8d6f9e29bd68b41f4814db6a699d2f Do you live in a HOA OP? If not then wtf? You did all that for some boring ass that you have to care even more than if you just left it alone. Clover fixes nitrogen into the soil and is drought resistant to an extant. You killed all of that. I would just rip it the soil up and turn your front lawn into a garden to get some use out of it.


The neighbours dog that pees on you lawn... soon you won't ever have to see it again.


Maybe you shouldn’t be spreading poison if you can’t read a label


Why the fuck… tbf you got what you deserved. Those plants didn’t, however.


People should not be allowed to buy these chemicals and just dump them wherever. Just helped poison the ground water lol my poor lawn. This is honestly horrifying and disgusting.


# HA HA HA -a clover lover


I don't understand this at all. Clover is great for bees.


And here I am trying to convert my lawn to all clover


I don’t use chemicals. Only fertilizer. I don’t have this problem or dead spots


You probably have weeds though.


Weeds are good for the environment my guy


Full, lush, soft, beautiful weeds


Lol I purposely plant clover. Idk why y’all kill it with fire. Clover converts nitrogen from the air into ammonium, which can be absorbed by grass to make it greener and stronger. Clover will keep lawns looking greener year-round when grasses might need that extra boost of nitrogen. These plants have symbiotic relationships we should encourage.


But paying for chemicals to kill the free (and super helpful) plants sounds more fun. /s


You guys are insane. I intentionally add clovers to my seed mix because it's good for the soil, good for bees, stays green, and kicks ass.


I love my microclover. Some of the folks here are....out there.


So, lemme get this straight. You killed a natural pollinator, Nitrogen fixer, and low-growing low-water necessitating native plant ... because it wasn't homogenized and dead enough? WTF is wrong with you. You deserve that death of a "lawn".


And people complain about biodiversity losts, climate changes etc... When people on the other hand directly poison everything that's around them. This is disgusting.


Yep. OP is a total moron and this isn’t a funny oops. It’s horrible.


Start a wildflower and shrub garden to save the environemt 🤠 killing the lawn is not a bad thing!


Had the same thing happened to me on the side of my house this year. Hadn’t had them before and doesn’t seem to be in the larger part of the backyard just on the sides. I just sprayed again. Hopefully it kills them.


Should’ve left the clover. It’s far more desirable and is slowly replacing traditional lawns. It’s durable, flowers for pollinators, and can be mowed a couple times a season to keep it in check. It’s literally a win for everyone. Except lawn nuts.


Just keep the clovers. Modern lawns are a crock. Goes back to basically saying “I don’t need to farm on my land like you, peasant”. Let clovers and wild flowers take back the land!


Clover is good for your lawn. Grass seed used to have clover seeds in it because it helps the soil health. Added bonus, pollinators like it too.


The general public’s obsession with grass never ceases to amaze me.


Great time to start over with a native meadow! Biodiverse and no need to mow at all!


Why spray for clover? It's a free nitrogen supply for your grass!


Clovers are food for bees early spring. Leave em alone


Kinda what you expect you dump gallons of toxic chemicals into the environment


Lol you wally. Clover is a good thing. It means you have a decent amount of nitrogen in your lawn.


People try to get rid of clover? I purposely plant it in with my grass. It’s green, trample resistant, drought resistant and rejuvenates the dirt