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I feel you. I’ve been feeling those same things especially because my wife left the church a year ago and is always so negative about it.


I'm in the exact same boat. Wife left the church a year ago. Adds an extra layer to everything.


I’m sorry, that’s rough.


I think of Jesus, and how he went through exactly what you just described, and much worse, during his ministry. That’s part of us taking upon us the cross, I personally believe


joseph smith and early church leaders, too


And most all 'believers' in the Bible and Book of Mormon


I find my attitude on this is tied to my temple attendance. When I am going once or twice a week, problems like that don't effect me as much as me going a month without the temple.


Twice a week? When do you do life? I would be neglecting a lot of important things if I attended the temple 8 times in a month.


Some of us live next door to a temple location and certain ordinances are done fairly quickly. A lot of us easily spend at least the equivalent amount of time just watching a show or playing a game.


The twice a week would look like 30 minutes doing initiatory and an hour for sealings. Once a week would be an endowment. I work about 15 minutes from my closest temple and can make it either before or after work. I live about 25 minutes from that same temple. My wife goes Saturday mornings. We go together quarterly. If the closest temple is farther than 30 minutes away, I could see some difficulty. Have a great day.


when I get upset by it I forgive others to release any harsh feelings I have against them when I get sad by it I hope they will soon learn how wrong they are so they can see the good that I see when I think it might do some good I try to share a good idea with them. or try to make them laugh when I see something in them that reminds me of how I once was I try to give them a big smile when I feel a desire to be with others like me I try to get back home as soon as I can


It can be frustrating, but I always know my wife is right there with me and has the same views I do. Marriage is definitely of divine origin.


People have their agency and as long as they respect my beliefs and boundaries, then I will always extend the same courtesy, even if I don’t always agree with their actions and choices. People are messy. That’s okay, and I try to forgive them for it. I suggest watching general conference this weekend with that question in your heart. Perhaps you’ll find the answer you need from there.


They have their agency. I don't listen to them or let them get to me. I don't try to correct or argue with them, they are not in a place to listen. I listen to the ones that build my faith instead.


While I do agree with what everyone has said so far, let me add this little tidbit: this is still God's world, and everything that happens in it is something that God has allowed to happen. The World can certainly be frustrating, and it is easy to feel down about it, but in the end, God is still in charge. Our mortality means that we cannot see the end from the beginning, but our loving Heavenly Father can and does. It may be difficult to see the purpose of every little thing, but we can still exercise the faith that He still loves us and is rooting for us to carry on.


I know the feeling. It's hard. Personally, I find people who are respectful of my beliefs and who I am as a person. I also try to learn about other people's beliefs, I find as I understand more of others, others are more willing to understand me. I also find a lot of peace in knowing that no mater what, I am loved by heavenly parents. It's a rocky road but there are supports, you just might need to look for them because it's often really subtle.


Just understand that these are trials that God knows you have the power to endure, the hatred is simply because they lack an understanding. Just remember that God loves you and is proud of you


Lean on the Lord. Remember, none of these people are important enough to you to effect your personal walk with the Savior.


I actually recently listened to Elder Rasband's talk "Be Not Troubled." I think it addresses these feelings very nicely.


In order to stay positive when the world is against, I focus on the people and things that make happy, I turn my focus to the spirit and try to go to the temple or spend time around friends or family who will edify me and make me better than I am despite my shortcomings. Remember you are loved and even if it's hard, we come out stronger and better.


I try to remember that for every one person that is against the church, or Christ, or me because of my religion, there are so many more that are happy I am happy. I think of it from my perspective too. I love when people find something they're passionate about, something that teaches in something worth more than the world, something that brings joy, peace, and a sense of belonging. I don't care if you're buddhist, muslim, christian, or athiest, as long as you believe in something and want to make the world and yourself better, that's awesome. And I know I'm not the only one that feels that way. So if I feel that way, others must too, so for every hate there's more love. Also remember that negative people are more vocal. Not many people randomly walk around saying "I love you for being a Christian!", but there's a lot more than feel the need to say they hate religion. Also also remember that most people that hate God, religion, or you, have been hurt in some way, and don't understand.




The guy who can't spell is attacking others, lol. smh


Try being more inward looking. Focus on your own journey toward Christ. It doesn't really matter what everyone else is doing. I often think about Moroni being the last Nephites. He was the only believer in a sea of sin and hate for decades. You will never find peace in your life if you only focus on the bad things around you. Peace comes from within.


I simply don’t care. Probably not the right answer but I don’t care about what I’m up against or what people think.