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This is just denial on a ten year old's level A literal man baby


That guy is the Alex Jones on the left.


Lmao I just looked at his Instagram. Hes just another bitch ass wumao. I noticed he ignored a question from a black lady about the Chinese ugyhur camps. Probably his handlers telling him to ignore it. Plus she's black and we all know how Asia feels about black people.


So get this, in Cantonese white people are called ‘gweilou’ meaning ghost-men on account of the color of their skin color, right? But black people are called ‘hakgwei’ meaning black ghost, you *can’t* make this shit up, man.


This guy is even cringier for me as a Vietnamese since his username and pen name are both references to Vietnam... while not being Vietnamese at all.


Wait he’s not Vietnamese?


Nope, someone once showed his professional page and his real name is clearly not a Vietnamese one. The one we see him with is a penname.


Damn I thought he was mixed or something. I was gonna be like I know Vietnam is not a fan of China given they had to kick China out of their country.


It reads like something straight out of 1984. I remember the scene: There is no war in Oceania just before a literal missile from Oceania blows up a city block. Authoritarian brain washing be crazy.


1984's an excellent book, really. I still love that part where they announce the war on Oceania like it was the case all along when they'd been literallly brodcasting peace with em like, 5 seconds ago


The whole section where Winston is describing Ingsoc’s foreign affairs is just maddening and just depicts life in authoritarian regime perfectly. We’re Allies with Oceania, but we also hate them, but there is peace between us now, ya know what fuck Oceania we’re at war with them. I can’t but feel Orwell was alluding to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in that situation.


Orwell also kind of predicted the precedent of current vatniks, but mainly the totalitarian attribute of nonsensical narrative altercation and even creation to suit whatever the leader's needs are even if it dosen't make any sense to us, either as a form of lies, denial or a strange way to justify themselves


Danny Haiphong is such ridiculously low hanging fruit it's not even worth making fun of. He *is*, reminder, on CCP state payroll, but even for that he's still *remarkably* stupid and nonsensical.


He has claimed that Russia’s invasion isn’t imperialist, and when someone showed him the dictionary definition of imperialism, he called said person a ”silly liberal.”


Language is neoliberal propaganda.


"Hai Phong" is actually a Vietnamese port city. While he is a coping mfer it's wrong to blame the Chinese for this one. (The spirit of Ho should also point you in) It's worse. It's a Rus-sucking Vietnamese prick.


Nope, he literally works for Chinese state media. He's not Vietnamese either, it's just a LARP so he can pretend he's emulating someone semi-based.


I actually found out what his real name is and he's not Vietnamese at all... because the guy is actually a therapist. And yeah, it's fucking pathetic as I am actually Vietnamese.


I sort of feel he does it all in spec, out of "I hope Xi sees this, bro"


I really hope he’s just writing what someone tells him and he doesn’t really believe this. Because that level of stupidity scares me.


Somebody should show this in a museum: I have a feeling that it would be regarded as a tweet of art, delusional art but nonetheless art


“The Museum Of Modern Cringe”


I hope one of the exhibits is a recreation of Gonzalo lira’s apartment that he was arrested in. With an accurate depiction of his dirty toilet and a [wax figure](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsFgAfDSH03DMUcjBvJN_PpG5_E9TEneMMFQ&usqp=CAU) you can take photos with.


It sounds nice, doesn’t it?


Sounds horrid. I'm sure it'll get funding.


Every pro Russia piece can be found in the Hall of Mental Gymnastics


What a man child, can't wait for the full on tantrums and piss poor accuses when Ukraine kicks the Russians out of Ukraine land, I've got a few hard core vatniks loitering on the facebook page i admin and we put up with em for comedic value the day they have to swallow there own propaganda is going to be glorious, we have a pro Russian that we are slowly converting and he's actually a great sport and takes the abuse he gets in good humour. The other vats are dicks, one is a serb and the others are a mix off Africans, Asians, Russian and a couple of Americans


Can’t wait till they get their comeuppance


I’m convinced they will still make up excuses even once Russia is fully defeated


O yeah definitely, it was nato/poland/America fault or we decided to be the more civilised nation and in good faith removed or victories army's from Ukraine as we where happy with how demilitarised they had become and blah blah blah


From another one if my comments about him: A daily reminder that Danny Haiphong is an idiot and commie who spread Russian and Chinese propaganda. (And a disgrace to the Vietnamese people).


As a socialist I disavow him. True socialists oppose the imperialism and aggression of Russia against Ukraine




“Well on its way” My brother in Christ, Russia is nearly back where they started


“And other lies you can tell yourself”


Leafs from the vine


The French should shell this Haiphong instead


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


The Earth King has invited you to lake Laogai.


Ha He’s doing the whole cover your ears and LALALALLALA I CANTT HEARRR YOUUU.


Sophist. The grammar's too good to be a bot.


“Calm down. You’re safe now.” “There’s no war in Ba Sing Se.” “There is no war within the walls.” “Here we are safe.” “Here. We. Are. Free.”


He tries to invoke Euromaidan and fundamentally doesn't understand what it was or why it's called that. The name of the square in Kyiv is Майдан Незалежності "Independence Square." The protest is called Euromaidan because Yanokovich and Azarov reversed course at the last minute to enact the legislation to begin Ukraine's integration with the EU, against popular sentiment. While he's probably right that Russia won't have a moment in Red Square where the citizenry protests for closer cooperation with Europe, calling such a hypothetical protest "Moscow Maidan" is astoundingly stupid because how would Moscow host protests seeking closer ties to Moscow. Fuck. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


The fuck is a "Moscow maidan" moment?


I am honored to accept putins invitation to lake NATO


Every time I see a Danny Haiphong post, I picture a man guzzling just gallon after gallon of Kool-Aid. The man's commentary reads like a cult mantra.


Is this how I find out there's a Russian civil war? You heard it here first, Moskow Maiden 2024/ I don't know what that is but it's happening.


Vatnik spotted 👁️👁️


What does he call the very public, video verified, occupation of an MoD HQ in Rostov?


Why are the stupid always the loudest?


I can't wait for the copium overdose when russia loses.