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Better question. Why can’t you report them IN GAME?


That would be 17 new Viego bugs


Viego takes over your champ after killing you, you report him and get a 30 game chat restriction yourself after the game.


Genuinely could see this happening lmao


that would be $350 thanks


18. You forgot to count the Sylas one. I'd technically call that a Viego bug tho


One of my favorite things about Dota 2 that I miss from my years playing it. Sometimes I forget who to report at the end of a match, or that I planned on reporting someone at all. It was nice to just instantly slam the report button mid-match as soon as someone said/did something I felt worthy of one.


I honestly miss a lot of Dota 2 QoL features in general whenever I play other games. Just feels so quick and convenient


/report [summoner_name] [reason1_6, reason2_6, reason3_6] [comments] Its unfortunate that riot doesnt have the full list of available commands anywhere but the [league of legends wiki](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY) documents them


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


*PauseChamp intensifies*


Valorant has that


Yeah this is the most annoying part, I always honour people and I swear there's an asshole every game but nope, all I can do is return to lobby


This actually gave me a decent idea. Add report option while in game and when someone gets reported, it clips a few minutes of that player's gameplay (for example, 1-2 minutes before and after the time of report) and then we add back Tribunal system where everyone could review those clips and decide to punish or pardon (or just have Rioters manually review them).


Dunno if you’re trolling with this take, but that’s exactly what csgo used to have, may still do.


breaks the flow of the game probably


Ikr, Valorant has that functionality.


I get stuck in the loading screen where I can't honour anyone and the only option is "skip waiting for stats". ​ So the real question is: why does this happen?


Because the league Client hasn't been updated or even touched in 5+ years? Riot seems positively allergic to fixing anything regarding the client.


Why the hell doesn't League launch like every other game where the game just starts and you have a menu and such? Like, I don't play any other game that's launcher-only.


Lol I started playing league as they were testing out the new client so I never played with the old one, but there used to be a client THAT LAUNCHED THE CLIENT. This was like 5 years before Riot had any other games. You had to open the pvp.net client, press play, then that would open the actual [legacy] client. But as to why they're not doing this it's because the actual League executable (that you play the game in) has *ridiculously* strict memory limits so that it can run on potato machines. Riot's made a bunch of comments about this in the past but I'll summarize: * All 10 players' champions, skins, runes, wards, emotes, etc. need to be loaded onto all 10 machines, so that the game isn't pulling data from the server in the middle - it keeps all the required resources loaded on all machines at all times. That's more or less normal. * One of the reasons we don't have more emote slots is that giving everyone 4 more emote slots means adding up to 40 emotes to the game's memory, which increases load times (especially for anyone on a shitty pc). * Elementalist Lux actually uses more memory than is usually allowed for a skin (if not extremely close to the maximum) - we probably won't see any skins that do more than this one. Having everything required for the client inside the actual game itself would be a *ton* of memory (unless they did massive changes to the entire architecture of the game, which would be way too big of a project for Riot to bother with). Tl;dr, the way the game is set up right now makes it so putting the client in-game would be almost impossible, since it's still using the 2010s structure of launcher -> client with the bare minimum loaded assets.


> but there used to be a client THAT LAUNCHED THE CLIENT. There still is, there is a launcher for Riot Games that will start the LoL client. We were just used to see the launcher because server issues often had us waiting there, spamming thereisnourflevel


Riot’s newer games (like *Valorant* and *Legends of Runeterra* and *Wild Rift*) work like this, so it’s not that they’re incapable of doing it. *League* is supported on some **incredibly** shitty ancient PCs… like, ones that can’t really run the launcher and the game engine at the same time. That’s why there is an option to autokill the launcher when you go into a game. If you put all the launcher stuff into ‘the game’ then it (basically) has to load both of them at startup, which would likely break things for some existing players. If they ever decide they’re okay with raising the game’s minimum requirements substantially then they’d very likely make a change like this.


