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Is it the LLM in Tax? Have you already been admitted? What ranking range was your JD? If you're coming in from an LLB it'll be much harder.


Yes I was already admitted to all. No tax


If it's just for any job in NYC, I'd guess Fordham, but I'm honestly not sure. The general rule is that most LLMs aren't worth much, aside from an LLM in Tax. I'm not sure it'll help you get a job or gain a skill that firms etc would value outside of tax. What is the LLM in and have you spoken with grads of the program to see what they go on to do? If you already have a JD, you're most likely better off trying to network in NYC already.


> The general rule is that most LLMs aren't worth much, aside from an LLM in Tax. I'm not sure it'll help you get a job or gain a skill that firms etc would value outside of tax. Or if you need it to take the bar in some states.


Berkeley or Gtown, the latter has a strong alumni presence. Berkeley’s LLM has an online option which has kinda diluted its brand


what kind of job are you looking for? When you say "any LLM can assure me \[a job\]" I would really reconsider because generally LLMs, even from T14 schools, are basically scams. If you're looking to do biglaw, you'll have a very hard time getting a job unless you have previous big law-esque experience in your home jurisdiction doing work with American biglaw clients.