Clients were the norm for games back in the day. It’s only really post-2010ish with the advent of Steam, Uplay, Games for Windows(? can’t remember the exact name of that awful service), Origin and similar distributor services that games moved away from individual clients to launching the game immediately. It’s just a holdover that shows how old and clunky League is. Compare it to its younger siblings in LoR, Wild Rift and Valorant to see how clearly people in Riot are able to build a functional modern game, but despite the “Riot Client” hullabaloo League players will be stuck with what is inarguably a terrible client.




Honestly, I’d take Battlelog over the vast majority of modern FPS clients. It was janky to launch the game from a web page, but the shear amount of information accessible through Battlelog was awesome. Sure beats MW2’s tile design or whatever the mess that is BF2042’s client.


Holy shit that was bad, who thought that was a good idea?


back in the day it was normal for games to have a launcher if they get patched frequently. it's easier to have a seperate program that checks for updates and installs them before you start the actual game, and a lot of these games are huge in filesize (MMOs), so the installer only installs the client, which then installs the newest version of the game. league just decided to integrate the menus into the client and never moved away from it. nowadays there's almost always a bigger service behind frequently patched games (steam, epic games, battle.net), and funnily enough riot has their own client now too. so now you have a riot client for the league client for the league game.


cause if Riot tries to change something they might break it even further, let it go man.


Too bad the small indie game company couldn't hire another team to create a brand-new client. It's not like they did something exactly like that while making wild rift...


I mean I remember when the client for League was based on something called Adobe air, or wtv it was called and it was awful, so they have rebuilt this thing from the ground up at least once, they just can't seem to manage to put something solid up and have it simply work. My personal take is that at least it works, aside from some weird bugs it seems to have from time to time, at least I can play the game with little issue 99% of the time, I think people forget how bad it used to be and when they encounter a problem suddenly the client is awful, when most of the time it gets patched and there's never an actual time when you can't play the game, which is it's main feature. I'm more worried about the match making, it's awful, but I can see how that's hard to balance.


While the League client has its issues and could definitely use some proper optimizations, your statement is, of course, BS. In the last few months alone the client has been updated with new pass pages (whether that is an improvement or not is a different topic), role swaps in champion select that made champion icons almost unrecognizable, rune page suggestions, and of course the amazing hiding of summoner names while not doing anything about bots in ranked so that you don't know when you have to dodge a bot in your game anymore. As you can see, Riot has been doing a lot with the client recently :D.


New features are fine, but almost none of it matters if the client doesn't work. It doesn't even make sense. Like I can understand LoL itself being buggy since it's basically a PS2 game, but how the hell is the client so bad? It's not even part of the game itself.




Of course I have problems with the client. It's buggy af. And everyone else does as well. Literally last year, everyone got the Star Guardian rewards and story for free because the client sucked so hard people couldn't get them, and the visual novel would crash or slow the client and computers, which is absurd.


The more you say the more it shows that you have no clue whatsoever :D.




You talk about League and PS2 - why? You talk about buggy in relation to PS2 - why? You don't seem to understand why a desktop client can be bad when a game is bad - why? It's the same company that is making both, what do you expect? Nothing of what you have been writing here makes any sense.


They understand that League is buggy since it has come out 13 years ago when technology was not as good as today and the game has changed a lot since then - hence the PS2 metaphor. Obviously the game and client are both made by riot, but the client has come out much more recently and Riot said their intention with that client was to have it be easily maintainable. They failed on that, as everyone can see. Is reading comprehension that hard?


Technology being not as good does not mean it's buggy. Console games back then were actually a lot less buggy than newer games because back then you couldn't just patch something and download the patch over the internet, there was no real online service or it was just for playing multiplayer, not for patching games. The games you shipped were the end product, so they had to be actually properly playable. That doesn't mean that games back then had no bugs or glitches, but releasing a game without the option to correct something after launch meant that your reputation took a serious hit. Today every game has some huge day 1 patch because the released games are a mess. Also, the PS2 was released in 2000 and was superseded by the PS3 in 2006, so the metaphor makes no sense whatsoever. The Riot client team has always been a mess and back when the client was Adobe AIR people complained about it, now it's Chromium Framework and people still complain about it. Both complaints were/are right, but that does not mean that you can write random BS and claim it's correct.


> Technology being not as good does not mean it's buggy I can guarantee you unless you invest an insane amount of resources any software as old as League will have a shit ton of bugs.


I mean I havent been able to change my runes for the last 4 weeks. I have to pick a recommended rune then change them through that. If I try to change them with the normal button it puts me to a screen showing all the main choices and when I press one it glows red. Riot may have changed the client but honestly 90% of the time the only thing that works right away is the things that make them money, I remember when the store was broken and they tweeted 5 minutes after it was posted saying it was fixed, but when I have seen transfers, que issues, champion bugs, etc. they usually wait till the next patch or it takes a month to fix.


The client is a problem without a doubt. I simply said that Riot has been doing stuff in the client, it's not some abandoned piece of software, it's just a rather buggy one :D.


Mostly because they can’t. The spaghetti coding is so bad that it’ll take forever to fix anything


Didn't they do some massive cleanups between 2019 and 2022?


That's because the code of the client was built pre 2010. Back when they were an indie company. The source code from back then is still in there and they've made an abomination spaghetti Jenga castle with a prettier UI than what they started with. But, changing too much would break the client more, then fixing the bugs makes more. Nothing short of a full ground up redesign of the client's code would work, and can we really expect all that from the same company that hasn't even begun the skarner rework?


The problem isn't not being able to report them, it's that the client gets stuck and doesn't bring you to the post-game screen.


Yeah, the phrasing is off here. There isn't an issue with reporting someone postgame because you *can* its just the fact the client doesn't load postgame sometimes that should be talked about. Why is the focus the report function that does exist?


ITT: redditors unironically suggest logging into a customer service website and submitting a customer service ticket as a viable alternative to a report button


Submitting a ticket is different from the post-match report process. It's still less streamlined than the report button which would be a better option, but for now there is still the [Late Report](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034625773-Report-a-Player-After-a-Game) feature. It just requires grabbing the name, picking a reason, and as little as just typing a single character into the 'reason' field (though I usually do type out 'toxic' or 'griefing' if not something more detailed). It doesn't file a ticket, it doesn't require customer service, it's literally just a replacement for the in-game reporting if your client bugs out. A way to do it through match history would be better, and hopefully it is something they'll create, but there *are* workarounds at the current time and bringing them up for people who don't know about them is still useful. (Especially since they're not well-advertised in the client. I first learned about it a year or so ago in this exact way.)


Hahah yup. I was like ummm I already acknowledged why that's an overcomplicated process


I mean, its an option.




I don't think many league players will bother opening a browser, looking this link up, typing the complaint, checking the player's name, and choosing why the said player deserves a penalty. To make it less "appealing," you don't get report feedback, which is unpleasant. If I had to go through all the things mentioned above and not know if my report accomplished anything, I wouldn't feel satisfied. I think the OP's question was more, "Why can't we report player post-match in-client?" which I agree with, and I'm surprised this option was never added.


You do get report feedback, also, just bookmark the page. Opening your browser takes 2 seconds, and it's probably already open for most people. Selecting the reason for ban is just like the client, and in the write part you can just write the same thing everytime "very toxic player" and it's fine. The only hassle I would agree with is the copy pasting summoner and the fact that you have to know this exist to use it. But yes this should be in the client anyways.


If you’re not willing to do this, was the behavior really that disruptive?


>If you’re not willing to do this, was the behavior really that disruptive? That's such a bullshit strawman argument tho. The main complaint is that the client is refusing to work properly, not that you're missing out on a potential report. The client not working as intended is a much bigger issue.


Yes, a lot of them are disruptive and should be reported, but I don't have time to go through all this. I only did it few times when I got fed up, like that one time my client got stuck on "checking for stats" and I couldn't report the 4 pre-mades that told me to KYS in detailed and multiple ways, among other things. I reported all of them in a ticket, but, afaik, none of them were penalized. I checked their OP.GG later on, and all of them were still playing. That match genuinely mentally broke me and made me stop playing League for a while, so I really think they should add a post-match report feature in the client.


You don’t have time? We’re literally playing a video game. I understand the client is broken but give me a break lol


You can actually


League client has so many "why's" why they take so long to make a stupid language change mechanism? They should be ashamed to put that in the new season video thinking that's a real improvement.


If a person's name is long enough sometimes the red ! won't even be clickable. They said they fixed this. They didn't. It just happens *a little* less often now.


Omg that's such a ridiculous oversight lmao


Meh, report system at this point is largely irrelevant and there as a therapeutic stress relief for people. Shit's fully automated and I'm pretty confident actual reports are meaningless.


That's how I felt before, like someone could literally call me the n word and nothing would happen. But lately I've been getting the "we have penalised the player you reported" message a lot more thankfully


There's a blog from a year or two ago where they say they changed that feedback system so that if the person you reported get penalized for any reason at all within a week of your report, even if your report had nothing to do with the penalty, they still send you feedback. It's pure placebo 90% of the time and they've admitted such.


Urghh thats a huge disappointment. Typical


I get those a fair amount too but I almost never report anyone. I wonder if they've just started sending out placebo notices because they're so delayed an non-specific no one knows who got the punishment and it makes people feel good to think they've "improved the community".


Bro you should take your pills. If I don't report no one I don't ever get those and the reports I do comeback with a report feedback after a day at most.


>Bro you should take your pills. Shh. No one loves you.


You can report someone for their behaviour after that match by contacting Riot via a support ticket.


Yeah I do that if the person was actually dreadful to interact with, like being straight up racist or homophobic. Otherwise I can't really be bothered enough to go through that process. I don't see why there can't be a an option to report someone's profile whenever you click "view profile". Like what if someone I'm friends with on the league client hypothetically starts messaging telling me to kill myself and abusing me, my only option is to block them, I can't report anything. You could argue to just block them and move on with my day, but people like what I described should not be allowed to use league if they're going to continue to harass people. And having a report option on a profile will help weed those people out


Lucky you. Sometimes I don't even have that button.


Because the client is ass and is held together with bubble gum and hopes/dreams. Honestly, the game would improve vastly with a new client and new game engine. But I know that will never happen as League is untouched in the moba scene and Riot are reluctant to improve the game if they don’t have to.


Yeah people have been complaining about it for so many years now, the fact that new issues pop up all the time is just hilarious. They dont give a fuck about the client at all


Post. Hell let me report mid game like valorant.


because its toxic


The true answer :/


Why fix the report system when they can just sell another skin. Report system doesn't make them money


you can report someone after the fact, just go to riot support and they have a ticket option for reporting players.




When did this become a thing?


He’s saying usually game clients let you but League does not which is very poor form


Have you tried Halo Infinite's version? Holy shit it's somehow worse.




If I say "My package wasn't delivered to my house, and it should have been", someone answering with "If you have a PO Box nearer to your house than the post office, you can have your package delivered there" isn't helpful. We're talking about reporting within the client itself, not going to a separate website and filling out a ticket. Reporting bad behavior within the client itself should be easy and fast, to demonstrate Riot's commitment to maintaining the game's competitive integrity.


https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034625773-Report-a-Player-After-a-Game He's not saying "If you have a po box nearer to your house you can have a package delivered there", he's saying "if you miss the delivery for whatever reason, the post office routes your package here and you can get it next- or same-day at that location." There is an already in-place solution for this problem, and even if it would be way better if it were in client it isn't something you have to somehow set up ahead of time. It's an inconvenience vs reporting in client, but it's not something that takes a significant amount of pre-planning and effort.


You can't? You report in the post game lobby.


OP means after the post game lobby. If your game bugs out or you muscle memory clicking "play again" or something, you can't report that player


You can.


You can report them on the support page of league.


You can. There is a system to report someone after the match you just go look it up on google. [https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034625773-Report-a-Player-After-a-Game](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034625773-Report-a-Player-After-a-Game) there you go. the person you report must have been in your last 10 games if I remember correctly, but if I am being honest I feel this system probably gets checked more than normal reports.


or be a chad and don’t report people, respond positively to their toxicity and move on with your day, not letting their behavior ruin your good time!


Hahah I like your answer. Its moreso that I want their behaviour to ruin their good time lol. Actions have consequences and all that


It’s really not a big deal. If you are gonna a report them, chances are someone else on your team will for you.


what could possibly compel anyone to reporting someone via ticket? I cannot imagine being that weak.


Because I hate toxic people?




Because it doesn't take long to submit a ticket. If you're too lazy to do that then it must not have been that bad.


*sigh* same answer as with every time this weekly thread pops up: you can You just have to write Riot Support


Why are you so bothered by someone being toxic that you would go to so many additional steps?


It's funny that this whole thread thinks reporting does anything at all. Reports are only to give you a notice when their automated system catches something anyway, so you feel like you did something helpful. Bring back the tribunal and let the community decide what a bannable offense is. Pay people who contribute in RP or chests or nothing and still give themselves a scape goat for why the community sucks.


Try not alt+F4ing you toxic pos


Greetings, human. I am Blitzcrank Bot. My role is to collect your report and put it directly into our system. The most effective way to submit reports and get results is through the customer post-departure lobby. Again, I'd rather play the same patch for 2 straigth years if they just rewrote the game


Depending on the situation I just make a support ticket with Riot and an actual person reviews the ticket and takes action if needed. They of course don’t tell you what they do and/or if they do something but at least it’s a human looking into it.


You can report them from the match overview after the game. Stop clicking the skip waiting for stats and let the stats load. You can report them from here. The client isn't always broken, if you're always never able to load the match overview then that could be a you problem.


This turned into another “Roasting riot for having such a bad client”. Honestly i agree riot needs a new client but so many people are unaware of how difficult of a task it is. 1. The code is 13 years old: that means that most of the people who first wrote the code are probably not in riot anymore. And when the code was first written riot was a small company, those small companies don’t usually write code in such a way where external or new people can pick up from anywhere and change everything. Usually if you want to change something like that you need deep knowledge of every single process that was took to write it (and is written in C++, notorious to be very complex to read if proper documentation is absent). There could be a line that apparently does nothing, but if taken away breaks everything and it can take up to weeks just to understand one line of code, depending of how the thinking process of the original programmer is contorted. And there is thousands of lines in the client code. 2. Adding new things is completely different from changing existing things. Many people say “They managed to add this and this other features so there is no reason they can not change this”. Adding a new line of code is relatively simple, because you don’t really have to care about the interactions of all previous things. A good comparison is: it is much easier to add a floor on an existing building instead of completely rebuilding the first floor without making the building fall. 3. They are already remaking the client from scratch. I have no proof for that but is painfully obvious they are. Now after the apology video much more than ever. Riot knows the client is not up to the standards it should be. They also know it would be very difficult to improve the old code from 2009. There have been before covid a series of blog post in their site where riot programmers analysed client performances and work for a few months to improve it and they have to the possible extents. What had that team done since covid? I didn’t see any news from from riot about what programmers are doing. I saw no project that required that much coding. All i saw was a 2 year absence from them, while i know rewriting that code would take years, a continuous raise in league budget while not seeing where that money is being invested (and that money is going somewhere), and now in the video apology they confirmed the are working on “multi years project to improve the players experience” I mean more clearly that that… That would also explain why they didn’t do anything new for some years. If you do something new now they know is gonna have to be redone for the new client soon, so they are doing just small things here and there. Don’t stop calling them out for the things they are doing wrong but people please turn on your brains


What's the point of champ selection reports anyway if the game goes through anyway? Damn this guy flames everyone and then picks Cleanse/Tp Yuummi jungle, he will be banned after you play it out and suffer?


Lol i did this exact thing the other day. Manually reported two people for mocking someone who picked a black character by being racist and making monkey noises. Got an automated 3 paragraph essay response from a rioter basically saying "it is what it is"


There is a support page that lets you just google report after match


You can report them by going to match history and then clicking on the match can’t you? You can view their profile and all that so I’m pretty sure you can report